Y’all I just started my second semester and I’m already stressed af
I’m also doubling my specialization for CS and currently am taking 17 credits (5 classes)
Y’all I just started my second semester and I’m already stressed af
I’m also doubling my specialization for CS and currently am taking 17 credits (5 classes)
Good luckkk
Why does that look normal to me
This was third semester
I’m so glad I’ll never see this ever again
That looks terrible ngl
The max credits you can take without needing approval is 17
So that equates to around 5 or 6 classes
Oohh that’s kinda similar to ours
5 classes per semester but you can take 6 with approval
Did you take discrete math / discrete structures?
Class is actively praying on my downfall
Yeah it was mandatory for my major it’s awful
Some kind of abstract math
that’s the worst kind of math
I’m taking it right now, I be struggling to stay awake
Nooo good luckk
It’s not that bad but they overcomplicated it on our exams
It seems straightforward for the most part, my prof is really good with practice material so I should do good
(i hope bc my gpa can not take anything lower than a b+)
My CS prof this semester is really nice, but she’s fast paced compared to the other profs. I don’t have an issue with the current material because we just started the semester and only learned like loops, inputs, conditionals, formatting, and like that’s it. Pretty easy so far but like I said the same thing last semester
This was yesterday’s assignment, it took me 20 mins i think (because I can’t read or spell) but I think i did good
Also this is so embarrassing but like when we first learned the println statement I kept typing printIn (capital i) and I wanted to cry when my program had errors on almost every line
Once this week ends
Bc this week has been nightmarish
I missed all of last week bc I had to fly to Mexico
And now I’m paying the price
Second semester has been so rough
How are u alive
Yesss real
My gpa has suffered