New Blood: Questions Thread





Needed someone as an example

  1. But like why’d you break the elevator bro @CerealKiller
  1. So um, are you going to give him money or… he wouldn’t say no @astxrism
  1. You basically killed your dad dude… um… why?
  2. Are you going to like… go see him?
  3. I suggest not going


”No. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a stupid lie.“


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”You thing I got stuck in an elevator with him intentionally?

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Well you are in his apartment complex in his elevator going up to his floor

You sound a lil obsessed with him, darling

”NO. I mean, no… He seems perfectly fine but… maybe he should get something to wear”

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Well rude

can he borrow your clothes?

”As I said I wasn’t there for him, you know, it’s an apartment complex not a private house”

”You sound a little obsessed with me, darling”

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But you’re still banned. So maybe just leave :triumph:

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”I leave when I want to not when a salty guy with an oversized ego and a sht quality elevator tells me to. plus i pretty much can’t considering this elevator was probably made before my parents were”

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Who were you there for then?

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”Didn’t realise this was a police investigation”

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Didn’t realize you only had bs excuses

”bs excuses for bs questions, love. it only makes sense”

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