My First Two Pounds

New Year, New Me, baby. I have a BMI of about 54, which makes me slightly overweight (And yes, I’m aware that BMI isn’t entirely accurate and doesn’t account for muscle mass, but I can assure you that I have no muscles to be miscalculated). For the rest of this school year I will be quarantined and studying from home while my mom recovers from a surgery she’ll have next week. I am determined to reach a healthy weight before I return to school for my Junior year, and to work to make myself a body I can really love. I’ve been on this journey for about a month and a half, and it’s already starting to pay off.

Today I have officially lost my first two pounds. It may not be much, but it means so much to me.

Are any of you guys trying to get in shape too? How would you feel about a thread where we can all talk about our routines and give each other support?



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Thank you!

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congratulations! you’re beautiful :heart: :sparkles:




Added some tags.:brown_heart:

Ahhhh omggg congratulations…that’s amazing :brown_heart: I wish you well on your journey.

Ahahha nah I’m already in shape, though I still maintain intermittent fasting.

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First of all, I’m so happy for you!!!

I was overweight a few years back and it took me quite a long time to be thinner. At that time, I felt really insecure. I have to hold my breathe so my belly wouldn’t show. Getting into shape is not the main thing, it’s about being healthy. Nowadays, I don’t really mind getting in shape or not, as long as I’m healthy, I can focus on other things.

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For starters, congratulations to anyone who is achieving stuff in their journeys to be comfortable with their body.

To contribute to this, I do want to get in shape, I’m not overweight but I am unfit and I did lose weight at uni because honestly? I suck at portion sizes and knowing when’s a good time to eat :joy: to help with that I just make a bit more than when my brain thinks is enough and it usually works!

I also wanna start working out but I need the time and motivation.

@Health if you’re comfortable, feel free to tell us your journey

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Yes, this to me is the best reason ever to do exercise - to get fit. Being fit is a much better reason than just to lose weight, ‘cause being fit is healthier

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