Ninth House | Miscellaneous


End of Previous School Year

Dante absorbed Dominic’s wary demeanor with a knowing glint in his eyes, acknowledging the palpable tension that hung between them like a veil. He recognized the flicker of fear beneath Dominic’s facade, mingled with an undeniable curiosity that mirrored his own intrigue.

As Dominic’s words danced on the edge of accusation and uncertainty, Dante’s grin widened slightly, a silent acknowledgment of the power play that had unfolded between them. He could sense Dominic’s hesitance, his struggle to decipher the enigma that was Dante’s persona.

However, when Dominic hinted at a deeper understanding of the magical world, the dynamics shifted. Dante regarded Dominic with a newfound respect, sensing a kindred spirit in the midst of their cryptic exchange. The tension between them seemed to soften as mutual understanding dawned.

“You’ve got a keen eye, my friend,” Dante admitted, the casual confidence still present. “It takes one to recognize another. Magic runs in my veins, and I have a feeling you’re not a stranger to it either. Maybe it’s time we stopped playing the mystery game and had a real conversation.”

He offered a lazy grin, his demeanor relaxed as ever, showing his ease with the revelation.

“Now that the cards are on the table, so to speak,” Dante continued, his voice taking on a more contemplative tone. “Maybe there’s something we can learn from each other. What do you say?”

He took a small step closer, the playful smirk replaced with a genuine curiosity. “So, what’s your story? What kind of magic runs in your blood?” Dante’s directness mirrored the unspoken agreement that their encounter had brought them into a shared realm of understanding.

@idiot.exe - Dominic


Dominic Vaillant

Towards the end of the previous year

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The man’s confession had confirmed Dominic’s suspicions, and he immediately felt as if a weight had been lifted off his chest. He sighed quietly, feeling the tension leave his body as his muscles slowly relaxed. Once they’d both dropped their cryptic exchange, Dominic finally felt he could breathe. His bet had paid off for once. A small smile formed at the corners of his lips, but he quickly suppressed it. He couldn’t allow himself to let his guard down just yet, even if the encounter had a different energy to it.

“So I was correct, the two of us aren’t too different.” Dominic glanced from side to side, making sure there’s no prying eyes on him. After confirming they were alone, he leaned forward and spoke in a quieter tone. “I never thought I’d meet another person with magic in their blood. It’s awful, isn’t it? How we’re cursed to deal with this burden our whole lives,” he let out a bitter chuckle. “So tell me, what could we possibly learn from each other?” Dominic asked, raising a brow.

He sighed, looking down in contemplation as he considered the man’s question. He wasn’t yet sure how much he could reveal. But as he thought back to the beginning of their encounter, Dominic already knew a bit about the stranger’s abilities. It was only fair to reveal something about himself. “I have the power to manipulate shadows. But I’m not too keen on practicing it, you never know what could go wrong with something so unpredictable,” he explained, looking back into the man’s eyes. It was strange, how all the intensity from earlier seemed to disappear once they both knew the truth. “What about you? You could teleport, if I’m understanding correctly. But is that all?” he asked. Their exhange had made him curious about what’s missing in his knowledge of magic.

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@Jass ⋅𖥔⋅ Dante Blackwell

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celestine beaumont

Roughly 5 years Ago - Beaumont’s Estate


Entertained by Atlas’ playful personality, she only giggled at his remarks for the his family’s performances. With the correct manner of such coyness and mystique, she made sure to act entertained that corresponded to his body language and current behavior, “Such intrigue! You truly know how to keep a woman in her toes. I’m truly dying on your family’s arrangements.”

To Celestine’s ears she had perfectly executed manners to make sure that her guests were entertained and kept comforted by words that they needed to hear. She felt a sense of pride, a giddy feeling that she had successfully applied lessons her mother had shoved in her head. All the years of social etiquette and manners had played well enough for her, and lost in the thought of her perfectly played out actions she had played, she simply nodded to Atlas’ remarks and looked back at the platform as she spaced back out to lessons to scan what other scenarios that may happen and its rationale actions. With Atlas spotting his family, she looked back at him as she responded, “That is true, I still do wonder what they’re next set will be…” With a slight pause, she reminisced something that happened quite similar to a performance in the same platform, “You know, a few years back, there was a family invited to play on some performances just like your family did, and what they gave was spectacular. During the middle of the performance, it was as if they played alongside Bach himself! I heard of a method they mentioned, Pepper’s Ghost, but who knows they might also used their illusionary abilites to enhance it. Not to discard anything, just a memory I recalled a few years back.”

What was once a steady application of her etiquette skills faltered with just a view of her looks and failing to compromise to save face. Her shame was obvious as she had lost the color of her cheeks, shocked and lost in the thought of failing something so simple and concise. If someone were to see this, especially someone of great influence, she would be stomped to submission and be hidden in future gatherings. Her train of thought lost in the thoughts of ‘what ifs’ and ‘what should I have done’. Atlas, trying to comfort with his laugh did not solace her. That look of worry soon mixed in with her annoyance, she thought to herself, of course he won’t know, not like he knows the world I live in. The more he spoke of his failure to see what is wrong with her felt a hard stab that irked her, her expression darkened as she looked at him silently, I looked as if I have seen a ghost! I lack the pigment to event strive this vibrancy of pink, even worse with hair noticeable to the crowd! Thank god the lighting here isn’t strong! It would seem that she had calmed down as he asked what she would’ve worn at the event, had it been her choice. Better. She sighed and looked back at the platform, pointing at the blue paintings around the walls, “Well, have you ever wondered the cobalt-crafted decor, the murals ever so painted in blue, the florals consisting of delphiniums? Well, this is called The Blue Palace. Used to be a different estate, this one. A place owned by a duke, but he was proud enough to bet on this estate during a gamble. Knowing you step on our ground, you surely know the ending. Once this estate became a blank canvas, my father broke a piece of china with the most beautifully painted depictions of Ancient China. That cobalt hue became an inspiration for its decor, thanks to my father. And before you say anything, yes, I was supposed to wear a blue gown. Though it was cornflower, than cobalt, I may add.”

That disastrous moment passed, and she found herself in a much more comfortable position than she was before. She wasn’t thinking about the heavy etiquette nor her appearances, but rather just talking life as if she was talking to a familiar friend. She still does feel that she had shared far too much for her liking, but had simply let go as to not make any sort of scene that could be worthy of a spectacle. Sharing her experiences, she was left surprised at what he had said. With a small curve in her mouth, she reassured him, “I know, it was… not the best place I was in. Thinking about it, I had the most exposure due to being… a favorite. Thank the heavens that the people I met could never actually hurt a child, but a figure always said to me that this is practice. Even they have had the same experience as me, once a young flower learning to dance the deadliest dance until they can perform it in their sleep.” She paused, with the waiter serving drinks. With a look, she pulled a silver hairpin as she dipped the liquid, the metal turned black and she spilled it across the marble floor, she smiled back at him, “But I urge you to find beauty in this estate, this isn’t my whole life, just a spackle of it. Like I said, if you pity me, you pity all of the guests here, and not all of them are worthy of your trust. Besides, parties are faux pas, people prefer tea parties. Manageable, set in the morning.”

With Atlas’ curiosity piqued at her quip on a scheme, she simply giggled. Another waiter passed by, with another set of drinks. This time served on a pewter plate underneath. Grabbing the drink, she found an empty note and jotted down 135JH as she placed the drink back on the plate. With a gentle nod, she excitedly went closer to him as she whispered, “You will see, just not at this time. The night is still young, after all.”

In the momentary passing, as intermission came to a close with the struck of a bell, she knew she had to go away for a while. It was nauseating to be in a place where you could be stuck in any move you make. And with her making a request to Atlas, she gleefully took his hand and went outside the ballroom. Not one word uttered by her as she looked left and right to see the hallways, checking for landmarks to see the desired location. After a while, she let go of Atlas’ hand as she went closer to a statuette and turned it 35 degrees. A secret door. A shortcut. Making sure no one saw the scene, she quickly directed Atlas to go inside. It was slightly dark, but you could make out the scenes happening around them. Arguing, planning, kissing, and fighting were surrounding them until it went silent. They went out of the secret door, and found themselves near some stairs. Going up, it seems as though they went back to square 1, but it was all just hallways. Until they turned to a corridor and opened a door, she sighed in relief, “Finally! This is my room, a little frilly for my taste, but it is where I can wind up a bit. We could’ve just went normally through the stairs but… I wanted to show off that door, and also there might be people that would’ve misinterpret of why you went to my room.”

It was a frilly room, all decorated in powder blue. Spacious and wide, it could feel comforting or lonely depending on how she feels. This time, it was nice to have someone who she can talk for a while, away from prying eyes. She pointed the blue dress on her bed on her initial outfit, as she went near the dresser to touch up on her makeup. But the most excited part she wanted to show off was her extensive vintage vinyl collection, alongside a cute heart shaped record player. The Chiffons, how about Tonight I Met An Angel? With a giddy walk, she played the record and sat down to a chair, “So, whattaya think? I know its a little too girly, but I think you already know that by how I style my hair. And you know, I always wanna share my music but… mother says I don’t really have the taste of a teenager so… can’t relate!” She paused, looking a bit guilty as she remebered his look from before, “Y’know, I apologize for pullin’ you here. I just… don’t like going there for a while. And if you’re worried in not seeing your parents performing, they’re not like the only ones playing. Promise! There are others and they’re not really stellar, just the same old acrobats and choreographed dancing. If I know my mother, she invited your mother to unwind and stay a while, with one comment away from pulling each other’s hair.”


@idiot.exe - Atlas Theodore Alstone

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Dante leaned back, absorbing Dominic’s revelations with a mixture of intrigue and understanding. He recognized the weight of Dominic’s words, the burden of carrying magic, and the relief in finding someone who shared a similar experience.

