My Chemical Romance Danger Days

I thought I’d make a pretty random thread about this because in my opinion it’s one of the most underrated MCR albums.

The band play the fabulous killjoys

Party Poison (Gerard Way)
Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero
Kobra Kid (Mikey Way)
Jet Star (Ray Toro)

Gerard Way also wrote 3 graphic novels to go with the album! It takes place in 2019 and the band are basically the hero’s in a post apocalyptic california. It’s less heavy musically than their other albums but it definitely deals with some pretty deep themes.

I wish I was able to describe it more but they came up with an entire world for this album.

Yet people turned their noses up :disappointed_relieved:

Here are some songs from this album:


Bulletproof Heart is a whole a-s BOP. Nothing can change my mind.

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Let’s not forget Destroya

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That is such a good song

uh uh uhh uh uh uh

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There was a Danger Days comic book wasn’t there?

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Better living industries are also known as BLIND

Their police things are known as the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W which contain the draculoids and the exterminators

Yeah there are 3 altogether

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I love Gerard Way’s art, but for some reason I’ve never read it :open_mouth:


I’ve not been able to get it anywhere :sweat_smile:


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Also @ShanniiWrites if you read umbrella academy there are quite a few smol MCR references because he wrote the first one at around the same time

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I have all three Umbrella Academy volumes, but I haven’t been able to get my hands on The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

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Is this it?

Because I’m buying it if it is

Yeah, it is! I know that Indigo sells them, but whenever I go to one of their stores, they’re never on the shelves

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I bought it

There are 6 comics altogether and one graphic novel :joy: (all the comics combined)

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