Nemesis´ Music Corner 🎶

Hi !

Since I finally should have decent internet now and had to be on my laptop almost daily lately I thought I might try to make a thread to share some music videos and stuff with you. I did that before on my threads and other occassions, but not all of you were there, and now I can put it all in one place. I don´t know how active I will be able to keep this thread, so I hope the staff has mercy with me. :innocent:

So a few days ago I took the time to check out some new music on YouTube after a long time and I came across a song that is not as good as some others by that band, but when I saw the latest pfp of @Nil I was wondering what she would think of the video. Or @KiaraTheSnek. So lemme start with a more random song and video:

And for the lyrics: Powerwolf – Kiss of the Cobra King (New Version 2019) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Everyone is welcome to share their opinions and taste, not just the ones I might tag for a song, of course.



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More feedback would be more fun, I guess, but ok, I got plenty more in store in case people enjoy this thread. :sunglasses:

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Want me to post some songs I like?

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Better on your own thread, if everyone adds songs this will become pretty unorganized. I was hoping to discuss the videos and lyrics here, you know I was a student of philosophy. :nerd_face::wink:

But if you like bizarre aesthetics I got a video for you, I was planning to post it soon to see what you think of it anyway. :japanese_goblin:

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Me specifically? Alright!

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Curious? But I need to be on my laptop for that, I just went to bed. :grin:

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No worries. I’ll be on a lot tomorrow because o don’t have classes.

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But, yeah. I’m super curious now.

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I hope the lag of activity is only related to the tags being broken… :sweat_smile:

However, I promised @Ouijaloveletters a video, so welcome to the freak show:

And the lyrics: AZLyrics - request for access

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@Ouijaloveletters, seen this? :grin:

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Sorry! I’ll get to it later. I’m watching a movie.

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Ok, take your time. :alien::vulcan_salute:

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I’m watching a movie on Ted Bundy.

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I prefer Al Bundy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The actor looks so much like him, it’s terrifying.

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Let us not go off-topic, though. :innocent:

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I’m quite sure about the song itself but I love the video for it. Such an artsy one, kinda surreal too. It makes me think of a mix between Alice in Wonderland and Labyrinth if it was created by the mind of an experimental film student.

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There are two videos, which one did you mean?
But thx 4 the feedback. :slightly_smiling_face:

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