“Yeah, I get what you mean,” Dante said, his tone casual yet empathetic. “It’s not easy navigating this whole magic thing, especially when you feel like you’re the only one who sees it differently.” Dante thought back to once upon a time, before he went to Ninth House. Sure, it had been figured out quite early that Dante was magical, but in his first years of magical school, he felt like he didn’t belong in the magic world. All these kids around him had grown up in a magical family, while he had been the first in his family who possessed magic. It was this whole conflict between two world almost, and he felt in Dominic he had found someone who would understand that. Dominic seemed as clueless about the magical world as Dante had felt at one point, and still felt from time to time.

When he asked what they could learn from each other, Dante said, “Well, for starters, I can tell you that there is a whole magical community and school for magic, Ninth House, it’s the academy I’m -” He chuckled a bit knowing he wouldn’t be the best spokesperson or representation for the school, “I’m currently skipping a class from to be here. It’s not too bad tho,” he quickly added, “Made some dope friends there and the school itself is quite cool!”

Leaning back slightly, Dante regarded Dominic with a twinkle in his eye. “Manipulating shadows, huh? Now that’s intriguing, let that be Umbra’s signature magic” He was quite sure Dominic wouldn’t understand what he had said and what the implications were of that being his natural power, but subconciously it made Dante feel even more connected with this guy. His demeanor remained casual however as he continued talking, “As for me, my natural powers?” he said rhetorically not expecting any answer, “I have the power to teleport and that of brief moments of invisibility. At Ninth House, however, I dabbled in a bit of everything - photokinetic resonance, shadow manipulation, alchemy, and a touch of magical psychology.” He met Dominic’s gaze directly, his expression relaxed yet playful, “There is a whole world for you to discover, it seems.”

@idiot.exe - Dominic


Atlas Theodore Alstone

Roughly 5 years ago ~ Beaumont’s estate


Atlas’s lips curved into a smirk, hearing how he managed to create an air of mystery around their performance. Celestine’s reaction sounded positive enough, a good recovery from the embarrassing introduction. From her comments, she seemed interested in their next set as well. “As I said, you’ll find out soon enough,” he replied, still refusing to give out any details.

When Celestine began telling her story, Atlas listened with growing curiousity. His eyes shined in awe, imagining the scenario unfolding in front of him. He wanted to take note of their technique — Pepper’s Ghost, as she called it. Atlas wasn’t quite familiar with it, but he’d heard of similar illusionary tricks. “They caught my interest,” he said, his smile unfading. “I would’ve loved to watch that performance, it sounds like a once in a lifetime experience.”

But his calm and lighthearted demeanor didn’t last long. When Celestine’s expression turned dark and she shot him a glare, Atlas smiled awkwardly. He looked away, furrowing his brows slightly. All of a sudden the collar of his shirt felt tight. It was a topic he lacked knowledge and experience in. Just the etiquette of these events and the way you’re supposed to dress, fashion and color coordination — he was clueless. Though he’d hoped joking would ease the tension, it only seemed to make things worse.

As she continued by answering his question about her intended outfit, Atlas sighed in relief. A slight change in topic, taking attention away from his mistake. He listened to her tell another story, this time the history of the palace. As she spoke about its decor, he glanced around and tried to imagine what it had looked like during the duke’s time. The people around him faded away. The walls and pillars became devoid of blue, with completely different paintings and furniture. He’d spent a while just looking around, barely even noticing that Celestine had finished talking. Atlas let then the image in his mind fade, slowly coloring the estate to its current look. As he returned back to the conversation, he looked back at the girl. “It was a good choice, painting everything blue,” he commented. “It’s a unique palace and really stands out. From the moment I came here, I thought I could spend all day just wandering around,” he smiled, attempting to bring back the positive tone. He then returned to the topic of her outfit, hoping he’d recover from his mistake. “I’m sorry you couldn’t wear the color you want. And for joking about it, I didn’t know it meant so much to you,” he added, his tone softening.

Hearing Celestine open up about her past experience made Atlas feel she was beginning to trust him. He hadn’t failed at making a good impression yet. Continuing to listen, he gave her a sympathetic smile and nod. Though it was all foreign to Atlas, he wanted to understand her struggles the best he could. And by extension, understand her. “I see now there’s a whole hidden world that I never even knew of. What you’re describing sounds like it’s straight out of a movie! And to think it happens in reality? I never would’ve guessed,” he let out an empty laugh. “At least, I know now. Not to make light of your situation though, again I’m sorry you ever had to go through that. And… Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me.” Atlas just couldn’t believe that people could be so cruel, that their kindness was all an act. To go as far as to hurt others without any remorse, treating connections like some strategy, people like pawns. But in a strange way, it was familiar. To look around himself and see merely an illusion in every person. Atlas showed understanding, yet none of it sunk in yet.

Until, in the blink of an eye, Celestine spilled liquid all over the floor. She was holding a hairpin which changes color, showing she was prepared for this situation. Atlas’s mouth was hanging open, his eyes darting around from the waiter to Celestine. She continued to speak with a smile, as if nothing had happened. But Atlas felt like his brain froze, nodding even though he could barely understand her. As the waiter passed, he pointed at the drink on the ground, no words leaving him.

And that wasn’t the only strange encounter. It seemed waiters played a crucial role in this game. Atlas watched in silence as Celestine noted something down and handed it over. He knew, at that point, he should start getting used to unpredictable and unusual events following. All he could do was stare, blinking rapidly in disbelief. The person in front of him, the one he’d been talking for a good while, was truly a stranger. She had schemes of her own and Atlas didn’t even want to think about what she’s hiding. He smiled awkwardly, but all he could think was What am I getting myself into?


With the bells cutting their conversation short, Atlas shook his confusion off and followed after Celestine. He let her lead him through the crowd, across the hallways, until they made it to a statuette. He stayed silent as to not catch people’s attention and only observed her. As they entered the passage, he looked around the place in awe. There were so many people hiding in the room; the more secrets Atlas learnt, the more he realized he knew next to nothing about this life. He carried on, up the stairs and to another corridor. Atlas wasn’t sure when to speak up, so he only waited for Celestine to begin. When she pushed open a door and relaxed, it signalled that they were finally safe. Atlas sighed in relief as well, realizing he no longer had to strain himself.

He smiled again, looking around the room. “Ooh, it looks fancy,” he commented. “I think I prefer this way rather than taking the stairs. It’s much more interesting.” It only made him feel more like he’d entered a new world. “What’s there to misunderstand about me going to your room? I’m clearly here to assassinate you…” he paused. “…With my horrible jokes.” He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

Atlas stood awkwardly by the bed as Celestine did her makeup. He looked at the dress. “Oh, I see what you mean now, blue is a nicer color. As for your room, I see nothing wrong with it. I’m honestly just… Kind of in shock about everything that happened since I started talking to you,” he laughed. “A poisoned drink, secret note… Some heist? My brain isn’t working…” He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to focus on the music playing. It was… Unique… Interesting. Atlas didn’t know what to say. Through a strained smile, he asked, “What is this? I’ve never heard this song before…”

Though he was a bit upset about missing upcoming performances and learning from their skills, Atlas knew he had to let go. There were other days for that, but learning about the life of someone like Celestine was once in a lifetime. One thing he wouldn’t miss, though, was their mothers’ bickering. “Don’t worry about me! I’m not upset, I’m actually glad you showed me this. But speaking of, are you feeling better now?”


@cordyx Celestine Beaumont


Dominic Vaillant

End of the previous school year

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Dominic raised a brow when the man showed understanding of his struggles. His tone was empathetic, as if speaking from experience. “You really understand?” he asked, keeping his voice calm yet tinged with doubt. The man seemed to have no worries, carelessly flaunting his powers in public. And he seemed skilled, at that. Far from Dominic’s level of experience. “I wonder, what’s your perspective on this? I don’t believe you’d have trouble managing your magic.”

As he began to speak about a magic academy, Dominic furrowed his brows in confusion. His jaw dropped and he stared in silence, trying to process the news. Dominic never would’ve assumed there was a whole community of people like him. His grandparents were the only family he knew and there was no sign of his parents. None of his friends or acquaintances ever spoke of magic. And yet he wanted to believe those words. It made him feel a little less alone in a world he never fit in with. “Ninth House? And this place really exists?” he asked, needing confirmation. It sounded unreal, almost as if the man was playing with him. If Dominic hadn’t seen his powers with his own eyes, he would’ve assumed it was a lie. “How serious is the education? Considering you’re skipping class, I’m having doubts…” He had so many questions, so many things he was dying to know. “Is it the only community out there? I don’t have the faintest clue how many of us exist.”

Hearing the comment on his shadow manipulation made Dominic even more confused. But it also intrigued him, to slowly learn more and more about this hidden world. “Umbra, as in the latin word for shadow? Is that how people with this curse— excuse me, abilities, are called?” he asked. As the man told the difference between his “natural powers” and those he learnt, Dominic nodded intently. It was something that stood out to him in particular. “So there’s a way to expand on the type of magic you use. And, you’re implying that shadow manipulation is what comes naturally to me?”

There was so much new information coming all at once, he hadn’t even processed half. His mind felt foggy and dazed. It was the first time in years he’d spoken so much, actively engaged. “There… There really is a lot,” he sighed, putting his hand on his forehead. “And you’re sure you’re not delusional? This really exists?” he asked, feeling the need to verify.

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@Jass ⋅𖥔⋅ Dante Blackwell

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Dante observed Dominic’s reaction with a mixture of understanding and amusement. It was clear that Dominic was grappling with a flood of new information, his world shifting beneath his feet as he tried to make sense of it all. Dante could relate to that feeling of overwhelming discovery, the moment when the veil of ignorance was lifted, revealing a hidden reality.

