Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Atlas Theodore Alstone


Clone — bonfire, at night — with Lyra


It was the first day back after a long summer, yet it went on as any other day. Before he knew it, the sun began to set, its golden rays drawing a pattern on the marble floors of the academy. Around that time, Atlas was returning from the library, textbooks in his hands. The hallways were emptier than in the morning, and there was something so comforting about the calmer, melancholy atmosphere as the day neared its end. Atlas was silent, his head kept down, nothing but his quiet footsteps echoing across. Deep down, there was a sense of uneasiness as night approached. There was something… Something in the back of his mind that he just couldn’t put his finger on. What had he forgotten? Nothing was out of place.

Best not to think too hard, he thought. There was likely a reason he forgot.

There was one event left before he could return to the confines of his bedroom — the bonfire gathering. Finally, a proper opportunity to catch up with his friends. Atlas left the textbooks at his dorm, neatly arranging them on the bookshelves across his bed. After, he freshened up, preparing to head out.

The nighttime event was a rather lively one, filled with the hum of chatter between friends and those yet to become friends (whether they liked it or not). The sound of chirping crickets and crackling wood added to the cozy atmosphere, as Atlas navigated from person to person and engaged in idle conversation. Greetings, small talk, stories of their summer days, every topic was covered and he hadn’t even made it halfway through.

Passing through the crowds of people, Atlas noticed a woman sitting on her own, her face warmly illuminated by the fire. She seemed deep in thought, focused on the marshmallow in her hand. Curious, Atlas took a few steps forward. As her features became clearer, he realized he’d seen her that morning — she was one of the new students of his group, likely why she was alone.

Atlas excused himself from the crowd for a moment. He’d decided to approach the woman, his pace slow and a soft smile gracing his face. “Hey,” he greeted, his voice low but rather calming. “You seem lost in thought.” Up close, he could take note of her appearance, from her overalls to the blonde waves framing her soft features.

As he caught her attention, he took another step closer. “I remember you from this morning, but I don’t think I’ve seen you before then. Are you new here, by chance?” he asked, his gaze wandering to the fire. “Enigma Stag, right?” his lips curved into a more mischievous smirk, extending his palm towards the fire. “I’m one for illusion as well.”

He conjured a glowing golden orb in his open palm. Following the rhythm of the flames, he let the orb expand, dancing along the surface of his hand. His eyes flickered with light from its movement, watching it adjust and morph until it was nearly a mirror image of the sight in front.

With a small fire in the palm of his hand, Atlas sat down beside the woman. “Try it,” he offered his hand towards her. “Who knows, it might do a better job than the actual bonfire, hm?” he chuckled, winking.


@Jass Lyra Elysa Skylark



It had been a long first day of classes for Lyra. She had tried to ignore it all, partake in the small take, the conversations at tonight’s bonfire. It had been quite an enjoyable evening, catching up with some old friends, and meeting some new faces. However, she decided, after roasting a marshmallow to satisfy her sweet tooth, to give herself a moment of peace. Stepping away from the lively crowd and the crackling fire, she sought a quieter spot around the bonfire. The chatter and laughter around her grew distant as she found a more secluded place to sit, giving herself a chance to unwind and reflect. The soft glow of the fire reached her, providing a comforting backdrop as she embraced the calm of the night, allowing herself a brief respite from the whirlwind of the day.

Her thoughts went to her brother, and Hayes. She couldn’t deny the lingering feeling that Hayes might know more about what happened to her brother, they were best friends. As far as Lyra knew, they had been inseparable, after all, and if anyone had insights into her brother’s last days, it would be Hayes. Yet, she knew prying such sensitive information from him wouldn’t be easy.

Despite his recent friendliness and seemingly harmless demeanor, Lyra was more than aware that these qualities alone were not enough to broach such a delicate subject. She needed more than just a casual acquaintance; she needed trust, a bridge built slowly and carefully. It was a daunting prospect, but one she was determined to face. Her brother’s memory deserved that much.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke her thoughts, and she turned to see a guy she remembered from earlier today making his way towards her. She noted his soft smile and the gentle tone of his greeting, feeling a mix of curiosity and caution. “Hey,” she responded softly, a hint of a smile touching her lips. His observation about her being lost in thought made her chuckle lightly. “I guess I was,” she admitted, brushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

“Yeah, I’m new here,” she replied, her tone warm yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty. “Enigma Stag, that’s my house indeed. It is yours too, right?” She watched with intrigue as he extended his hand toward the fire, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. His mention of being skilled in illusion sparked her interest further, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation at what he might reveal.

