Ninth House | Chat

till I use her

making playlists always makes me rediscover new songs

yall whats the word for a medieval hunter
besides like huntsman

well old schools technically

hey i wanted her
but tbh
eh idc that much

creating Thalia and remembering I love hozier

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which made me to discover Harrison and Hozier are basically the same person

both starting with h


‘what I wouldn’t give to be in church rn’

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Creating harrison u mean

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I told u

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also do I reply bri or here

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Took me so long to figure out what bri was
Here!! I told u this on the gram

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I thought it
That’s what counts

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Good nitrogen


Im not a mind reader :roll_eyes:


aww Amani despises you too dw

yeah she is




forking love that show

oh no :scream: :scream: she never poisoned anyone, she is super innocent! this is a hate campaign :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

be nice to her, she was just playing around… or is she :eyes:

she just had a breakdown give her a break
she’s feeling very new yorker 60s gal today

but she didn’t :smirk:

why u hate my girlie celeste she’s just insecure and don’t know what for :sob: :sob: :sob:

wow what a flowery name for celeste LMAO

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Ever heard of sarcasm? :upside_down_face: Yeah, Dante does that a lot

Fair, lol.

He has a more philosophical side yes



He does that a lot yes :joy:

He wasn’t even talking about that part :sob: He was talking about what she had said about unmasking himself. But fair though, cause he didn’t reply to her calling him out for dropping her name before

you expect me to read your mind 24/7 but okkk