My Chemical Romance Danger Days

I liked the idea, I love a concept album (which is pretty much all of their catalog) and it was rare at that point and even rarer now to find an album that was meant to be listened to all the way through. I haven’t revisited in a very long time but I remember feeling pretty meh about it. I liked a few songs but I don’t think Gerard Way is a particularly good singer (I’d heard him live several times at this point) and I wasn’t a fan of the shift on the pop punk spectrum to much more pop. I prefer the rougher vocals and harder tracks on their first two albums. He’s very good at telling stories and I appreciated the graphic novels but this was not the album for me.

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That’s fair enough, my favourite album by them overall is three cheers for sweet revenge :joy:

And yeah is voice is kinda an aquired taste some people say it’s the best thing ever but others don’t rate it at all. I’ve seen some live performances on YouTube and I have the life on the murder scene dvd and his voice sounded good at least I thought so. He’s not my favourite vocalist but I love the songs and his ideas/creativity, perhaps his vocals have improved though, people said he sounded good at the reunion show I just refuse to watch crowd footage to check :sweat_smile: I nearly had the chance to see them at the eden project in my country but the website crashed when the tickets were in the basket.

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My favorite albums, the ones I still listen to over and over again, are Bullets and Three Cheers. The first thing I ever experienced of theirs was the Vampires Will Never Hurt you music video, when I was like 12 maybe, and the combination of that moody low budget back drop and their dirty sort of garage band sound had my little tween heart fluttering. Black Parade was good, I enjoyed it and I still get into it every once in awhile, I saw them twice on that tour and the show was incredible. I just think he’s a better scream singer than he is a pop/ballad singer and his vocals work better for rougher material that supports that scream singing.

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My favorite albums are Bullets and Black Parade

But I like this one too

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It came


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Bro, it’s so good! Here’s more of the art.


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I’m not going to spoil the comic for anyone but I will say the gist of what you find out (with no details)

  • You find out what Destroya is
  • You find out the purpose of the girl
  • You find out more about Korse (the bald bad guy in the music videos)

It’s honestly sooooo good!

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I’m gonna go over each point and hide the details so spoilers are contained, it’s just hard for me to stay quiet about things I love.

What destroya is

Destroya is basically a giant robot which is said to help liberate all the robots and the people of battery city. “Destroya Destroya we’re all waiting for ya” it was originally going to be a weapon used by the bad guys but it didn’t work out so they sent it out into the desert to just die.

purpose of the girl

The girl is effectively a bomb of energy, this energy is used to power destroya the giant robot. She has a rad pet cat but it is also supposed to keep an eye on her.

About Korse

Now this is probably one of my favourite character developments. Basically when BLind took over battery city they wanted everybody to “fit” and follow their “social norms” even making people use these headphones which drown out independent thoughts. So here is how Korse got roped in, he was a soldier but he was gay, he had a male partner and because this didn’t fit what BLindwanted he got brainwashed into being the bad guy you see in the music videos. He breaks free from the brainwashing and helps take down the real enemy.

Some extra information

The draculoids

Now the draculoids are pretty messed up, basically you get turned into a draculoid if they put this mask onto you. The mask is implied to trap your soul.


Oh oh I forgot about blue and red!

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But they may need to go in the restricted section, well what exactly they are might but I can tell you this

Blue and Red

Blue are Red are effectively robots that are in love, both female. Red is outdated and breaking so Blue wants to help fix her by getting her more batteries. The process of getting these batteries takes a while with Blue constantly being told to fill in more paperwork and told to get in a different line. When she finally does get to request them they tell her that since Red is so outdated they would need to terminate her. I don’t wanna spoil anymore though.

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Did you guys hear that Gerard Way is gonna be releasing a Killjoys comic which is gonna be based on the concept he had before it got turned into an MCR album? Apparently it will be for more mature readers though so I’ll probably make a thread in the restricted section

@anon68003072 the funko poppp

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