As he conjured a glowing orb of light in his palm, Lyra’s eyes widened in fascination. The intricate dance of the flames mirrored in the orb held her attention captive, and she couldn’t help but marvel at the display before her.

“That’s incredible,” she murmured, her voice filled with genuine admiration. The subtle flicker of light reflected in her eyes as she observed the illusion, a sense of wonder washing over her. “I’ve always been fascinated by illusions; they have this enchanting quality that’s hard to resist.”

As he invited her to try the illusion, she reached for the stick she had prepared with an already roasted marshmallow, her fingers slightly sticky to the touch from the marshmallow. In an impulse, she bit off the treat she had prepared for herself. What she didn’t realise in her excitement to try roasting a marshmallow above his illusion, was that part of the marshmallow had been stuck on the corner on her cheek.

She added an unroasted marshmallow to the stick, and with a small, eager smile, she lifted the stick, ready to roast the marshmallow above the shimmering orb. However, as she leaned closer to the illusion, a slight tickle on her cheek distracted her. At first, she brushed it off, assuming it was just a stray hair the wind was blowing. But when the sensation persisted, she paused, her brow furrowing in confusion. With a gentle touch, she reached up to her cheek and discovered the culprit - a small smear of marshmallow clinging to her skin.

Blushing furiously, Lyra giggled nervously, feeling the warmth of embarrassment creeping up her neck.“Oh!” she exclaimed softly, “How did I miss that?” She laughed lightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement at her oversight. “Looks like I got a little carried away with the marshmallow excitement.” She glanced apologetically at Atlas, hoping he found her mishap more endearing than clumsy. With a sheepish smile, she finally removed the bit of marshmallow, popping it into her mouth with a playful grin.

Now, once again she lifted the stick, ready for the illusion to do it’s work. As Lyra did so, a determined glint sparkled in her eyes. “Here goes nothing,” she murmured with a smile, her voice laced with a hint of excitement and anticipation.

Atlas - @idiot.exe
Hayes - @astxrism


Dominic Vaillant

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

Hallways, at night — with Lenore and Vinnie’s boytoys

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

At her muttered comment, Chadwick’s lips curved into a smirk. He stepped forward once more, taking a strand of her hair in his hand. “What was that, dear?” he leaned in until his breath brushed against her neck, twisting the strand around his fingers.

To their surprise, the woman had agreed to take him off their hands. Quite a relief. Now if he were to die, Vincenzo and their coven wouldn’t be the first ones to blame. Bradford found himself unable to hold back a chuckle at the way she said it, how impatient. And to make demands to hand him over gently? Laughable. Who did she think she was?

“So you’re up for the challenge?” he asked. Bradwick found her attitude rather amusing. If they weren’t in a hurry to drop off the newcomer, they would’ve stayed longer only to mess with her.“Chad,” Bradford straightened his expression.

Chadford turned around, giving him a small nod. He stepped away, winking at the woman before returning to his friends’ side. He helped him lift Dominic in their hands, carrying him closer to Lenore. "Would a lady like you be able to handle this much weight?" he mocked. “We can give him to you as gentle as we can, the question is whether you can handle it, sweetheart. Or would you need our help carrying him?”

And with that, they both released him, letting his body hit the ground right in front of Lenore’s feet. It collided with the ground with a loud thud, yet he didn’t react, his limp body didn’t move an inch.

"Ah, my mistake," Bradford couldn’t resist mocking her again. “I think that was gentle enough, wouldn’t you agree?”

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

@Caticorn ⋅𖥔⋅ Lenore Ferrell

thinking to myself they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not real they’re not r

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Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[[[Musica ౨ৎ])]

Most of the time, when Arya would come to her house as a child, Amani’s family would speak solely in French. This was, if Amani recalled correctly, because Arya was learning French at the time. Amani’s family, being native French speakers with ancestry from Francophone nations, wanted to foster her learning. After all, what better way to help someone learn a language than to immerse them in it daily?

