Ninth House | Official RP Thread


Renlins evening unfolded like a rollercoaster ride, full of unexpected twists and turns. Despite the turbulence, he managed to find moments of enjoyment amidst the chaos. Perhaps it was the adrenaline rush from his encounter with his new friend Mr. Adrian, the lingering effects of alcohol, or simply sheer exhaustion, but he somehow let himself drift off to sleep (and actually sleep peacefully) for a few precious hours. Surprisingly, when he woke up the next morning, he found himself with only minimal signs of fatigue under his eyes. It was a small victory in the aftermath of a tumultuous night.

Despite managing to catch a few hours of sleep, Renlin still found himself in need of a strong cup of coffee to kickstart his day. The demands of the day ahead left him craving the caffeine boost to fuel him.

As Renlin reached for his trusty mug, he couldn’t help but notice the faint brown stains on its interior. Despite his efforts to rinse it out after each use, the stubborn marks seemed to have settled in over time, a testament to the countless cups of coffee that had fueled his late nights and early mornings. With a nonchalant shrug, he decided it added character to his faithful companion.

With a wry smile, Renlin glanced around his room, taking in the scattered papers, discarded clothing, and general disarray that seemed to define his living space. Compared to the chaos that surrounded him, the stained mug suddenly seemed like a beacon of cleanliness and order. He chuckled to himself, acknowledging the irony of the situation as he reached for the coffee maker, determined to start his day off on the right foot despite the clutter that surrounded him.

As the coffee brewed in the background, filling the air with its rich aroma. He watched the coffee drip slowly, almost meditatively. Pulled out of his trance by the sudden realization that he needed to get dressed, Renlin turned sharply on his heel and made his way to the dresser.

Grabbing a pair of navy shorts from the dresser, Renlin’s eyes fell upon a white graphic tee lying on the floor. He eyed the tee skeptically, contemplating whether it had passed the smell test. He wasn’t one to fuss over details, especially when it came to his wardrobe. With a casual shrug, he decided to trust his instincts and slipped the tee over his head. As he tugged on his navy shorts, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something, but he brushed it aside.

With his outfit sorted, Renlin headed back to the coffee maker, where the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. He poured himself a steaming cup, savoring the warmth that spread through his body as he took the first sip.

Black coffee was Renlin’s go-to. Sure, he wouldn’t turn down a caramel macchiato with whipped cream on top every now and then, but there was something about the simplicity of black coffee that appealed to him. It was strong and bold. Plus, no matter how strong he brewed it, it never seemed strong enough to fully satisfy his caffeine cravings.

He slid a pen into the pocket of his pants as he walked past a disorganized pile of supplies just on the floor at the foot of his bed. His hand reached for a jacket—an eye-catching combination of orange, black, and yes, cheetah print. With a nonchalant air, he shrugged into the jacket and headed out of the room, the door swinging shut behind him but not latching fully. He paid it no mind as he made his way down the hallway. Coffee in hand, he set out to start his day.


The lair of his brothers, and Amani, held a special place in Renlin’s heart. It wasn’t just a room; it was a sanctuary where laughter echoed and bonds were forged. Within its walls, secrets were shared, plans were hatched, and friendships flourished. It was a sacred space reserved exclusively for members of Umbra.

Renlin’s thoughts drifted to the members who had come before him, the ones whose stories he knew and those who remained a mystery. Each member had left their mark on Umbra, contributing to its legacy in their own unique way.

As Ren stepped into the dimly lit room, a shiver of anticipation ran down his spine. Despite its somewhat eerie atmosphere, he found comfort in the flickering flames of the fire, casting dancing shadows on the walls. There were no windows in this room, but somehow, that only added to its mystique.

Renlin’s smile widened into a toothy grin as he took in the familiar faces of his fellow Umbra members already gathered in the room. They were more than just friends; they were his brothers in arms, bound by a shared sense of purpose and loyalty. He felt a deep connection with them, a bond that went beyond mere friendship.

His eyes scanned the room, and he spotted Vinnie already taking charge as part of the initiation team for the new members.

Ah, initiation into Umbra. Renlin vividly recalled his freshman year, when the older members had orchestrated a unique challenge for him and a select few in his class: a race filled with obstacles and hidden challenges. While he could share the basic premise with outsiders, the details remained a closely guarded secret known only to members of Umbra.

He raised his mug in a silent toast to a few of the Umbra coven members lounging on the couch. Then, with a playful grin, he called out to his friend, Vinnie, across the room, “Take it easy, Vin!”

It wasn’t wrong to say that Renlin felt almost like a king in this room. He was friends with everyone here, his name known to all, and he was generally one of the most liked members. He relished in this feeling, enjoying how others came to him for things. It was a stark contrast to when he was new, looking up to these types of guys, and now finding himself among them.

Not the leader type, he would leave that role to his friend. But he saw himself more as a big brother to all, offering guidance (not always the best!) and support whenever needed.

Renlin settled into his seat at the table, he was pulled into the conversation by the members discussing their night. He felt a sense of camaraderie among them, a shared bond forged through their experiences within Umbra. As they delved into questions about his speech and whether he was in trouble, Renlin’s mind wandered, reflecting on the events of the previous night.

He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride at having stirred up some intrigue, even if it had landed him in the dean’s office. Yet, amidst the chatter and curiosity of his fellow members, a separate conversation caught his attention. It seemed to hold a certain weight, a whisper of secrecy that intrigued him further, drawing him into its orbit.

Renlin leaned in the direction of the intriguing conversation, resting his elbow on the table as he set down his mug with a bit more force than intended. He caught a glance from a member seated across from him, but his focus remained fixed on the discussion unfolding before him.

“Do you think the Dumans are actually going to talk to each other this year?” one member asked, prompting a thoughtful pause from the others.“It was weird last year’s sleepover, they didn’t even acknowledge each other,” another chimed in.“Dude, absolutely not. They hate each other. Their families are like archenemies or something. They couldn’t care less that they’re cousins,” a third member added with a shake of their head. “Wasn’t Tae’s brother in Umbra too?” a member asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Renlin chuckled at this remark, making it evident he had been eavesdropping on the conversation. “Half-brother,” he stated matter-of-factly, adding his own insight to the discussion.

@raviola vin
@Caticorn tae


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


With skin the color of acorns and hair dark brown, the woman stood in a room. Her face appeared blurry, yet Amani sensed a frightened expression. The woman took a step back, raising her hand defensively. “Stop!” she cried out, her voice tinged with fear and anger. “The answer is no, I shall not—” But then the voice wavered, the scene flickering as the woman fell to her knees and everything faded to black.

It was a strange dream, a repetition of a particular scene that Amani couldn’t quite grasp. There were many aspects of the dream that puzzled her: What triggered it? Why was it recurring? When Amani was younger, she often experienced cryptic dreams like this one—scenes that made no sense, featuring a woman whose face remained obscured. It was as if she didn’t want to be seen or someone didn’t want her to be seen.

As Amani grew older, these dreams ceased, and she nearly forgot about them. But now they had returned unexpectedly. Strange as it was, at least it diverted her thoughts from the events of last night. No, Amani decided, she would not dwell on that. Last night didn’t happen; it didn’t exist. She had washed it from her skin and cleared it from her mind. She stood up, arranging her bed like she always did, doing her usual morning 15 minutes yoga session and stretches, before she headed towards the showers, the dream and all of yesterday replaying in her mind. “Fcking Vincenzo,” Amani muttered as the water fell on her skin, she placed her hands on her forehead, rubbing her temples. She hoped his morning was miserable

Coming out from the bathroom, Amani had dressed herself, a white shirt, covered by an emerald sweater- because of course Amani had to have green in her outfit, it was not really Amani if she did not have one item that was green on her body. She put on transparent tights accompanied by a short skirt and a black jacket-a jacket which once belonged to her elder sister, Marium Zalia Monet, and was giving to Amani as a gift- well, it was more like Amani took it, and her sister let her, but that was practically the same thing.

As Amani walked from the dorms to the school, she decided to call her mother. With her tote bag slung over her shoulder, books packed inside, she dialed her mother’s number, remembering she had not called them since she came back to Ninth house

“Hey, Mom,” Amani greeted warmly as her mother answered the call. They exchanged pleasantries, chatting about their plans for the day and catching up on the latest news. Amani smiled as she listened to her mother’s voice, “Love you too,” Amani ended the call with a kiss , slipping her phone inside her bag as they neared the school. Entering the school’s lunchroom, Amani ordered her usual breakfast—avocado toast and a caramel latte. She found a quiet corner to sit and study, pulling out her books from her tote bag and preparing to dive into her studies.

Like always, Amani was going to read a page ahead than the rest of her schoolmates, to make sure that she was always the top of her class, and she was always ahead- academic validation was truly the only validation Amani needed, none of that nonsense than he had talked about, thinking she was still the same as before.

Amani flipped the book to page 145, about to write down some things, when she decided to look up, her eyes widening in surprise. There, walking by, was someone she hadn’t seen in a long time, a childhood ‘friend’, well former, the term friend was used quite loosely. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched the familiar figure pass by. She wondered what they had been up to and whether they had changed at all since the last time she saw them, “Arya Sellonova,” Amani greeted, closing her book, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. “You truly do look better without Gardens trailing behind you,” Gardens was one of the many nicknames Amani had coined for Inessa Dunman, cousin to Tae Dunman- who Amani would say was her favorite alive Dunman-, and sister to Renlin Dunman, whom Amani also disliked, but sadly the Dunmans were friends with her family, they were family friends, Amani had been forced to grow up with and see everyday, at least that gave birth to a lot of wonderful nicknames for Inessa, whom as from what Amani recalls was still friends with Ayra. There was bulges, bulgy eyes, l och ness monster(that one had been made when she was 11, a play on her name),

Amani eyes scanned Ayra’s, taking in her outfit “A suit?” Amani asked raising a brow, "Fancy today, anything special occurring? " Amani was going to end it with something crude, a comment regarding another person, but she decided to hold her tongue for now.

@CerealKiller -Ayra S.


@Madilnel -rennessa

@raviola - vin

@Caticorn - Tae



In the morning, Vincenzo laid in his bed with his arms over the blankets, and his eyes open. He wanted to rest, but earlier, he woke up and his body knew there would be no going back to sleep. He wasn’t going to dream anything anyway, he seldom did.

It was frustrating, inconvenient. The bags under his eyes were dark, and if you ran your fingers along them, you’d realize they were deep, too, small pits symbolic of the events of last night.

He felt fine for the most part, deciding to sit up, but as soon as he did his head throbbed like getting up had rattled his brain inside his skull. He was so close to not drinking last night, only having a few champagne glasses before running off with Amani, but he just had to take off and finish his flask to free himself. Expected.

For a minute, he thought back to Amani. Was that interaction real? After months of not speaking, he thought they might argue, maybe have a small, bitter interaction because they could not avoid each other around school; but they had been doing fine. Near the end of the last school year, they managed to not speak in class at all. Sometimes they both raised their hands for the same questions, but as soon as one noticed the other, they both looked away just as fast. During that time, he knew they were in the same group; he knew they would eventually have to confront each other once more, so he expected their argument, and honestly, she said everything he thought she would. It was his own actions that he had not predicted. That part had felt so good, but he tuned it out. None of it could happen again.

Perturbed by his thoughts, he threw the covers off from himself, and got up to make himself a coffee.