“Believe it or not, magic came as quite a surprise to me too,” Dante confessed, his tone carrying a hint of nostalgia. “I wasn’t raised in a magical family or anything like that. It was more of a ‘voila, you’ve got magical powers’ kind of situation.” He continued with a casual shrug, emphasizing his nonchalant attitude towards magic while still recognizing its weight. "At first, I didn’t really know what to make of it. It was like being handed this whole new world to explore, but without a map or anything. Pretty wild, right?" Dante then offered a reassuring smile, attempting to alleviate some of Dominic’s doubts. “But hey, you’re not alone in feeling like this. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of ‘what the heck do I do with this’ moments. It’s all part of the magic journey, I guess. It’s a responsibility, a burden in its own way. You gotta learn to wield it, tame it, make it your own.” That was exactly what Dante was doing, he did not care much about the magic as it was taught at the school, no, he found his own ways to apply it.

Dante continued, his tone gentle yet confident. “It’s a lot to take in, I know. But believe me, Ninth House is as real as it gets.” He paused for a moment, allowing Dominic’s disbelief to settle before continuing. “The education? Well, let’s just say it’s as serious as you want it to be,” Dante remarked, a hint of mischief in his voice. “Skipping class? That’s just me being me. But there are plenty of dedicated students there, if you’re into that sort of thing.” He then confirmed, “But there’s a whole world of magic, it extends far beyond the school. So yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not the only school around.”

As Dominic expressed his curiosity about the implications of his shadow manipulation, Dante nodded in understanding. “Umbra, Latin for shadow indeed,” he confirmed, his expression thoughtful. “Shadow manipulation is at the core of the Umbra Coven, one of the four houses at Ninth House. And yeah, some abilities come more naturally to certain people, but you can also learn magical skills. It’s like finding your own groove in the symphony of magic.”

Dante’s demeanor remained casual, his confidence unwavering even in the face of Dominic’s skepticism. “Trust me, you’re not delusional,” he reassured, a genuine sincerity underlying his words. “This world, our world, it’s been hiding in plain sight all along. And now that you’ve seen it, there’s no turning back.” With a reassuring smile, Dante extended a hand towards Dominic. “Welcome to the club. The adventure’s just beginning.”

@idiot.exe - Dominic

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Copy of Black Minimal Motivation Quote LinkedIn Banner (1)

{ office / last year with a student }
•┈┈┈ ⋅ ∙ ∘ ⋆˖⁺⋆ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ┈┈┈•

The night had cloaked Ninth House in blackness. Seated behind the desk, Adrian Dear gazed out of the window that framed the darkness beyond. His office was bathed in the muted glow of flickering candlelight. Books and an array of antique artifacts, each holding a story of power and ambition, occupied his shelves. A mahogany desk with its polished surface reflected the subtle play of light and shadow on which he was tapping his fingers. While his gaze was fixated on the blackness beyond the window, that’s not where his attention was. Things have changed and each student, each professor within the halls was a pawn in the game he vowed to continue. Adrian’s posture, leaning back in his chair, detached from his surroundings, suggested a man lost in thoughts. The room exuded an atmosphere of power, but Adrian’s presence still seemed to amplify it.

Finally, as if something had triggered him, Adrian’s voice cut through the stillness, a whisper that seemed to emerge from the very shadows that surrounded him. “Remarkable,” he spoke up to a person, a student, whose presence he almost forgot about but was the reason why they were still there, in his office. There were things threatening the balance of the school and any help with stopping that from happening is more than useful. “As I already told you, I trust you more,” Adrian’s gaze, sharp as a blade, finally shifted from the window to settle upon his guest. His guest for some time will remain anonymous for they play a big role in his plans, but don’t let this scare or discourage you. Everyone you come across on the campus in one way or another is there for a reason.

“And there are matters that require our… special attention.” He leaned forward, elbows on the desk, intertwining his fingers. The flickering candlelight played on his features, casting an ominous glow on the contours of his face. “I know I can trust you with this, you see… There’s someone I need you to keep a watchful eye on. Someone who could sway the balance we’ve established. And it’s a very delicate balance, won’t you say?” He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle in the room. “Your loyalty to Ninth House, to our legacy, is important. Can you bear the responsibility of ensuring that our interests remain protected? Now… I don’t mean to scare you, I trust you, there are just some small things I would like you to do for me. Do you understand?” Adrian’s body language remained poised, the aura of authority around him like an invisible cloak. He leaned back in his chair, fingers still entwined, a subtle gesture signaling the conclusion of the conversation.

“I trust you understand the importance of subtlety. You can go now.”


Dominic Vaillant

End of the previous school year

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“No, I believe it. You wouldn’t be the only anomaly in a family of regular people,” Dominic sighed, unable to believe the conversation he was having. His whole life he’d felt like an outcast, but hearing mentions of magical families, schools, communities only made him realize that there was a whole other world hidden from his eyes. No matter how much reassurance he got, it still sounded like a trick. But what could this man gain from lying? Dominic continued, “I’m sure you could tell by now that I’m no different from you. Nobody in my family has these abilities, and they never thought to inform me of their existence either.” At least, not directly. He was only a child when his eyes opened to forbidden knowledge, uncovering his own magical abilities. And back then, he thought of it as a blessing. If only he knew just why he was kept away from it all.

There was a reason Dominic had tried to suppress his own powers. Yet meeting another person like him freed him from his burdens, even for a moment. His curiosity won over his cautiousness, and Dominic was back to playing a dangerous game. As the conversation seemed to take a while already, he leaned down and placed the flour on the ground. His arm felt numb and his muscles ached just from holding it for a few minutes. When did things get this way? He used to be… With another tired sigh, he looked back up at Dante. “You mentioned magical families? That makes much more sense than what you and I have experienced. These powers couldn’t have come out of nowhere, so how is it possible for us to possess them?” he asked, crossing his arms. Though he was already aware of the answer himself, he couldn’t trust a near-stranger with it. Maybe if he played along as clueless, he’d get additional information out of the man.

“Alright, I’ll believe you about this Ninth House you speak of,” Dominic replied, taking a step forward. “Ironic I’m getting news for it from an irregular student, but I’m not going to complain. As long as the institution isn’t full of people like you, because then I might have to consider the alternatives,” he remarked, the corner of his lips curving into a slight smirk. Though once a skeptic, Dominic was beginning to actually consider accepting the opportunity. In front of him lied answers to questions he’d been seeking to answer his entire life. He could finally find belonging among like-minded people. He could see the potential in his own magic, rather than dwelling on the danger. Dominic took a deep breath. “I’m going to assume this is the closest option. Where is it located?”

His question regarding the Umbra Coven was answered, proving him correct. Dominic nodded, listening as the man explained. More information was revealed to him — one being that shadow manipulation wasn’t as uncommon as he was made to believe, and two that magic was indeed adaptable. But it posed the question, were these shadows Dominic’s natural ability? Was there really a way to escape the darkness and reinvent a whole part of himself? He hummed in thought, before continuing. “Four houses, I see. I’m assuming the Umbra Coven would be a perfect fit for me,” Dominic observed. “What about you, do you fall under a specific house?” he asked, hoping to gather more information.

All of this truly wasn’t a delusion, it was reality that such a world existed hidden in plain sight. And to have all his doubts confirmed by this man, it almost felt nostalgic. As if Dominic was that little child again, stepping into an unknown world without a clue of where it would lead him. How long it’s been since he could be so bold. Adrenaline weakly coursed through his veins, as the future ahead began to hold uncertainty again. “Oh, I have a good clue of what I’m getting myself into,” Dominic extended his hand, accepting the handshake. He trailed off for a second, before asking, “I don’t think I got your name?”

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@Jass ⋅𖥔⋅ Dante Blackwell



End of the previous school year

Dante regarded Dominic with a mixture of understanding and empathy as he listened to his words. He could sense the confusion and skepticism in Dominic’s tone, recognizing the familiar struggle of coming to terms with a reality that defied everything he had known. Dante’s own journey into the magical world had been fraught with similar doubts and uncertainties, and he understood the weight of the revelations Dominic was grappling with.

“Believe me, I understand your skepticism. It’s a lot to take in, discovering a world you never knew existed,” Dante responded, his voice carrying a tone of sincerity. “Growing up without anyone magical around me, I felt the same way. It’s like suddenly realizing you’ve been living in the dark, and now the light’s been switched on.” He added with a small shrug, “Even if you liked it better in the dark, no way back”

“As for our abilities, well, that’s the million-gold question, isn’t it?” Dante mused, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Some say magic runs in bloodlines, passed down from generation to generation. But then there are folks like us, anomalies in the grand scheme of things.”

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Dante’s lips as Dominic mentioned his initial disbelief at receiving information about the Ninth House from someone like Dante. “But well, I can assure you, the Ninth House is far from conventional,” Dante replied, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. “Tho, that’s part of what makes it so… intriguing. It’s a melting pot of perspectives, abilities, and backgrounds, each contributing to the richness of the experience.” Dante chuckled a bit thinking about this, what would one expect in a school filled with magic, that certainly would be no ordinary place.

“As for its location, yes, it is the closest,” he nodded in confirmation, “the Ninth House is situated in a rather… discreet area,” Dante explained, choosing his words carefully. “It’s not something you stumble upon by accident. But rest assured, once you find your way there, you’ll know you’re in the right place.”

“The Umbra Coven is indeed a formidable choice,” Dante replied, his tone tinted with playful mystery. “Our brotherhood focus on shadow manipulation and mysticism is quite intriguing.” He hoped the way he had phrased this would be sufficient for Dominic to figure out Dante was in that same house which was so fitting for Dominic.

“Dante Blackwell,” he introduced himself, his voice carrying a sense of reassurance. “Even if you think you think you know what you’re getting yourself into, it’s a journey,” there was a sense of warning in how Dante spoke, “one that holds both challenges and opportunities,” Dante remarked, his voice filled with quiet confidence “But believe me, you’re not alone in this. We’re in this together now.” Much could be said about Dante, but he knew that if him and Dominic would cross paths again, he wouldn’t drop him. He would be there for him if he decided to go to Ninth House.

