Ninth House | Chat


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I agree, I just don’t know if it’s the right dark side :thinking:

THANK YOU GUYS!!! :heartpulse::two_hearts::sparkles:


So prettyyy



Damn ok tina

Is this a hint :face_with_raised_eyebrow:




What did he dooo :sob:

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No no, tell us




Also how is she familiar with the symptoms :sob:


Don’t dieee


:sob: To lure you into his basement obviously

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Hmmmm very interesting

Well now Esther won’t feel bad saying no

Very similar to an od, also google.

Poisoned in a different way . . .

She’d love that (oof)


Not the only lie :eyes:



I think I know what you’re referring to and I fear for her


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hold the damn phone
did atlas poison esther and thats why hes taking her to another location??

so it is poison


He’s totally normal


Like how it went from dating theories to Atlas is gonna kidnap her :sob:


Atlas kinda scary


I feel I’m so behind! I haven’t even had time to read anyone else’s posts sad


I feel that so much


Atlas: “do you wanna dance?”


  1. Faints from the poison
  2. “No”
  3. Runs away

Lmao :sob:



All good options


Okay I think I have sometime tonight. I wanna answer some of the questions and I’ll try to get nessa posted


ok guys the rp section is sleepy rn so im bringing in a lil rbo (raviola biased opinion bc i for ixy ibo is weird looking) in also im bored

how (r)bo's work

basically, we name a certain concept and apply it to each character ex: characters as disney princesses, etc
usually its “characters as ____” but ive been thinking about it in my head and ive decided to propose another question

ok so its

do i think i could win in a fight with this character and would i fight them, how would i fight them, other minor details (assuming i am also a buff guy when im fighting the guys)

caution: read at ur own discretion bc i may or may not be describing my epic victory against your character


starting off weak with aurora dear @astxrism ok first of all i feel like she definitely cant punch, and is not the best at arguments either… shoutout that comment section with amani. i think she would insult me and then call me “deer” then it would be over for her sorry aurora im winning the fight BUT then shes gonna snitch to daddy and thats when im dead. kerplunk. shot. killed. missing like miles north.

freya hastings @novella hmmmm i think she could beat me in a fight i dont think i would test her. she has that vibe of like mysterious punk girl. and then mysterious punk girl at a magic school? what if she starts cursing me in latin? freya please i have a wife and kids. also anyone who kinds maeve wiley is to be left alone i said what i said but yeah no she would pummel me.

celestine beaumont @cordyx ok wellll she doesnt strike me like the fighting type. i feel like she would just turn the whole thing into a joke and be like guys its okay! the chicken crossed the road to get to the other side hahahahahah and they’d all be like yeah celestine youre so funny! and i would be standing there like oh… id be totally embarassed

raven laurent @Littlefeets absolutely not. do not even. i would die she would kill me shed just stare and im obliterated. i would only fight her if it ended in us passionately kissing about how much we hate each other then sign me up, like yeah raven dont you think trump should rule for three terms? yes please tell me how im wrong

ayla ki @Tina.G sorry but i unfortunately think i could totally fight ayla thing is i dont think i would ever have a reason to! she gives very good vibes but if it came down to it i think we’d have a tense, emotional conversation tops which ended in forgiveness and love where we both learned to be better.

devon lacey @Mouschi strangely i think it would be actually kinda neck-and-neck with devon. we’re both kinda trashycore, but neither of us are like physically aggressive people or anything so i think if it really came down to it, there would be some hair pulling and scratching tops, but no smacks. and either of us could be the winner.

elijah d’angelo @sunflowerjm oh please golden boy i will wipe that smile clean off your face consider yourself beat. i just know he’d go up to me alllll confident but IM GETTING JUSTICE FOR FLORIANO yall are definitely hiding something ok. however on the brightside i do think he could pull off a sexy nosebleed


inessa duman @madilnel hmmm i think yes i could fight inessa actually. that whole convo with thalia was looking sussss like yall are probably fake friends and i CANNOT mess with that so i think i would defend thalia and challenge inesa to an old style duel which she would lose bc i am defending my gf! sorry ness, u got the wrong btch im not the one

lenore ferrell @caticorn i dont think lenore could ever be put in a position where she would fight me however i do think i would find her at an academic debate and if she was my opponent i would kick myself bc i knew she was about to cook. HOWEVER, if i studied that day i think i could possibly beat her, depends on the originality of her ideas. but yes sorry lenore if its a fist fight ima beat u

atlas alstone @idiot.exe this is a very interesting one. hes apparently super deceptive and im starting to see it so at first, i would probably have the initial thought that he would politely try to deescalate the situation and then get his sht rocked by me… however i think its also entirely possible that he whip out secret superhuman strength as his fifth power and then put me in an angsty chokehold which honestly props to you king, gotta hand it to you ok u win

esther dubois @Mouschi soooo idk. right now its kind of immoral to beat up a girl who was already poisoned but i do wonder if the substance would make it more or less ethical. like maybe they gave her rohypnol and thats an absolute no but what if atlas just spiked her breakfast with 2 benadryl? im keeping my hands off for the sake of morality

lyra skylark @jass alright lyra hate to say it but yeah i could probably beat you. i dont think she would necessarily try to piss me off, but i could see us brawling. rip lyra bc shes also very cottagecore and i do not think she wants the smoke whatsoever, she’d prolly rather pick flowers and stuff and i cant interrupt that so if i did fight her, itd have to be over something pretty bad.