In the kitchen, the man opened one of the top cabinets to retrieve his “trusty mug” according to Renlin, which matched his. What the mug said was not important, but he took it and set up the coffee machine where the water began to brew his drink, dark brown liquid dripping swiftly into the white ceramic. As soon as it stopped, Vincenzo removed the mug from the coffee machine, and let it cool down for a few seconds before taking a sip. Hopefully this would give him energy to get through the first day.

To no surprise, the coffee was not helping. Vincenzo walked through the school hallway looking a bit better than he did in the morning, but he felt just the same, so when he walked, he bumped into someone, causing him to slow a bit and notice a familiar freckled face nearby. Looking away, he rolled his eyes. These esther-like coincidences had to stop.

Off the balcony of the Umbra suite, Vincenzo cupped his hand around the atmosphere of his cigarette as he lit it, courtesy to his raven-haired friend standing beside him. A small flame ignited, then quickly fell away, and he put the good side to his lips, taking a drag, and dropping his head back as the smoke billowed into the air. A wave of nicotine flooded through his brain, and physically, he felt the stress in his shoulders seem to dissipate. He needed the smoke after that long first school day, he could not believe it was already seven, but looking at the setting sun, it may have been even later.

When he recovered from the nicotine wave, his friend whispered something, and Vincenzo nodded, letting him leave before taking in the view.

On the horizon, its light reflected over the water surrounding the academy, the water wavering as freshwater fish swam beneath it. The surface of it looked dark, darker than it usually did when he saw it during passing periods, almost black. Under the orange of the sky, and in the yellow of the sun, it colored like an eclipse, overlapping the sun and moon to create an eternal night; the Umbra Coven.

He thought of them at once. Soon, he would be going to their annual welcome party (that was a nice way of saying they were going to have a hazing sleepover.) He still wasn’t dressed for it, though. He was still clad in his school clothes; he wore a button up shirt and a loosely done tie, with jeans and an unofficially classic Wyndham jacket. It was his impression of them; how he felt compared to the rest.

When his rest had felt long enough, Vincenzo turned around, walking back into the Umbra suite where he saw all of the guys in their usual chaos; some guys on the couches, others on the floor. Some in pajamas, some in daytime clothing, socks on the carpet, and some beer bottles from the prior night. He tried to block it out of his mind, but maybe he could remember his conversation with Esther; that one wasn’t as bad.

He shook his head thinking about it, and then recovered in all in that same instant he had walked through the door. Without bothering to go to his room, he picked up his feet to take his shoes off and tossed them at his sides. “Alright, fuckers,” he said in the most tumblr way possible, “who hasn’t done this before?”

A few guys raised their hands, all freshmen, he would say all innocent, but in the nightshade brotherhood, that wasn’t likely. Vincenzo scanned through the room, until he saw an unfamiliar face at the end, with his hand down. He was about Vincenzo’s own height, and had dark brown features on fair skin. He dressed like a scholar, which made Vincenzo laugh as he looked him up and down, but instinctively, there was something about him that Enzo trusted.

“And you?” He told the man. “I haven’t seen you before either.”

From a distance, he heard the voice of Renlin, one of Vincenzo’s best friends, if not the inherent favorite. Enzo turned around briefly, saw the guy discouraging him from his seat, and chuckled. It was sweet of him to try and discourage Enzo, but it obviously was not going to work. He liked to think of himself as a good student, and good students value school rules. This was tradition, so, he couldn’t abandon the ritual.

He turned back to face the guy. “You look like an upperclassman, so let me guess, you transferred?” Effortlessly, Vincenzo always seemed to ask his questions with utmost confidence. In his demeanor, you could probably tell that he thought very highly of himself, but it was more than that. There were reasons for his arrogance, and one of them dealt with how easily it was for him to do things like this.

At his signal, two of the other guys from the group that he liked to hang around came to where the both of them stood, one on either side of Vincenzo, surrounding the man with the brown hair.

@idiot.exe Dominic

@Madilnel Rennie!!
@Kristi Amani
@Jass Lyra :eyes:
@Mouschi Esther


Esther Ruth Dubois (1)

˖ ݁𖥔.:cloud:︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖

The morning sun glimmered on the horizon as Esther’s eyes fluttered open with a groggy yawn. She tossed herself over, trying to lull herself back to rest and stop the perplexing memories from flooding through her mind. Despite her efforts, she’d begun to feel pins and needles, a deep sinking feeling in her gut. With all the uncertainty that hung heavily in the air, she questioned her decision to come to Ninth House, even though she hated the feeling of second guessing herself. Throwing her concerns away for a moment, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in, the slight September chill in the air giving her a little bit of peace as it caressed her skin. She bathed in the warm sunlight until she found herself looking at the clock on the wall, her eyes still blurry from sleep and struggling to focus. But soon she landed upon the numbers, clear as day, causing her to curse under her breath. Reluctantly, she emerged from the blankets, searching for her eyeglasses and perhaps some motivation.

As she stepped into the shower, steam enveloped her like a warm hug, relieving the tension in her shoulders. She allowed herself to feel temporary relief, although the intrusive thoughts persisted. She could see their faces, circling her, mouthing what she could only assume were their most obscene insults. Anxiety rose within her, quickening her heartbeat and making her knees weak. Grasping the wall for support, she leaped out of the shower, leaving the thoughts behind to dissipate in the steam.

She threw on her prepared clothes, catching a glimpse of herself in every reflective surface. While she may be in shambles on the inside, nobody could ever see her as “weak”. Weakness was her downfall in the past, and she would not let history repeat itself. Staring intently in the mirror, she fixed her hair to perfection and sprayed on her current favorite perfume. Her phone screen lit up with a text just as she was about to leave, it was from her father. She unlocked her phone, anticipating the lab results with slight fear.

The lab results came back. You were right, it’s poison, oleander flower.

~ Dad :heart: . . . is typing ~

Are you safe? I support your decision, but if you feel unsafe, please come home.

Esther paused, reading the text over and over, hoping that she’d understand the words. As it finally sunk in, she frowned, feeling a heaviness at the bottom of the heart. “Why would he do this to me?”, she sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. Wiping her eyes with her sleeves, she forced a convincing smile, heading to class. With her head in clouds, and her feet on autopilot, she never noticed someone trying to get her attention. “Esther”, her feet stopped cold, it was a voice she recognized, a voice so comforting and warm like a cup of tea. She turned around, “Lyra!”, she exclaimed, their friendship bringing a bright smile upon her lips. “I’ve missed you!”, Esther melted into her hug, her scent drifting into her nose. “I’m so happy to see you, you have no idea”, she admitted, exposing the fear in her voice. Noticing a shift in Lyra as well, she furrowed her brows in question, maybe she wasn’t the only one having a terrible time so far at Ninth House. Lyra peered around before leading Esther to a secluded bathroom, far from prying eyes and ears. Now, her interest was piqued and her mind distracted from the harsh reality. Sensing the uncertainty in her voice, Esther approached her with a softened gaze and her ears ready to listen. “Esther, there’s something I need to tell you”, her friend started, her eyes filled with concern. Taking Lyra’s hands in hers, she gave them a gentle squeeze of support, she cleared her throat, almost afraid of the thought of revealing herself. Inhaling deeply, she began, “I also have something to tell you, but first, what’s going on?”.

˖ ݁𖥔.:cloud:︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖

@jass - Lyra ~ turned out longer than i expected



Dining hall || with Amani

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains of Arya’s dorm room, The soft hues of morning cast bright rays of light over the room, illuminating the neat, orderly space with a subtle warmth. The room exuded an air of quiet serenity, a sanctuary amidst the bustling energy of Ninth House.

The room was cloaked in a tranquil stillness, the only sound being the gentle rustle of sheets as Arya shifted beneath the covers. With a languid stretch, she reached out to the bedside table in search of her phone to check the time, her fingers grazing the worn pages of a book that lay there, a little distraction for the late hours.

Arya’s room exuded an air of quiet sophistication and calculated precision, each item meticulously arranged in its designated spot. The sleek lines of her minimalist furniture contrasted beautifully with the ornate detailing of her vintage-inspired decor, creating a harmonious balance between modernity and nostalgia, every detail spoke to Arya’s meticulous attention to detail and preference for order.

The walls were adorned with a few select pieces of artwork, neatly arranged bookshelves lined one wall, their contents a curated collection of literary treasures and arcane tomes. A sleek desk stood opposite, bathed in the soft glow of a reading lamp, its surface adorned with scattered notes and pens and an array of carefully arranged books, their spines worn from countless readings, thirst for knowledge is not one easy to quench.

She rose from her bed, smoothing the wrinkles from her sheets with a flick of her wrist. As she moved through the room, her steps were light and precise, the cool touch of the hardwood floor grounding her as she prepared to face the day ahead.
With practiced ease, Arya went about her morning routine, the familiar rituals grounding her in the present moment. She lingered in the warmth of the shower, letting the hot water wash away the remnants of sleep and usher in a renewed sense of vitality.

Arya’s wardrobe showed off an array of carefully selected garments that reflected her distinctive sense of style, a matter she never seemed to dissapoint with, always keep things interesting. Arya paused before her wardrobe, surveying the carefully curated selection of garments with a discerning eye. Today, she opted for a layered ensemble, a black top paired with a crisp blue button-down shirt, topped off with a tailored black striped blazer and a pair of leather pants that hugged her figure just right. She brushed through her brown locks with swift, decisive strokes, arranging them into a sleek ponytail that fell down her back in a graceful cascade. A touch of makeup enhanced her features, accentuating her natural beauty with subtle precision.

As she surveyed her reflection in the mirror, Arya’s gaze held a quiet intensity, a silent acknowledgment of the day ahead. With a final adjustment to her attire, she gathered her belongings and headed out to school.

Walking into the bustling dining hall, Arya made a beeline for the drink stand, her usual tall glass of double dirty chai calling out to her like an old friend. With a quick glance around the room, she spotted a cozy window seat waiting just for her, its quiet solitude a welcome respite from the cacophony of noise and chatter that filled the air. Ignoring the energetic buzz of conversation that surrounded her, Arya navigated her way through the crowded hall with practiced ease, her steps purposeful and determined. She had always been one to focus in the mornings, preferring the quiet contemplation of her own thoughts to the idle chatter of those around her.

“Arya Sellanova”

As Arya entered the dining hall, she heard her name being called, and with a faint glance in the direction of the voice, she spotted none other than Amani. Were they friends? Well, that might be stretching it a bit. In the past, one could have considered them as friends, their mothers were friends, rather close ones in fact. However, when it came to the daughters, things were a bit more complicated. “Amani,” Arya greeted, her tone cordial but distant as she acknowledged her presence. She couldn’t help but notice the snarky comment about Inessa, however, she knew better than to engage in petty conflicts, especially in public settings. pick and choose your battles. Instead, she chose to remain composed, offering a polite yet neutral response.

Arya arched an eyebrow in response to Amani’s remark, her expression unapologetically confident. “Well, I like to keep things interesting,” she replied with a playful glint in her eyes. “Who says you have to wait for a special occasion to look fancy?” she replied, her voice laced with a hint of amusement and a sly smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

She couldn’t help but notice Amani’s signature green top and short skirt ensemble, paired with a rather nice looking black leather jacket she could have sworn she remembered seeing somewhere else before. Arya’s gaze lingered on the outfit for a moment before she offered a nonchalant comment, her words laced with a hint of playful teasing. “And I see you’re sticking to your signature green,” she remarked with a small smirk. “Consistency is key, after all.”

