Most Complex Tabletop Games

I would say the most complex tabletop games I have played are Disney Villains, Lord of the Rings Risk, and Life when I was younger. I love Life the Game but if you do not know how to play it can take a bit of time. Lord of the Rings Risk is so hard to play, it takes a whole hour to setup the game then you have so much to do in the game that it makes you cranky. Disney Villains is actually a pretty cool game once you know how to play it plus set it up properly. You play as a Disney Villain who has to get their goal accomplished before the other villains in the game. You can put out obstacles like curses, heroes, and henchmen to stop the other villain’s progress.

What is the most complex tabletop game you have ever played? How long did it take you the first time?



Civilisation is pretty damn complex.


Oh yeah, I can only play that in spurts.


The tabletop version?


Only once, other than that I played the computer version instead.

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Oh, right. Fair enough.


Yep, I got fed up with it.



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This was my task dude😔

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Oh…It was my old task that I was making up for. Sorry! You can add more to it!

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Dude it’s fine, it was an accident and you didn’t know!

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Okay cool! Next time, I will check the new week before I do my old tasks.

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Trivial pursuit is hard especially when you know nothing about the category and trivial pursuit Disney edition is even harder because I don’t know anything about older disney movies and the one I have is quite old.

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Most definitely true, I’m how you are but with the new disney stuff instead. You should try Disney Pictopia and Star Wars Pictopia. They can be hard too.

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I’ll check them out

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Okay cool!

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I think Risk is supposed to be bad, but I haven’t played it

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