Murders in Strangetown (Official RP Game)

Strangetown is a town full of mystery- and murder! Can you and your fellow citizens find the killer before it’s too late? :eyes:


– Nobody is allowed to reveal their role to anyone, as this kills the purpose of the game!
– Please don’t role-play between kills
– If you have been killed, you can’t vote.
– You have three warnings. After your third one is issued, you are banned from MiS.
– Do not spam, double post, mini-mod, or anything in that matter.
– Use common sense please, I will add more rules if needed.
– Be respectful to all players.
– Please, do not ask the game leader to make you the killer. The killer is picked randomly, by surprise.
– Keep all OOC to the chat thread.


The Kill

Jake Epping was walking down the street, late at night. People were always whispering how dangerous it was, with the… unusual happenings that had been occurring, but he assumed he would be fine.
He assumed wrong.
They appeared quickly and stealthy out of an alleyway, knife glistening in their hand. They went to grab at Jake, but he was able to fight them off- at first. After a quick tussle, the killer was able to aim a stab at his heart. Now, hours later, just as the sun begins to rose, the cries ring out-
Jake Epping is dead!


(9) Citizens

Josalin Ruiz // @sunflower.flow

Sarah Stilton // @celestialkitten

Jake Epping // @Eccentric

Joanne Wilson // @Jass

Mirabella King // @Megan

Lily Thompson // @BlondeGlassesGirl

Victoria West // @SkyWalker

Kim Sun-Hi // @OhSumana

Fernando DeKinz // @BrookieK


Mirabella King/Fernando DeKinz - Couple

Mirabella King/Kim Sun-Hi - Best Friends

You may now start RPing!



I’d seen it on the news. Someone was dead. And not to far from me. I couldn’t hello but wonder, are the killers wanting more blood?



I was sitting on the couch watching TV when suddenly a news report came on. Young boy fatally murdered. I stare at the TV in awe. “How are more people dying?” I blurt out. I don’t understand why this is happening but I know I need to protect myself and everyone I love. Did Fernando die? Did Kim die? I start worrying about both of them and know I need to call them later.

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Joanne Wilson

I woke up, feeling extremely tired as if I hadn’t slept at all. After a coffee I scrolled through the recent news to see if there was any news that I could further investigate. I was intrigued as soon as I read about a death in town, this was something I wanted to get to the bottom of. Hmm, Jake Epping was murdered. A data analyst, sounds like he was an intelligent man. I started setting up a board with everything I knew, it wasn’t a lot yet but I was pleased, it was a good start.


Fernando DeKinz

He yawned as he groggily prepared for the day, shaving off his stubble and brushing his teeth like any other day. “Chase. Chase come on, dog! I need to walk!” he groaned, not annoyed, but not in the mood for it. Fernando pinched the bridge of his nose before pulling his slightly long hair into a pony at the back of his head.
“Just another day, Fernando” he reminded himself, coughing a bit to try and rid himself of his strong accent that never seemed to want to leave. He looked down at his watch “Okay 10 minutes before work…wait What!? F*ck! Sh^t! Sh’t F^ck!” he yelled, “God damm^t” he sighed before rushing out the door. He pulled on a leather jacket, quickly locking the house up before jumping in his car towars work. Downtown. 25 minutes away.

Today was stating off great he thought to himself with a groan



I went on with my morning, drinking my coffee. But the name kept ringing in my head. Jake. Maybe it was the close proximity of the murder to me. I don’t know, whatever the case, it eventually trailed off throughout my day.


Sarah Stition
Who shot Jake? Who shot jake?
I don’t know Jake, but a murder isn’t what makes a good morning.

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The mayor wants everyone to meet at the conference hall for a community gathering. Please be there by 9:30.




What a boring day - Sun-Hi thinks as she jumps on the couch and grabs her phone from the center table. She does not even care to get out of the towel. Wiping her wet palm with the corner of the towel she is wearing she turns on her phone. She opens the news app and her eyes widens in their sockets. She also sees that the mayor of the town wants to meet them in the conference hall for a community gathering.

She pouts and scratches her neck. Let’s call up M - she nods and immediately rings up her bestie, Mirabella.
“M! M! M! you heard the news?”, she shouts in her phone




After hearing the news she sees that the mayor wants everyone at the conference hall by 9:30. She stands around looking at her phone deciding whether or not to call someone, but then her phone started ringing. It was Kim, thank god!
“Sun-Hi! Oh my god im so glad your safe! Yes I heard the news, someones dead! I thought it was you… or Fernando” She said with sadness in her voice. “I think I should call him later to make sure he’s okay” She sighed into her words. “Do you want to meet at my house and then we can go to the conference hall together?” She aks.

@BrookieK - Fernando (mentioned)

@OhSumana - Sun-Hi


OOC - the name is Sun-Hi. Kim is surname

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Oh omg… im so sorry :sweat_smile:

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OORP: She aint at her house, they only on the phone lol

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Kim Sun-Hi

When Sun-Hi hears Mirabella’s voice from the other side of the phone a relief washes over her spine. She is the only person she can call her familiar in the world.

“I’m good, M. What would happen to me? I’m totally fine”, she says reassuringly. Because of her job, she knows very well how to protect herself, even she carries arms. “the person who died is… Probably… Epping or something”, she says scratching her neck, “Have you heard from Fernando?”, she asks, “Yup, I’ll come over. Just lemme get changed. I’m still in towel”, she chuckles.

@megan - mirabella

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“I… I thought you were the one dead. I’m so happy you arent” She said with hope and love in her voice. She walks back and forth. “Epping!? But what if its not him?!” She said with panic in her voice. “No… I havent heard from him. Have you?” She asked hoping she would say she knew.
“Okay see you soon…” She hung up the phone and looked down at her own clothes to realize she is still in what she was wearing yesterday. She must have fallen asleep while doing schoolwork.

@OhSumana - Sun-Hi

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Kim Sun-Hi

“See ya…!”, she says to Mirabella before she hangs up on her. She throws her phone on the phone at the couch carelessly before she changes into shorts, blouse and a jacket. She dries her hairs , combs them and lets them loose as always.

should I carry something for safety?.., she wonders holding her chin. She grabs a pepper spray and puts it in her pocket. She grabs her phone before locking up the door of her apartment and comes down. She takes her mountain bike and sets out for Mirabella’s house.

She stops before her house, parks her mountain bike and walks up to her door before she knocks on it.

@megan- mirabella

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She runs to her room and gets changed into a cute but casual outfit. She looks down at her phone to see if Fernando had messaged her, still nothing. She sighs and walks into the bathroom to finish her hair and makeup. She ends up going with dutch braids and simple makeup.
Knock Knock. She hears someone knocking at the door and shouts. “One second!!”. She runs downstairs as fast as she can and opens up the door. She jumps into Sun-Hi’s arms hugging her.
“Thank god you’re here. I don’t know if Fernando is okay and I’m freaking out.” She could hear the panic in her own voice.

@OhSumana - Sun-Hi

@BrookieK - Fernando (Mentioned)

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OOC oops forgot to add the

outfit lol