With a casual flick of her wrist, Arya took a sip of her chai, savoring the rich blend of flavors as she maintained her confident demeanor. “So, what’s been going on in the world of Amani lately?” she asked, a playful smirk tugging at her lips as her words carried a subtle undercurrent of curiosity and wit. “Any exciting developments, or is it just the usual chaos?”

@Kristi Amani

@Madilnel Inessa mentioned



With a deep breath, Lyra began to confide in Esther, her words tumbling out in a rush of emotion. “Esther, I… I went on a few dates with this guy, Vincenzo,” she admitted, her voice wavering slightly with uncertainty. “He seemed… He seemed really charming and sweet.”

As she spoke, Lyra couldn’t help but feel a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of her stomach. She trusted Esther with her deepest secrets, but this revelation felt different somehow, more raw and exposed. “But after we…” she wanted to say more, but felt too embarrassed so she corrected herself, “after our fourth date, he completely ghosted me.”

Feeling a mixture of sadness and hurt, Lyra hesitated before continuing, her voice trembling with vulnerability. “I don’t know what I did wrong, Esther,” she confessed, her gaze dropping to the floor.

She took a moment to compose herself before looking back at Esther, her eyes pleading for understanding. “And now… now he’s here at the school,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “I just saw him walk by.”

After confiding in Esther about her experience with Vincenzo, Lyra took a deep breath, trying to push aside her own feelings of hurt and confusion. She shifted her focus to Esther, wanting to hear her friend’s thoughts and concerns.

“Anyway, enough about me,” Lyra said, forcing a small smile as she attempted to lighten the mood. “What about you? You mentioned you had something to tell me too. Is everything okay?” She reached out to gently touch Esther’s arm, silently conveying her readiness to lend an ear and offer whatever support her friend might need.

Esther - @Mouschi
Vincenzo - @raviola :eyes:



Desdemona’s eyes batted when she heard the sound of birds chirping; the tops of her eyelashes touching her brow bone. No, she didn’t set an alarm, no, she didn’t have one. She sort of always had that relationship with nature where she trusted it to wake her up for her, either with the sound of the birds chirping, or her intuition sensing the sun rise, both happened today.

After peeping to see that the sun really was out behind the curtains, Desdemona sat up, stretching her arms above her head with a yawn. Then she dropped her hands, sinking her fingertips into the mattress. What day is today? She asked herself, then her eyes lit up and she smiled. It was the first day of school! So she would finally get to meet everyone!! She assumed she still remembered everything she had learned when she studied the entire school guidebook and student population, so the knowledge could finally come in handy!

She would get to meet the rest of cipher too, finallyyyyy. And talk to Thalia, FINALLY!! Desdemona was looking forward to seeing her a lot, and she was so sad she didn’t get to talk to her last night :pleading_face: but she would today! So she was happy.

Knowing Thalia, she probably wasn’t up to any good. A lot of the time, she liked to party a lot, so she probably had some of the alcoholic drinks. Desdemona, unlike Thalia, didn’t really like to drink thattttt much. Mom and dad said no, so Desdemona said okay, but, really, maybe she would like drinking after she came to the Ninth house. Muahahaha.

You never know! But Desdemona knew. She just couldn’t say that because then she would get in trouble and she doesn’t want to get in trouble. What she wanted was to stay at the Ninth House with Thalia and learn cool magic. Poor Thalia, she must have been drinking, but even then, sometimes she gets nervous. When she gets nervous, she gets awkward, and when she gets awkward, she gets sad. Desdemona hoped she was okay.

Mona, herself, was doing great. Last night, she made a new friend, Raven, AND she met a new person named Atlas! She thought he was very nice. And pretty. So was Raven. Raven was pretty in a Thalia way, and Atlas was pretty in a new way. Well, actually, that way reminded her of Thalia too. Thalia was pretty in every way.

But beside the point, she also met that girl who’s name she didn’t know. The one in the blue dress. She barely even got to see her! At least before she ran away. She supposed she was looking at her during the spell, but, she couldn’t really remember the things she saw when her eyes turned white, much less could she remember what happened after her spells, when-

In her bed, having all of those thoughts, Desdemona was hit with a pang of unsettlement. It was that that inspired her to get up, make her bed, and then pick out her outfit for the day, and change out of her white night dress.

From her drawers, she picked an outfit that was pretty comfortable, and kind of like something she would wear on the farm. It had sneakers, so she could be on the move, and overalls because they reminded her of home, and also a tight, white long-sleeve that matched the tote bag at her side. To top it all off, she put on her headphones, and played music as she walked to class, freshly chosen from her playlist.

She walked out of her dorm, and strolled through the hallway. She wasn’t really paying too much attention around the hall, because she was enjoying the music in her ears, but right as she was looking for her class, her eyes met Thalia’s, and her eyes lit up again, this time brighter. Without thinking, as Thalia approached her, Desdemona ran over and threw her arms around her, bracing her just right. Then, the girl started speaking in their hug, and Mona remembered herself, pulling away to then answer. “So good!” She replied, then looked down shyly. “I was doing okay, but now you’re here, so I’m better.”

Mona looked back up, and Thalia complimented her energetic appearance, which Mona liked, “thank you, I am!” but didn’t like enough to forget that she was worried about how Thalia was last night without her, “are you?”

@Kristi Thalia


Hayes New

{ library / with Inessa }

‧˚₊┈┈ ⋅ ∙ ∘ ⋆˖⁺˖⋆ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ┈┈┈‧₊˚⊹

Usually, what everyone thinks is “I can’t wait to get out of here and start my life”. Hayes has been thinking about that too for a while now but certain things brought him back to the same place he wanted to escape. His reasonings staying a secret, even to those closest to him.

It was still dark outside when Hayes became aware of his surroundings. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if he even slept, especially these past few months but one thing will always stay the same - he would be up way before everyone, making his way out to the stillness of the morning. With a silent sigh, Hayes eased himself out of bed, his movements fluid and deliberate, as if not to disturb that stillness. A faint scent of smoke lingered in the air, a familiar aroma, one that spoke of long nights spent lost in thoughts. Beneath the tangled sheets, notebooks were scattered on the bed, their pages worn and dog-eared from countless hours of use.

Almost tripping over those sheets, Hayes drew back the curtains to open the window, being met not by sunlight but that peaceful shift in colors that only appears when it’s still too early to get up. The garden lay bathed in darkness, so wasting no time, Hayes got dressed and ready to leave his room and return to his favorite place before breakfast.

‧˚₊┈┈ ⋅ ∙ ∘ ⋆˖⁺˖⋆ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ┈┈┈‧₊˚⊹

However, there was not much time to waste.
Hayes hurried to the dining hall, where he grabbed a simple meal, mindful of the fleeting moments before his classes began. As he ate, Hayes kept his gaze low, avoiding unnecessary interactions and the prying eyes of curious classmates. He was accustomed to blending into the background, content to observe rather than be observed. Today was no different; he was here to fuel his body, not engage in conversations. With his meal finished, Hayes headed towards the library, the weight of his backpack slung over one shoulder. His second favorite place where the scent of old books and parchment welcomed him back like an old friend.

He lets his fingers slide over some books on the shelves as if his touch could somehow show him the way, the right book would just magically fall into his hands. What was he even looking for? You might call him crazy but he did not know. Anything? He was looking for anything that could potentially help him. With what? Well… Everything?

So focused on that one simple task he was oblivious to the world around him. But then he sensed someone’s presence before he saw her. Inessa. For a moment, Hayes was frozen in place, his mind struggling to catch up with the sudden mix of emotions. As she drew nearer, he forced himself to meet her gaze. Now Inessa was one of the dearest… almost only… friends he had here. Damn, this was in fact the exact way they met so why did he suddenly feel so… Weird around her? Nervous was not the right word to use, he always felt a little nervous around her… I mean, have you seen her? This sunshine, positive person in this dark place. There was nothing he could’ve appreciated her more for.

But it has been so long since he has really talked to her. Last summer he abruptly left, not a single word to anyone and now… he is back here. In that fleeting moment, Hayes couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to share with her what has been going on with him? What he discovered. But as quickly as the thought crossed his mind, he pushed it aside, burying it beneath a mask of nonchalance. ”Hey… Yeah,“ With almost a forced smile, Hayes greeted her, his voice betraying none of his feelings. ”Some things never change,“ he echoed, his voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. ”But perhaps that’s not always a bad thing.“ Hayes subtly lowered his hand from the books, concealing his search from her curious eyes.

”Or… Were you just looking for me?“ A smile met his lips as he further tried to conceal his reasons for being here so early, steering the conversation towards lighter topics with a joke. ”This one summer was too much?“

‧˚₊┈┈ ⋅ ∙ ∘ ⋆˖⁺˖⋆ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ┈┈┈‧₊˚⊹

@Madilnel - baby nesssa


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


The cafeteria was never Amani’s preferred spot; it was always too bustling, too raucous for her liking. She usually swung by for breakfast, swiftly grabbing her meal before retreating to the library or joining her friends elsewhere. Lingering in the cafeteria, especially alone, was not her norm. Yet today was different. Today, she sought out the clamor, craving the disruption amidst the din. The chatter served as a welcome distraction, as if the people were divulging secrets straight out of middle school.

"Did Dimitri and Galianda really fck"

"Not only that but apparently the Greek club had an orgy that they attended"

"is that allowed on campus?

"Well it’s not illegal, besides it’s a Greek class"

“Don’t be stereotypical, Siv”

“Not stereotypical, but realistic”

As Amani flipped through her book, absorbing the key details, the murmur of conversation enveloped the cafeteria. The background noise served as a welcome distraction, allowing her to concentrate on her studies while momentarily escaping the whirlwind of thoughts swirling within her mind. The gossip floating around also made the food more enjoyable, enhancing her nourishment as she delved into her reading.

Always prepared, Amani kept snacks close at hand to ensure she never missed a meal. It was essential, not just for her own well-being, but also for the creature that depended on her blood. If she skipped meals, it would weaken her, albeit not significantly enough to cause harm. Still, Amani couldn’t bear the thought of neglecting the creature, treating it almost like a cherished pet despite its obvious origins. It was a peculiar symbiotic relationship, one that had developed over time. While Amani acknowledged its strangeness, she had grown accustomed to it, much like many of her unusual magical gifts, all of which stemmed from her parents, particularly her father.

Speaking of her father, Amani hoped fervently that he remained unaware of the recent events or that no one had reported them to him. Because what if he- No, Amani pushed those ideas behind her, for after all, she could always rely on her ability to spin a convincing tale if need be. Her father had always placed his trust in her, and she intended to uphold it.

Pursing her lips in contemplation, Amani resolved to address any concerns about Azriel later. For now, she refocused her attention on her studies, flipping to page 145 to jot down some notes. However, her concentration was interrupted by the presence of someone nearby. Closing her book, she looked up to find a familiar figure passing by—a figure from her past, a former “friend” whose acquaintance she had not encountered in quite some time. A smirk danced across her lips as she observed the familiar sight.

Ayra Sellova Amani had greeted, following the greeting with a snarky remark, to which Arya had simply greeted her back.

