Nausicaa & Benito’s Adventure RP

Nausicaa Arnault

“Impressive,” Nausicaa commented with genuine appreciation as their teacups eventually clinked. “And reassuring. Both your mace and sleeping qualities.”

More the mace than sleeping qualities. Nausicaa glanced to the side, his careful not to betray his worries.

By then, he had managed to delimit the stranger’s character a bit more. From the way he seemed to have forgotten to introduce himself, from his careful and timid movements that tended to shift away from Nausicaa, he really just acted like a fish out of water, to say the very least.

“Well, I think our weapons are well-balanced,” he went on, careful to be extra-gentle in his voice. “That will be helpful.” Nausicaa sipped the last of tea. It was quite quick, considering half of the cup was currently drying on the stranger’s knee. The moment he did so, however, a jab of pain in his forehead caused him to lean back into the seat. Ah, well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Nausicaa said with a form of dreamy nonchalance.

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