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Dominic Vaillant

End of the previous school year

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

It seemed the man was falling for his words. Though Dominic wasn’t lying entirely, there was a significant portion of the truth he wanted to keep concealed. It couldn’t be wrong to do this, he thought. After all, they were strangers, and there was no knowing what this man could do if he held Dominic’s secrets in his hands. So for now, he’d be left to think they’re similar — outcasts in their family, alone with their powers, and he’d let his guard down. Dominic would only stay silent as the other man speaks, gaining his secrets and information without anything to lose.

“Oh, I’m sure you understand, don’t you? Better than anyone else could,” Dominic spoke in a more contemplative tone. “Sometimes, I do find myself wishing I was kept in the dark. But at the end of everything, I couldn’t live a life of ignorance. This knowledge is dangerous, yes, but I’m not a coward. Possessing magic, though it makes me an outcast, also makes me powerful, it frees me. And nothing could threaten me enough to back down.”

Dominic sighed in disappointment hearing there was no clear answer to his question. The stranger’s family situation remained a mystery, and he even seemed rather amused by it. “How unfortunate, I was hoping for an explanation for this anomaly, and yet it turns out to be a coincidence?” he replied, sounding slightly irritated. “Are you absolutely certain that your mother didn’t have an affair?” he asked, only half joking, because the other explanation would be that he was lying. Who’s to say he wasn’t keeping as many secrets as Dominic was?

At the very least, his lack of answers was compensated with more information about Ninth House. The more he spoke of this academy, the more layers there seemed to be. “Sounds unpredictable. I like that,” Dominic replied, his smirk becoming more obvious at the sign of a challenge. “I can already sense the competition, the clashes, aliances and betrayals.”

He listened intently as the man explained the location, hoping he could gather some kind of clue hidden between the lines. An academy concealed in a discreet area, he said. It appeared impossible to stumble upon from that description alone, but could it be that he could sense its presence? It made the most sense, an institution meant for magic users to be seen only by their eyes. He almost wanted to ask for a clarification, but their conversation was already revealing enough in such a public spot. So he kept quiet, giving only a nod for the time being.

He continued, “So you’re one of them, the Umbra Coven? I should’ve figured with the way you nearly vanished broad daylight, you have the stealth for sure.” The way the man spoke of shadows and mysticism piqued Dominic’s curiosity even more. It sounded so forbidden, yet it was pulling him towards it and he couldn’t back away.

He finally got a name for the man, Dante. The words that followed sounded encouraging and supportive, but all Dominic could focus on was the subtle warning hidden in them. The future was completely uncertain from that point on, and he almost felt his future shift as he stood on that very sidewalk. It was his turn to step into this mystical world, but completely clueless and vulnerable in a crowd of experienced spellcasters. How unfortunate he’d been held back for so long. “A challenge doesn’t scare me, believe me when I say I’m prepared for anything at this point,” he assured with confidence. Though despite his nonchalant attitude, he couldn’t deny the comfort he felt to hear that Dante would stand by his side. It could’ve been an empty promise, but he wanted to hang onto it more than anything. He knew he was strong on his own, but it was tiring, all those years spent alone. No matter how much he convinced himself otherwise, he was lonely. “Promise?” he asked a bit quieter.

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

@Jass ⋅𖥔⋅ Dante Blackwell

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A dangerous love gamble

Atlas was terrified, utterly terrified for many reasons. One, he had just recently been a victim of kidnapping, two he was running away from his kidnappers who just so happened to be one direction and three he was running away with the one and only Vincenzo Parravicini-Russo, whom Atlas had never really liked that well.

Atlas had just been in his home; his father had died years ago due to a sickness, a sickness that Atlas suspects was more of a poison than a sickness. His mother, on the other hand, had just recently died, and on the day of her funeral, Atlas did not even have time to grieve. Before five men—Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis—came, England’s fiercest gang members had come, and apparently, Atlas had a debt to be paid.

He was dragged into a room, kicking and screaming, his breaths heavy as he was blindfolded. When another voice had spoken, “Fck” the voice began, “Stop making so much noise.” A voice muttered. The voice, was a voice Atlas knew quite well- it was the voice of Vincenzo, a man that Atlas had never really gotten a long with.


Just great, Atlas thought to himself. Not only was he kidnapped, he was also kidnapped by long-side Vincenzo. Wait, “Where were you kidnapped as well?” Atlas could not help but mutter.

If Atlas was not blindfolded, then maybe, he would have seen Vincenzo rolling his eyes, and arching a brow. “Sadly, you would think 24 years of stalking experiences, would have made it harder for me to be kidnapped, but I guess no one can escape from one direction.”

Atlas blinked through his blindfold, “How could you have 24 years of stalking experiences if you’re just 24?”

Vincenzo chuckled, a sound that surprised Atlas. “you will understand when you’re older, darling,” he replied, his tone light despite the seriousness of their situation. “But let’s focus on getting out of here, shall we?”

Enzo had been here for at least 3 months, and he was not planning on remaining here any longer, especially considering that if his escape plan failed, he believed himself to be faster than Atlas, and could easily run pass him, leaving him behind, making the guards get to Atlas first than him.

“How are we going to get out tho?”

Vincenzo fell silent for a moment, presumably considering their options. “I managed to loosen my restraints a bit,” he said finally. “If I can get free, I might be able to help you.”

Atlas felt a surge of hope. “That’s something at least. What do you need me to do?”

“Stay calm and quiet,” Vincenzo instructed. “I’ll work on getting myself free, then I’ll see what I can do about your restraints.”

As Vincenzo began to wriggle and twist in an attempt to free himself, Atlas strained his ears, listening for any sign of their captors. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly, each one feeling like an eternity.

Finally, Vincenzo let out a triumphant exclamation. “Got it!” he whispered, the sound of his voice filled with relief.

Atlas felt a surge of hope as Vincenzo moved to work on freeing him. Moments later, he felt the ropes binding his wrists loosen, and then fall away entirely.

“Thank you,” Atlas breathed, rubbing at his wrists to restore circulation.

“Don’t thank me yet,” Vincenzo replied, his voice tense. “We still need to get out of here.”

With that sobering reminder, Atlas pushed himself to his feet, ready to follow Vincenzo’s lead. They may not have been the best of friends, but in that moment, they were united by a common goal: survival.

Vincenzo surveyed the room, his mind racing with possibilities. Then his eyes landed on the ceiling. “There’s an air vent up there,” he whispered to Atlas. “If we can pry it open, we might be able to crawl through and find a way out.”

Atlas nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. Together, they scanned the room for something they could use to pry open the vent. Finally, Atlas spotted a loose metal bar in the corner. With a silent nod to Vincenzo, he made his way over and picked it up.

Working together, they managed to loosen the screws holding the vent in place. With a soft clatter, the vent cover fell to the floor, revealing a dark shaft beyond. Vincenzo went first, squeezing through the narrow opening with surprising agility. Atlas followed close behind, his heart pounding in his chest as he crawled into the unknown.

The air vent was cramped and stifling, but they pressed on, driven by the hope of freedom. After what felt like hours of crawling, they finally reached the end of the vent and found themselves in a deserted hallway.

“We need to find a way out of here,” Vincenzo said, his voice low but urgent. “But we need to be careful. One wrong move and we’ll be right back where we started.”

Atlas nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. Together, they crept down the hallway, sticking to the shadows and avoiding any signs of life. But just as they reached the exit, they heard voices echoing from outside.

“Hail One Direction! Hail One Direction!” the voices chanted, growing louder with each passing moment.

“We’ve been spotted,” Vincenzo muttered, his eyes wide with panic.

Without hesitation, they burst through the door and sprinted towards freedom, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. But as they reached the gates, they were met with a sight that sent a chill down their spines.

Members of One Direction and BTS were gathered outside, their faces twisted into cruel sneers as they brandished weapons and advanced towards them.

“We have to keep running,” Vincenzo shouted, grabbing Atlas’s hand and pulling him along.

Atlas stumbled, his legs aching with exhaustion, but he forced himself to keep moving, his eyes fixed on the promise of escape. But just as they reached the edge of the crowd, Vincenzo broke away, his longer strides carrying him ahead.

“Wait for me!” Atlas screamed, his voice drowned out by the chaos around them.

But Vincenzo didn’t stop. He kept running, disappearing into the crowd without a backward glance.

“Motherfcker-” Atlas screamed, as he fell to the ground, his legs exhausted from running.

“Hail one direction! Hail one direction!” The voices screamed, this time joined by a 5’11 blonde blue eyed woman with red lipsticks, and a scarf that read red, taylor’s version, “Hail one direction.”

Pt 2 coming up soon (when I remember) and same with pt3 :pray:

What shall be the fate of dear Atlas?

Shall Vincenzo return for him?

Shall this two learn to fall in love?

Up next in pt 2 of A dangerous love gamble.

Characters mentioned:




Atlas Theodore Alstone



Atlas was completely hopeless and lost as he watched Vincenzo run away and disappear before his eyes. He stretched an arm forward, opening his palm, dramatically yelling out his name. But to no avail, he was already gone. One Direction and BTS swarmed around him, cornering him as he sat on his knees. No matter how much he strained his opera singer lungs, Vincenzo didn’t turn back. As if Atlas was so irrelevant to him. He was cornered, his kidnappers gathering around him in a circle as if they were a cult. What were they going to do? Sacrifice him? At that moment Atlas wished he wasn’t born so handsome, with his sky blue azure cerulean sapphire ocean orbs twinkling in the sunlight like the blades of his kidnappers.

He remembered that morning, getting ready for his mother’s funeral. She was a wanted criminal for stealing large amounts of alcohol from the grocery store and was sentenced to a life in prison. Atlas remembered her final words, the words she always said to him, she’d rather die a free woman than be trapped in a prison with no access to alcohol. And at that moment, he stood in front of his mirror, gazing longingly into his reflection. A single tear fell down his face. He’d never felt so lost and alone.

It reminded him of his past, how he’d always feel this way ever since he was brought into this world. His grandfather died when he was 3 in a boating accident, then his grandmother fell out of a truck when he was 4. When he was 5 he lost his pet goldfish due to a meteor striking his house, and that’s when he had to move to a trailer park with his parents. They were struggling, poor, but they had each other. Until he lost both of his parents and was sold to One Direction, where he was truly and utterly alone.

