New Years Resolutions

A new years resolution is a set of goals that you want to achieve by the end of next year. We already have a thread which asks what you want to achieve. By the end of 2020 so to show that this isn’t a duplicate thread, I instead want to ask you about things you want to give up, about things you want to stay away from. Reflect on lessons you have learned in 2019 and whether or not you achieved the goals you set out to acomplish this year and how you can improve.

Also if you can pick one thing you need to acomplish then please do.

Also we can discuss if we think new years resolutions are good or not.


I want to stop forgiving others too easily, because some people just feel like they can treat me however they want without consequences…
I also want to stay away from people who I know are toxic for me, but I know that this will be hard in some cases…
My only real new years resolution is like always to become a better person over the year and I think that it’s achievable :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

I mostly don’t like the concept of having new years resolutions because most people don’t even try to work on them or see them as an excuse for not starting with something earlier. In my opinion everyone should always work on improving themselves and not just in the first 3 days of each year like most people with resolutions do… :eyes::sparkles:


I need to stop allowing myself to be used by people who don’t care about me.
I need to be more confident.
I will have more self-love.
I will be more positive.



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What I don’t need to change :joy:

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Lololollllllllllllll ik.


I want to be able to have a friend that won’t ABANDON me.

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I want to get out more, make new friends and stay awake from toxic friendships

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My new year’s resolution? New Year’s Party!


I want to be happy, finish a few stories and write some more, pass my exams, and stay away from toxic relationships

(these are goals not resolutions)

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You’re advertising that everywhere…:no_mouth::two_hearts::cherry_blossom:


I don’t do New Years Resolutions but I do plan to start boxing every 2 weeks.


Nearly every time I have new years resolutions, I literally end up not doing it lol. :joy:


Oui. :innocent::white_heart:

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I need to stop being lazy.
I need to start finding inspiration to actually do things.
I need to work on my art skills or else how am I going to get better?
I need to stop taking people’s opinions into account (in terms of unwanted feedback 'n stuff)
I need to cut ties with people I don’t talk to anymore
I need to stop avoiding some people and actually check on how they’re doing.

AND I ALSO NEED TO GIVE UP MY PLANS ON TAKING OVER THE WORLD -que evil laugh- :upside_down_face::sunglasses::eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Good, makes my job of world domination easier😎


Good luck, I already took over the whole universe :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::joy:

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Nope, I’m still taking over

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