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should I do a kbo or read






What they said


ok y’all real

let me do one




which idea ru doing again
you mentioned one earlier


what they will go to jail for



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Today i am proud to presence a KBo, what will this characters be jailed for? (if they were ever to go to jail)

ok this was hard

Starting strong:

Aurora: Ok let see, Aurora is def going to jail for fraud or forgery, she always seemed so sus (daddy’s daughter, I know Adrian proud) and I know Adrian involve in some shady stuff but I don’t think Aurora will do extreme shady stuff but she’s def commiting fraud or forgery, it just fits

Alya: ok, this is hard, I don’t see her going to jail, very hard because I barely know her but i’m going to say maybe illegal experimentation, Ayla’s thirst for knowledge and desire to regain her magical abilities could lead her to engage in experimental practices that are deemed illegal or dangerous. and blah blah

Celestine: Embezzlement and I will fully support her

Devon: Definitely embezzlement too, like I mean its Devon, its either that or blackmail, anything to get her money and I think that she’s a queen for that

Elijah: I wish I knew him better to say, I feel like he will not go to jail, he was probably framed

Freya: She probably tried to stay away from jail, did everything that was necessary but still went to jail because of who she was hanging out with or maybe fraud

Raven: too smart to go to jail or get framed, but she probably secretly committed murder and got away with it, its always the quiet ones

Atlas: Forgery: Atlas’s ability to slip into different roles with ease and his penchant for illusions could make him adept at forging documents or signatures. He may use his skills to falsify records or credentials for personal gain, such as obtaining access to restricted areas or resources. con artistry, and identity theft, because yes.

Casey Robison: Uhh crimes against being a golden retriever? idk know him too well

Esther baby: if you get crimed for being on the verge 24/7, we all know she will be first in line jailed but on a more serious note drug possession,(she probably has a lot of drugs no wonder) and trespassing: Esther’s affinity for solitude and her love of nature, particularly the snow-covered mountains, could lead her to trespass onto private property or restricted areas in pursuit of solitude or inspiration. While not inherently malicious, such actions could result in legal consequences if she were caught.

Inessa: its so hard to envision her going to jail, but maybe accidental murder or using her plants to do weird stuff and i’m 100% sure I’m correct

Lenore: She wouldn’t go to jail, she was either framed or it was an accident

Lyra: probably trespassing, because otherwise I don’t see her in jail, she doesn’t give jail vibes

Seung-min: drug possession or distribution, don’t ask why


ok pt 2 soon


cipher and umbra coven give more crime vibes


a lot of the people in cipher and umbra going to jail 100% it is undeniable


Fair assessment




cough prostitution would also fit

ness and des are so similar
thalia has a type with friends


yes ofc

yes 100%

devon loves money fr fr


Oh for sure

OK pt 2

Agastaya: You know at first I thought you were a cute nice boy, but that’s def a lie SOOO but rn you aren’t giving serious crime so I’ll say a white collar crime for now,likee maybe a lil fraud there, or maybe manipulation and coercion- also this could apply to atlas @idiot.exe (the manipulation and c Coercion part) also possibly took bribes

Arya: Attempt murder, she is going to jail for attempt murder or illegal testing or blackmail because she wants to be at the top always. Bribed

Cayenne: well since she’s American, not knowing British law and Growing up in a disadvantaged environment, Cayenne may resort to theft or fraud as a means of survival. If faced with financial hardships or desperate situations, she might be tempted to engage in criminal activities such as shoplifting, burglary, or identity theft to provide for herself and her sister.

Desdemona: Doing weird stuff with plants, accidentally being an accomplice to someone’s dong illegal shxt, accidental prostitution, stalking but she did not know it was stalking, experimenting on pets,

Floriano: Why do I feel like he could be a scammer, also Devon def also a scammer forgot to say but maybe Floriano’s indifference to societal norms and his disheveled appearance may lead to encounters with law enforcement if his behavior is deemed disruptive or disorderly in public spaces. He might face charges related to public intoxication, loitering, or disturbing the peace. Maybe tax frauds

Hayes: oh Hayes, this is easy, involvement in something shady, possession of knowledge he should know nothing about, substance abuse or addiction because that nicotine thing is just- attempted murder

Thalia: oh my sweet darling, anyways stalking 100%, privacy Invasion, vandalism that one time, fraud, maybe drunk driving

Amani: hi hi so possibly defamation, manipulation, blackmailing to get what she wants, forgery, market manipulation

Dante: vandalism, academic misconduct, substance abuse, trespassing,

Dominic: cybercrime, property damage, forgery, threatening, maybe some blackmail here and there nothing too serious ya know(he probably learnt a whole lot more from Vinnie)

Jesse: blackmail, maybe attempted murder idk but feels right, information brokerage, fraud, attempted heists,

Renlin: 100% vandalism, trespassing, maybe substance abuse , he was also probably framed by Adrian who needed him O UT, something to do with violence if he and tae have a fight

Tae: Possibly attempted murder, Tae’s emotional turmoil and struggles with overthinking situations could lead to impulsive or reckless behavior, potentially resulting in property damage, something to do with violence if ta and ren have afight

VINNIE: so stalking, balding, assault, attempt murder, blackmail, manslaughter, extortion or theft,


that was fun