My story is up on Wattpad

I’m been writing a book on Wattpad last year and I want you to go and check it out. Let me know what you think about it? I also share The Magic Piano story too.

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The Magic Piano!?

The Magic Piano story on Wattpad.
Here a sneak peek.

Don’t add so much emojis
And your grammar is poor

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My story is A Bullying Story on Wattpad. Plus I share the magic piano story too. I do post sneak peek on Instagram.

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There are a few grammar mistakes here.


What should I do to fix it.


I suggest a proofreader and Grammarly, which helps a lot.

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Thanks you.


You’re welcome! :yellow_heart:


Might check it out.

Emmm… I think you’ve got here a grammar mistake?

What grammar? :woman_shrugging:

You wrote to ChaoticDeluge to feel free to join in and stop bullying. And I don’t see how he bullied :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.
So I think maybe you’ve got a grammar mistake

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I think you mean “feel free to join in and stop the bullying.” :grin::white_heart:

I fix here in a minute or two. Write now doing piano homework I haven’t even practice all day. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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That’s alright, everyone makes grammar mistakes sometimes. :white_heart:

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Like the Hannah Montana song that nobody perfect.

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Moved the thread to the story promotion category and added the story and Wattpad tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Thanks you so much.

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Would you like me to proofread your story, Autumn?

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