What? Explain?
Yes romance and then break ups and stuff we need
I need a lesbian romance for Lyra honestly
Wait wait Thalia and Hayes Convo plotline would eat
I’ve just spent two hours almost writing a Lyra post based around her specific outfit that I even photoshopped on the fc, only to realise what she’s wearing is way too similar to what someone else is already wearing
Probably should have checked the gen slides first
Anyways, I’m sure it doesn’t matter that much
Have Lyra say “one of us has to change”
Or match with them
I did check originally yesterday but honestly didn’t remember most outfits, but then today some idea popped up and I got super excited so I started working on the idea without checking again if someone had that idea already Only when I was basically done I checked again…
Lyra doing either of those things and especially with this character, it’s the funniest thing cause it’s super unrealistic
Shed probably be the one to change I fear
Yeah, 100% in this case
But idk, I’m doubting then if I would want this plot line or not
Or that I just change everything from the start now…
I would just change it lowk
It sucks tho
Cause it would mean having to photoshop a whole new outfit
And rewrite half of her post
But yeah it’s my own fault cause I should have checked before getting to excited
So guys which version of the outfit are we thinking for Vinnie
Basically my whole post tbh, cause the whole foundation this post was created on, it wouldn’t work anymore… Ughhh, I need to think about this a little bit
Renlin obviously
Tea noooo but yessss
Nooo have him start with the first and by the end of the night the second!!!