New Blood | General Chat


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can i say amie started crying a bit

or like




She wouldn’t cry in front of people

if she did, she’d sneak off somewhere to do it. So if you’re going to say that maybe say she escaped to the bathroom or something



ima not write that in then

HA you think It’s gonna be that easy? :stuck_out_tongue:


ik its not :sob:

Leah: Emo Christian headbanging

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Beni’s Summary

God damn there’s 200 posts to read

Finley Klein and Hartely: The Broken Hearted

  • SOOO Fin’s BACK in town after 4 months. He’s the kid of the dean, if you don’t remember, and let’s just say he’s not happy. First his car was rightfully won off of him (though surprise surprise the person who took his car goes to his school and he wants it back). Also, Daddy Klein isn’t happy. Oh well, mans then texts his step sis to tell her he found his car and then is HELLA rude to Hartley, his ex who apparently moved there. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Hartley has a cute lil moment with her little sister where she told her what happened during the party and then we skip to today where girl got to school. Anyways, she see’s fin and is rightfully annoyed that he’s there and responds with “who even are you” pretending she don’t know him. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Fin basically is like she’s a bland potato. She’s pretty but there’s nothing else there. But it seems Fin is just generally a player because he doesn’t consider relationships life. ANYWAYS. He’s mean to baby Amie for a bit all because she dropped a smoothie on his car like GET OVER IT. Then he introduces himself and basically is like “wanna fck” to see if she’d drop the “Idk you” act. CLICK HERE TO READ

Kim Hyuan - Ae and Logan Blackwood: The quick meeting

  • Hyun-Ae got to school and basically faceplanted against a locker after tripping. Then she told the girl she tripped over she’s okay (even tho she probably isn’t). CLICK HERE TO READ.
  • Logan had a busy day tbh. She woke up, ran, went to football, went to class, lunch (where she’d do hw) and then more classes. More football, and then work. YIKES. Then Logan is like “is you sure ya good??” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Hyun-Ae checked herself for injuries (girl look at ya face it’s probably there) and then was like “I guess i is good” and then asked the girl about being on the football team. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Logan was like “good that you’re okay chica” and then introduced herself before telling the girl she’s actually on “track AND football” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Hyan was like “oooo you play ‘footbarr’” which apparently they don’t have in South Korea and then asked why her name was Logan because that’s a dude’s name. (Damn Hyan gorl don’t be so insensitive). Anyways, she then asked for the girl’s sechedule. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Logan continued this convo being like “Yeah I do play” and then started telling the girl that she was supposed to be a boy and then the name stuck. Then the girl left to go get ready for class because she didn’t have time for this convo. CLICK HERE TO READ

Destiny Howard And Embry Thompson: Summer is over

  • Destiny’s parents tots did not trust her anymore because of her being a senior and all the tasks and stuff. Either way, she was low key excited to go back to school. Girl got there and ran into her home gorl Embry getting out of her car and was like “SUMMER IS OVEERR how you feel babes?” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Embry gave her lil sis a ride to school and then ran into Destiny and was like “GORL I’m done with school already. wbu?” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Destiny was like “Babe, don’t say that. If you say that, school’s gonna suck” and then they walked to the doors together while she told Embry about the concert she went to where there was a spark on stage and the singer almost got hurt aka her personal life was boring for the past summer. Then she asked embry about the party. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Embry was like 'i guess I’ll give school a chance whatevererr" and then begin talking about her uneventful summer. The girl then told her friend how the party was fun for her. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Destiny was like 'cool cool - me to. This dude tried to kiss me, probs a task. Did you do any of your tasks?" CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Embry was like "damn get some babe’ and then was like “I did one task wbu” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Destiny was like “yuh his breath stank too” (LOLLLLLSS BABE) then gorl congratuated her friend for being on the blue bloods list and then told her she couldn’t read her tasks cause her phone glitched… (SOUNDS SKETCH AF DESTINY) CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Embry was like “this whole game a lil creepy” and thanked her friend with a hug. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Destiny was like “here’s hoping the tasks are all easy” (Babe… you cute lmao). Anyways, she was a lil sad that her first class was boring and then left embry. CLICK HERE TO READ

Both are Approachable?

The Threeway (no I don’t mean sex): Olivia, Veronica, and Mason

  • VC drove her cuz to school and the two were gossiping when Liv saw mason throwing a football and looked at him weird. After a few seconds, babes went over to him and was like “fck me”… nah I’m kidding, she asked him if she knew I’m. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Mason has a high key busy day, but anyways, when the girl came up to him he was like “no I do not” and then introduced himself. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Olivia was like “oh” cause he kinda looked like her ex. There was some banter between mason and vc and Olivia and mason had a “oh I’m___” convo. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • More banter from mason and you realize he’s a lil nerd. Anyways, the convo continued. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Veronica basically was like “I’m smarter than you dude, get over it” and Olivia asked him about being a football player. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Mason was like “You think you are but lmao you’re not” and then told Olivia she should be a cheerleader. CLICK HERE TO READ
    -VC was like NO YOU should be a cheerleader to mason and he and her went back and forth some more. If i didn’t know better, I’d say ship vc and mason. But mason do be taken. Click here to read.
  • Mason basically said “Har har har” and then left the two… but then there was an interesting phone call at the end. CLICK HERE TO READ

Tyler Campbell and Xavier

  • Tyler got out of the passenger seat of his sis’ car and was like “you ready?”. Mia called Xavier over and Tyler was like Whhhhyy. I think he has a crush on him or something. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Xavier got to school and was like “heyyyy” to the two kiddos, one being his EX BOYFRIEND ahh that’s what it was. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Tyler was like… how u been ex babe. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Xavier was like “uh okay… wbu” apparently it’s only been a month since they’ve broken up so it’s v awkward. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Tyler was like… damn this is awkward. They kept talking, then he asked about the man’s bakery. CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Xavier was like “Baker’s good…” CLICK HERE TO READ
  • Tyler was like “That’s good” and then they started talking about snakes for some reason. CLICK HERE TO READ
    TO BE CONTINUED - still editing
  • They laughed some more about snakes… CLICK HERE TO READ

Have you planned exes for Alex yet?

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Hyun-Ae be rude.

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sigh not yet


She probably broke her nose, to be honest. I mean…wtf.


I see possible drama

doooo ittttt

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yeahh ik i gotta

i need to go through the fcs and see who he would have dated tho

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idk what’s his type?

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low key feels like he would usually go for more confident girls idk

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maybe? but hes a lil insecure bean

idk tbh

i gotta just look through

but def not like super insecure girls

or CLINGY girls

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