Ninth House | Chat

Am I right


Post a typical Snapchat thing
I wanna see twerking
I wanna see fight videos
I wanna see happy birthday posts!!


Okay let me see what I got


rbo time but i need opinions
i have lots of ideas for what to write about
so i need yall to choose

  • characters as planets (ik theres more characters than planets but we can group them!)
  • how are the characters in bed? (my dck jokes are usually funny so maybe)
  • smash or pass but its a character vs their own fc (ex: i have to choose to smash either ren or jacob elordi and then pass the other)
  • characters as psychological disorders
0 voters

Still I’m curiousss

I never said he did anything

But who knows

Maybe he did

You know a part of it

I wanted a meme account at first but I think this is more flexible?



How am I supposed to choose one :sob:


so real


Someone break the tie pleek


Ok so
Bad thing is bad
But not all his fault

Yup ok
I think ik

That way u can do both memes and pictures


You’ll see

I’m not really too secretive about dom tbh


I settled on the song I was doing

send my love


plot would kind of go hard


For the choreo?


Also I’m sorryyyyyy I swear I’ll get to finishing my post tomorrow I’m on it I swear I wrote a bunch of it this mornimg

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Ughhhhh :face_vomiting: This bus ride home from campus is the most triggering thing ever. I couldn’t even share here on a public thread what I just witnessed


This is the most Seung-Min-esque video of Wonwoo I’ve ever seen


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ok so
my progress deleted but its ok cos i had only gotten thru one person
anyway!! time for characters in bed you little freaks
i knew that one would win but i wanted to test it lmao
PART ONE!! part 2 soon

read at your own discretion

so preface- i wont be saying mona nor vinnie bc that would be me just telling you yanno, there would be no guessing involved. also u already saw some of what vinnies like :skull:

anyway im not doing this in order bc why would i this is an anarchy

so dommy mommy- dominic valliant for the uninformed. anyway HES real interesting bc hes written by an asexual so i dont think spoon had an initial vision for how he would behave sexually. anyway i stand by my chronically online cat-girl dating theory. hes the type of guy to have a discord daddy x kitten vibe with a girl BUT IN A MORE less disgusting way. like loserboy x kitten. like dom gets called daddy not because it turns him on but mostly just because he already practically raised himself and pays taxes (even tho i headcannon hes on the run from the irs) but yeah hes the guy where in public you kinda have to drag him around places by holding his hand. and then in private he calls you mommy but you have to be really feminine and like wear skirts. hes also that guy who might like sexual multitasking like getting head while hes on a zoom meeting and hes trying not to moan and stuff

so anyway then who elseeeeeee
i think im just gonna get my crushes out of the way rn bc theyre the ones i perceive in the most innately sexual way

so hayesy- hayesy hayesy hayesy. so hes definitely a fan of cowgirl. he just has that depressed guy cowgirl loving energy where he likes to watch you on top of him and praise you and stuff. his voice sounds tired too- its kind of morning sex energy but he specifically isnt a huge morning sex guy. cos like when he wakes up he already just wants to go back to sleep LMAO. i feel like he might do some strange things during high sex too like thats when hes most down to plow. the sativa got him thinking you need help (more than he already thinks that with this poisoning ahh behavior) and so he does all the work. the type of guy to have pillows/blankets in case yall arent in a bedroom setting when it happens. so sad hes demi. inessa have fun.

so amani - amani was the one i already did and it deleted but yes anyway the gist of it was a. weve seen her in a sexual context BUT MIND YOU shes bisexual soooooo we havent seen her in a gay sexual context. personally i think shes scrumptious both ways bc in one context shes so wifey like plays difficult but ultimately so submissive which is the ideal mate tbh BUT in the other context shes def more dominant with girls. tho i dont think she could top arya idk. anyway yes femdoms :heart_eyes: i think shes def very sensual and def degrades girls both to be mean and cos it turns her on which I LOVE THE COMBO. leaves scratch marks not bc she was struggling but bc she likes to claw at you ?? so much potential for my kinky lil office siren vibe roleplayer. also in the straight context i must say she would love anal. she just seems like she would have a really nice butthole ANYWAY the booty is also like insane anyway

aurora. isi you get both your characters in the first part bc i want both of them :heart::heart: anyway auroraaaaaa is probably a bit vanilla by nature tbh. i think she would try some things if you liked them but def naturally vanilla. and i think shes definitely one of the most submissive ppl in the whole rp save for lyra LMAO anyway. i dont think shes a missionary person tho, shes very like face-in-the-pillow vibes. but when she does do missionary though she looks at you like she loves you and that is PLAYING WITH FIRE in my opinion but shes just a sweetheart to me. on the other hand, I think she could be a it fun in like the playful way, like if you really win her over then she doesnt hold back, and just goes crazy but she does it with the intent to impress you and i think thats the sweet part about it. Also I feel like if you asked her to be slutty she would just start imitating a porn star and be like “ugh I just don’t have any money to pay for this pizza :weary:

Devon is next because Devon is definitely just a sexual creature overall. I think Devon actually goes insane like the heads gotta be BRAZY like I bet it feels like a toothless beast is just eating ur sht. She also would like show off her body in fun ways like she’s the trench coat trope yk she shows up at your apartment and is like guess what’s under this? :smirk: probably an exhibitionist too she def likes having an audience. I feel like she also may dabble in like corny old people things bc of her sugar daddies. She’s def dressed up as Princess Leia at least once. I also think she’s more of a giver than a receiver like she hates getting head but she loves giving it

Let’s do Kairooooo- so you know we support some bbc around here I SAY WITH LOVE and Kairo definitely has that. I think he has that finesser energy where he’s like sensual and romantic bc he senses that’s what the ladies like. And it’s true, the ladies do like that bc it’s this very outside of the box approach imo but it’s also like sensible and not whips and chains vibe at all. His sex playlist probably contains Bruno mars songs if I’m being so fr :sob: it’s like Versace on the floor type stuff LOL do u see what I mean mich. Anyway that’s my current scope of him bc remember things might change!!

