New Blood | General Chat


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He will

In 40 years

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It would be cute

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It would :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Blonde hair, blue eyes

She can’t help but wonder

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Her going to Leo and in her thoughts saying “dad” :pleading_face::pleading_face:

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Realistically he would have called akielah up to check it out

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Seeing as this was before he hated her

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Hmmm maybe I should write it

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He didn’t think he would’ve had the chance…

He was going to leave his wife, and search for Jess, but then his wife actually was pregnant with his kid… and then he sort of gave up on his own happiness and realized everyone was better off without him…

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Will you ever say no to me writing a misc?

It woullld :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Holly just living her best life

Or trying without her dad

It’s hard when your parents divorce

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:pleading_face: Her and Miranda are similar enough in looks that their kids with Leo would look similar :sob:

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:pleading_face: :sob: :pleading_face: :sob: :pleading_face: :sob:

That’s what I was thinking :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Kai :sob::sob:

I wonder if his wife never got pregnant he would have found Jess and they’re be together

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Not as soon as Leo wanted I’m sure

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It’s going to hurt seeing that kid okay

Addie never wanted kids but she would have wanted Leo’s

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I mean… probably not. Cause I do really enjoy reading your miscs/posts


Poor Holly

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“Dad where have you been? IVE BEEN WAITING for belly scrubs and mama tried but she doesn’t do it like you”

Her thoughts would be adorable

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