“Interesting or over the top?” Amani queried, her gaze sweeping over Arya’s attire from head to toe. “Though,” she added, drawing back slightly, her lips curving into a small smile, “I suppose Wyndham College thrives on the extravagant, does it not? A touch of the dramatic to fuel the flames of academic fervor. It is what makes the magic school, so magical and enchanting, do you agree?.” She inquired, her slender fingers tapping rhythmical against the spine of her book, the sound echoing faintly in the cafeteria, looking down at her book, before looking back up at Arya, “First impressions are paramount, after all,” she continued, her voice taking on a somber timbre. “They lay the foundation for what is to come—a year shrouded in mystery, success or excitement perhaps.”

Amani opened her book again, flipping through the pages, looking down at it, though she was not reading it, instead she was awaiting Ayra’s words. Amani stood straight, turning her gaze back to Ayra, an unreadable expression on her face, “Do you believe you will have a successful year, Sellonova?” Her words carried a weight of expectation, mingled with a subtle undercurrent of foreboding, as though she were peering into the shadows of the future, seeking answers that lay beyond the realm of ordinary understanding.

It was then that Arya’s gaze shifted, her eyes alighting upon Amani’s signature shade of green. A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she took note of Amani’s steadfast adherence to tradition, to the familiar comfort of the past. Her gaze lingering on the black leather jacket Amani had on, before she commented on Amani’s adherence to tradition, a playful glint in her eyes, and a smirk to which Amani had matched with a smile, “I’m hoping for a successful year, a year unlike the first day.” Amani said, taking a sip of her latte, “Successful people tend to have a signature style, something to make them stand out.” Amani commented, “And emerald, bless the color, is said to be the color of abundance, prosperity and growth within all aspects of life. I don’t tend to believe in spiritual bullshit, I find it corny,” Amani said, “But it has worked so far, so perhaps I’m just a skeptic, wouldn’t you say?” Amani playfully said, with a flick of a her wrist, Amani pulled a chair, for Ayra to sit, “It’s better to drink while seated, allows you to taste the flavor better.” She commented as Arya took a sip of her drink, asking Amani what has been going on with her life lately.

A lot

Amani thought, A lot, had been going on with her life, that made her come back to Ninth house, instead of another college closer to home that her siblings suggested she could transfer too, so they could spend more time together, before- Amani tapped her fingers on the desk, before that and perhaps they had also suggested it to keep watch on her, just like her father, her siblings could be a little overbearing- lovely, Amani loves them with all her heart truly, but overbearing, and they never failed to at times report ‘strange’ actions to her father. There was also the events of yesterday, and day before she came back to Ninth house that occurred, and Amani could talk about all of those things, she could go on rants about them, and she would, if she was not in the cafeteria, and Ayra and her well still as close as before, “A lot,” Amani said, "And I would love to talk about it, but a little birdie had once told me that centering conversations about yourself is not kind, and I’m feeling like Saint Theresa right now, " Playfully, Amani had continued, “You know I’ve really had a change of heart, and I’m ready to give love and appreciation to the world. That is of course, what I would say if I was a liar,” Amani smirked, “And I am, but that not much, but do tell, has everything been exciting with you or has it been awfully boring? Hanging out with Gardens can lead to that, sorry.”



Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪]

Indeed, Thalia recall the day with a remarkable clarity. It was a languid summer afternoon, the summer after the incident had occurred, an incident that almost led to a tragedy, and her pendant had to be fixed. The air was heavy with the promise of warmth and blooming flowers, the sun hanging lazily in the sky, casting dappled shadows across the landscape, while the temperature soard to a balmy eighteen degrees Celsius.

Thalia lounged in the outdoor pool of her family’s estate, her legs idly kicking beneath the surface like a child as she basked in the soothing coolness of the water. Her sisters, in the meanwhile, seemed quite indifferent to the world around them, perched on the wooden beach chairs nearby, their attention consumed by their phones. The environment was quite peaceful, but of course, with having Kaeltih as a sister, that did not last long, for Kae had rose from her chair and headed towards the pool, launching herself into its depths with a joyful splash. The sudden onslaught of water, causing Thalia to recoil, a startled hiss escaping her lips as she instinctively shielded herself from the unexpected deluge.

“What the hell?” Thalia exclaimed, her voice tinged with annoyance as she hastily rose from the pool, reaching for a nearby towel to dry the water from her hair. Yet Kaelith, undeterred by Thalia’s protests, erupted into peals of laughter, her laugh echoing through the house.

Calista, lifted her gaze from her phone, her expression a mix of exasperation and amusement as she observed the unfolding spectacle. “Seriously, Kae, act your age.” Calista had said, shaking her head.

“Not my fault i’m the youngest” Kaee had defended herself

“You’re 22, and it’s by some minutes,” Thalia remembered retorting, “We are all triplets,” Thalia muttered,

Kae had shrugged, “Still counts.” she had said as she swam. “A-” Thalia began but she was cut short, by her grandmother, who had come inside, followed by a sun kissed, dark brown eyed female, who looked no older than her early 20s.

“Desdemona,” Her grandmother had introduced. “Meet my granddaughters,”

It was surprising, surprising how quickly they seemed to have hit it off, their bond going beyond mere acquaintance. There was an ineffable quality to Desdemona, an enigmatic allure that drew Thalia in like a moth to a flame. In Desdemona’s presence, Thalia felt understood, truly understoo, in a way that transcended the superficiality of everyday interaction.

Though, Desdemona was undeniably strange, maybe, just maybe that was why she understood Thalia quite well, and why they had gotten along quite well. There was a comfort in Desdemona’s presence, a sense of acceptance that Thalia could not quite place her finger’s on, but everything seemed ok with her around.

Yes, Thalia would say, she was glad to have met Desdemona. She was truly glad. “Slow down,” Thalia laughed, her eyes widened slightly as Desdemona ran over to her, her arms wrapped around Thalia tightly, but Thalia did not complain. Instead Thalia had began to talk, asking Desdemona how she was, to which Desdemona had pulled away, to answer. So, good! she had said, as if she were a puppy, making Thalia’s lips curved to a fond smile. Laughing to herself, as she shook her head, Mona was quite adorable, often reminding Thalia of the spring season. "That’s- Thalia squinted her eyes slightly, trying not to show the fact that there was something wrong with her- such as the throbbing headache, “Lovely. That’s lovely,” Thalia commented, happy that at least someone’s day was going well. Moreover, Desdemona began to speak, looking down shyly, before she said something that caught Thalia slightly off guard. “Are you flirting with me?” Thalia teasingly asked, a small grin on her face.

She knew Desdemona was not flirting—well, at least she thinks. Thalia had never been the best at identifying flirting signs; sometimes they were undeniably obvious and hard to miss, and other times they were quite confusing, and Thalia wondered if she would second guess herself, but still, she knows Desdemona was not flirting; she probably did not even know what her words could imply to someone else because, well, she was Desdemona. “You’re so adorable,” Thalia commented, pinching Desdemona’s cheeks.

Thalia had then gone on to say that Des looked quite well rested, to which Desdemona had replied that indeed she was well rested, then had asked Thalia if she was just as well rested. “Well…” Thalia had began. She was definitely not well rested, the headache, the worries, the thoughts to North and the person she had come hear to find, the fears, and a lot of other things clouded her mind, but Thalia did not say that, no, no instead Thalia had said. “Could be worst,” She had chuckled, looking away slightly not wanting to say anything else. “Have you eaten this morning?” Thalia had asked, changing the subject, “I was just heading to the cafeteria, want to go together?” Thalia asked, pointing towards where the cafeteria should be. “Or we could walk around the building, until morning classes start.” Thalia said checking her watch, still some good minutes left.



Esther Ruth Dubois (1)

˖ ݁𖥔.:cloud:︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖

There was silence in the air as Esther waited for Lyra to answer, her mind racing with thoughts and feelings. The seconds tick by, the silence growing deeper, and soon Esther’s smile turns to a worried expression. She studies her friend carefully, trying to read her body language. Lyra takes a deep breath, her eyes shining like a window to her soul, just as Esther had always remembered. “It has to be something big,” she thought. Lyra takes in another deep breath, as if freeing herself from a burden. Then she shifts, and her voice trails off as she lets the words hang in the air.

"Vincenzo?” Esther’s eyes widened, her stomach knotted at the very sound of his name ringing in her ears. "I’m so sorry that happened”, she began, her face a mixture of expressions. "I don’t know how to say this - but I dated him too, years ago”, Esther’s voice began to crack, her composed facade crumbling. Letting her sadness speak for her, she continued, "I can’t believe he hasn’t changed, and he did this to you out of all people, you’re so kind and beautiful -”, she began tearing up, leaving her words behind in a stream of salty tears. Esther buried her face in her hands, embarrassed at her lack of composure, "I’m sorry for crying like this”, she started "I just - I’ve been feeling so terrible lately”. When the tears stopped, she wiped the remaining liquid from her cheeks, clearing her throat. "You know what, he isn’t worth it”, she admitted, sucking air into her lungs. She took Lyra’s hands again with reassurance, "You did nothing wrong Lyra”, she said softly.

Lyra then shifted her focus onto Esther’s concerns, taking her arm in hers. Her friend’s support brought a smile to Esther’s lips, despite the rather depressing situation. "Well - this is going to sound crazy”, she started, taking her phone out of her purse. She unlocked her phone and scrolled to her father’s messages, showing the screen to Lyra, beginning to explain the situation. "So, over the summer, I dated this guy, Hayes”, she started, "Everything was good at first, but when I told him I was enrolling in Ninth House he started acting very weird”, she paused, gazing up at Lyra with a tinge of sadness in her eyes.“After that, we had constant fights, until we finally broke up on my birthday”, looking up at the ceiling light, she sighed, finally admitting the big truth, "He poisoned me without enough poison to kill me - and I can’t figure out why”.

˖ ݁𖥔.:cloud:︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖

@Jass - Lyra

@raviola - Vincenzo (mentioned)

@astxrism - Hayes (mentioned)



Dining hall || with Amani

As Amani’s gaze swept over Arya’s attire, Arya fought the urge to roll her eyes at the thinly veiled scrutiny. Instead, she met Amani’s gaze with a cool confidence, her expression betraying nothing as she listened to her observations. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of amusement at the theatrics; Amani always had a way with words, weaving intricate webs of conversation that danced on the edge of truth and fiction.

Arya smirked at the implication, her own eyes roaming over Amani’s signature green attire with a knowing glint. "I suppose it depends on your definition of ‘interesting,’” she replied smoothly, her tone carrying a hint of playful ambiguity. “I like to think of it as a thin line between interesting and over the top. After all, isn’t it the blend of both that truly makes a statement?”

As Amani continued to speak, Arya’s gaze drifted around the cafeteria, taking in the bustling energy of the room with detached interest. The sound of Amani’s fingers tapping against the spine of her book echoed faintly in the air, a rhythmic backdrop to their conversation. The mention of Wyndham College’s penchant for extravagance elicited a soft chuckle from Arya. “Ah, yes,” she replied with a wry twist to her lips, “the magic of the academy. It’s really a wonder we don’t all sprout wings and fly off into the sunset.”

