New Blood | General Chat

Guys the wedding is a year away and I’m not kidding I think we have all but two things done and we are doing them this month

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That’s awesome!

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Jake vs his name tags is an ongoing saga :joy:

i havent left my house all day how tf did i get a mosquito bite

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Did you have an open window or door?

Oh em gee
So when r the neices n nephews coming :smirk::smirk:



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Not for a long time lol


Why do Nespresso machines always sound like world is going to end


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they’re not even married yet

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:roll_eyes: fine

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ew no

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my mom keeps making general statements and saying ‘your brother’

which brother?

I have two

Half the stuff she’s saying could apply to either one

writing men in an rp kinda makes me cringe, thats why i always have majority female characters

also why i kinda noticed all my male characters tend to have a specific trait in similar, i should someday switch it up and make a golden retriever himbo

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I accidentally read this as “lol” and almost did a spit take

Thank you for showing some mercy to hera after the ari conundrum :relieved:

Damn ion even like men like that n this was kinda hot

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I’ll be writing
N no matter how good the writing may be, in my head I’m like

Bro thinks he’s the sh^t

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Also why are eryx and Hera actually so similar
I kind of like them together

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right :sob:

im like boy are you trying to be a wattpad bad boy? you are not even all that