I’;s been a while since their fall out, that Arya and Amani got to talk, so for a split second and just for a split second, Amani had forgotten Arya knew french, it was only until she had said le moins did Amani remember that indeed, Sellenova spoke french.

“vraiment ? C’est certainement l’affirmation la plus intéressante” Amani side looking at the poems on the wall, “la plupart des gens ne qualifieraient pas votre choix de relations de classe” She continued, cough Parravicini Russo, cough the immature Dunman,” Amani faked a cough, then switched back to English, her hand theatrically placed on her throat as she smirked. , “Excuse me, it seems I’ve developed quite the cold.” she added in English, her hand on her throat as she smirked.

Amani then asked Arya why she had written the poem and her reasoning for hanging it up. Was the poem of any particular importance? Amani listened intently to Arya’s explanation, her curiosity still piqued but now tempered with a hint of amusement. She gently traced the edges of the poem with her fingers, feeling the texture of the paper as if it could reveal some hidden truth.

Amani then inquired about the poem Arya had written, her curiosity piqued. She wanted to know why Arya had written it and why she chose to hang it on the wall. Was the poem of any significant importance? Amani listened intently to Arya’s explanation, her interest now tempered with a hint of amusement. She gently traced the edges of the poem with her fingers, feeling the texture of the paper as if it could reveal some hidden truth.

"“Well, aren’t you awfully sentimental,” Amani remarked, a smirk playing on her lips. “I suppose I could understand that, though I never knew you were one to be so sappy.” The playful glint in her eye contrasted with the depth of her words, as if she was simultaneously mocking and admiring Arya’s sentimentality, but perhaps leaning more towards the mocking. She looked over Arya’s shoulders as she read the poem, her brows for rowing slightly as she took in the lines. The poem was delicate, full of introspection and longing. It spoke of forgotten dreams and the quiet melancholy of unfulfilled desires. Amani’s smirk faded as she read, replaced by a more contemplative expression. The words seemed to resonate with something deep within her, something she wasn’t quite ready to acknowledge. "The Poem, " Amani began not knowing what to say, “Very cipher of you, almost too cipher, glad to see you kept that poetic spark of yours over the years” Amani ‘complimented.’

Amani’s laughter gradually subsided, leaving her with a lingering smile as she straightened up from the statue. She watched Arya continue walking, her brow arched with amusement. Catching up to her, Amani tilted her head slightly, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and mischief. “Of course not, credit’s all your innit?” she conceded, her tone still playful as they continued their walk through the Botanical conservatory. Eventually, they reached an and as Amani began to whisper incantations in Latin and French, quiet enough as her words will come off as more mumbles than actual words. A door with the words ‘quattor’ eventually formed out of thin air, igniting a smile from Amani- AAAH the room of reflections, one of her favorite rooms. Using a key that her ‘creature’ had given her, Amani opened the door, welcoming the sigh of empty mirrors. She continued walking, her eyes staring at each of the mirrors, until she landed on one with Arya, looking at that particular reflection less mirror, Amani had smiled, as she continued to describe what the Eden of Enchanment truly was. When she was done, as expected, Arya was not without questions- she had asked what secrets the mirrors hold, prompting Amani to respond with, “Depends,” She had smirked, “Depends on the mirror and what you wish for it to hold. This mirror for example,” Amani gestured to the mirror in front of them, “is the mirror of desires, not as sexy as it sounds, though there is a mirror for that,” Amani chuckled, “Anyways, mirror of desires, take you to a life you’ve always imagined existing in, a life that is your current ultimate desire where you would feel most serene in.” Her gaze went towards the mirror, “It’s empty because it needs to be tapped,” Amani gently grabbed Arya’s hand and using her free hand, they had both touched the mirror, causing it to began to swirl. “Once touched, we begin to see two different things- I see my own desires place and you see yours.”