She couldn’t help but notice the subtle undercurrent of arrogance in Amani’s tone, the thinly veiled attempt to assert dominance in their conversation. But Arya was not one to be easily swayed by such tactics. “I suppose first impressions are important, but then again, it’s what comes after that truly defines us, wouldn’t you agree?” Her words held a hint of underlying meaning, a subtle reminder that first impressions were only the beginning of a much larger narrative.

“I’m confident in my abilities,” Arya replied smoothly, her tone measured and composed. “Success tends to follow those who are unafraid to seize opportunity when it presents itself.” She offered a subtle nod, her words carrying an underlying current of determination and self-assurance.

As her eyes fell upon the emerald hue of Amani’s attire, Arya couldn’t help but feel a surge of amusement at the irony of it all. “Ah, green,” she remarked casually, her tone deceptively light. “After all, nothing says ‘prosperity and growth’ like the color of envy and greed.” Arya’s smirk widened slightly as she continued, her words laced with a subtle hint of sarcasm. “But I guess we all have our superstitions."

Amani’s playful gesture of pulling out a chair did not go unnoticed by Arya, who accepted the seat with a gracious nod of thanks. As she settled into her seat, Arya couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the subtle power play unfolding between them. Despite their complicated history, there was still a lingering tension between them, a silent battle of wills that played out in every word and gesture.

Arya’s lips quirked into a sardonic smile as she listened to Amani’s playful banter, her eyes glinting with amusement. “Ah, Amani,” she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm, “how noble of you to consider the feelings of others. Truly, you’re a paragon of virtue, it’s almost inspiring.” She took another sip of her chai, letting the warmth of the drink soothe her nerves as she prepared herself for the verbal sparring match that was sure to follow. “In a world full of liars, it’s nice to know where we stand.”

Arya’s gaze flickered briefly to the window, where the morning sunlight danced across the courtyard outside, casting delicate patterns of light and shadow on the walls. Despite the playful banter between her and Amani, Arya couldn’t shake the underlying tension that simmered beneath the surface of their conversation. “Well,” she began, her tone measured and composed, “I can assure you that my life is anything but boring.”

As Amani mentioned Inessa again (obsessive much?), Arya’s demeanor shifted subtly, her jaw tensing ever so slightly at the mention of her friend’s name. “And as for ‘Gardens’,” she replied evenly, her tone carefully neutral. “I suppose even the most vibrant flowers need a bit of watering now and then.” Her words carried a hidden barb, a subtle reminder to Amani that she would not tolerate any disrespect towards her close friend. “I find it far more stimulating than engaging in petty gossip and thinly veiled insults, but to each their own.” She tilted her head slightly, her gaze fixed on Amani with a subtle challenge, as if daring her to continue down this path of passive aggression.


@Madilnel Inessa mentioned


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


Amani chuckled softly, her gaze meeting Arya’s with a twinkle of amusement. “Ah, quite the diplomatic answer, Sellenova,” she remarked, her lips quirking into a wry smile. “Perhaps you’re onto something there, does such a thing as a line between interesting and over the top exist, when both can be synonyms of each other?.” Amani questioned, dropping her pen, and grabbing her avocado toast, taking a small bite from it, her eyes never leaving that of Arya’s as she chewed. She dropped the toast in her hand, back unto the plate, and picked back her pen, but this time she did not tap-no, she simply held in in her hands, the wry smile never escaping her face. “Like your outfit for example,” Amani finally said, “Interesting, yet over the top, not many would think to dress up in a suit at,” Amani checked the time on her watch, "7:45, just to go the cafeteria and to classes, but you did. " She paused, letting her words linger in the air for a moment before continuing, “Ah, but perhaps therein lies the brilliance of it all” Amani mused, “To defy convention in such a subtle yet daring manner—now that is truly intriguing.” She reached out for another bite of her toast, savoring the feeling of it in her lips, “It’s the unexpected twists that keep life interesting, wouldn’t you say? Like finding a hidden gem amidst the ordinary.” Amani leaned back in her chair, a faint smile playing on her lips. “So, Arya Sellenova, do you see yourself as one who embraces the unconventional, or do you simply enjoy keeping the world guessing?” Before Arya could say anything, though, Amani had added, “Moreover, I like it,” She said reference to the fit, “It’s flattering on you,”

The conversation flowed, and more words were exchanged- cryptic playful words that were also quite tensed, “If we all sprouted wings and flew, then how would , Dear Adrian keep watch on us, silly,” Coyly, she had said, “We can only be Icarus, if he says it’s all right, if we stay in our all lanes and don’t threaten him too much.” Or perhaps it was the reverse, they- the students, could only ever be an Icarus, if they threatened Adrian’s position too much. During the masquerade ball, Amani had many thoughts about what happened to Miles North, though she had not allowed her mind to wonder so far, because Miles was really no one. He was a pretty face- yes, tall, and mysterious, but as insensitive as it sounds, Amani did not know him enough to care about him missing, to fake a sadden face and cry out loud ‘poor Miles! Me and him used to be friends, I would never forget the time we held hands walking to the cafeteria, a true angel’ the way people tended to do when a classmate they did not know quite well died-, but Amani knew enough to be curious about his death, to speculate about him and the rest of the missing students.

She had wondered, had it been another force or Headmaster Adrian? Had Miles North grown wings so tall and wide, that he had needed to play the role of Icarus- fall to his pride and bravery or had he simply run away.

“Yes, indeed,” Amani had agreed, taking a sip of her drink. “But first impressions are our first judges, they are what we are first judged by, the thing that will determine our initial reception in any given setting,” Amani continued thoughtfully, her gaze drifting to the bustling activity of the cafeteria before returning to Arya. “And yet, they are but a glimpse, a mere snapshot of the complexity that lies beneath the surface.” She continued, "The trick is after all, to have a good first impression and go beyond and above that first impression, " She took another sip of her drink, and ‘awwed’ “This drink has never failed me,” Amani said, as she shook the drink, 'Caramel latte is truly a classic"

As the conversation meandered into more cryptic realms, with Amani of course asking her strange questions, with amusement dancing in her eyes, Arya had replied,
stating that she was confident in her own abilities, her tone as measured and composed as ever. To which Amani simply ‘hmmed’ at that, tapping her notebook with her pen again.

“Envy and greed, no matter what anyone says, are very needed when searching for success.” In response, Amani had said, “As you said, success tends to follow those who are unafraid to seize opportunity when it presents itself, and who do you think are the most unafraid to seize that opportunity? It is the envious and the greedy of course, those who are ready to use anyone to reach what they want, those who are ready to get their hands dirty to seize success.”

Setting her cup down, Amani leaned back in her chair, the leather jacket soft against her skin. “For me, I won’t say I am an envious person- I have everything I desire after all, a loving family, money, looks, magical powers and intelligent. But I am very greedy when it comes to success, I possess what some might say a voracious appetite to succeed” She leaned closer, as if telling a secret, just between the two of them “I wish to prove myself, to validate myself, for whom? For myself of course, there is no better validation than the validation that comes from yourself, and,” Her green eyes flickered, looking pass Arya, “Proving that I can stand by myself, without my family backing me up.”

Her voice took on a softer tone, laden with introspection. “You see, , success is not merely a destination to be reached, but a journey of self-discovery and growth,” Amani continued, her words carrying a weight of earnest sincerity. “It’s about proving to oneself that one is capable of overcoming any obstacle, scaling any height, and achieving greatness beyond measure.”

Amani’s gaze held a steady intensity as she spoke, her passion for her aspirations burning brightly within her emerald eyes. “So, while some may label it as greed, I prefer to see it as an unwavering commitment to realizing my full potential,” she concluded, a determined glint dancing in her gaze. “For in the pursuit of success lies the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, to carve out a path of greatness that will endure long after we’re gone.”

Using her magic, Amani had pulled a chair out for Arya, who had accepted with a nod of thanks as she sat, as if she was accepting this little ‘game’ they were playing. Arya had asked about her life, how the world of Amani was going, to which Amani had confessed to ‘a lot’ happening but did not say more. Instead she had joked, that she was having a change of heart and listening to birds now. To that, Arya’s liped had quirked into a sardonic smile, and retorted, making Amani laugh. “Thank you,” Amani had said, a hand on her chest, “I try everyday to become an inspiration to people, long live honesty or whatever the Romans said.”

With a flick of her wrist, Amani summoned a napkin, folding it neatly on the table before her, using it to wipe any crumbs from her lips, her gaze never leaving that of Arya’s, as Amani asked about her life. “Really?” Amani arched a brow, “Now i’m intrigued, please do say more, what are these exciting things in your life.”

At the mention of ‘gardens’, Arya’s demeanor had shifted, her jaw tensing, to which Amani had simply rolled her eyes at. Sorry for insulting your master, Amani almost found herself saying, was it truly ever that serious. Arya had retorted, talking about how the most vibrant flower needed a bit of watering now and then- Arya was truly like a body guard when it came to that Dunman, Amani thought. And the last of Arya’s words, Amani’s eyes widened, before she laughed, covering her mouth with her hands as her eyes twinkled. She pulled away, "You’re funny, Sellenova. Very funny, " Amani said as she reached for her bag, she pulled a gift, one that was giving to her from her older brother to give to Ayra. “Atticus said I should give you this,” She said handing out the gift, staring at Ayra, "As for petty gossip and thinly veiled insults, I have to disagree, I find them very stimulating,’ Amani said with a sardonic smile. “There’s a certain satisfaction in keeping others on their toes, isn’t there? Watching as they scramble to decipher the true meaning behind our words, only to find themselves lost in a maze of uncertainty, because there is just something everybody always seems to forget.” Amani whispered, “Is that I love playing games,” Amani smiled, “Don’t take everything I say too seriously, Sellonova, I know you like playing the role of the bodyguard, but you can stop being so tensed, I don’t bite.” Amani rolled her eyes.





As Esther’s words sank in, Lyra felt a wave of disbelief wash over her. She struggled to maintain her composure, to remain standing, her mind racing to process this unexpected revelation. “Wait, you dated Vincenzo?” she echoed, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Her eyes widened in realization, her mind piecing everything together with a sudden clarity that left her feeling slightly off-balance. “I remember you telling me about a guy you dated a while back…” Lyra trailed off, her words faltering as she grappled with the implications of Esther’s confession. “I promise, I had no idea it was him.” Lyra’s heart ached as she considered Esther’s pain, her thoughts drifting to the times she had witnessed her friend’s struggles. “I remember how much he has hurt you,” she admitted softly, her voice carrying the weight of their shared history. “I can’t believe he did that to both of us now.”

As Esther’s voice wavered with emotion, Lyra felt a surge of empathy swell within her. Despite her own pain, she found herself offering a comforting smile, a silent reassurance that they were in this together. “It’s okay, Esther,” Lyra whispered softly, her voice barely above a murmur. “You don’t need to apologize for feeling what you feel. We’ve both been through so much with him…”

Her voice trailed off, the weight of their shared experiences hanging heavily in the air. But then, a flicker of determination sparked in Lyra’s eyes as she met Esther’s gaze once again. “You’re right,” she agreed, her tone soft and gentle. “He isn’t worth our tears or our time. We deserve better than someone who can’t appreciate the kindness and beauty in front of him.”

With a reassuring squeeze of Esther’s hands, Lyra offered a small but genuine smile. “Thank you, Esther,” she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. “For being here, for understanding… I’m so glad you walked into my life.” Her mind went back to that sweet childhood memory of their first meeting, a memory she was very fond of. As the memory played in her mind, the small smile that had graced her lips before, gradually blossomed into a radiant expression of warmth and fondness.

