Netflix Recommendation: The Society

Seasons: 1
Plot: Busloads of Connecticut high school students head off for an extended camping trip, but a storm forces them to return home.Upon their return, the teens realize that all of the town’s adults are gone in this modern take on “Lord of the Flies.” Their newfound freedom is fun at first, but it quickly becomes dangerous. While they struggle to figure out what has happened to them and how to get the town back to normal, the teens must establish order and form alliances in order to survive.

  • Have you seen this show? What are your thoughts?
  • If you haven’t, would you watch it?

@ NetflixJunkies


I haven’t, have you?

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I have! It kept showing up in my recommended lists and watching Elite kind of got me into teen drama/thriller series, so I finally watched it about a month or two ago. I found it to be really good!


Hmm… cool. Might give a watch then.


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