not build a home…
Her body broke down and all she could do was cry. At one point; Jessica found herself laying in the large crib she had built, sleeping where her children would have and just stayed there – unmoving. Food, water dimmed in comparison to what she felt. Days felt like seconds. Nothing mattered. If she wasn’t crying it was because she had cried so much that her body physically couldn’t anymore, and she passed out from dehydration. It had gotten to the point that even if Jess wanted to move, she wouldn’t be able to. Bu that was the thing. t she didn’t… want to. She just wanted to close her eyes and be done with it all. Because honestly…she was just so tired.
This hits different
Because sometimes; for those you love, you take more pain than you, yourself, can physically handle to save them from any. And honestly, she’d make the same choice if she ever got the chance again.
Jess really is a great person tho
Jess felt the soft drop of hope when she saw the girl… it seemed Dorian had made her choice. But she wasn’t necessarily upset. A choice was a choice, and she respected his. “I- sorry. Hi I’m Jessica Pierce, I’m friends with Dorian DeLoughrey I was wondering if he was home?” Jess asked the girl who shook her head, telling her he was at practice. But what she hadn’t expected was for the girl to invite her in. And honestly, Jess liked her. Liked her for Dorian. Clio. She was a sweet girl – funny. Something that Dorian deserved. Apparently, the two had been dating for the last year, and for a while, the two laughed about different stories involving the man. Jess smiled as Clio gushed about Dori, showing her a trophy in his room that he had one from a recent championship – and in other words catching her up for the last year of Dorian’s life.
@astxrism dori did Clio dirty
he did oops
noo stop
Beni where anna misc
It deserves to be repeated
only happiness for her now
Yeah Jess really never would be able to pretend with her kid like that
It would be impossible
she would love the baby too much to do that.
Exactly. It would just be soooo not like Jess.
Right lol
Baby in that pic
no one wants it