That happiness Lyra felt through being reminded of her connection with Esther, it did not last long. This because the next revelation was just as shocking, if not more so. “Poisoned?” Lyra’s voice echoed softly in the quiet space, the word carrying a weight that seemed to hang in the air. The gravity of the situation settled upon her shoulders like a heavy burden, and she struggled to find words to express the shock and disbelief swirling within her.

“That’s… unimaginable,” Lyra finally managed to articulate, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions - anger, fear, and a profound sense of injustice. She couldn’t fathom how someone could commit such a despicable act against another human being, let alone her dear friend Esther.

As she spoke, Lyra’s gaze softened, shifting from shock to concern as she turned to look at Esther. The pain etched into her friend’s features tugged at Lyra’s heartstrings, stirring a deep sense of empathy within her. She conjured a small, delicate flower in her palm, imbued with a comforting aura. It was a white lily, a flower that symbolised protection, as Lyra above all else wanted Esther to be safe. Yet, at the same time it was a symbol of healing and hope. “Here,” Lyra whispered gently, offering the flower to Esther, “Hold onto this. It’s like a guardian, watching over you.” While to some this might have seemed like a silly meaningless gesture, Lyra believed in the power of nature. In the fact a single flower could keep her friend safe from any future harm.

“I can’t believe someone would do something so… cruel,” Lyra continued, her voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. She shook her head slowly, as if trying to shake off the weight of the revelation. Despite the turmoil raging within her, Lyra remained steadfast in her commitment to stand by Esther’s side through it all and not show her own emotions too much.

After expressing her disbelief and offering her support, Lyra’s concern for Esther’s well-being grew even more pronounced. With a gentle yet probing tone, she posed the question that lingered on her mind. “Esther, how are you feeling physically? Has everything… passed?” Lyra’s voice was soft, her eyes filled with genuine concern as she awaited Esther’s response. She knew that recovering from such an ordeal could take time, and she wanted to ensure that her friend was free from any lingering effects of the poison. Some could be deceitful, seemingly having passing, yet, returning stronger after time passed.

“And do you know what type of poison it was?” Lyra asked gently, her tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern. “I just… I want to make sure you’re okay and that you’ve received the right treatment.” Her words conveyed both a desire to offer assistance and a subtle reassurance that she was there for Esther every step of the way. Growing up surrounded by the enchanting secrets of the natural world, Lyra had developed a keen understanding of plants, their properties, and their potential dangers. She knew nearly everything there was to know about natural poisons and their antidotes, if there was any moment that knowledge might come in useful, it was at this moment.

Esther - @Mouschi
Vincenzo - @raviola



everyone adores you (at least i do)

“Slow down,” Thalia laughed as she hugged her. She had a point, Desdemona’s enthusiasm was a lot, sometimes unnecessary, but was it so wrong to just love your friends that much? One could suppose that was just Desdemona’s way of being, and beside her, anyone could look stoic and mature. Beside her, Desdemona sometimes thought about how she seemed to sober Thalia, like they were both calmer when they were together, it was a side of Thalia that she didn’t think many people saw. It was kind of sweet.

Even more than usual, though, Thalia was speaking very limitedly. Desdemona had smiled when Thalia said it was lovely that she was good, but that smile faltered when she noticed the squint in her eyes. “Thalia, do you have a hangover?” Mona asked matter-of-factly, unable to conjugate her words into something more casual. She was not very good at that, in fact, most of her sentences were quite eccentric, especially around her best friend.

“Are you flirting with me?”

Mona blushed, her cheeks rosy and she felt like her heart rate was increasing. Was she flirting? No, so she wasn’t. But what a silly question it was for Thalia ask if she was. Mona had no idea how to flirt! No idea at all, she didn’t know how to flirt, she didn’t know how to converse… she just talked and hoped for the best! She supposed she wouldn’t mind flirting with Thalia, it could be nice, lovely even. But where would that lead? Only boys and girls date, no?

“No,” Mona giggled shyly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s just true!” The girl enthused, recuperating the easygoing nature of her disposition. But it was so easy to melt, like butter in a warm mug when Thalia pinched her cheek. She grinned ear to ear this time, proud of herself.

“Could be worse?” Mona furrowed her brows listening to Thalia avoid talking to her for real. She put her hands on her hips, posing to emphasize her seriousness. “How much did you sleep last night?” Desdemona asked curiously. “And why so little?”

With an inquisitive look, Mona tilted her head, taking in Thalia’s features as if she were looking for symptoms for a diagnosis. There were dark circles under Thalia’s eyes, dark circles Mona could not to relate to and therefore assumed must have been severe, and her curls were a bit separated, so she most likely did not have much time to care for it in the past 24 hours. “Did you see someone you did flirt with?” She said, intuitively sensing what might have been the problem . “…and it didn’t go so well?” Mona tried to be sensitive, but she could not help but wonder that if this was the case, who might she have been talking to?
She thought perhaps Thalia could tell her at breakfast.

“I haven’t eaten yet, but I’m not really hungry,” Mona replied, following the current of her inner monologue as she spoke. “But we could grab a snack and take it to my room.” She said mischievously, a cheeky smile growing on the side of her lips. “I want you to see kiki!” She beamed, “And I… should probably feed him, I kind of forgot to this morning…” Mona said, realizing she had forgotten to feed him. She did not necessarily feel guilty, though, more so a bit embarrassed that now Thalia knew too.

@kristi Thalia


Dominic Vaillant

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

The curtain covering the sole window was nearly closed, aside from a small gap, where sunlight found its way into the darkness of Dominic’s dorm. The candles by his bedside had long burnt out, leaving him accustomed to the darkness. He squinted, rolling over to pull the covers over his head. A thick book landed on the ground with a loud thud, its bookmark falling out from the middle where he last left off that night. Dominic groaned, breaking the serene silence of the campus.

A day had passed since he arrived at Ninth House. And already, he found himself struggling to get out of bed and attend his first lecture. Unconventional Psychology, how exciting. Another subject he’s had to endure his entire life, and to think a magical academy would be different. He wasn’t about to waste precious time out of his day to fall asleep at a desk, when the comfort of his own bed was right there.

Well, that was an option, if something else hadn’t drawn his attention. In such a grand academy there bound to be hidden secrets and enchanted places not many knew of. Not only was he curious about the selection the library could offer, but also, what could be hiding in those books — what insight he could gain for this new world, tricks to navigate it easier, or even clues to a secret location he could sneak into and explore. As much as he hated to admit it, a place like this held a special charm, bringing out his inner child and the urge to roam around where he isn’t allowed. Things were different now. Unlike then, he now had the freedom.

As he looked around his new room, he paused to take in the small details, from the neatly organized bookshelves lined up on each wall, to the sleek desk and smooth, dark colors adding an air of elegance. For once, he had a place to call his own, a chance to separate himself from the restaints of his grandparents’ old home. He was no longer sleeping in the worn down, creaky bed that belonged to his mother as a child, nor the cracked walls and unstable bookshelves filled only with textbooks. He had a door to his room, and silence when he demanded it, Dominic almost couldn’t believe it was reality. One thing was certain, he could never go back, and he firmly decided with a now-clearer mind.

After an hour or so of laying around in bed, Dominic dragged himself out and got ready for the day. By the time he was finished, his first morning class was nearly over. He arrived to the second one, only a few minutes late, settling in the back of the classroom where nobody could talk to him so early in the morning.

In between breaks, he found himself wandering the halls, getting lost in the sound of quiet footsteps, the carefully carved sculptures and ceilings stretching out above his head. He’d walked around the night before, and he did so now, yet he still felt like he hasn’t even seen half of this building. For a brief moment he regretted getting carried away at something so mindless as a party, especially with more important matters looming ahead, yet he couldn’t deny how much that woman intrigued him. Lenore… He wondered if they’d cross paths again.

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

During the bonfire gathering, Dominic found himself walking down the halls to the group dormitories. He figured such a simple event wasn’t worth his time either, instead he was set on a different goal, something he’d been avoiding since he stepped foot in Ninth House — paying the infamous Umbra Coven a visit. If Dante’s words were anything to go by, then he’d have to be extra careful around those men. In such a cryptic academy, they were those who could manipulate shadows at their whim. Much like… A certain someone. And Dominic himself.

Loud chatter echoed out through the halls, breaking him out of his thoughts. He followed the sound until he reached a door, his hand freezing at the handle. It wasn’t fully closed, giving him a glimpse into the inner world of what he assumed was the Umbra Coven. The atmosphere almost resembled a frat house, the mess on the floor and obnoxious conversations making him shudder in disgust. Taking a deep breath, he carefully pushed the door open, using the chaos as an opportunity to sneak past groups of men and blend among the crowd. But he stood out like a sore thumb in his dark attire, formal yet dark, gloomy; nothing like the uniforms. Dominic was well aware, and he kept his head down, hoping to shuffle past in silence until he reached a balcony, a corner, or a door leading elsewhere. Anywhere he could observe from a distance like a visitor at the circus.

Of course, his free entertainment couldn’t even last a moment. Not even seconds passed before a man swung the door open, tossing his shoes aside and immediately addressing the crowd. Dominic flinched, darting his eyes away from him. Though he was just another member, something about his disheveled uniform, his confidence and piercing eyes was intimidating. He could already tell, a man like that was looking for a target, especially freshmen who were already clueless enough.

To his non-existent luck, he called out right to Dominic, bringing everyone’s eyes on him. Their eyes pierced into him like daggers. That man’s laugh made him shiver, partly in disgust and partly in anger from the humiliation. He kept his expression neutral as the distance between them closed, locking his dark eyes on the figure in front. “New? What makes you say that?” he raised a brow lazily, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Something that caught his attention, specifically, was the way his friend attempted to hold him back. Dominic’s heart was already pounding, the tension rising in the air and the room becoming even more suffocating than before. And yet, as he stood face to face with this intimidating figure, Dominic’s lips curved into a small smile. There was something so thrilling about being faced with danger, and pushing himself deeper into it without thinking twice. Dominic chuckled at his question, just the way he carried himself with confidence bordering on arrogance. “And who are you to ask?” he asked bluntly, letting his expression go cold as to not betray his fear.

Two other men surrounded him, following after the tall one like pawns. Pathetic. “Am I being interrogated, now? I apologize, I was looking for the Umbra Coven. I’ve heard it was one of the houses of Wyndham College, quite a prestigious one.” Though he tried to stop it, the corner of his lips curved into a small smirk. “My mistake, I must’ve walked into the middle school by accident”

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

@raviola ⋅𖥔⋅ Vinnie ft. Bradmington and Chadmington
@Caticorn ⋅𖥔⋅ Lenore (brief mention)



Dining hall || with Amani

Arya’s eyebrows rose ever so slightly at Amani’s commentary, her lips quirking into a wry smile as she absorbed the other girl’s words. “Well,” she began, her tone light yet pointed, “some of us prefer to make a statement, even in the most mundane of settings.” She allowed her words to linger in the air for a moment before continuing, her expression composed yet tinged with a hint of defiance. Her gaze drifting to the window where the morning sunlight streamed in, casting a warm glow over the room. "To defy convention in such a subtle yet daring manner, to challenge the status quo and carve out a space for yourself in a world that often demands conformity." She leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful as she considered Amani’s words.

