New Blood | General Chat

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you have stuff to catch up on :triumph:

stop rubbing it in amie’s face that Phebes is dad’s favorite


can’t ultra depressed

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I’m sorry

Let me know if I can do anything to make you feel better

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Who’s going to lock them in a room together then?

She’ll do her best :pleading_face:

:pleading_face: Good because he won’t leave

Not a relationship yet

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Just a little

They really did

Sorry Jess…

It’s so strange

And deprive her daughter of having her dad in her life.

Zero freedom to so much as breathe

Yeah… Kai had such mixed emotions in that moments
He was angry, but he understood Jess wanting to protect Aria, and he was just happy to meet Aria…

Exactly… that shows how much he doesn’t want to be around his own wife…

I feel like if Dan stopped calling Jess, it would be to call Jez and see if Jess would answer for her.


For sure


Yeah. Not again.

One thing that makes Kai different from young Leo, is that he’s much more submissive like his mom…

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Yeah, but like I wouldn’t say he’s disappointed in her, just in the situation.

He’s not going to trust her right away next time she asks him to trust her…

Jez didn’t really want to go with him anyway in that world. Why go to prom with someone who was basically a one night stand?

She would’ve much preferred just going to prom with friends, but everyone else had dates…



Yep. Kai was the only one who saw there was more going on…



Me too :sob:

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All of the above?

And if her best isn’t good enough??

for now

Wait until the princess tells him she’s pregnant again :triumph:

No yet

Not a relationship :triumph:

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It was on purpose

Andy can be her dad :triumph:

I can’t imagine what was going through his mind that day

Seeing Jess
Realizing he had a 3 year old
Finding out Jess withhold that information from him

Yes yes it would be


Sorry Leo

Leo’s more of a fighter

And I think that’s part of the reason he hated his situation

He was put in a situation where he couldn’t fight for Addie anymore. He tried and she didn’t take it

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Yeah :frowning:

He loves amie in a different way

She was there for him when elo wasn’t



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It really was


So much happened in 5 years

For sure



Poor Dan… he doesn’t know how happy he could be

I still need to finish the misc I’m working on for that

Only Dan thought so…

It wouldn’t be a surprise really.

Honestly, he possibly could have

:sob: :broken_heart:

And Ziah would’ve known that too…



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It’ll require a group effort

She’ll be sad… feeling rejected and like she’s not good enough…

He’ll never listen to her.
The only princess he wants in his life, is Aria.

But it’s inevitable

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As should be expected

She’ll be perfectly fine with Kai as her dad

There was so much going on in his head…



And Leo’s not just a fighter, but he’s someone who’s always won. When he’s fought for something, he’s gotten exactly what he wants. The main time he didn’t was with Addie…

Which then affected Kai even more. Even when he fought for things when he was younger, he could never get the outcome he wanted when it came to his dad, it always had to be his dad’s way…

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Probably one of my all time best written miscs

If you can’t use a phone to track, sometimes you have to get a little creative

all her hairties have trackers now

5 years of her falling so deeply in love with Dori that she couldn’t imagine anything else

that world for Jez is so rough. She doesn’t have any of her friends supporting her, she has Mikel who doesn’t really love her, and even Jordan isn’t in her life

He doesn’t but that’s also why he doesn’t regret the things he does

that dan is crueler and he doesn’t care to be another way


I wonder if he would have stopped her though

Would Kai care if she tore that country down?

Would they become friends?

I don’t know

We know the universe likes to push them together, but what about in a world where he’s married

I remember I asked isi a question for dori where it was something along the lines of if you could only save your children or jess, which one, and it was Jess (which understandable choice but also, it makes me think he would have wanted Ziah, and a child would have hurt him more)

I just think if jess was stuck in that world, she’d be depressed that her husband wanted nothing to do with her and she’d just want something of normalcy… even if that was a baby that that dori doesn’t want

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It will indeed

and now jess knows dan’s icing akielah out


oh no

it’s okay youll get around to anna’s good side

its hard to earn her trust


and good

aria appreciates


yes it is



she’d be happy with andy too

she wouldn’t even know what she’s missing

poor kai

i should ask that kai more questions too

I do feel bad for leo

I feel like the one time he didn’t win was the one time he wanted to win. Needed to win. And that’s what he lost.


i’ll react to the rest later



sorry but THEY JUST DID IT



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