My roommate unintentionally did something that could seriously hurt me

My roommate got this bamboo floor mat for our bathroom that’s supposed to absorb water, but it just became slippery. For me, that’s terrifying because of my shunt. If I fall, things could end very badly…


@elixr wanted to know.

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Tell her about it…

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I did. She’s going to do something about it. I was just downright terrified, and I’m really embarrassed.

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It’s alright, Alex.
Try not to overthink about this.

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I know. I’m just sad that I had to bring it up. I know that she was trying to help, and I feel bad saying it won’t work.

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You didn’t say that!
And besides, your safety’s more important than some bamboo floor mat.

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That’s true. I had to hold on the towel rack to steady myself. Not fun.

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SCAM scam
It’s not doing what it’s made for anyway throw that $hit out

I really, really hate myself right now. My roomates called a meeting in two hours, I know it’s about me, and I’m silently crying because I overheard two of them talking about me. I know I deserve it and I’m just being a big baby, but I really hate it here. I just want to go back to high school.

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Your feelings are valid, and if anyone thinks you’re being a big baby for feeling hurt and sad, then there is something wrong with them for not being able to empathize and understand feelings. :sunflower: I hope things get better for you!


Thank you. I think they’re mad I didn’t do the dishes, which is valid. Oops. They didn’t ask me.


Ok, everything is ok now.

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