Tae Seo Duman :hot_face::hot_face: hey papi. So rn taes confidence in his masculinity is likely not very strong bc he just lost a fight (sad) but!! Hear me out ok. So this is a gay man (we know from seung-min) and apparentlyyyyy word around the block is that he’s not completely a top which is INTERESTING. I think he’s more submissive than Leon for example bc i love comparing all cats men bc I want all of them except the gay gay ones but anyway more submissive than Leon, more dominant than finch. Definitely verse vibes. Which gives us options. This is also random but I think he probably gets sweaty easily. hm. lowk idk hes turned out more bottomy than I thought. he lowkey gives rope bunny vibes. PLOT TWIST WHAT IF HE LIKES BEING CHOKED HAHAHAH. hes like ren its usually seung-min who does this to me :nerd_face::point_up_2: LMFAOOO yeah he would anyway yes he also gives praisy vibes like he likes dropping to his knees for both genders and being like tell me what to do

anyway yeah then uhhhh Lyra!! lets see miss enigma stag. i did say she was the most submissive person in the rp even more than aurora bc i feel like aurora could still be bratty sometimes not lyra tho. lyra seems like she would do everythinggggg you say. also headcannon she def has rlly nice boobs like i just know. Also when she does stuff and shes tired she gets really flushed and stuff. Shes also the type of person that shakes like uncontrollably when shes about to finish like you borderline have to hold her down. Ok this is getting very graphic anyway shes like really virgincore. i doubt shes a virgin knowing how our rps work but like i just feel like every time she has sex her hymen just like grows back idk LMAO. she def has a breeding kink iykyk and tbh i dont think she would be against foot stuff idk. she would do something with feet.

Celestine is really interesting because I don’t really perceive her in that way at all. like shes one of those people who i cant imagine having sex. i think a part of this is that shes really proper and stuff. is she saving herself for marriage?? probably not, knowing how we rp around here but she totally could be and stuff. but i think she would really put her all into the things she did, just nothing too weird of course. celestine would definitely kinkshame you i fear. and i think she would probably get the ick from a guy if he ever acted remotely submissive. and in her head she would probably call him gay.

Ok so Freya. this might be bc ive only seen her converse briefly with hayes and then with thalia but i can only envision her doing gay stuff. shes so like cute awkward low pony lesbian. shes that girl who like hates being in the locker room bc she doesnt want to stare at anyone and stuff. i think sexuallyyyyyyy she gives also switch vibes like i dont think shes very top nor very bottom so ima put her in the middle and i think she would be into like different sensory “play” i guess stuff. like candle wax and stuff yes, that she would receive more but in terms of give she might be more sensory deprivation like i think she would want to blindfold you, she might get too shy to, but she would want to. also i headcannon that she likes milfs and has only ever watched lesbian porn because she hates the aggression of the straight version.

okkk raven. so this ones gonna be short bc idk her too well yet butttt im honestly shocked raven is straight. at first, she had given me more lgbtq vibes so im gonna stick to her being like dominant bc shes that for sure. i lowkey think she would be into poly things like i would say polyamory but that refers to romance so idk. pluralism we shall say. do yall know on the bdsm test where it ranks if ur a slave/slavemaster :sob: slavemaster meaning you have multiple “slaves”? thats raven. i also think she would be into bdsm in general bc they wear the fun leather outfits and its just a lot of sci fi novel style torture in general.

Ayla- lowkey ayla gives me OnlyFans vibes for some reason. idk i just feel like she has a linktree that would lead you to her account but like also what does the average OF post consist of? idk because ive never had any onlyfans subscriptions but she def gives that vibe where she would post bikini pictures and then be like $___ for more :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: LMAO sorry ayla its just your vibe but anyway i think she would be sexually very energetic or at least more than she is in her real life. like sex to her is something she recognizes as one of the things she should be good at so she puts alot of effort into it. i feel like she would also be into porny things like eating ass and tiddyfucking. she also definitely likes to make alot of eye contact because it feels more “correct” that way

Ren is a really interesting one bc usually maddy men have a very defined vibe about how they act sexually. maddy u freak. like your ayto guys were always very like traditional manly man sexy, you really went crazy with ilyas who is into some strange things- male submissive king. but tbh i think youve returned back to some of your roots with Renlin because i think that hes also more traditional. i think hes a little bit more cutesy than your standard man, but hes still probably as freaky as your standard man. i think you would probably find a way to make his dream thing involved in his kinks and stuff. oooohhhhh what if ren likes that waking up to being touched stuff. oh yes, i think he could totally wake someone up that way because its part of his internal desires to escape his dreams so doing that to other people could be liberating in multiple aspects.

Floriano - this will also be a short one bc i think we’ve gotten max two posts from him and idk if hes coming back :sob: but if he did a sex scene would be so good for him. he gives that vibe that he has a pisces mars, and he wears a lil chain that he dangles over your mouth. he would probably be into spit play tbh i think he would like the fluid aspect tho more than the humiliation part.