But that wasn’t what he was upset about. Anyone would be happy to be swept away and rescued by a pop band when at their lowest. But what he felt betrayed about was the note he saw by the mirror — his mother faked her death and sold him to One Direction so she could afford more illegal activities. He was just money to her. That was the last thing he remembered seeing before he was taken away from his home, dragged away easily due to his small 6’1 body.

There was no light in the unsuspicious white van, no light in his future. Maybe because he was blindfolded, but he couldn’t know. And when Vincenzo, his prince with a shining bald head appeared, he finally had hope that somebody would rescue him from his neverending tragic life. He finally saw the light. Because that’s when he took off his blindfold.

He couldn’t let him escape. He wouldn’t lose another person.

“Wait for me! Please!” he yelled out again, his voice nearly drowned out by the chanting. He was almost surrounded, he didn’t have much time before he’d be taken back into their lair. Yes, this whole monologue happened in the span of one second because time slows down when you’re randomly reminiscing your tragic backstory. At that moment the surroundings turned pitch black and picture this, you could only see Atlas’ and Vincenzo’s silhouettes, as to bring attention to their dramatic moment. “Vinnie! You’re all I have!” he yelled again, time stopping completely as he awaited his answer.


@raviola Vincenzo Pincenzo Rincenzo
Featuring @Kristi

Happy April Fools guysss

What the hell did I write


✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ • ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧

✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ Ball/ Stairs ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧

Agastya nodded his head side to side slowly. “Okay, fair. I’m sure they’ll fall in your lap soon.” Or maybe just out of reach if you’re me. He thought bitterly, even with a smile gracing his lips. “Until then,” he smiled, twirling them around, “I’d love to hear more of the ‘cooking and crafting drinks’. Is it too bold to ask try to something one day?”

"Don’t you have an answer for everything?” Agastya licked his lips, because no, he didn’t have an answer and wished he did. He shrugged, a mysterious smile on his lips. "Vix, listening and learning from others is the only secret I have for that. Yeah, I know some things but, if there is ever a question I don’t have an answer to, I am always open to exploring and discovering…together. " He raised his brows, hoping the gesture was noticeable through the mask.

Agastya felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him as Devon’s breath tickled his ear. Her touch on his shoulder sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a primal desire within him. The music faded into the background as he focused solely on her, on the pull of her magnetic presence. Without a word, he followed her gaze up towards the staircase that loomed in the darkness. The dimly lit steps seemed to beckon to them, promising secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Agastya hesitated for a moment, a thrill of anticipation coursing through him at the thought of what they might find at the top. "C’mon, I saw something up there!”.

Devon’s hand slipped into his, her grip firm and sure as she led him towards the staircase. The click of her heels echoed in the in his ears. Agastya’s heart pounded in his chest, his senses heightened as they reached the base of the stairs. F^cking stairs. He thought, remembering his leg. If the girl didn’t know who he was, she might figure it out with the slower pace he had and awkward gait. They ascended the staircase together.

✧∭✧∰✧∭✧ • ✧∭✧∰✧∭✧

@Mouschi > Devon Dearest

Continuing from...


Atlas Theodore Alstone

Day 1 — Masquerade Ball


“You… Think so?” Atlas asked hesitantly, his smile faltering. He shot another glance to where Esther faded into the crowd, hoping he’d see her reappear. But as seconds passed, and he became more aware of the other woman’s eyes on him. He turned back to face her, forcing his lips into a wider smile. “Come on, now, you should give yourself more credit. Your magic was a magnificent sight to behold,” he continued, his smile softening. “As I said, she sprung up to her feet seconds after falling unconscious. It’s almost like her fainting was a trick of my mind, maybe it never happened,” he spoke with a confident grin, aiming to convince her, though he struggled to even believe his own words.

At that moment, he had to push aside his worries for Esther — if that even was her — and keep his mind occupied by the kind woman standing in front of him. He noticed her smile receiving his compliment, a welcome sight. “No need to thank me, I’m only being honest,” he replied, his genuine smile slowly returning. “I’m intrigued now, what kind of magic can you do?” Changing the topic would do him good.

After he expressed his worries for his friend, he was hit with an unexpected question. His eyes widened for a moment. The situation wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to him, the majority of his friends were women and people often assumed there must be something going on between them. He concealed his initial surprise with a soft chuckle, looking into the girl’s eyes. “You’re perceptive!” he remarked playfully, letting the silence hang in the air as he thought of how to approach the question.

A voice in the back of his head was screaming at him to put on a dramatic show, detailing some made-up events leading up to this moment. Another part of him wanted to take it seriously, and politely deny her assumption. But as always, the more interesting idea won. Esther would never find out, he thought, this girl didn’t even know his identity.

Atlas’ lips curved into a mischievous grin, as he stepped back to make space between the two. “Boyfriend and girlfriend?” he raised a brow, chuckling to himself. “Oh no, my dear, we were much more than that,” he placed his hand on his chest, shaking his head as if a tragedy had struck. He sighed, “Where do I even begin?”

Swinging his arms to the sides, he summoned an air of white smoke, swirling around their bodies and giving the small corner of the ballroom a dreamlike appearance. With each sway of his hands, magical dust followed along, twinkling in gold and silver as he built an image in front of him. “Take a look,” he gestured to the vision with his palm, circling around it until he reached the woman’s side. Before their eyes stood a fairytale-like image of a boy and girl, gazing into each other’s eyes. In the enclosed space, the musical performance came to a halt, its melody replaced by a somber, slow violin.

“The two of us, we used to be inseparable. Lovers bound by our souls, destined to be together in this life and all that come after. A beautiful bond, and one I’d taken for granted…” he trailed off, as the smoke swirled around the image and engulfed it. The boy meant to represent Atlas was replaced by another, his face twisted with sinister intentions. “See, my dear, I thought our love would last forever. But how wrong was I, to think that anything in this world is permanent. I watched her get taken away before my very eyes, our unbreakable bond tearing, and taking my heart along with it,” he clenched his chest dramatically, frowning as his head turned to the ground.

The image became distorted with the smoke, and Atlas let the silence linger for a moment. “Before I knew it, she was gone.” A single tear fell down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, swinging his palms to redirect the smoke and create another image. This one presented the girl, “Esther”, kneeling down with her eyes full of tears. “But she never meant to break my heart. She never intended for our connection to fall apart. That man, as she told me… She had no choice but to become his lover,” he continued, his voice trembling with emotion as if he wasn’t making everything up on the spot. As the illusion twisted to show the final scene, Atlas took a deep breath. “Because… She was pregnant with his child!”

The music he’d conjured came to a halt, and with a sharp swing of his arm he blew away the smoke and cleared out their surroundings.

Atlas collapsed back into the wall, panting heavily as the effects of his magic wore off. He tightened his lips, attempting to mask his amusement at his own theatrics. He tilted his head up, looking into the woman’s eyes. “And since then, I never saw her again… Until tonight.” he concluded with a dramatic pause.


@raviola Desdemona Sevdaliza
@Mouschi Esther Ruth Dubois mentioned




“Yeah, I hear you,” Dante responded with a casual shrug. “Magic can be a double-edged sword, you know? It’s cool and all, but it’s not like it defines who I am.” He leaned back, his expression thoughtful. “I mean, sure, it’s fun to mess around with, but I’ve got other things on my mind, you know? Like, there’s more to life than just waving a wand and casting spells.” Not that they actually really used wands, no, that was just part of children’s tales, written by people who were clueless on what magic actually was.

Dante’s tone was nonchalant, betraying his lack of enthusiasm for magical pursuits. “I guess what I’m saying is, I’m not about to let my powers dictate my life. I’d rather just go with the flow, see where the wind takes me.” He glanced at Dominic, a faint hint of defiance in his gaze. “But hey, to each their own, right? If you’re all about harnessing your magic and wielding it like a pro, more power to you.” With yet another casual shrug, Dante flashed a grin.

“Most likely, yeah.” He answered to Dominic saying it was a coincidence they possessed magic, “What else would it be?” His demeanor however shifted as Dominic mentioned the possibility of his mom having an affair. His mind drifted to his own parents’ strained relationship. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of discomfort at the mention of affairs and secrets, knowing all too well the turmoil they could bring. “An affair, huh?” Dante echoed, considering the possibility. “Well, you’re not entirely off base with that guess. Family secrets can run deep, you know?” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “However, for the record, I’m definitely not the result of an affair.” Despite giving some of his family situation away to Dominic, he wasn’t quite ready to show all his cards. Yet, he wanted to make it clear that he, Dante, no way he was a result of an affair.

Then the conversation had moved on to Ninth House, “Ah, so you’re drawn to the thrill of the unknown, huh?” Dante remarked with a smirk, his eyes brightening with curiosity. “The Ninth House Academy is definitely a place where you’ll find plenty of surprises. It’s like a chessboard, with everyone plotting their next move.” His voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone as he met Dominic’s gaze. “Competition, alliances, betrayals… it’s all part of the game. And let me tell you, it’s one heck of a ride.” Dante’s smirk widened as he considered the possibilities. “You never know who’s playing who, or what secrets are lurking in the shadows.” With a nod of agreement, Dante’s excitement was palpable. “But hey, that’s what makes it so exciting, right? The unpredictability, the challenge… it’s what keeps us on our toes.” He flashed Dominic a knowing grin.

Dominic seemed to have caught on that Dante in fact was part of Umbra Coven, “Well, well, looks like you’ve got a sharp eye,” he remarked, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of mystery. “Let’s just say I know a thing or two about blending into the shadows.” He leaned in closer, his expression unreadable. “The Umbra Coven has its secrets, just like any other. But hey, you seem like you can keep a secret,” he added with a playful wink. “Maybe one day I’ll give you the grand tour.” With a subtle nod, Dante left this part of their conversation open-ended, leaving Dominic to ponder the implications of his words. After all, some secrets were best left hidden, even from curious strangers.

