My First Dental Filling

Omg, I’m scared as hell. This is my first time, and I don’t know how to feel.react. Just scared, and nervous. Does anyone have their fillings? How was it?

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You don’t really feel anything except the pinch of the numbing injection. Doesn’t really hurt until hours after it’s all over…and even then, it’s like a soreness…nothing aspirin can’t help. The numb feeling feels weirder than the pain. The following day, it won’t hurt much, if at all. You’ll be fine.

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OH! And you will figure out how to be careful eating cold things like ice cream or really cold water because you can feel the coldness. There’s nothing around that sensitivity, just be careful.

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Do they numb the area of the gum first before they inject u with the rest of the numbing?

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Just the gum area in one of the corners. It numbs everything, the gums and the tongue and the lips. O_O; It’s a weird feeling but I promise you it will go away by the end of the day.

Edit: And if you are still feeling pain on days 2 and three, just take aspirin (or any pain medication they might give you) and eat softer foods. My favorites were creamy soups: cheddar, tomato, etc. without any floating pieces (any little piece getting stuck is annoying to get out the first few days).

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thank you. Only a few weeks until the day. :sob:

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