At some point, the mirror had stopped swirling, staying in one place as Amani began to see her own reflection morph and shift, subtly at first, then more pronounce. The glass rippled like the surface of a pond disturbed by a thrown stone. What unfolded before her eyes was a vision of teenage her in secondary school, laughing side by side with a person who Amani knew all to well, she had placed her head on the person’s shoulder’s as they say down together, drinking a drink- coffee for her she imagined, a type of tea perhaps black for the other person. It was relaxing, there where in their last year of secondary school and his betrayal had not happened nor did the ‘news’ happen. As they leaned close to each other their lips almost touching, they suddenly jolted apart, as the presence of another- Arya Sellenova, suddenly emerged in the vision. Arya’s entrance was marked by laughter from Amani, it was not a mocking one, but a genuine laughter as she playfully rolled her eyes, as two other people- Tae and Celestine had emerged., finding spots next to her, the group forming a circle of familiar faces, all sharing jokes and stories from their day. This glimpse into a past where their friendship had never waned, where betrayals and separations were non-existent, painted a poignant picture of what could have been.

As the scene shifted, Amani was now an adult, surrounded by her family and the same friends from her secondary school days. It was her birthday, and the laughter and warmth enveloping her were palpable. Her sister Marium came forward, her hands hiding a small, elegantly wrapped box. Unveiling a delicate necklace, she clasped it around Amani’s neck, an action met with cheers and claps from around the room. Isaac, too, was there, his arm wrapped around a woman he had met at a party; his smile was wide, his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness.

Amidst the celebration, there was him—the one whose presence Amani chose to ignore. His face was there in the crowd, smiling, participating, yet Amani’s vision cleverly skirted around him, focusing instead on the joy and the love from those who mattered more. The entire vision radiated a sense of relaxation and freedom from responsibilities, a stark contrast to her current life. The happiness was infectious, and even as the scene began to dissolve, Amani felt a warmth linger, a bittersweet reminder of a life that might have been, filled with endless possibilities and the continued presence of those she loved.

As the images in the mirror faded and Amani turned back to Arya. “What did you see?” Amani asked her voice soft as she looked at the mirror, “Ok now that that is over,do you want to check out the others. I’ll let you chose a mirror, pick one.”



Atlas Theodore Alstone


Morning, before class — with Seung-min


Atlas’ surroundings began to come into focus, as he left his thoughts behind and returned to the present. Before he knew it he found himself holding onto the wall, faced with another person, just as disoriented and awkward as him. Papers were scattered beneath their feet, likely something the man had been carrying. Atlas’ chest briefly tightened with guilt; he felt responsibile for what had happened. Yet on the surface it was impossible to tell, with his friendly smile immediately concealing his thoughts.

The other man responded as soon as he apologized. “I-It’s okay! I wasn’t looking either; I was just—" he abruptly cut himself off when his eyes met Atlas’.

Atlas furrowed his brows in confusion. All of a sudden silence filled the air, a few seconds seeming like an hour due to the tension. Taking a deep breath, he tried to redirect his thoughts and focus on what the other was saying. It appeared he wasn’t paying attention while walking either. Though it wasn’t certain whether he was lying to make Atlas feel better, he had to admit that he felt a weight being lifted off his chest. His smile became more genuine, properly reaching the corners of his eyes.

The other student continued to speak quickly, his words laced with nervousness. Atlas could tell he was looking for a way to escape the situation, and those doubts were confirmed as he knelt down to pick up the papers. Atlas found himself standing in place, frozen, only observing what the other did. “Oh, um… Papers, sure…” he muttered to himself, taking a step back to give him space. Was that man okay? He normally would’ve offered help, but everything happened so quickly he could barely process it. And his mind wouldn’t stop spinning from the collision and the thoughts from that morning.

Aside from that, once he looked closer he could notice the way the man’s cheeks were tinted from embarassment. Tinted was a weak word to describe just how red he was. He must’ve been really flustered. Though Atlas knew it was wrong, he couldn’t hold back a chuckle from escaping his lips. There was something strangely amusing about the situation, how for once, Atlas wasn’t the only one walking around absentmindedly and ending up in awkward situations. Of course as the man rose to his feet, he quickly straightened his expression and returned his friendly smile.

