New Blood | General Chat

Woah, interesting plot potential left forgotten



they should


can you all please make sure that this relationship slide is updated. Me and Ella are using it to assign groups and we rather put you in groups where drama is possible instead of just random so PLEASE update asap


Yep… so many plots forgotten

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look at you twoo

Can try. Suck at technology, but will try.


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Athena hasn’t been added to those slides yet
(and their FC needs to be updated)


give me an @ if your characters arent on the slides i can add them on for you

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im sorry who was it changed to?

lol i added mine myself cos i got impatient

Liu Yuxin (the one that’s in their name banner)

Quinn still isn’t on the relationship slides.
And Carter’s last name still needs to be fixed from Wilson to Watson on there too

spaking of which i have to change reubens pictures in that

you can copy paste a slide and change the info to fit your chars
for the name i just took the picture on their fc slide and put it in the name place
also to @Littlefeets

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the name plate on the fcs isnt the exact color but wtv

Yeah that’s pretty much what I did for a couple of my characters

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just go to format options, recolour and then light 4

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Guys Jackie is INN!!!