New Blood | General Chat

88k kinda snuck up on us this time




It really did

We didnā€™t try for it

We just got there

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I love how Iā€™m 30% of the talking on this chat


Gotta stick to tradition

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You do be
And we love you for it

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I think youā€™re way more than 30% :joy:

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No no I calculated it

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Okay fine

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Iā€™m 30.236504%

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Boo tradition

Someone clearly wasnā€™t paying attentionā€¦

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Also, I can say with absolute certainty, Clara owns a sh-t ton of zodiac jewellery

She seems like the type :joy:

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And I know Paige has shitted on her for just that

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Like, I feel like Niko might have a necklace or a bracelet or something with a fish to allude to Pisces but Clara would have any and all types of jewellery that are blatantly the Aries symbol or the constellation

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Of course she has

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I mean

I think weā€™ve gotten across the fact that Paige enjoys bullying Clara with no remorse

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What can I say

Itā€™s a character flaw that Paige has no intention of fixing

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Itā€™s basically a hobby at this point

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