yoo seung-min @cordyx ACTUALLYYYYY i feel like hes got alot of fight in him idk its an intuition of mine. i think he would consider me a meek challenger and then laugh in my hypothetically male face before probably knocking my wind out which rest in peace me. hes also hot scary idk maybe it was the masquerade mask but i see potential. Also I have an intuition he knows about martial arts so thats also threatening but either way im toast.

casey robinson @katabasis hey ani so i have not seen ya boi rp in motion yet however based on his information i think he would first try to argue with me, then see that i wanted a brawl and show me why he was holding back all of his mighty strength. he would floor me at first, knocked down in one hit. i see dizzy, he thinks hes won, but then, i grab the nearest object, and with my hazy vision gash him in the head, and boom im the one standing


hayes ferrell @astxrism oh he acts weak but i see right through you hayes, you have potential, i just dont know if you can use it because really he could probably fight if he was challenged to but he probably wouldnt try, he would just blow his cig in your face BUT if it came down to it i also worry he might have some sort of magical force against him, somehow inhibiting him from being able to go back hm

thalia starling @Kristi you’re funny thinking I would fight my girlfriend no ma’am. The worst case would be a relationship fight :roll_eyes: over who loves who more :roll_eyes: lemme stop lmao ok but on a serious note thalia cannot fight unfortunately. It’s the same thing as inessa she’s not confrontational cos she’s fake so when someone wants the smoke she cannot handle it.

Cayenne cassidy @Littlefeets i would fight her under the bedsheets sorry Brooke I need to leave your girls alone. Anyway hmmmmmm I think this could also be a pretty neck-and-neck match. She has her more country side but she also has that hard stoic energy that I can’t decide what she would do. I feel like if anything went wrong she would just shoot me with her rifle #longliveamerica

Desdémona Sevdaliza @me omg I love my baby so much but I think you could probably kill her with a fly swatter. If I hit her she would turn the other cheek, then perish, that might be a hint, who knows. Anyway, I wouldn’t fight Desdémona bc that would be like those ppl who talk about kicking seven year olds shes just too pure.

Oggy Kumara @Tina.G this one is reallyyyy interesting bc I love Oggy personally so much and I know he could throw it down if he so desired, but something about him is also epically flawed that I feel like no matter what either side tried, we’d both end up on the floor. ALSO I think he would maybe like pull my wrist behind my back and twist it whatever that trick is called in English, and id be kinda like :smirk:

Floriano D’Angelo @sunflower.flow for some reason I know this MF does not play like idk I just believe him. He kinda gives eleven vibes like in stranger things, I could totally see him calling me a wanker and then telekenetically throwing me across the room. He would also give a very dramatic monologue as I’m seizing too, like I’m on the floor like k-k-hu-k-ja- and he’s like No one will ever understand me, they don’t get it, victory is MINE and then he levitates

Umbra :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: aka best coven

Jesse Routledge @novella you know me and Vinnie hate you bro so I DONT WANT TO GIVE HIM A GOOD RATING however I don’t know. He’s definitely either A. The absolute sht and will charm you even as he kills you OR B. He’s literally all talk and will cry like a baby. Me and vinnieeee want to say it’s B but also Amani’s gotta be seein something in the guy soooo we should see that

Renlin Duman @Madilnel rennnnnn me and vinnies main man ok so obviously I think he can fight okay he’s a dream. Also maddy writes the best fight scenes ok whatever I’m biased shoutout Elio we miss you infinitely anyway even if I was a guy he would beat all of us cos the mf is like 7 feet tall I rest my case

Tae Duman @Caticorn ok tae is interesting bc I don’t think he’s like the typical combative guy however I sense he’s secretly very strong so he would do really regular things fighting me and not look like a mess, but I would be hurt. That’s the thing also I can’t see him fighting bc he seems to be too conscientious for a brawl. I think if I really got him though, he might lose sight of his priorities and weaken, so I would have to target him emotionally to win muahah

Amani Monet @Kristi so uh, do we have to fight like… with clothes on? Because I would love to have the second kind of battle with her butttt if that’s not possible then yeah I’m not fighting her whatsoever at all. She wouldn’t just like fight me physically I just know she would come for me WORST insecurities verbally that I would not be able to recover like Amani leave me alone!! She would win plain and simple.

Vincenzo P-R @me his last name is too long okay anyway this is bestie but yeah I wouldn’t want to fight him either because bro has zero morals, like you really don’t know what he’s capable of because he doesn’t give a fck how you feel oops. Sorry to all his victims I cannot thank you enough yes that might be another hint, anyway yeah also he likes to hit… things… with a bit of passion also sorry amani

Dommy Vaillant @idiot.exe my baby boy omlll ok would I fight him? No I would not fight him bc he is vinnies adopted brother and therefore my child too so I could never however hypothetically if I didn’t know him and he had beef with me, I would probably not fear him like idk he seems like he talks smack but when the time came he would get nervous and boom hulk smash I got him.

Dante Blackwell @Jass Dante i dont think would want to fight either, hes a very kumbaya kinda guy or however you spell kumbayah i think i would rather wear flower crowns and do flips on his motorcycle however if he was stirredddddd, hm even then i dont think he ever seems to lose his chill so i wouldnt fight dante no