My power just went off in my home

I really don’t know what to do since my home just lost power. What do you do when you don’t have power to home or apartment.

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So, there isn’t any lights? My house ran out of water.

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Do you have candles, or flashlights?


We had a series of powercuts one December. All you can really do is see if your neighbors are also affected and call your power company using a mobile. Then just wait it out.

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Mine might go out as well, it’s rainy and very windy here. The power went out for like a couple seconds twice today.

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Well actually have candles that lights up with batteries. ( sometimes my water will freeze during winter)

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Candle light actually the are batteries operating.

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@Mouschi my mom was about to cook dinner and it looks like hamburger tonight from restaurant.


A tree fell down with power lines just 5 minutes ago.

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Oop- Is it windy over there?

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Yep it still is

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What do you mean?

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It light up with power from batteries :battery:.

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Just go back to sleep since the internet won’t work either :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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True. :grin:

apparently you can touch candle wax if the candle isn’t lit (my brother did it after a candle went out). SO um maybe that? You should also take a picture of yourself making a creepy face, lol we do that every power outage cuz it’s dark.

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Actually, my family doesn’t have real candles but fake one.

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Ahh bummer. We have a bunch of real candles that are cool and scented.

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My family went to a restaurant to get food and now we do have power back on now.

Although not much traffic is on the highway here in North Carolina.