“Respect,” Dante replied, his tone reflecting admiration for Dominic not being afraid of a challenge. “I can tell you’ve got guts. And let me tell you, having that kind of attitude is half the battle.” He flashed a supportive grin, his eyes reflecting a sense of camaraderie. “No doubt about it, we’re in for a wild ride. But with that kind of mindset, there’s nothing we can’t handle.” Dante’s words carried a sense of solidarity, a silent acknowledgment of their shared journey ahead. “So let’s do this,” he continued, his voice infused with determination. “Together, we’ll take on whatever comes our way, head-on. And that’s a promise,” he looked Dominic directly in the eye as he promised he would be there for him, “Sound good?”

Dominic - @idiot.exe

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─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. Continuing from Main Thread .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

Lenore breathed a sigh of relief as the two idiots finally decided to take their leave and she rolled her eyes as she caught a piece of their conversation, revealing that they had done this for validation from Vinnie, which was the least surprising part of this whole ordeal. She never understood it but some of the boys in the Coven held a dangerous amount of devotion to him.

She sat in silence with the boy for a moment, gently stroking his hair. She had decided to overrule her earlier decision not to touch him, wanting to show him a gesture of comfort to counteract all the pain he must be feeling. “It’s okay. You’re safe with me.” She cooed as he finally opened his eyes, smiling softly at him when he looked up at her. “My name is Lenore.” She wasn’t sure how much of the previous interaction he’d been aware of but she wanted to be as gentle as possible so he’d know she wasn’t affiliated with the people who hurt him, which included giving him her name so she wouldn’t be a stranger. Him opening his eyes did give her the confirmation that she needed, confirmation that he was alive.

Though maybe not for long.

Lenore cursed, shocked, as he coughed up blood. She tried to appear calm when his eyes met hers but she knew now that whatever had happened to him, it was more than she could help him with. As she sat there, trying to think about what to do next, she wished that she at least had something she could’ve used to wipe the blood off of his face. She didn’t want to call for help, lest the idiots from earlier heard and decided they weren’t done with him. She gazed into his eyes, unable to shake the feeling that they were familiar. She had seen them before, she just couldn’t think of where. Her hand flew to her mouth as she let out an audible gasp. She did know those eyes and they were, in fact, not strangers.


─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@idiot.exe - Nic

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A dark twisted thing called love, the series: Vinnie’s story

To get into the mood, play this song while you read: song

'He was quite fond of doing this, of watching her. She, the ‘girl’ was of a tall height, a masculine build not typical for a girl, with an athletic lean body. She was dressed in a cute outfit, showing off her long brown thighs that Vinnie just wanted to sink his teeth into. Even with the robotic leg, her thighs always managed to look juicy, fleshy, and perfect to touch, to bite, to love. He missed her greatly, the her who was not a her, the her who made him question everything- his Staya Kumara with her (read his) short hair, and perfect lean body. He had his right hand down his pants, he had paused, waiting for the perfect moment to do it, it had to be that exact moment or else Vinnie would not feel anything.

“I” Staya began, his her perfect full lips wide open, the corners of her lips relaxed, as she prepared to sing the song that Vinnie always liked to hear. “I was a girl in the village doing alright. Then I became a princess overnight. Now I gotta figure out how to do it right.”


Vinnie muttered, twisting his hand around the swollen head of his d*ck, as he imagined Staya underneath the sheets, her body completely exposed to him, filled with marks he had left on her. His fingers wrapped around Staya’s own dck as his other hand presses different fingers into his hole. He pictured it, how it would feel to circle a finger oh-so-slowly around Staya’s entrance, muscles fluttering beneath his touch. Staya had moaned, biting his lips, as he forced out through tears, So much to learn and see, bucking up against Vinnie’s hands as he- no she begged for something bigger inside her. She whimpered, a breathed, A whole enchanted world is waiting for me and Vinnie’s back had arched off the bed as a second orgasm sent lightning racing through his veins, his fist pumping as rough and fast as he could.

Stays, Staya He moaned, My dark, twisted love and with that large white stuff had sprouted from underneath his hands as he collapsed onto the bed, sighing as Staya said the last words. ‘To show them all that I’m Sofia the First’

Aah yes, his lovely Staya, his handsome Staya was his Sofia the First. With her warm brown eyes that tried desperately to be called, with her pouty brown lips, that Vinnie wanted to kiss, wanted to bite. In a perfect world , he would have conquered her heart, he wouldn’t have to hide behind cameras to see her beautiful face and she wouldn’t wear her beautiful clothing only in the night, scared for the opinions of others due to the fact that she was a man, a man who identified as one and loved to dress femininely. A man who was Vinnie’s pretty angel, his dark love, his former friend who had left him after the bloody encounter. Stays was his dark love truly, the evil of his evil, love of his life, She broke his heart. Reaching through his drawer, he gathered a strand of her hair, that he had managed to steal while she was not looking and smelled it, Staya Sofia, his princess.

@raviola - Vinnie
@Tina.G - Staya

forcing y’all to read



⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ misc w/ Thalia ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

It was only once Freya had answer did she notice the tension surrounding the girl, releasing after she agreed to the suggestion. It made Freya wonder. Why had her answer been so important? If the roles had been reversed, she would have been relieved if the other person had turned down the offer to share the book, leaving her alone. But in this case, it seemed the girl expressed relief of the opposite, the subtle drop of shoulders and the slightest exhale, a reaction that left Freya confused.

Regardless, Freya started to lay out her things, her filled notebook, almost-out-of-ink pen and worn-in headphones. Things she used ritualistically, each acting a key tool in her daily routine, all with their obvious signs of constant use. The familiarity it brought to her space put her at ease, while also motivating her to start. There was something that felt out of place though, that being the other person next to her.

Though Freya knew that was something that could be easily overcame once she got into her focus mode. Once she informed her with, “Chapter 7, please.” Before the headphones came on and her eyes fell to the words on the page, beginning to fill yet another page of her book.

But there was something that stopped Freya, something about the girl that caught her attention and killed her momentum. The girl appeared still. As in, not doing anything that may have required using the book that she had insisted on staying with. “Are you okay?” She asked once taking her headphones off, wondering the need for them to share the book when she didn’t seem to be using it.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

@Kristi Thaliaaa

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The Story of Aminnie: The First Night

@raviola || Part 1 of 2 || @kristi



Over the obsidian water, the full moon shone bright, reflecting upon the cool streams surrounding Wyndham Academy at each side of its foundation. Its exterior was dark brown, with wooden alcoves between its brick structures. One of these was his window, quietly hidden among the rest of the dormitory panes. The glass looked dark, but it reflected a bit of yellow light from the turrets shining above. There was a tapping sound that came from behind it.

On the other side, Vincenzo was putting his fingernails into the edges of the frame, removing the protective sheet between himself and the glass. The plastic clanked against the wall, and he turned his head, wondering if the people on the other side of the wall had heard it.

You might be wondering why he hadn’t opened the window with the more easy option of magic. His shadows were weak now though, after the magic he had conducted earlier in the day. Plus, the plastic was phobic to his powers, reverberating them off of the protective shield. Not many others had them at the academy, he knew that, but Vincenzo was one of the few students who were required to have them. Not because he disobeyed the headmaster, but because he had… a bad track record outside of school. Silly Adrian Dear, however, had made the mistake of thinking that making it magic proof would deter Vincenzo. Who was he kidding, it just needed to be pushed down, then pulled at an angle. Any mere mortal could pull it off.

With one last hitch of the material, Vincenzo had gotten the filter out. He slid it out gently, then placed the thing reclined back on the wall below the window. He placed his hands on the little ledge it had, and raised his body, swinging over, and placing a hand on the rim to jump down. His feet met the ground with a thud, and then he straightened his back, taking in the array of bricks that made up the roof. Before going, he checked his pockets to see if he had brought his flask with him, patting his pants lightly. He remembered his flask had stayed in the pocket of his jacket, though, and he pulled it out of there, taking a swig as he looked back, where his eyes scanned the dormitory windows to confirm that no one saw him.

In the distance, he noticed a light was on in one of the other rooms. Weird, he thought. But because he had already gotten out of the window, he only waited a few more seconds before proceeding. He walked a tiny bit down the flatter part of the roof, and then got to one of the angular portions, where he intended to step with one foot directly in front of the other. But before he put his foot down, he heard a window open, causing him to freeze.
Shit, he thought, and then turned around, hoping he wasn’t caught.

In the window, a brown-skinned woman appeared to be sneaking out just like he was, practicing similar steps as he had, except probably without the protective shield on the window. He could not quite make out her face against the light, but her silhouette was very beautiful. She had a thin, tall frame, with curves that looked defined even from the distance. She wore clothes that looked like she might be going out, too, hugging her skin tightly. She had on a dark green turtleneck; the color of an emerald hidden in shadows, and a small but rigid black skirt over dark tights. Tilting her head down as she managed her exit, he could only see her hair, which was dark with lots of volume.

He stayed quiet for the moment, staying calm because he knew the woman at the window was likely a student, but still observing to see what she did. He had to admit he was a bit intruiged by he, especially since her window was only a few spaces away from his. Had a pretty girl managed to sneak her way into the nightshade brotherhood?

As suspected, she hopped up on to the window, swinging her legs over one by one, and then she sat, looking for how she might get down from the slight drop. She still hadn’t noticed Vincenzo’s presence.

“Careful, you don’t want Adrian to catch you,” he broke the silence, teasing her with the implication that they were currently in the same boat. Taking a step closer so she could see him with her bedroom light. “And how come you sleep in the umbra coven, miss?”

Long ass scene (Amani and fiance must read)

Today marked a remarkable event in the halls of the Monet abode, where an air thick with anticipation and gravity enveloped the family’s gathering. This was to be Amani’s first year at the university, at Ninth house and she was just 18 as she found herself amidst a whirlwind of preparations, ensconced within the lavish confines of their estate.

