When she looked back up to see the man before her, Desdemona realized how he had leaned in closer to her. Puzzled, she tilted her head, and smiled a bit, pleased. There was something quite lovely about him, but what was it? He had very beautiful eyes, and his hair looked soft to comb through, very handsome, and gentle. Like a friend. A friend. She spaced into his eyes as he spoke, becoming unaware of his dialogue and thanking her, but she was quickly brought back to reality when he turned back to the girl below them.
She didn’t think he noticed, but as soon as the boy turned away, her hands trembled, stressed from the strain of her magic, and her irises flashed to white.
In her mind, she saw flames; flames wavering through the air, their roots attached to light brown wood, organized neatly into rows; the exterior of a home. The whole house looked to be burning down from the outside, and Desdemona couldn’t see it; but she knew who was inside. Behind the estate, the lake glimmered with the reflection of the view, and even in the cerulean water, you could see shades of orange from the flames, scattered all over the edifice like on remains after an explosion. They were going to burn! She thought back to the building. Why, why?
“Wait…!” A loud voice awoke her, saving her from herself, and with a hard blink, her hazel eyes recovered their original state before he could turn back to see her. Looking around, the girl in the blue dress was gone, no longer in Desdemona’s line of vision.
The man sighed, frustrated as if he wanted to talk to her, but could not bring himself to chase her. She wondered why, and he asked her if she would be okay. Usually, Desdemona’s demeanor was confident and trusting almost to a fault, asserting that everything was going to be okay. But in the moment, just coming down from a vision, her energy was low, and she did not have it in her to be so optimistic.
“Yes, I think so…” Mona said. Truthfully though, if she had said a bit more, she would have told him that she has only had to regenerate animals before, so she does not know if she is fully capable of healing humans. But quickly, she was regaining her awareness, a smile appearing on her lips when he complimented her magic.
She beamed, “thank you!” and was going to elaborate, until the other person began to speak again, and she listened keenly. “You seem to care for her a lot,” she thought aloud. “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?” The girl asked another question innocently, then a mischevious smile appeared on her lips, suggesting that she was intruiged to hear his answer. Although she had just held her, Mona’s worry about the navy-dressed girl seemed to fall away,
@idiot.exe Atlas sorry this took 1m years