he did nothing
He is just generally a piece of sht
ahh I wanna write zoe wedding pov
give me kids she can play with
but important test on sunday, sad, no time
he paid someone to magically clone vals baby so dan could have kids
you got shay and Aidan
And Josiah (Andy’s kid)
And probably a few more kiddos in there from Jez’ family aka Jessica’s family
You btch
Good for nothing piece of meat
heyy theres little peter
how old is he?
5 or 6
Dorian’s nothing and the sooner he less that and leaves the better
Dans inviting someone to hit on Jess who’s better that Dorian
And someone to hit on Dori
Emily wya
he’s really still playing with him when dori has some kind of power
He’s trying to be careful
No more gloating about what he did
But I do want Dan to overhear Jess telling Dori she’s pregnant and an
“Oh YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME” leave his mouth
Dans giving them condoms for Christmas