“Dear, don’t forget your designer’s belt,” her mother began, delicately placing it inside the luggage. “It is your 45th favorite, after all.” Her eldest brother added, “And your books,” carefully arranging them in the suitcase.

“And your—” Her sister started, but Amani cut her off with a firm, “Ok, Ok! I think I have packed more than enough.” She looked around at her bustling family with a small smile, and the butler, discreetly zipping up her brimming luggage, muttered, ‘Thank God, these bags are filled to their core.’

Imani Kitto Monet, her father, approached, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I think one of the bags can still fit one thing more. Isn’t that right, Geofrey?” Amani turned to her father, who held a mysterious gift. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “We are all going to miss you, sweetheart. The house is empty without you.”

Amani’s eyes shimmered with a mix of excitement and nostalgia as she took the slender, elegantly wrapped box from her father. “What’s this?” she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

“It’s something very special, something to keep you grounded and remind you of home,” her father replied, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled.

The butler, Geofreyy, raised an eyebrow at Amani’s father, signaling that there was, indeed, room for another item in the meticulously packed luggage. Amani’s eyes lit up with curiosity as her father presented a slender, leather-bound tome. It was an old family journal, passed down through generations, filled with the secrets, achievements, and, inevitably, the burdens of the Monet lineage.

“I thought you might find this interesting,” her father said, his eyes reflecting the solemnity of their family history. Amani accepted the gift, fingers tracing the intricate patterns on the cover. As she opened it, the yellowed pages whispered tales of forbidden knowledge, family alliances, and ancient rituals. Each entry was a confession, a piece of the Monet legacy etched in ink.

Amani closed the journal. Her eyes dull as she kept looking down at it, so her family would not see her expression. When she saw that her father had a gift for her, she was expecting or more like wanted jewels, not this. Another reminder that she had a legacy to continue, another reminder of where she came from. When she looked back up at her father’s proud face, her expression brightened, it was fake but of course her family did not know. “Thank you, Thank you so much daddy, but you didn’t have to” She said as she clutched the book to her chest as if truly in love with it. Her family, oblivious to her true feelings of the journal, beamed with pride.

Geofreyy, the butler, discreetly signaled to Amani’s father, suggesting it was time for the final touches on the luggage. Amani’s mother, brothers, and sister continued their well-intentioned bustling.

As the last zipper was closed and the luggage stood ready for the journey, Amani’s father held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Remember, Amani, you carry the legacy of the Monet name. This journal has been a guide for generations. Atticus had it, Marium had it, Francis had it, now you and remember” He bent down to whisper something into her ear and Amani nodded. He enveloped her in a warm, tight embrace, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke, “Oh, my little girl, I’m going to miss you so much. Do you really want to go to Ninth house? You could-”

“No, no. I think I shall like it at Ninth house, Marium, Atticus and Francis all went, I want to go to.” it was also the fact that Amani wanted to be far away from the house for a while, to have more freedom and to not be constantly reminded of him. Speaking of him- Azrial entered the room, wrapping his arms around Amani waist, as he rested his chin against on her shoulder. Kissing her shoulder, causing a dissaproving glance from her father and making Azriel reluctantly released his face from her shoulder, offering an apologetic glance in response. “Sorry, Sir,” Azriel said, smiling down at Amani as he kissed her forehead. “I’m just going to miss my wife,” Wife, there was a lot of emphasis he placed on that word as he stared down at Amani, while Amani gave him a fake smile,making him laugh, seeing the obvious disapproval on her face.

“What’s so funny?” Atticus asked, crossing his arms as he stared at Azriel. He liked Azriel, truly he did, Azriel was a good kid, and Atticus like his father and his mother thought he was good for Amani- and good for the family, just like everyone else- everyone except Amani herself of course. But that did not mean he still did not feel uncomfortable, seeing his youngest sister who to his eyes was still just a little kid, having a fiance.

Azriel chuckled, "Oh, nothing much, just teasing my wife about how she will miss me terrible once she’s off to Ninth house. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you “Mani?” she had never been sure of something more in her life.

Amani smiled at him, “But then how will I ever get the chance to miss you?” She asked, “Talking about missing, Azriel how about we go outside and have a talk?” Amani asked, a small fond smile on her face. He grinned mischievously, catching onto her implication. [/color] “Oh, I see what you’re getting at,” he replied with a suggestive wink. “Sure, let’s go outside and have a talk.” He emphasized the word ‘talk’ with a suggestive tone.

As they stepped outside into the crisp air of the estate’s garden, Amani turned to Azriel with a glare, her expression hardened with resentment. “And what do you think you were doing inside the manor, Azriel?” she demanded, her tone sharp and accusatory.

Azriel’s grin faltered, and for a moment, he said nothing, his gaze fixed on Amani with a stern intensity. The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken tension, before he took another step closer to her.

Amani instinctively took a step back, her eyes narrowing which caused Azriel to chuckle as he took another step closer to her, knowing she wasn’t going to take another one back. He continued to be quiet, just looking at her, amusement in his eyes, “Have I ever told you I like your eyes?” He questioned, causing Amani to roll her eyes, “I hope our future children have your eyes.” He told her, taking another step closer to her, as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her hair, causing Amani to slap his hands away from her face. “You’re so mean to your husband,” he commented, looking at the hand Amani had smacked away.

“Banks,” Amani began warningly.

“Yes, Mrs Banks?” Mockingly, he had said raising a brow. “You should stick to calling me Azriel, it’s going to be weird when If you call me Banks, Ms. Banks. It’s also going to be weird if you try anything at Wyndham College. Like whoring yourself around,” His eyes hardened, as he grabbed her jaw gently, “I let it pass in secondary school, you’re 18 now and our wedding date is nearing.”

He released his hands from her jaw, his eyes still on her and unreadable expression until he cracked a grin. "Remember Nolan? He’s going to be in umbra with you, and many more. "

Amani’s jaw clenched at Azriel’s words, her anger boiling beneath the surface. “You have eyes everywhere, don’t you?” she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain.

“Your father also has eyes everywhere, why do you think you’re in Umbra?” Azriel shrugs. “And besides,” Azriel leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered something causing Amani’s expression to harden but before she could say anything, Azriel’s lips crashed against hers in a sudden, forceful kiss. Amani’s eyes widened in shock as she pushed him away, wiping her lips in disgust.

“Get away from me,” she spat.

Azriel merely laughed, the sound grating on her nerves as he regarded her with amusement. “You’re so pretty when you’re angry,” he remarked, his tone smug and self-assured. “I hope our kids get your personality.” Azriel winks. "Have fun in Ninth house, Mani’’

She had gotten a text, a text from a friend, the night of her arrival at Wyndham, telling her to sneak out to come with them to the party and how could Amani resist? Perhaps, she should be more careful considering what Azriel had told her but tonight was not about Azriel was it? No, it was about her in Wyndham, already planning to see just how much fun she could truly have with the suppose eyes watching her. She wasn’t scared of the bllshit that Azriel had whispered to her or the eyes, she was used to it- eyes had always been following her since high school and she still managed to enjoy herself, because Amani understood her family- she knew them quite well, and how much they adored her enough to overlook certain things. Besides, a little fun has never hurt anyone has it? No, it has not and thus why should Amani resist the allure of fun?

As Amani adorned herself in her signature attire, a green tight turtleneck shirt paired with a really short black skirt and tights underneath, she couldn’t help but feel a surge of relief coursing through her veins-it was a good thing tomorrow was not a day filled with classes but instead a ball from what she had heard.

Anyways, With practiced ease, she utilized her magic to quietly open the window, her little ‘friend’ serving as a lookout for any unwelcome guests. Sensing no imminent danger, Amani gracefully maneuvered onto the windowsill, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had a lot of experience with sneaking out, after all, she did it a lot when she was in high school and was rarely caught, she was only ever caught twice- once by Francis who had sworn to secrecy and the second by Azriel who had been very pleased to hold it against her for a while. But that had been years ago and she had never been caught again before.

As she prepared to descend from the window, a sudden voice startled her, causing her to perk up. She turned to look at the voice as they came closer, arching a brow. “With how loud you’re being, it will be hard for him not to catch us,” she had said ‘us’, because from the looks of it they were definitely on the same boat. She had dropped down from the window using her shadows to keep her from falling, and cleaning any dust from her skirt. The stranger- was quite tall, about the same height as Azriel, with blue eyes and pale skin. He had asked a question, causing amusement to dance in her eyes. how come you sleep in the umbra coven, miss?, that was question- was more of a 'aren’t you girl? Why do you reside in a brotherhood?" question and it was quite obvious to tell. There were so many responses she could have given, she could have ignored him and walked towards her destination- it was not like he was going to report her to he headmaster because after all he was also sneaking around, she could have firmly told him to mind his business, or something of that matter but instead she had said, “Why not?” she had questioned, “A house with only a bunch of men is bound to destruction, someone needs to keep them in line, don’t you think? They need a touch of grace, someone to keep it interesting. A brotherhood was never bound to last after all” Her tone was light, teasing, as she brushed past him, her movement as fluid as a shadow slipping through the night. “Do you always appear in front of people questioning their choice of home? If i’m special, I’m incredible flattered,” her voice was mocking, "But I’d much rather be on my way than answering questions.” She added a light, tinkling laugh, as if the mysteries of the Umbra Coven and her place within them were simply too trivial to dwell on any further. She had continued to walk pass him, scouting the area for where the perfect place would be to leave the campus, where could she leave, where could she leave indeed.


╚══ஓ๑:skull: ๑ஓ══╝

He chuckled hearing her reply. Snarky, he noted. “Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone nearby is listening, anyway. It’s way too late at night,” Vincenzo replied, taking her comment more like a joke than anything else, and wanting to know more about the stranger leaving her window.
“So, what are you doing out at this hour?”

