New Blood | General Chat

hm i kind of have it planned what i wanna do with amie and alex

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She’ll just be like “I would never kiss any of those boys :triumph:”

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uhhhuhhhh but theres evidence on instagram but pheebs is covering for her

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She wouldn’t intentionally get in the way of a relationship, but…. If she kissed or slept with someone who just happened to be in a relationship… well that wouldn’t be something she wouldn’t do.

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Well blue royalty revealed she messed with Raph on the website

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Raph the only one who protecc :sob:


I kept forgetting to have Diego respond…. :pleading_face:

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Go protecc :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Ricky hasn’t seen it yet

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He can’t protecc

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Haveeee youreee characters respondddddd

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beni is dumb dumb

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use ur big doctor brain

wait no beni has 2 brains

character fantasy world brain
and doctor brain

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tis trueeee

so then who’ll be second :’((

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Why am I looking at stuff for something minor in an eventual interaction that probably won’t be for quite a while anyway…?

Protecc :triumph:

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