LEAVE her alone
you’re mean

not to her husband who had yet to know her in this world… not to the love of her life.
Which should be reason to go to him and make him fall in love
no one understands her

So she did the one thing that kept her head quiet. She grabbed a bottle. And then another one after that… and another one after that.
SHE likes to be drunk because when she’s drunk she’s not sad

the exact reason why she needed to see Leo was hazy at best. All she knew was the fact that she missed him.
That’s all that’s necessary
No no she came with a purpose. Give that man a check for the car and leave

She knocked once, then again, her voice slurring as she called, “Ooopeeeen the bloody door, damn it!” Leaning her forehead against the cool surface, she waited, trying to listen for any sign of life inside.
Groaning, she started knocking again, louder this time. “Pleasseeeeeee darlinggggg, open uppppp!”
That’s certain;y a lot of yelling for almost 4am
Good thing he has the entire floor to himself
I just know leo was sooooo confused waking up to this

Addie barely gave him time to react before she was on him—her lips on his, arms wrapping around his neck, legs pulling him close. It was so damn familiar, like slipping back into the one place she’d been aching for. She pressed herself closer, her kisses hungry, her body instinctively remembering every line of him. And he—he was steady beneath her, his hands gripping her shoulders as he tried to balance them both, a flicker of recognition in his touch.
He can’t say it didn’t feel right, but it was certainly quite the surprise
Doubt that’s what he was expecting when he opened the door

Of course, he has a conscience
She should know him well enough to know that answer

She knew her way around, after all. Every inch of his place was seared into her mind.
Yet to him, there’s no reason she should know about any of it
She knows every single detail
and he’ll see her confidence when she grabs the bottle
when she goes to his room
when she knows where his shirts are

the realization that this Leo didn’t look at her the same way… didn’t know her like he used to.
This Leo doesn’t have years of history with her yet
She won’t even give him the chance to know her
She doesn’t want to start over
she wants her leo

“I know everything I need to know.”
Meanwhile she’s let him know basically nothing
she’s not lying

It was like a cold slap to the face. A harsh reminder that he wasn’t her Leo—the one who couldn’t go a day without holding her.
Give him a week or two, actually being around him and you’ll have that back Addie.
what if she wants it now?

He rubbed a hand over his face, looking like he was both amused and exhausted with her. “Not when you only want to because you’re drunk.”
Even if he wants to, he has to draw a line somewhere…
OR we can play with the line
or erase it
or play jump rope with it right?

For a moment, he looked at her with something like defeat, his resistance draining as he sighed and pulled on a pair of joggers, finally giving in and lying beside her, keeping as much distance as possible.
She rolled her eyes at his attempt to keep a buffer
He has to at least try and keep some distance, she’s drunk so he shouldn’t let her make a choice she’d regret later
yeah well those joggers got looser pretty quick later

feeling even more stupid and small and a little too fragile to say anything else.
She was sad gorl moment there

Now dressed—if you could call it that
Could she have grabbed her clothes?
Did she still grab his clothes over that

Fine. A little awkward to leave it without a word, but fine.
Awkward? for who?

“Dealing with my shit + Fooling around - $10,000.”
Then there comes the problem….
Why can’t she pay for a good time?
If he had sex with her the price would have been higher than 10 k
but he didn’t

She almost laughed. There was no way he’d take it well
She knows it, yet still thinks its a good idea…
But she knows it’s a bad idea - which is why she’s doing it
he’ll avoid her after this

and scrawling a quick “Thanks for the night, Addie”,
Just making it even worse…
Writing a thank you note and paying him for that… certainly a quick way to making him feel used
EXACTLY why he wont contact her