Ninth House | Chat

Hey, don’t judge Dante’s sunglasses :triumph:

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Are Dom and Tae about to fight over who’s a bigger twink

Come onn I can’t tell you everything

You’ll see

You’re under the illusion that it’s not

Tbf Dante doesn’t dress bad

It’s just an offense to Celestine

It’s the everything, I don’t even know where to start



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Oof, somehow I managed to break my public transport card that allows me to travel for free. I’m not sure if it would still work or not, but like it’s fully broken basically. And I need to go to uni tomorrow for quite an important meeting. So I either need a whole lot of luck the chip isn’t damaged and I can go to uni, or pay a fortune to get there tomorrow, or skip out on going to uni :sob:


i wheezed

you havent told me ANYTHING
what i know is cos i figured it out myself





celly and amani


portrait of two children who are friends, both girls, one with red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, and the other with brown skin, black hair, and green eyes. Image 2 of 4

portrait of two children who are friends, both girls, one with red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin, and the other with brown skin, black hair, and green eyes. Image 4 of 4



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vinnie is up
mona soon
then i read

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Love this :skull:


hows my gf doing

Lenore is the least Engima person i know I really wonder how eing in Engima feels for her except for her liking all of them there

Tae seo not the half full name :sob:

man cant even call him a dunan

Ren should really start keeping quiet

we got the cousins fight before we got gta6

umbra is getting so interesting with their fights

and yet y’all fighting each other


she didn’t say much :roll_eyes:


bruh its really going to leave him so bruised




“I bet your parents killed themselves because of you” was just chill

Too bad!!

Let’s just hope the vision doesn’t manifest!!



Genuinely curious, what makes you say that


As if Tae isn’t just as much a Duman as he is :roll_eyes:


I agree with what Kristi said tbh. I think Lenore gives me more Quantum vibes than Enigma

incorrect quotes

Hayes; I’ll do what I want when I’m 80
Lenore: if you’re still alive by 80 I’ll need a medical explanation

Renlin: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.

Vinnie: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you.

Dom: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-

Esther: Hi I’m your medic and I’ll be drawing your blood today, as soon as I finish this capri sun

Esther: misses the hole four times then finally punches the straw through the side

Lyra; sweating PRICE

[at Chadton funeral]

Vinnie: places his hand on the coffin and sobs

Vinnie: How could you do this to me? We are so understaffed.

Devon: crying It was so hard! I couldn’t take it man!

Agastaya: patting her on the back Yeah life can be hard sometimes.

Devon: Life?

Thalia: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?

Desdemona: AS ENEMIES?!

Atlas: “oh no we’re all doomed by the narrative”
Atlas: Maybe you are. I’m the narrative’s favorite.

Atlas:* Update: Turns out this is not a good thing for me.

during aminie bestie era

Vinnie: As your best friend—
Amani: Celestine is my best friend.
Vinnie, holding a knife: As your best friend—

Tae: I’m gonna kick your ass
Renlin: I’d like to see you try
Tae: Saturday. Noon. Usual place
Renlin: Deal. Loser pays for dinner and a movie.
Isaac in his grave; Can y’all act like normal cousins??

Ayla: Tell Lyra about the birds and the bees.
Cayenne: They’re disappearing at an alarming rate.

Hayes: Sorry for the mess.
Inessa: What? This place is spotless.
Hayes: I meant me. I’m the mess.

Hayes: my ex gf doesn’t trust me anymore.
Hayes: ok so like sure I poisoned her, I fought with her over her choices, and I said some shxtty stuff
Hayes: but… but
Hayes: I’m just a male capricorn :heart: I was doomed by the narrative (God, my birthday)

Cayenne : I’m no carpenter but I wouldn’t mind taking care of your morning wood.

Elijah : I’m no interior designer but I wouldn’t mind rearranging your insides.

Raven : I’m not suicidal but I wouldn’t mind dying.

Floriano: sometimes I cheat in uno


Floriano: so I win

Aurora: win what, dishonor

Flori: STOPP

Casey: stop dishonoring yourself

Amani: I’m gonna need a human skull, but you can’t ask why

Jesse: Only if you don’t ask why.

Jesse: pulls four pristine human skulls out of his bag Choose one.

Amani: …


**Amani :**picks one This one will do.

Esther: Atlas, I’m sad.
Atlas: Holds out arms for a hug It’s going to be okay.

Thalia: Freya, I’m sad.
Freya, nodding: mood.

Dante: Math is kicking my ass. Do you ever have that one class that depresses you just by thinking about it?

Celestine: * The bourgeoisie.

Thalia: I like your new pants!

Freya: Thanks, they were 50% off!

Thalia: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. winks

Freya: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.

Thalia: That’s… not what I meant.

Freya: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Thalia.

Renlin: We have a problem.

Inessa: Let me guess you caused this

Thalia : Gimme a sec, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this yet.

Raven: And it’s another Tuesday, your point?

Tae: Would shooting you solve this problem ? No ? Then shut up.

Vinnie: If you mean the murder, that’s our solution to last week’s problem.

Tae: what do you mean by murder? You killed someone?

Renlin, looks at the others: guys we have another problem

Dante: people who sleep with socks are weird

Tae: people who don’t sleep with socks are weird

Renlin: people who sleep are weird
Jesse, drunk: I was a sock, once

Vinnie: What if the ‘g’ in ‘gif’ is silent?
Arya: go to fcking sleep

Vinnie: what gif I don’t want to?

Arya: fck you


they going to kill each other in umbra :broken_heart:

just little things

please not his face, you can hit the rest of his body

and please not his dck too




Bye :joy:


Actually she kinda gives enigma when I think about it

but she also doesn’t really have the over the top vibe that I steorotype enigma to have



like len could be a good musician, but I feel like for performing on stage especially if she was doing it solo she would have major social anxiety


I see what you’re saying with that yes. Like I think she could be good at music but idk, my impression of her is that it wouldn’t really be where her comfort zone is and maybe it’s her having reading as a hobby, but she’s just so Quantum coded in my mind

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Idk, this got me thinking about Lyra tho and whether she would be comfortable with performing. And I think so, I see Lyra as a generally somewhat shy person, but she has that shy confidence and I think on stage she could actually really blossom especially when it’s a music related performance