I’m gonna also reserve a FC
Eduards Kraule
but with longer hair not with shorter
I’m gonna also reserve a FC
Eduards Kraule
but with longer hair not with shorter
On the beach right?
from here it only gets better and better
time for tears
But Thetis AHHHH
I’ll stay quiet
he just left
yes yesss
fun times
what kind of secret do I need for this?
This was kind of helpful and thank you but I was looking more for an example if that isnt too much to ask for. I just didnt know how big of a secret it was suppose to be.
There are examples in the post
hey ben ben
“achilles did not slur my name, as people often did, running it together as if in a hurry to be rid of it. instead, he rang each syllable: pa-tro-clus.”
*chad accent * hola bonita