In this Netflix documentary, 3 theories regarding the missing Malaysian Airlines aircraft MH370 are discussed. The trailer of the documentary:
The 3 theories discussed in the mini series:
- The pilot committed mass suic*de, by letting the plane crash into the ocean.
- Russian hijacked the plane from inside, as a distraction for the 2014 war in the crimea.
- The US intervened with some of the cargo potentially being electronic spy equipment for China.
I was right away interested in this, as I did write an essay about this back in high school. The first theory was known to me, but the 2nd and 3rd weren’t. While I have to say they are interesting and fill up some of the holes in the general concensus one (the first), they also lack explanations for certain other parts. I’m not sure what to believe honestly, so I wanted to hear everyone’s thoughts.