Logically, he could assume she was going out to a party or something, definitely somewhere public based on her outfit. He wondered who she was going to meet, as well. Were they another student from Wyndham? Was she familiar enough with the area to have friends nearby? He was unsure, but it was quite intriguing how unlikely it was that he run into someone at this hour in this location, yet he still did.

Knowing his situation, Enzo thought maybe Adrian had sent someone to surveil him. It may sound overdramatic, but he was definitely someone worth the effort of monitoring, especially considering his apparent affinity for violence. In Enzo’s opinion, it was hardly that. He only had one offense, and only half of it had been his fault. He was merely the one to take the fall.

And in that same building, he knew Jesse was sleeping soundly somewhere. It made his blood boil, and begged him to wait a bit before going out into the city. He wanted to first climb up the walls until he saw the man’s horribly gelled hair and arrogant smolder, sound asleep and unsuspecting. But sadly, that would only kick him back to square one, and he didn’t want that.

It seemed Adrian might not have wanted that either, sending the tall, slender woman in his direction just when he was about to go against the man’s will and leave.

Back in his room, Vincenzo’s dorm was fully clean and vacant. The bed was made with bland, defaulted white sheets, there was nothing on the floor, the bathroom sink had nothing on it. The floors and mirrors were spotless. The basic furniture pieces were lifeless. Enzo hadn’t bothered getting comfortable in the room, not when he had no wish to be in the school anyway. Disciplined magic, Jesse, other entitled students, and that weird headmaster? It sounded like a recipe for disaster. The school would never be his home in his eyes, it was just his ticket out. The truth was; the moment he jumped out of that bedroom window, Vincenzo had no intent on returning.

Did the headmaster know he was going to try this? And more importantly, had he prepared for it?

Because if so, Vincenzo was already falling for the trap.

It had been so long since he had seen a girl all dressed up like that. Since he had seen pretty long nails with blown out hair. A cute, feminine body dressed in nice clothing. It was tempting to stare, to make small talk before he likely never saw her again. And he did exactly that, long before he thought enough to realize what it might have meant for him. The fact that she was the only girl did not help calm his nerves. Now he had to think of how to diffuse the situation.

“Someone needs to keep them in line, don’t you think?”

She spoke, and her reply only furthered Enzo’s theory that she was not a student, or at least not a member of the Umbra Coven. It was a bit obvious, though, almost too much. He thought maybe he was getting too much into his head, and needed to exit that mentality where he thought everyone was trying to hurt him. For a moment, he got out of his head, and watched her mock him again, walking past him swiftly. This time he didn’t laugh, and instead countered her, turning around to face her again.

“I thought maybe they’d let a girl in if she was good enough with her shadows. But sure, your spiel about supervising us makes sense too, I guess,” He teased back.

The girl reached the angular part of the roof that he observed earlier. If she had not studied the roof in advance, which seemed presumable based on her sudden halt, it was probably safe to say she would be struggling to get down. That was a point in her favor, at least; seeming uneducated about the school architecture. For the moment, he just waited to see if she was going to figure it out, or need his help, speaking once more to encourage her to share more.

“I’m Enzo, by the way.”

Copy of Silas


'Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone nearby is listening, anyways."

That had made Amani’s brow raised, “You’re very confident about that,” she had said descending from the window, “If we are up this late at night what makes you think someone else isn’t too?” Wyndham was far too much of a prestigious university not to have a lot of security, and Amani was certainly not praying to be caught. She was prepared to start heading to her destination, turning the other way when the stranger had asked her what she was doing at this hour. “I don’t really understand how that is any of your concern.” She said, "Besides, isn’t it obvious?’ She had done a little mock twirl as if to add an ironical touch to what she was saying, "I’m obviously sneaking out to praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Shall you be interested in a gospel? “Et pour vous appliquer à vivre paisiblement, à vous occuper de vos propres affaires, et à travailler de vos mains, comme nous vous l’avons recommandé, afin que vous vous conduisiez honnêtement envers ceux du dehors, et que vous n’ayez besoin de personne.”

He sure asked too many questions, Amani thought. Way too many questions. She would have been suspicious if his posture and the way he dressed signified that he might be working for the headmaster, but they did not. Instead, he had quite the rugged look, with messy hair and tired eyes. He wore a black jacket and looked like just another student. There was nothing particularly suspicious about him except for his questions.

“Plenty of people are good enough at shadows,” she began, her voice laced with a sardonic edge. “I do not think that all Headmaster Adrian shall need to accept a girl into a coven for boys is that she had to be good enough with her shadows.” Amani continued, taking a step closer, leaning in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, “Perhaps it’s because of my supervising skills or perhaps it’s because I’m good at so many different things,” she said teasingly, before pulling away. There were so many different things she could be implying by that, and she did not really care how he chose to interpret it.

She brushed past him, her eyes scanning the area for the perfect place to leave the campus. She wondered if Wyndham had any secret passages, places that students of the past had used to sneak out, whether it was to dorm rooms of other groups or outside the campus. But before she could truly think of a way out, the guy interrupted her, pulling her away from her thoughts as he introduced himself. “I’m Enzo, by the way.”

Good for him, but Amani did not really ask for his name did she? She stayed silent, scanning the place again, before she sigh realizing she had made a mistake in not mapping the place as soon as she entered campus but by then she was already tired. She turned to the boy, perhaps he can be of help? “Ditto,” she said finally, mustering a playful smile,

“Now, Enzo, You wouldn’t happen to know a discreet exit, would you? A passage unbeknownst to the watchful eyes of our esteemed guardians?”


With a sassy tone, the girl asked how he knew no one else was awake. Vincenzo’s shadows swirled through the cracks between the dormitory windows out of their sight, and then disintegrated into nothingness.

He smiled slyly. “I have a feeling.”
But she gave him a discrediting look, and he admitted to what he had done. “I just sent my shadows to check,” he said, a bit guilty because it took him so long. “But I’ll hand it to you that I probably could have done it earlier, then I would have known that there was a tall brunette I’d have to worry about finding me,” he said, speaking with a bit of sweetness in his voice.

He chuckled listening to her jokes, including her switch to French. She was funny, and he knew he had tracked a faint accent. Although he was technically Italian in terms of nationality, Vincenzo felt that he had come to the United Kingdom far back enough that he knew he sounded no different from the rest of his English peers. He wondered where this mysterious girl may have lived before arriving at Wyndham, as she did not sound quite new to the country, either.

When she finished her sing-songy words, he replied to the main part of her dialogue which he understood.
“Because that’s the kind of outfit you wear to church, I’m sure," he teased back, his eyes lightly grazing over her silhouette once more.

Amani disagreed with him, stating that her ability to manipulate shadows should not be enough for the headmaster to place her in the Umbra Coven, but honestly he did not know enough about the man to give his opinion. He had just met the man in person a few months before enrolling into school, and they were also still in their first days of living on campus. He hardly knew anything about him aside from his weird, all-knowing tendencies, but he acted like he knew Vincenzo perfectly well. Possibly, he did, it might not have been hard for him to obtain his records from the prison he used to live in, or perhaps it was the institution he spoke to more. He wasn’t quite sure, but either way, Vincenzo didn’t trust him nor his school, all the more reasoning to suspect of the girl standing in front of him.

He was going to comment on it, but before he could say anything, she got quite close, and pressed her lips to his ear. In that brief moment, he felt his heart stutter out its next beat. A quick wave of heat had gone over him, but he resurges from it quickly.

Was she trying to seduce him? Because if that was her aim, then she was making it very easy to guess that she was a spy. It was almost annoying how cliché that would be; an angered old man sending in a woman to do his dirty work for him, but of course she couldn’t use her wits or her technique to corner him. She had to flip her hair and push up her breasts with her hands to seduce a man who knew no better than his evolutionary condition. How insulting it was to the both of them.

He put his hand at her waist, and let his fingers slide off of her figure as she slipped away. He wanted to talk to her, and tell her not to play games with him, but a part of him still wanted to give in, so he wasted his time resisting temptation instead.
“You know what? I believe you, but I think you only say it because you want to keep the real reason hidden.” He finally confessed a bit, his mood altered by the tickle of her voice on his earlobe.

When he told her his name, she said “Ditto,” and he couldn’t tell if that was her name or the phrase she was using at first. It sounded a bit cryptic, like she was trying to indicate that she was copying something, but either way, he liked the way that the syllable echoed from her mouth.

”Now, Enzo , You wouldn’t happen to know a discreet exit, would you? A passage unbeknownst to the watchful eyes of our esteemed guardians?”

Whoever Adrian Dear hired for this, if his hunch was even right at this point because it seemed so easily decipherable, was doing a terrible job at discretion. The woman… whom he thought was trying to figure out his reason and potential plan for leaving the school… literally just asked him, plain and simple, if he knew any good routes to sneak off through.
Luckily for him, she had also been dumb enough to assume he would answer truthfully.

Vincenzo had studied the way that the roof looked beforehand, he had sent his shadows to study their surface, sometimes it felt like they were so connected to him that he had been there too, feeling the shingles of its surface with a soft running hand lifting and sloping with its pattern. If he was lucky, and his powers were tiptoeing on enough power to do so, he could even picture the scene, as far away as it may have been.

He knew the way that the decking of it spread out, and the overlap of the tiles like fallen dominos. He knew if perfectly well enough to know which path was the safest to take.
If ‘Ditto’ was a spy, then she most likely did too.

“Yeah, just keep going straight,” he lied. If the girl was going to do that, then he knew she would have to cross over the very old and cobwebbed turrets of the building, their use and existence dating back to the creation of the school. Not only was there no one present inside the walls in case of an emergency, but she would have to rotate around the center. That was, if she made it there at all. Before that rise, the roof wasn’t very well maintained either, with rough patches and stumps that one could trip over so easily. If she went alone, she was sure to fall.

If she did what he expected her to do, and nervously found a reason to avoid it, then he would know he was right in his assumption, and have no choice but to turn back and try again another time.

To his surprise, though, she did not protest, and actually started walking.

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