New Blood | General Chat

:pleading_face: she could always have gone to Eddie’s house
She would be welcomed without question as if it were her home there too

Poor Amie…

:thinking: I wonder what the story is with him having a picture with his mom

Who is his mom then? Who is the blonde in the photo with the baby then? Is the baby him, just with some random person, or is it some other baby?
If it’s not his mom, what would the importance of the picture be? And how did he get said picture?

It does seem like its Fin’s mom

my flight is in a few hours :sob:
this is where I disappear for a bit


Enjoy!! Have fun!!

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I wonder what that bet was

Sorry Dan… you messed up

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That song definitely was fitting for the situation :sob:

Ziah could’ve listened to her little girl talk forever :pleading_face:

She had to keep lighthearted even at the end. It was her way of coping

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That teacher didn’t know it but she just made the best decision she could’ve for where to have him go sit :pleading_face:

:pleading_face: Jezebel didn’t even have to think twice about choosing to help him. The only choice to her was to be kind and help :pleading_face:

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Such a strange world… :sob:

Anything less than perfection was unacceptable… :pleading_face:


She neeeded Dan in her life… :pleading_face:
Then Jordan was supposed to help show her what love really was :sob:


She needed to take a risk for herself for once :pleading_face:

Though, even she probably ended up telling herself that it was a mistake and she should’ve done what her family wanted…

Even the toxic boyfriends at least said the words her mother wouldn’t :sob:

He said a lot of the same things to her that her mother did…

He at least apologized to Jez… her mom never did that…

:sob: :sob: :sob:

She got so used to making those excuses… she started to believe them herself…

:sob: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

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I wonder how things went in this situation in the Aria alt :pleading_face:

Since this is what Shay does for Jess…
And its like in the alt where Kai’s infertile, with Kai and Jess’s baby girl making sure he eats :pleading_face:

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What another strange world

He tried to stop her…

It’s why he does a lot of anonymous donations.

Then he’s done a fine job keeping anything he’s done from becoming all about him

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Just a few weeks after his sister stabbed him…


As has always been the situation since as long as Leo could even remember, with him being nearly 30 years older than Leo…

Leo’s just learned how to interact with him, even if he didn’t like him. But Gregory was one of his father’s friends…


Leo definitely sees their similarities…

She wasn’t feeling well at all while she was pregnant with Ria… far too nauseous to attend or monitor the event she organized…

:pleading_face: Leo focuses so much on work… on the responsibilities his father taught him…


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I do need to react to all of this but I’m sooooo tired

I slee for now


Go slee

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Nope :sparkles:

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@benitz786 where’s mason I miss him

Why does :sparkles: just George :sparkles: in Queen Charlotte look like Jacob Elordi


Okg okay I was like he looks like someone but I couldn’t figure it okay!!

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Omg you’re right

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