Most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school

It’s hard to pin down one thing really but I gusss PE (sports classes) in general because as with most stories I tell people made fun of me and I was also really clumsy so I fell a lot and where I’d usually just laugh that kind of thing off it’s harder when you’re in a room of people who laugh at everything you say and do :thinking: but I’m mostly over that now.

@Students share your stories?

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Idk if this counts as embarrassing but here’s mine.
So when I was 13 we need to do some projects, the teacher randomly selected a few students as the group leader and they need to choose several classmates as their group members. The rest of us need to stand up and if being called then we’ll sit down back for easy tracking. Soooo the group leaders then one by one choose their friends as their group members cause who wouldn’t want their friends being in the same group as yours lol
And apparently no one sees me as their friend because I was the last one to get picked. I was so anxious and embarrassed (cause I was the only one standing and was still waiting for someone to pick me) and nearly broke down in front of the whole class.
The same thing happens the next grade, my teacher wanted us to find a partner (to form a group of two) but the thing is our class has odd number students and obviously I was the one being left out ;v; No one wanted to let me became their second partner (although teacher said it was ok to form a group of 3 because of the number of students in my class).

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This is why I hate group stuff where the kids pick the groups because on the one hand yeah people like working with their friends but on the other hand people can really easily feel excluded

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I agree with you. There’s even one time when teacher just randomly selected a few classmates to form a group. When I was paired with one of the girls in the class, she just screamed “NOOO I DON’T WANNA BE IN A GROUP WITH KIARA” in front of the WHOLE. CLASS. For the entire year I was bullied by my group members (Because our school needs us to sit by group in class) so basically that year was the most depressing one in my high school year and I’m glad I dropped class during the last year of high school and I was very happy with my classmates. (I was in the second class when I was 16 that year and I dropped to third class when I was 17 due to my grades)

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I fell asleep in science class on the first day of sixth grade :sob: :sob:

Later that year, I told my crush that I liked him, and he told me he didn’t like me… and not long after that, he wrote a note to a girl he liked in our class, saying that he liked her and that he couldn’t stand me. And the worst part is that the teacher read it in front of the whole class. Why do teachers do that??? I’d never ever, expose a kid just because they passed notes during class! I’d give them a warning, and take the note away if they didn’t listen to the warning, but NOT read it! That was horrible.


Poor snack, you can always sit with me. Oddities unite! :hugs::muscle::alien:

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Mortifying thing, it was my fault tho. Told on someone for cheating (kinda forced to cuz I stupidly hinted at it in front of a teacher) and if I didn’t tell the teacher (different one, one that had that class) they were going to go to the principal.

I feel terrible about it because idk I think they were just studying but like the one thing that irked me is that they were using a previously graded test… and the student left the school.

I was so scared that people would find out who did it. It’s a small school. I’m never doing something like that again unless they’re cheating off of me…

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Doing what is right and just should never be a reason for you to feel bad or embarrassed. :hugs:

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so i went to school and i got a problom wrong OMG SO EMBRASING AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH what am i doing with my life

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Yikes I almost have the same experience as yours but the difference is I was drawing, not paying attention in class. I was so focused on my own thing and didn’t notice that my teacher was approaching me. She just snatched away my drawing book and read the dialogues I wrote and never returned it to me. So yeah I kinda loss a few drawing books during primary school.

I once told my friend I had a crush on someone in my class then I left to go to the school office because my teacher wanted me to help her on something. Then when I came back the whole class knew I have a crush on that person, including the crush himself. Everyone just mocked and laughed at me and my crush just gave me a disgusted look.

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In sixth grade, people used to make fun of me for my tall height and quiet nature. Like I was literally labelled the Burj Khalifa of the class.

It wasn’t just normal shyness. I actually had social anxiety but wasn’t aware of it. Being shy is very different from having social anxiety.

Anyways, it was difficult to form friendships in sixth grade because I started at a new school. And unlike my previous school where kids were a tad bit more welcoming and less arrogant, the kids here preferred to make fun of (or even bully) the newly-admitted students instead. The teachers were of no help, seeing that we were “bigger” now in middle school.

Like one day in assembly I literally had black-outs and fainted in front of the grade, but then also a kid whispered to his friend being like, “Lmao the Burj Khalifa foundation isn’t that strong after all”

So yeah, now that I have started college now back in my hometown, things are way better. I am so happy to get rid of that school.

Lol same.

I get SOOOOOO NERVOUS when I have oral tests… I hate everything about it and have such bad test anxiety so having to speak in front of a full classroom…I’d rather die than do that. Last summer I had sociology and after I was done talking my professor was talking to me about something irrelevant and I was walking backward all awkward and bumped into a table, and almost fell… I still think about it

Last week, I was supervising a math test that the 8th graders were taking, but since all tests are done virtually, it was a Meet session. So whenever a kid finished, they’d turn on their microphone to let me know they had sent their test to Classroom, and I’d turn mine on to say goodbye and let them know they could leave the session, then turn it back off. One of my coworkers was also in the session with me, so sometimes she’d turn on her mic to say goodbye as well.

Well, halfway through the test, I got an audio from my best friend, talking about how she had Writer’s Block and had been unable to code for a while. So I replied, saying, “That happened to me last week when I was feeling depressed, but since I feel ‘better now, better now’, I’ll probably code a lot this weekend.” I actually sang the words ‘better now’ as I usually do. Well, my coworker called me to let me know that my microphone was on! So, yeah, the whole class heard what I said. :joy: :joy: :joy:

At least it wasn’t anything bad, but nevertheless… :woman_facepalming:

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Soo First my Principle is really rude always yellin on students

So in 5th grade He was punishing (slap) and scolding a student and I was laughing my bum off I was literally sitting on the first desk and sir gave a look like

But I was still LMAOing

Then he went out and the another teacher was scolding me

But still I was laughing my bum off… :joy:

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