Her gaze wandered briefly to the bustling cafeteria around them, the ebb and flow of students moving like a symphony of chaos. “But perhaps,” Arya added with a thoughtful pause, “it’s not about defying convention for the sake of it, but rather embracing the essence of who we are.” She allowed her words to linger in the air for a moment, the weight of their meaning hanging between them like a delicate thread.
“Why conform to the boring ordinary when you can do things your way, even at 7:45 in the morning?" She glanced down at her attire, the crisp lines of the blazer and the sleek silhouette of the leather pants a testament to her penchant for self expression and defying convention.

She couldn’t help but appreciate the subtle compliment Amani offered about her outfit, though she masked her gratitude with a cool demeanor. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Amani,” she remarked with a playful glint in her eyes. “But I suppose it’s nice to know that even the most unconventional choices can still earn a nod of approval from the fashion police.” with a playful smirk playing on her lips, she took a sip of her chai, the warmth of the liquid offering a momentary distraction from Amani’s probing questions. Arya couldn’t help but admire the other girl’s skillful manipulation of words, each sentence crafted with precision to provoke a response.

Arya couldn’t suppress the quirk of her eyebrow at Amani’s cryptic remarks, her lips curving into a faint, sardonic smile. “Ah, Dear Adrian,” she echoed, her tone dry as she emphasized the title with mock reverence. “Such a benevolent overseer,” Arya mused, her voice tinged with a hint of cynicism. “Do you think he fancies himself as the all-seeing eye, watching over us mere mortals like some omnipotent deity?” She shook her head with a wry smile, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intelligence. “Or perhaps he fears us, fears just how high some of us are willing to soar, or what we might uncover if we were to spread our wings and fly too close to the sun.”
With a steely resolve, Arya met Amani’s gaze with a cool confidence, her words laden with hidden meaning. “Perhaps,” she replied enigmatically, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken truths. “We are all Icarus in our own way, destined to fly too close to the sun and face the consequences of our ambition. But,” she added with a subtle emphasis, “it doesn’t have to be a tragedy, unless you’d rather just be a nice little pawn.”

Arya listened to Amani’s words with a raised eyebrow, her expression unreadable as she processed the other girl’s musings. “first impressions are a tiny glimpse into the facade we present to the world, they can be very limited, and pretty deceiving sometimes.” Arya mused, her gaze drifting back to Amani, “The trick, as you say,” Arya replied with a wry smile, “is not to be bound by the limitations of first impressions, but to transcend them entirely.” She took a sip of her chai, which was not any less of a good drink as a caramel latte, but to each their own.

Arya listened intently as Amani spoke, her gaze steady and unwavering as she absorbed the other girl’s words. There was a certain intensity in Amani’s demeanor, a fire burning within her that Arya couldn’t help but admire, even if she didn’t entirely agree with her sentiments.

Arya listened intently as Amani spoke, her gaze steady and unwavering as she absorbed the other girl’s words. There was a certain intensity in Amani’s demeanor, a fire burning within her that Arya couldn’t help but admire, even if she didn’t entirely agree with her sentiments.
“Envy and greed,” Arya repeated thoughtfully. It was an interesting perspective, to say the least, an acknowledgment of the darker impulses that drove people to seek success at any cost. And yet, there was a certain truth to Amani’s words, a raw honesty that resonated with Arya on some level.
There was a certain logic to her assertion that success favored those who were unafraid to seize opportunity when it presented itself. Like Amani, Arya was no stranger to ambition, no stranger to the relentless pursuit of success.

For Arya, success was not merely about seizing opportunities or achieving personal validation—it was about mastery, about pushing the boundaries of her own capabilities to their limits and beyond. She had always prided herself on her independence and her ability to forge her own path, in attempt to be free of the expectations or limitations imposed by others.
“I suppose there’s a certain truth to what you’re saying,” Arya conceded, her tone measured as she chose her words carefully. “Success is indeed a journey of self-discovery and growth, a testament to your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.” Success, after all, was not for the faint of heart - it required a hunger, a thirst for greatness that burned like a fire within the soul. And though some may view such ambition as selfish or even ruthless, Arya understood the necessity of ambition in the pursuit of one’s dreams.

Arya’s lips quirked into a subtle smirk as Amani joked about her newfound appreciation for birdwatching, a sardonic amusement dancing in her eyes. “Ah, yes, nothing quite like a change of heart to spice things up,” she replied dryly, her tone laced with thinly veiled sarcasm. “Who knew you had a thing for birds?”

As Amani summoned a napkin with a flick of her wrist and wiped away the remnants of her snack, Arya couldn’t help but appreciate the girl’s effortless grace. There was a certain elegance to Amani’s movements, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes without the need for words. Amani’s question about her life prompted Arya to offer a vague yet diplomatic response, her words carefully chosen to reveal little while still maintaining a sense of polite interest. “Exciting things in my life” Arya echoed with a thoughtful hum. “Oh, you know,” she replied vaguely, a diplomatic smile gracing her lips. “Let’s just say I’ve been keeping busy.”

Arya regarded Amani with a cool, composed expression until her next words caught Arya off guard, her eyebrow arching in surprise as Amani handed her a gift from her brother. She accepted it with a nod of thanks, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected surprise from Atticus. Atticus had always been a familiar presence in Arya’s life, she had known him since childhood, their friendship predating even her acquaintance with Amani herself. And despite their shared history, Arya couldn’t help but feel a twinge of surprise at the unexpected gesture. Her birthday was still two months away, and she hadn’t expected any gifts until then. “Atticus,” Arya mused, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Always full of surprises, that one.” She added, making a mental note to thank him later for whatever it was.

Amani spoke, and Arya couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the thinly veiled barbs laced within her words. Amani’s sardonic smile and playful demeanor belied a sharp wit and a penchant for manipulation, qualities that Arya had always found both intriguing and frustrating in equal measure.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Arya replied smoothly, her tone carefully neutral as she met Amani’s gaze with an inscrutable expression. “But you’ll forgive me if I prefer to take everything with a grain of salt.” She offered a small smile with a nod of her head, glancing down at the gift before putting it down on the table, yet unopened.

Arya met Amani’s smile with a subtle tilt of her head and a faint quirk of her lips , her expression betraying a hint of amusement at the other girl’s playful jab. Though she maintained her usual composed demeanor, Arya couldn’t help but find Amani’s assessment amusing, if not entirely accurate.
“Noted” Arya replied smoothly, her tone carrying a subtle note of amusement. “But don’t worry, I can handle a little bite now and then.”

“Besides,” she continued, her tone cool and composed, “a little tension adds to the thrill of the game, wouldn’t you agree?” Arya’s gaze met Amani’s with a knowing look, acknowledging the unspoken challenge that lingered between them.
Despite their differences and the occasional barbed exchange, Arya couldn’t deny the undeniable chemistry that existed between them, an appreciation for Amani’s sharp intellect and ability to engage in deep conversation, as well as a shared appreciation for the art of conversation, the thrill of intellectual sparring, a recognition of the shared pursuit of greatness, In Amani, she found a worthy adversary, sort of a kindred spirit with whom she could spar intellectually, exchanging barbs and witticisms with equal measure.



Copy of Black Minimal Motivation Quote LinkedIn Banner (1)

just ignore me over here
Inessa had always been in love with the school. Its architecture never failed to captivate her. While she appreciated the sleek modern aesthetic of her home, there was a certain allure to Wyndham College that she couldn’t resist. From the ominous gates that guarded the grounds to the arch that welcomed visitors upon entry, every detail exuded a sense of history.

The old halls echoed with whispers, filled with statues and paintings that seemed to come to life in the dim light. But it was the gardens that held a special place in her heart. And of course, the library, with its towering shelves and hushed atmosphere.

As Inessa reflected on her affection for the library, she pondered the true source of her attachment. Was it the physical space itself, with its towering shelves and hushed ambiance, that drew her in? Or was it the people she encountered within its walls, each interaction leaving a mark on her memory? Or was her love for the library rooted in something more fundamental: her insatiable thirst for knowledge. The pursuit of learning, the quest for success?

As Inessa entered her third year at Wyndham College. in her time at the school, she had exploreded every nook and cranny of the library, her presence a familiar sight among the towering stacks of books. It hadn’t always been her top choice of places to spend her time; when she first started school, she often found herself on a bench outside of the dorms, surrounded by the quiet beauty of nature.

Though, it wasn’t always quiet. No, not really. It was here, as students entered and left their homes, that they often let their guard down, their conversations veering from academic pursuits to more personal matters. Inessa found herself drawn to these moments of vulnerability, relishing the snippets of conversation that drifted through the air like secrets waiting to be discovered. It was in these exchanges that she found a different kind of knowledge, one that spoke to human nature. Inessa found herself immersed in a world of whispers and revelations, each one offering a glimpse into the lives of those around her.

Before she made a name for herself, of course, As her reputation grew within the school community, she found herself in a position where she no longer needed to rely on subtlety to achieve her goals. With her intelligence, charisma, and natural leadership abilities, she had earned the respect and admiration of her peers, allowing her to navigate the social dynamics of Wyndham College with ease. No longer relegated to the sidelines, Inessa now stood at the forefront of campus life, her presence commanding attention wherever she went.

Hayes’s response caught her off guard. His voice, devoid of emotion, struck her as unusually cold and distant. Was he intentionally being yhis way? Inessa couldn’t think of a reason for his abrupt demeanor, especially in such a casual interaction.

As Hayes echoed her words, His cryptic response only added to her confusion, leaving her to wonder about the meaning behind his words. Was he referring to their shared history, or was there something more beneath the surface? Despite her curiosity, she chose not to press him further, respecting his desire for privacy.

Hayes’s playful response elicited a grin from Inessa, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. Despite his initial attitide, she sensed a warmth in his demeanor as he engaged in banter with her. With a chuckle, she played along, enjoying the camaraderie they shared. “Maybe I should start charging for my company if I’m in such high demand,” she said back, matching his light-hearted tone. “And as for the summer, well, let’s just say it was eventful enough to make coming back here seem like a breeze.”

Her curiosity piqued by Hayes’s unexpected presence. Inessa’s mind buzzed with curiosity as she pondered what Hayes had been up to over the summer. Had he embarked on any exciting trips? And who had he spent his time with during the break? The questions swirled in her thoughts, eager for answers as she awaited his response.

Inessa’s fingers tightened around the strap of her bag. “You know you could’ve reached out and told me you were coming back….” voice dripped with a hint of pettiness, her tone laced with a touch of sass. “Or just reach out in general.” She let out a soft sigh, her words tinged with a playful yet pointed reminder of the importance of communication a friendship.

As Inessa thought over Hayes’s lack of communication, a nagging question lingered in her mind: was there a reason he left her without a word? Despite her uncertainty, one thing remained clear to her: their friendship, their closeness, should have meant something.

Inessa pursed her lips in anticipation as she waited for Hayes’s response, her impatience bubbling beneath the surface. “Regardless, I am glad you are here,” she declared, her tone softened by genuine affection. Placing her free hand on his arm, she let her thumb gently rub the worn leather he wore. “I am thankful we have another year together. I feel there’s so much we have yet to do!” Her words carried a sense of optimism and enthusiasm, back to her usual bright exterior.

@astxrism hayyyeesss


Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪]

“Thalia, do you have a hangover?”

