News Years: So what are your plans for New Years? 🎉

:tada: New Years :tada:

Heyy there, gyals.
Welcome to a new years thread. As the title says, what are your plans for new years?

Here are some questions

  • Do you like celebrating New Years?
  • Do you have a good feeling about the new decade?
  • Will you make a new years resolutions?
  • How was 2019 for you?

Here is a New Years trivia quiz you can take
Click me

~ :christmas_tree:


Oui, I especially love the food my family makes and the new year concerts :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Non… :no_mouth::eyes::sparkles:

Nope, I never understood what they are for, so I don’t make any :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

Too short and irritating :eyes::eyes::eyes:


I’m going to London!


I got 60% :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::tada:


I got 50%


I got 60% :tada:

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It was fine, but the 2020’s will be better cuz I am graduating.

No. :sunglasses:

I DUNNO. I’m graduating this decade!!! Yessssss

We watch the TV shows, not anymore cuz TV gave up on us.

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I got 50%.

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Somewhat. I’ll be 17 and my senior year is that year.

Of course I will! I have plenty of goals.

Some good things happened, some bad things happened. Not the best but not the worst.

I do, but only when I spend it with people I enjoy being around.

I think it’ll be like this decade, where some years were amazing, others were difficult, and a few were filled with both good and bad things.

I don’t usually make them, unless they are achievable goals. I would like to make more new friends this coming year, though.

January and February were awesome; March, April, May, and June were sad; July was okay; August was a turning point for new, exciting things in my life; September was mostly good; October and November were awesome, and December started out a bit rocky but it’s getting better.

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Well yes and no, yes because I like spending time with my family. No because my brother has ruined it for me for the past 2 years…

Meh, I don’t look at time by decade so I hope it’s a good one but I don’t feel anything


Honestly, not too bad. Stuff happened that I didn’t like but it had to happen in order for me to be in the head space that I am now. I gained friends, lost friends and went through tough times but it was all part of growing up and learning. I’m 18 years old now and I don’t think this year could have been any better or any worse.


Forum partyy!! :partying_face::partying_face:

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bump. happy 2020 y’all!

Closed due to inactivity :zombie: