New Blood | General Chat


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I think I can last a week

but I lose motivation quickly so if i leave

i may never come back is the issue

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so i won’t last a week

i’d last the rest of my life :joy:

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because i’d just :sparkles: give up :sparkles:

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is maxon not confused about the bipolarness?

before she was like omg I like you let’s talk later

and now she’s like

i hate your guts

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RUDE, no he the og puppy daddy

sperm donor never meets child
he met the child and grew to love child before angry mother stole him away for herself :sleepy:

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tis why i will see you tomorrow

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not allowed

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he met the child after finding the stranded puppy, cleaning puppy up, and giving it to his “girlfriend” as a gift.

It’s not Amie’s fault the lil dog’s finder was a butt and was sleeping with her sister all because of a bet and just using her to get in her pants


he is but he blamed it on her being drunk

so he thinks deep down drunk her misses him but sober her hates his guts so… he may bring it up and be like “you were so much nicer when you were drunk last night…” and go from there

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last week

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both do

she gonna be like “You must have been drunk out of your mind then because I would never miss you, Maxon”

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yeah last week

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just because mom and dad gets a divorce doesnt mean the kid still doesnt get shared time between the two even if he cheated (for doggo’s sake i fight)

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It does when mama has full custody

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Now leave

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and he gonna be like “Ouch, I only had one drink that night honey. and im not a light weight sooooo… you telling me to meet up with you so pheobe doesnt find out was quite the suprise. i know the difference between drunk you and sober you though so dont worry.”

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mama shouldn’t have full custody in this case
they raised him together and obvi he misses him

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no u go sleep

And then she’ll be like “PHOEBE”

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