New Blood | General Chat

Does Alex need to borrow the book?

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He can learn the art of a good bl0wjob from amie

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no hes good

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after learning that

alex is gonna go find paige now

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Come onnnn you canā€™t be madddd at her

its amies fault

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How is it her fault :sob:

hes not mad about the wanting to experiment. heā€™s mad that she continuously keeps f/cking up her life

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Sheā€™s doing just fine

thank you

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How is this fcking up her life?

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People have sex all the time

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If anything, Amieā€™s doing it safe

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with ONE person

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no shes not lmao

her relationship with her parents, down the drainā€¦ but mostly elos fault

the drugs

jp is justā€¦ its not that shes having sex. its the person shes having sex with


Whatā€™s wrong with JP :triumph:


a lotā€¦

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Heā€™s fine

heā€™s cute

he has a dck


Thatā€™s all amie was looking for