Every week, we’ll present you with a musician and you can discuss their songs, music videos, life, style and whatever else comes to your mind! If you don’t know the presented musicians, share your first impressions, check out their music and let us know what you think! 
This weeks it’s: The Beatles
Here’s their Wikipedia page
Here are some music videos:
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weeeeeeeeeeeee my dad loves them and so do I 
They are great 
I started listening to them because of my dad. Hey Jude is such a classic
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I wanna preface this by saying that I do not dislike The Beatles or take issue with anyone who likes them. Despite finding them quite mediocre even compared to other bands at the time it would be extremely ignorant of me to deny their influence or the fact many of their songs are really really good! Just not really my thing but if people like them, which they obviously do, cool!
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I’m not a fan, but they do have a lot of good songs.
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Well I like two songs. My favorite two is Yellow Submarine and
Plus I learn these two on piano right now.
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