New Blood | General Chat

i know that ;-;

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Basically, a story that doesn’t have anything to do with the cannon Rp.

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isn’t that what a fanfic is…mainly?

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Yep. Pretty much.

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So some miscs are things that happened in our character’s life but we just didn’t have time to rp it (so they did happen and it’s just a growth on a storyline). For example, when we skip ahead 1 week - things happen in that week that we might of wanted to rp.

Other miscs involve old characters and what’s happening in their lives currently (a continuation of the old rp in a sense - just important moments here or there)

some miscs involve fanfiction style writing where we change a part of an old characters storyline up (we do not involve current characters in this type of writing). This could change an entire storyline up but since we’ve finished that rp, it’s easier for us to do just that.


this is a good description


Yeah, this is a better explanation. Thanks Beni. You know, we should Rp with our characters, but I don’t know what the hell to do.

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Its stuff that has happened in the same world as the RP, so something that happens for a character in a misc, that character would remember and know about in the RP, same as if it happened on the main RP thread.

Like, sometimes it includes interactions that there wasn’t time to finish before a time skip.

Or usually its scenes that we’ve come up with that were from a character’s past, at a point that hasn’t been during the RP, or just a moment that doesn’t fit in with the current moment in the RP.
For example, there’s scenes from when some of the original BR1 characters were kids, and some scenes that took place in their years after high school.

Then there’s even some scenes on the thread that focus on side characters, like a storyline involving the parents of some of the BR1 characters when they were in high school.

But then there’s a different type of misc too, the alts. Which are alternate timelines where something different happened and changed things in their lives. (These are primarily with our BR1 characters, but technically they can be written for BR2 characters as well) Which these say on the posts that they’re an alternate world.


I mean, true - but it would make things so confusing as of right now in this misc so I avoid it


like realistically - what if Amie had gone to someone else for her truce instead of jp

it would change things

but I don’t know enough of Amie’s future to know long term effects



Unless it’s specifically an Alt, its part of the canon RP


Ah, gotcha. I mixed up Alt and misc.

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Exactly. Technically can be done, just too much risk of confusion at this point


Okay, that makes sense, thank you so much!

it sounds confusing just to keep track of everything!


omg guys I just became a regular :skull_and_crossbones:
I’m sorry to go off topic


Of course!

Alts can be confusing sometimes, but miscs can be really good for developing a storyline or giving a past experience/relationship some depth

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i think i’m feeling jordan right now


on that - would Jezebel release the information to a news outlet that he’s still releasing music? (if it would help him snap out of it?)





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