He listened to him speak until he was finished, taking note of his name, Seung-min. One thing was for sure — he was not going to call him Scott. Instead he listened to the way he pronounced the name, repeating it in his head until he was sure he got it right.

Atlas took a deep breath, struggling to choose where to even start. “Right, so, Seung-min?” he figured he’d ask for confirmation. “Why wouldn’t I ask your name, it’s how an introduction goes, isn’t it?” he extended his hand forward for a handshake, his lips splitting into a grin despite his efforts to stay composed. “I’m Atlas, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

A few more sheets of paper remained scattered around the floor, the disorder poking at Atlas’ eyes. He crouched down, collecting the final pieces before joining the other man up. With a softened smile, he handed them over. “Well, this wasn’t the ideal way to make an introduction, but it was definitely interesting. Either way, I’d hate for everything to be predictable,” he spoke, leaning his back against the wall. “Where were we…?” he trailed off for a moment, his head tilting up in thought. “Ah, right, names. I’ve never thought too deep about it, they’re just words. But you know, my name is rather strange as well. Have I said it already? My mind is a mess, from, well…” he chuckled softly. “It’s Atlas, quite unusual, but my parents liked it. And who would’ve thought it would hold a meaning to my life now? Can you guess what it is?” he questioned playfully, locking eyes with Seung-min.

But as the conversation continued, Atlas’ mind went back to the man’s nervousness. He wasn’t sure whether he was helping or if he’d end up making everything worse. He could almost understand how it must’ve felt. At one point, he was also in that position, quite a long time ago.

Atlas might’ve been unaware of the cause for Seung-min, but there were a few guesses on his mind. “Are you a new student? I don’t remember seeing you around before, and trust me, I know everyone,” he continued with a quieter tone. “I couldn’t help but notice you seem a bit nervous. Is something wrong, or are you only feeling overwhelmed?” That was his first guess.

As for the second one, he knew it would be too inappropriate to ask. And yet… His curiosity was urging him on, to take the risk just to see Seung-min’s reaction. “Or, do you possibly have a crus—” he cut himself off, pausing. No. Not again. He was not going to repeat last night. He began laughing suddenly, cutting the pause short. “I, I mean… Do you have a class you need to get to? My mind is really scrambled…” he trailed off, his laugh fading into awkwardness.


@cordyx Yoo Seung-min




|| Hallway//With Aurora ~>> Enchanted music composition class ||

Kairo chuckled at Aurora’s playful warning about the dungeons, appreciating her lighthearted approach to their conversation. “Getting lost and stumbling upon hidden spots sounds like an adventure waiting to happen,” he said with a grin. “And don’t worry, I’ll do my best to avoid the dungeons. I’d hate to have my first day end up like a scene from a horror movie.”

He glanced around the bustling corridors, filled with students rushing to their classes, the air buzzing with excitement and nervous energy. “But you’re right. First impressions matter,” he acknowledged with a nod, his smile never fading. “Though I have to admit, a bit of adventure after classes sounds like the perfect way to unwind. Maybe you can show me some of those hidden spots later?”

When she spoke about Quantum, her pride was evident. When the light above them flickered in response to her words, Kairo couldn’t help but be impressed by the effortless way Aurora showcased a hint of her magical abilities. It was a simple, almost casual display of magic, but it spoke volumes about the world he was now a part of. [color=brown]“Aye, now that was neat” he commented with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Quantum sounds like a blast,” he said with genuine admiration. “Quite the place indeed”
Her mention of not having their first class together elicited a playful chuckle from Kairo. “Well, looks like we’ll just have to make the most of these hallway encounters, then,” he replied with a wink, his tone light and teasing.
Despite the levity of their banter, Kairo couldn’t shake the faint twinge of potental loneliness that lingered in the depths of his eyes. Yet, Aurora’s determination to make him feel welcomed warmed his heart, her words a beacon of encouragement in the sea of uncertainty that surrounded him.