‘Yes’, Thalia thought, ‘A very bad, and annoying one’ She could have admitted, but instead she had flashed a smile, ignored the pounding beating inside her head, and said, “No?” Thalia had denied, “What makes you think I have one? Do I look that dead?” Thalia questioned as she chuckled, as if she had told a funny joke.

As if her throat didn’t feel like sandpaper, or the dimming light in the halls wasn’t exacerbating her headache. As if she weren’t already weary of conversation, or as if her nose wasn’t still throbbing from last night’s revelry. Having a hangover was never pleasant, but today it seemed to bear down on her with an unusual gravity, weighing upon her shoulders like a lead blanket. . It reminded her of when she was younger, at a party hosted by her sisters when their parents went away, just like the masquarade party- it had been a masked party, she had been wearing a mask because it was a party to celebrate ‘freedom’ as her sisters had said, for juniors and seniors before they entered college and experience the depressive nature of college.

Last chance to be kids, Kaelith had said, taking a bite of a red apple, You will come won’t you? She had asked, as if the event weren’t taking place in the very house Thalia called home.

“I literally live in the house” Thalia had responded, confused.

'You know what I mean," But at that time Thalia did not, because Thalia struggled with understanding her sister or people in general, she had always found herself a little ‘loss’ when it came to people outside viewing them from her camera lenses ,
“Are you going to wear a mask, join in the revelry, or continue being your weird self?” Kaelith had pressed, her words a mix of teasing and exasperation, leaving Thalia to ponder her place amidst the festivities and the world beyond.

Kae’s words weren’t meant to wound; they were the playful banter exchanged between sisters or closest friends, a language Thalia had grown accustomed to. “I’ll continue being my weird self,” Thalia had retorted to Kae’s jest, brushing off the teasing with practiced nonchalance.

Yet, despite her declaration, Thalia found herself donning a mask at the party. She lingered on the outskirts, perched by the poolside, her legs immersed in the cool water, a silent observer of the festivities unfolding around her. She resisted the pull of the crowd, content in her solitude, until curiosity or perhaps a burgeoning sense of adventure propelled her into the fray.

And then the drinks flowed freely, blurring the edges of inhibition until one reckless decision led to another. She found herself entangled with a boy, familiar yet strangely distant behind his own mask. It was a moment spurred on by a game of truth or dare, an impulsive act that spiraled out of control, staining the night with bloody hues.

The aftermath was a haze of confusion and consequences. Police lights pierced the darkness, casting shadows of apprehension over the revelry. Her sisters had quickly cleaned up the house, and Thalia had woke up to a horrible hangover, just like now.

But just like before- Thalia touched her pendant, she would survive it, and nothing would happen, nothing strange like the… like what had truly unfolded then.

"Are you flirting with me? Thalia had teased, knowing it would cause Desdemona’s cheeks to redden. Desdemona had been quick to deny, her voice and gesture very shy. It was all so undeniable cute, and had caused Thalia’s smile to widen.

“Just true, huh?” ” she teased, leaning in slightly, her voice dipped in playful incredulity. “Well then, I can also confess, I’m rather glad to be with you right now,” Although, she had tried to escape a conversation with her a few minutes before.

“Last night was weird,” Thalia admitted, at Mona’s questioning gaze, “Was stuck on an assignment and did not get enough time to sleep,” Thalia lied. For some reason, she just did not want to admit to Desdemona, that she had drank way more than she should have, and now had a terrible headache. She knew Desdemona would not judge her, just be disappointed or feel sorry for her, but that was exactly what Thalia did not want, she had already disappointed herself enough last night.

She had hoped that Desdemona would stop asking questions, would naively accept what Thalia had said, but she did not, instead she had asked more questions, asking if she had flirted with someone and it did not go quite well. Thalia blinked at that, “No-Well, something like that,” It was not technically ‘something like that’ because Thalia had not flirted with the dark haired girl from the party- she thinks, at least from what she remembered, instead she had taken a photo of her, and had completely embarrassed herself in front of her, “There was no flirting though,” Just a very large amount of embarrassing behavior. Wishing to change the subjects, Thalia had immediately brought up breakfast, asking if Desdemona was hungry, to which she had said no, then had quickly rephrased it to say they could grab a snack and go up to her room to meet kiki. “You brought Kiki with you?” Thalia had questioned incredulous.

Kiki was Mona’s pet lizard, a pet that Mona rarely never not spoke about. She was small, green and was liked very much by Atum Thalia’s cat.. Thalia did not remember if they were allowed to bring pets in or not, but "I won’t tell anyone, " Thalia said, shaking her head and chuckling, “Can’t believe you brought him with you though,” Although that was very believable, giving the fact it was Desdemona they were talking about after all. “But yes, you should probably feed him. Let’s go get some snacks for Kiki,”

Thalia and Desdemona made their way to the campus cafeteria, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the chatter of students as they queued up for their morning pick-me-ups. Reaching the counter, Thalia had found herself ordering a cup of black coffee- always keeps you awake after all! and a plain bagel. She had also picked some blueberries, “Some blueberries for Kiki,” Thalia smiled.



Copy of Copy of Silas (1)


Amani listened attentively, absorbing each syllable that passed from Ayra’s lips, her hands still on her pen interesting, Amani thought to herself as Ayra continued to talk, *‘quite the interesting viewpoint’*Amani smiled.

“Most succumb, you know,” Amani ventured, her voice a blend of lament and admiration as the pen danced between her fingers. “They relinquish their very souls, bowing to the ceaseless tide of conformity.” The pen ceased its ballet, orienting itself towards Arya like a compass needle finding north. “But not you,” she declared, her gaze fixed, the pen now a directed arrow. “Yours is a perspective most singular.”

The sparkle in Amani’s eyes sharpened, mirroring the edge of her thoughts, yet her smile was restrained, as if smiling wider would be doing too much. “England—this patchwork of contradiction and tradition—how could we ever dream of bland uniformity? And even if it were so, what virtue lies in sameness, in the abandonment of one’s own sartorial script?”

Once, they had been what people would call friends, companions in youths whispering secrets and horsing around, the world in their hands- the way a child would normally think. Arya has always been close to Amani’s siblings after all, they treated her like a sister, welcoming her with open arms, and laughing with her. Amani too had laughed with her and played with her, although at first, Amani did not like Arya- no upon their first meeting, she had been quite ‘indifferent’ to Arya, but that had changed as soon as Arya spoke and Amani knew from that moment that she was bound to befriend Arya.

So then what made them fall out? To say it simple, it was the same thing that made Amani like Arya- her unbridled perspective, her opinions or more so her opinions on a certain person that Amani often found herself at disagreement with.

" Flatter will get you everywhere, Amani,"

“Oh, will it now?” Amani replied, her voice laced with equal parts amusement and challenge. Her pen hovered momentarily, as if punctuating her next thoughts. Amani leaned closer, a small smirk on her face, and her eyes glinting with amusement, “But perhaps I’m not aiming to get everywhere,” She leaned back, bringing the pen close to her lips, the tip grazing her lower lip as Amani traced Arya’s sharp features with her eyes, her eyes going from Arya’s brown eyes down, “Just the right places,” she murmured, her voice low and sultry. “And besides, could I truly call myself the fashion police if I only liked the conventional?” Amani said, matching Arya’s playful smirk, “The unconventional has a certain allure, wouldn’t you say?”

With all that, their conversation had shifted to more ‘philosophical’ ones, one’s that were very cryptic and some would have considered strange. “Both, I think it’s both,” Amani began, “I reckon that he fancies himself a puppeteer, pulling strings from behind the scenes and making us play games that he wants to play,” Amani raised her coffee high in the air as if inspecting, “And his daughter, like many parents like to think, is his biggest and favorite puppet. And he hopes we can all be like her, but that is not quite possible now is it?” Amani mused, dropping the coffee back down. Some of us might be Icaruses, but we others are the very sun itself or more like the very fire itself. We are the thing that burns." Amani chuckled, reaching out for her to drink to take a sip. Dropping it down, she picks at her toast, taking a small bite of it.

With a faint smile, Amani raised her drink in a silent toast, “Should we toast then?” Amani questioned, “To transcending limitations,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper “and embracing the full spectrum of non-conformity.”

To Arya’s agreement with Amani’s perspective of success, Amani had responded playfully, a hint of laughter dancing in her eyes. “There is always a certain truth to what I say,” she remarked, her tone lighthearted yet confident. “I might be b*tchy but every now and then I try not to be a liar,” she teased, “Quite glad we can have a similar ground on success,” She winked.

When Arya had asked about Amani’s life, Amani had brought up birds or more so what a little birdie had told her to which Arya had questioned. “There are a lot of things you don’t know of me Sellenova. These days I think I’m fancying myself a bird woman, favorite might be the crows so far- read a book about them and who knew they were so interesting.” Amani grinned, “You know, if you were a bird, I fancy that you would be a raven, another favorite of mine.” She remarked, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. It was a subtle nod to Arya’s sharp wit and mysterious demeanor, traits that seemed to align with the enigmatic nature of the raven.

Shifting the attention from her and her life, Amani had summoned a napkin with a flick of her wrist and then asked about Arya’s life, intrigued to see just what Arya Leina Sellenova was up to. “Keeping busy, hmm?” Amani echoed, her tone light and teasing. “Well, I suppose that’s one way to keep life interesting. Filling it with secrecy. Care to share any hints of what busy means or has a little birdie also told you to keep quiet?” Amani asked raising a brow.

Just as the conversation was easing itself, their game of chess- sorry their conversation tensed and for a second, Amani had allowed it to stay tensed, until she began to laugh out loud, covering her mouth with her hands. Very funny Amani had said, reaching for her bag, and pulling out a gift. A gift from brother Atticus. Amani watched Arya’s reaction to the unexpected gift, allowing a moment of silence to linger between them. Her fingers tapped lightly against the desk, a rhythmic beat echoing the tempo of her thoughts. One, two, * trois*. she counted, sitting up as she began to speak, a sardonic smile playing on her face . As Arya responded smoothly, her tone carefully neutral, Amani couldn’t suppress a smirk. It was amusing to see Arya play along, maintaining her composed demeanor even as she navigated the intricate verbal sparring match they often engaged in.

“It’s easy,” Amani said leaning in, “If you insist on taking everything with a grain of salt, then don’t think of me as ‘everything’. Think of me as Amani-the one you take as your sweet indulgence” She rubbed her fingertips together, “Or simply remember, I’ve never been just anyone to you—just as you’ve never been to me, even now, in our most tensed of moments.” Amani’s gaze shifted towards Arya’s drink, she grabbed it with one hand, bringing it close to her lips but not at a touching length “Mind if I take a drink?” Amani asked, setting the drink back down, “What’s in it? Smells like chai,” she said, leaning back into her chair. Amani already knew what it was, it was easy to guess but she still felt the need to ask.

At Arya’s next words, Amani could not help but to laugh, her smile wide and genuine. “Oh, I have no doubt you can handle more than just a little bite,” she quipped, a playful glint in her gaze. “But how much do you think you can really handle?” She challenged, raising a brow.

She leaned forward slightly, mirroring Arya’s knowing look. “Indeed, tension does add an exhilarating edge to our interactions,” Amani agreed, looking back at her book then at Arya. “It’s like a dance of minds, each step carefully calculated yet filled with spontaneity.”

