Music in Games 🎵

How important is good music in games to you?
Which game has the best music in your opinion?

I never really cared about music in games because when I play games, I have the sound off most of the time :sweat_smile: But I used to like the music from animal crossing when I was younger. There’re probably games with much better music but I just never really listened to it.


It’s not really important to me because most of the time I just turn the sound off and listen to my own music while playing.

Oof. I can’t really say anything because I only play The Sims 4 (sad I know). Sims 4 music is alright I guess.


I love listening to music from games, unique music makes a game stand out. The game with the best music imo is Love Nikki.

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I like listening to the music in games. I think that a lot of games have music that helps to set the theme. I’m not sure which games music I like the best, but I tend not to listen to the music for a lot of games, since I listen to my own music a lot of the time.

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It matters to me. It just makes the whole experience better and you start feeling the vibes of the game. But sometimes, I just listen to music on my Spotify playlist.

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Music is what make me fall in love with the game. What makes me feel nostalgic towards a game is the soundtracks instead of the storyline or the characters owo

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It’s really important, music determines a person’s mood without the person realising it.

Mario, duh.

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The music in a game isn’t necessarily that important to me, but some games have some really nice music to them. I cant recall which ones specifically, but I’ve played a few games where i especially liked the music to it and it fit well.

I love music in games, it really makes a difference, in my opinion at least! I honestly wouldn’t enjoy a game if it didn’t have music

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It’s very important but at the same time as long as it doesn’t suck I’ll still play the game

Ahh I can’t pick one :sob::sob:

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So I will pick more than one and explain why:

Breath of the wild: Zelda games are always known for a good soundtrack but I really love the soundtrack for botw. It’s more orchestral than usual Zelda games, there are less themes and more background music and scene setting stuff. However, there is a whole bunch of leitmotif which is really satisfying to people who are familiar with the music of the franchise. For example, riding a horse in the morning plays a slow orchestral version of Zelda’s Lullaby along with the horse riding music. Whereas in the night it plays what’s commonly known as Link’s Theme with the horse riding music.

Final Fantasy 7: The music in FF7 does a really good job of reflecting the story, locations, characters and well just…any situation it plays in is one where it really fits. There are songs that can really just make you emotional (Aerith’s theme :disappointed_relieved:) or even just get you really hyped up for what’s about to happen. It also really reflects the cyperpunk aesthetic. Also once a certain thing happens :eyes: the overworld theme changes to something that really relects the situation they’re in. Also FF7 is where One Winged Angel is from which is an extremely well known boss fight music thing.

Final Fantasy 9: This was the first FF game I played so the music just makes me feel really happy. Kuja’s final boss theme is one of my favourite things…in the world. I genuinely love it so much.


What do you guys think of music in games?

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I also just want to mention that the transition from Birth of a God into One Winged Angel is mouthwatering and I’ll explain why in the hidden details incase anyone wants to experience it themselves.


Bizzaro Sephiroth was a fun fight to figure out how to do and the music was an absolute bop, I knew what was coming next (Safer Sephiroth) when the screen went black after Bizzaro Sephiroth and One Winged Angel started playing I was so hyped it was so good at being like this is serious now :joy:

Also I want to add Final Fantasy 10 and 14 to the list, I’ve only started playing 14 recently but one of my best frens plays it too so I’ve always been hearing the music :joy: now I can experience it in the game it’s so rad!

But I’ve played all the way through 10 and it has some wonderful music.

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Yesterday I got Hyrule Warriors definitive edition for switch and honestly the soundtrack is insanely good :sob: here are my two favourites so far.

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Hearing this with the context was :drooling_face:

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Oh and actually @Rose you’ll probably preesh these even if you’ve never played the game it’s just giant Tinkerbell vibes :joy: probably because…it was a Tinkerbell game


Omg this brings back memories
I used to be obsessed with this game :star_struck:


Same it used to keep me awake at night :joy:


Just some music from FF14 hehe

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Ik this is a bit of a meme song now but it’s actually insanely good

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