“Oh I bet Ninth House can be even more overwhelming than it is so far, but I reckon I’ll find my way around” Kairo said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Kairo’s tone was casual and friendly, genuinely appreciating Aurora’s company. Her infectious enthusiasm made him feel more at ease in this new environment. "In the meantime, I guess I should get to class and try not to get too lost. But don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behavior—at least until the end of the day. " he added playfullly “Thanks for the directions and all, Aurora. You’ve already made my first day a lot better.” he added with a wink, his smile returning.
As he started to walk away, he turned back to her with a charming smile. “And hey, if you ever need a partner for one of those explorations, you know where to find me.” With a playful wink, he headed off, feeling a bit more confident about the day ahead, thanks to Aurora’s friendly and welcoming demeanor.

As Kai parted from Aurora, he couldn’t shake the pleasant warmth that lingered from their conversation. With a smile still playing on his lips he made his way to his first class at Ninth House, he couldn’t shake the sense of anticipation bubbling within him. The thought of learning about enchanted music composition filled him with excitement. Music had always been a passion of his, and the prospect of delving into the magical intricacies of it sounded thrilling. As he entered the class room, Kairo’s gaze swept over the serene setting. Soft light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the rows of instruments and neatly arranged sheet music.
Finding a seat towards the front of the classroom, Kairo settled in, his gaze fell upon Professor Maria Walsh, who stood at the front of the room. She exuded an aura of grace and warmth, her soft hazel eyes twinkling with kindness as she greeted each student with genuine and a cheerful “Good morning” Kairo felt a sense of appreciation wash over him. There was something reassuring about being seen and acknowledged by his teacher, a feeling of belonging that set the tone for the class ahead.

@astxrism Aurora // prof walsh mentioned


꒰ ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ gee ⊃ ⟡ ⺌. ⋆ ꒱


The result of the fall was nothing short but a whirlwind of messes, as Seung-min would recall, but in that exhilarating moment, he was quite excited and nervous to meet the man who he had seen from the side of the screen, albeit wondering if this type of excitement would make him look like a deranged idiot. In the recovery of all the events beforehand, his eyes grew as he heard his actual name uttered from the words of the dashing young man. To say he swooned is an understatement, as his heart felt as though it was punching itself out of his chest, proclaiming some sort of victory. Still a bit rusty within some of the intonations, but the intent on pronouncing it was a genuine attempt at showing respect for him.

As the man extended his arms as a gesture of introduction, Seung-min hesitated for a good second as he looked at the man’s elegant hand. Words formed in his mind as to how he would respond to his gesture, but all came crashing down as he was left with nothing but the sound of his voice whimpering as he felt the cold drip of his sweat rushing in his hands. Swiftly shaking his hands onto the man, he retracted once the gesture was done so as to hide the notion of nervousness that could be obvious once the sensation hit the receiver.

Like a scene from a cheesy romantic TV show, the man picked up the remaining papers scattered on the floor as he gave them back to Seung-min with such a look on his face. In that millisecond, he felt as though the lighting bloomed and bubbles formed as both came eye to eye. He’s now certain this encounter isn’t a dream, and yet he felt as though vibrant green grass and bright daylight overpowered the elegant and dark architecture around him. Swinging back to reality, he remained speechless as the velvety tone of his voice mesmerized the already nervous Seung-min. Only after receiving a name did he return to his will to speak. “Atlas…” he said in deep thought as he looked at him with wonder, “Like those school books, the maps, and the history of those maps? Nat Geo Student World Atlas? I-I think I remember in history classes we had a lesson on some god, and I think Greek mythology was the origin of that name. I-is that the answer you were looking for? I-I’m so sorry if it came out rude, like I’m teasing your name; I just think it is an interesting name for an interesting man… Interesting in a good way, not bad!”

“Haha, yeah. I’m a new student here.” Seung-min scratched his head as he let out an awkward laugh. Knowing the nature of his behavior and looking around at people for directions, it’d be very obvious for him to stick out as the new kid on campus. Either way, the struggles of being in a new environment with established relationships were never an issue for him; it was the people who decided whether or not they would open up to him easily. “For a while there, I even had some issues looking at the cafeteria. I mean, they did have a tour way back when, but I don’t think tours retain a heck of information in a place as big as this.” Diverting to his situation, he plans on a direction to get to know Atlas a little better. “A-anyways, I am aware there’s like a Hogwarts type of splitting here. You know, the edgy kids split with the theater kids; you get the picture. Can you guess what mine is? My only clue is the gig Lady Gaga did when she had her Las Vegas residency—wigs and neons, as far as the eye can see. Not the jazz Lady, the mother Gaga.”

