New Blood | General Chat

I’m gonna also reserve a FC

Eduards Kraule

but with longer hair not with shorter


On the beach right? :sob::sob:

from here it only gets better and better

time for tears

But Thetis AHHHH

I’ll stay quiet


he just left

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yes yesss

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fun times

what kind of secret do I need for this?

@bpalmer read this


This was kind of helpful and thank you but I was looking more for an example if that isnt too much to ask for. I just didnt know how big of a secret it was suppose to be.

There are examples in the post

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hey ben ben

“achilles did not slur my name, as people often did, running it together as if in a hurry to be rid of it. instead, he rang each syllable: pa-tro-clus.”


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*chad accent * hola bonita :smirk:

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