New Blood | General Chat

IK IK :sob:

I just saw FC ok and then boom idea mashed up with old ones that couldnā€™t fit with my current characters ajjsiensj

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I just send her a few minutes ago, not your fault I didnā€™t say if I sent her in or if she just passed ā€¦ but anyways we can still plan canā€™t we?

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yes of course!

Iā€™ll sleep now so Iā€™ll start with this stuff tomorrow bye-


still have to finish planning with you :sob:

letā€™s plan relationship

well actually I already have an idea what the shared secret could be, but that would involve you knowing about one of her secrets

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Test test

test og colour
[color= bb8582]test ella hex[/color]

test og colour
test ella hex
test ella hex 2

test og colour
test ella hex

test og colour
test ella hex
test ella hex 2

test og colour
ella you missed Raph where my hex

test og colour
test ella hex


sorry you hadnt posted for him i hadnt seen it

doing now

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Yes Ik

Need to but like hm who

On paper

now like the french

go away

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Raph = 3d4e6a



test og colour
[color= 3d4e6a]hex thingy [/color]

Yes thank

do it with white text too to see how it fits

Hi here is some testing ā€œHeyyyy grskokogkfsā€ he said

I like tho

imma take this as a no and scram @CerealKiller

Sounds about right

@novella is Denise taken? I didnā€™t see it in the FCs but forgot to check for other spellings of the name and I already sent her ā€¦ Can I change it later if it is taken though?