Now, Seung-min has always been aware of his predicaments when it comes to him and his face. He could hide certain emotions, leaving a blank slate, but there would always be some form of repercussion, such as a bright red blush on embarrassment or puffy eyes on sadness. Atlas’ concerns at first felt like a worry about his state. Seung-min would’ve clarified that he was all well, just nervous on the first day, but the man’s teasing made him even more bashful than he had already conveyed. “O-oh! I-um… yes, no! No! I mean, w-what? Like, yes, I’m totes fine, and no, I totes don’t have a crush on you! I mean, I’m not assuming that, and I don’t mean it in a rude way. You are fine, in a totally platonic bro way! Like you are so handsome, but I’m totally not like, um, D-do you like music?” A wonky grin appeared on his face, so as to appease the already tomato-faced state he is in. “Ah… like I know… it is a random, question. B-but music is so cool, right? I make music. I write music! I used to be in a band once, like a super cool high school band. You know a crazy idea? Like making some punk rock band at a posh totty school like this. I mean, I’m just saying that cause I kinda like being a rockerboy; I miss it. Um, yeah. Cool. Cool.”

Seung-min is certain his soul left his body; the pale look on his face mustered all the energy he could from the relaxation he had earlier this morning. Atlas’ laugh, however, did catch him off guard as both parties led an awkward exchange in conversation. Knowing what would happen next, he could say where he would be going, and the man would likely form a negative opinion of him, never talking to him again. Even worse, someone whom he has seen as cool and charming. Assessing what would happen next, he took a breather as he made sure to give his megawatt smile. Be that cool-headed man you were at the ball last night, he thought, “I’m actually just going to Theatrical Alchemy, whatever that is. Like mixing potions? While singing Defying Gravity? Or is it like singing something like Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend to magically make a mineral? I don’t know, but we’ll see.” Making sure to give a small chuckle at that banter, he looked at both sides to give… a friendly suggestion: “You know, since I’m new here, I deserve a better tour from a man who knows the campus. The time’s still big; we could go anywhere else. Or maybe even a trip to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee? Whattaya say?”


@idiot.exe - Atlas


Eden of Enchantment || with Amani

Arya listened to Amani’s French with a raised eyebrow, her expression inscrutable. It had been a while since she heard Amani speak in French, and the familiarity of it brought back memories, both pleasant and painful. She understood every word Amani said, yet, even in that moment of linguistic nostalgia, she couldn’t help but notice the subtle jab hidden within Amani’s words. The mention of Vincenzo and Renlin felt like a calculated move, a reminder of Arya’s past romantic entanglements. It was as if Amani was daring Arya to acknowledge her own shortcomings, to confront the ghosts of her past.
Arya’s lips quirked into a knowing smile, her gaze meeting Amani’s with a subtle glint of mischief. She understood the underlying implication of Amani’s words, the thinly veiled commentary on her past relationships. While Arya was well aware that her dating history might not fit conventional notions of “classy,” each relationship held its own significance and purpose, even with the occasional misstep like with Vincenzo and Renlin. She had her reasons, even if they weren’t as apparent to others.

With a nonchalant shrug, Arya leaned against the nearby pillar, her posture relaxed yet poised. “Everyone has their own reasons for the choices they make,” she mused, her tone reflective. “Even if those choices lead to terrible results, like, say, dating complete idiots or pretending to be sick.” A subtle sense of irony colored her words, her eyes flicking to Amani with a playful quirk of her lips…

Arya’s mind was as sharp as her tongue, and she couldn’t help but notice the subtle hints dropped by Amani. Vincenzo’s name had been thrown into the mix, and Arya wasn’t one to let such clues slip by unnoticed. With a coy tilt of her head, she pressed further, her tone laced with intrigue. “Speaking of unconventional company,” she began, her voice lowering slightly, “I couldn’t help but wonder how you became acquainted with this little sanctuary. After all, It’s not every day one stumbles upon such a hidden gem, unless, of course, you had a certain companion leading the way.”
Her words carry a playful yet pointed edge, a silent challenge to Amani to reveal more of her own secrets while subtly hinting at her knowledge of Vincenzo’s role in their shared past. She didn’t miss a beat, using Amani’s own words against her in a playful yet strategic manner. As they stand amidst the botanical wonders of the conservatory, Arya remained composed and enigmatic, her curiosity and wit shining through in every word and gesture.

