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yesss find your rising and

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@astxrism what does ‘dante mean’

like in NH Darlington says he didn’t chose galaxy as his Dante I’m confused

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lets see
not leo, as a leo rising theres already enough of me and i cant handle more 4/10
virgo is definitely up there, theyre very cute and petite and funny 9/10
libra is like a hit or miss i either hate them or think theyre adorable so meh 5/10
scorpio is soooooo hot but like idk theyre so high maitenance 6/10
capricorn risings are hot but sometimes boring idk but i like them like 7/10

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That reminds me

I calculated my chart based on what I remembered my birth time to be

Might not be 100% accurate but my sun, moon and rising are def accurate so I have hope

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pisces risings are adooooorable and beautiful so 8/10
taurus risings think theyre funny but they arent and their faces are so oval that it aggravates me 2/10
gemini risings as i have explained belong in the gutter 0/10
cancer risings are like wowwww i love u im obsessed with u but theyre so mean ugh yet 6/10

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aries risings are like annoying bc why are u so slow AND WHY CANT YOU MULTITASK 4/10
aquarius risings are like cool ig but idk much about them, pretty cool from what i remember tho 7/10
sag risings are hot but the only one i know personally off the top of my head is my brother so theyre like funny and stuff 7/10


whats ur moon and rising


so ok i think virgo is the best rising sign


Sag moon
Scorpio rising


Ok sag moon isn’t shocking
Ur very bootylicious respectfully

Scorpio rising is a little
But it also makes sense


ok I’m hot !!


Why is this how I lowkey pictured Ayla’s dad :sob:




Youre the exception :heart:

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Have I replied to anyone today? No.
What did I do? I spent my break times dedicating myself to incorrect quotes. Are they funny? I’ve read over them obsessively thrice so I am desensitized and have no idea. :kissing_closed_eyes:
Ahem @NinthHouse
If one of your characters isn’t on this list, then they’re on the other one that I also made but am with holding bc it would probably be a lot to post both at once


Vinnie: Bed Bath and Behind You
Celestine: Bed Bath and Beware

Dominic about Lenore: yeah she’s objectively attractive
Lenore about Nic: yeah he’s hot but only if you think of a German coal mine from 1882 that he’s forced to work in for his family of 12. He gives off that vibe.

Aurora on the internet: don’t ever call me op. You will address me by my full name
Ren: Obert Pobert
Atlas: Obiwan Penobi

Devon: Plastic surgery is just yassified taxidermy for alive things
Hayes: None of these words are in the Bible

Jesse: Hey, I’ve never had a nightmare before and kinda wanna know what they’re like, can you help me out?
Vinnie: sure! See you soon

Dante: Fellas, is it gay to be a man? I mean assuming an Aristotelian view of mind-body dualism, you’re literally inside a man at all times :thinking:
Inessa: Aristotle would have wanted this

Hayes: One day I will. Then you will see. You will all fcking see.
Cayenne: my eye doctor said this

Vinnie to amani: fight me. gets on one knee pulls out ring. fight me for the rest of our lives

Arya: Live. (Love and laugh sold separately)

Amani: conditioning my opponent
Vinnie: Shampooing my opponent
Both: We’re making out in the shower

Amani: kids don’t fall down wells like they used to
Celestine: it’s that damn phone

Atlas’ alcoholic mom selling him to one direction: you go girl! And don’t come back!

Adrian Dear: pasta fcks.
Lenore and Hayes: we prefer the term italian

Celestine: I prepared a nice hot bath for you
Esther: me? Well, thanks! starts climbing in fully clothed
Celestine: begins slicing carrots, amongst other vegetables into the water behind your back

Inessa: white boys be like “I’m gonna make you come so hard”
Arya: to my senses, maybe

Atlas: you would not believe your ass. If ten million largemouth bass

Inessa: “your mental illness is all in your head.” Where did you think it was? My ass?
Thalia: mental illness is stored in the balls
Renlin: mental illness is the powerhouse of the cell



This is kinda hot ngl

WTF :sob:


I choked


Shts expensive


True tho

Why is atlas quoting me




He’s unoriginal smh



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