New Blood | General Chat

Yeah they definitely look like they could work

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Yeah I just feel like I could do better

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:joy: Overall I’ve got a pretty good memory, but certain things just stick extra well in my memory.
Especially stuff I get a bit hyperfocused/fixated on and everything with BR characters is one something I fixate on and get a little obsessed with. :sweat_smile:

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I love that about you :heart_eyes:

Especially when I can’t remember half the stuff and I have you to remind me :joy:

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Yes, I could definitely see that.
Especially since she’s Leo’s favorite.

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the twins will feel left out :triumph:

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I just know she’s 100 million % a daddy’s girl

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I feel like they’d tease JJ so much. Be like “Of course daddy’s little girl will get what she wants, you just have to bat your eyes and he’ll give you his wallet”

Other brother: “Wallet? He’d buy her the entire bank”

and she’d stick out her tongue

you know

brother sister vibes but they still love each other

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Sometimes I can’t remember basic things like something I was told like 5 minutes before and it just didn’t stick, or how I generally forget to eat, but other things I remember soooo well, like I’ll clearly remember details from some things when I was like 5, or remember at least the general details of something that occurred in a book, movie, or show even days later.

My brain is wired soo weird :joy:

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He wouldn’t say it to their faces :woman_shrugging:t2: but he wouldn’t be able to deny to Addie he has a favorite.

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For sure.

She’s her daddy’s princess

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:joy: what a great dad

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I love that

I have a terrible memory unless it comes to something I really care about I think

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:joy: Oh definitely.

Though I also see them trying to use her being able to get what she wants to their advantage. Get her to ask for something, instead of them, knowing the answer they would get would be no.

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:joy: He can’t help it that its obvious he has a favorite

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Ohhhh 100%

They use her so much :joy:

she’s smart about it though, she always gets something in return (you know, when she’s older. When she’s young and innocent she listens to them until she realizes how to MANIPULATE THEM LIKE THEY MANIPULATED HER)

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it’s okay

addie will give them love

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Good, good. As she should

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She is an azure, after all

she knows how to use information and situations to her advantage

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Would Julianna be your character or mine? I don’t care either way, but if she is yours, I would like to annoy you with questions in the future

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