Arya stood there, a picture of composed elegance, leaning slightly against the cool marble pillar. Her eyes met Amani’s with an unwavering gaze, the depths of her thoughts masked by a faint, enigmatic smile. “Sentimental?” she echoed, the word rolling off her tongue with a mix of amusement and irony. “Perhaps. But then, sentimentality has its own charm, don’t you think? It’s what separates the poets from the mere scribblers.”

As Amani leaned over Arya’s shoulder to read the poem, Arya watched her closely, noting the shift in Amani’s expression. The smirk fading, replaced by something more contemplative, more vulnerable. Arya knew the power of her words, how they could stir emotions even in those who prided themselves on their stoicism. The quiet melancholy and unfulfilled desires woven into the poem were not just abstract concepts, they were fragments of Arya’s own soul, laid bare on the page. Arya’s lips curved into a knowing smile, a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity. The poem had struck a chord, even if Amani wasn’t quite ready to admit it. “Glad to see my words still have the power to captivate,” Arya responded, a subtle smile on her lips, her tone light yet edged with a hint of sarcasm. “Or perhaps it’s just that beneath that tough exterior of yours, there’s a soul that craves the very sentimentality you mock.” Her gaze was unwavering, a challenge wrapped in a compliment.

As they traversed deeper into the botanical conservatory, Arya observed Amani’s whispered incantations with a curious fascination. The words, a melodic blend of Latin and French, seemed to weave a spell of their own, shrouding the air with an aura of mystique. Amani’s smile ignited a spark of intrigue within Arya as the door materialized before them, adorned with the enigmatic word ‘quattor’. The tension in the air was palpable as Amani unlocked the door, revealing the empty expanse of mirrors beyond.
Amani’s eyes roamed over the mirrors with a sense of familiarity, each reflection holding a silent promise of secrets yet to be revealed. Arya’s gaze followed hers, drawn to the mirror in front of them. Amani’s description of the Eden of Enchantment only deepened Arya’s curiosity, prompting her to question the secrets hidden within the mirrors.
As Arya’s fingertips brushed against the cool surface of the mirror, a ripple spread across its reflective surface, like echoes from a forgotten dream. The glass began to swirl, drawing her into its depths, into a realm where desires danced on the edge of reality.

Arya found herself standing at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a vast expanse of untouched wilderness. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. With each breath, Arya felt a sense of liberation, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.
But amidst the beauty of the natural world, there was something else—someone else. In the distance, Arya caught a glimpse of two figure standing on a distant hill facing her, their silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. As Arya took a step forward, the figures seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, drawing closer with each passing moment. Though their features were shrouded in shadow, Arya felt a tug at her heart, a sense of familiarity that stirred something deep within her soul. It was as if she had known these figures her entire life, yet their identity remained tantalizingly out of reach. Their presence was both comforting and unsettling, like a half-remembered dream that danced on the edge of consciousness. Arya reached out a hand, yearning to bridge the distance between them, to unravel the enigma that bound their destinies together.

But before she could grasp hold of the elusive truth, the vision shifted once more, transporting Arya to the hallowed halls of her parents’ ancestral home. The library stood as a monument to generations past, its shelves lined with volumes of knowledge accumulated over centuries. The scent of aged parchment and leather binding filling the air. Books towered around her, their spines adorned with intricate designs, each one whispering tales of forgotten worlds and untold secrets. She reached out, running her fingers along the shelves, feeling the weight of knowledge beneath her touch.
In the center of the room stood a figure, tall and imposing, their presence commanding respect and reverence. It was her father, his eyes alight with pride as he regarded Arya with a mixture of admiration and affection. In this moment, Arya saw herself not as the wayward daughter seeking purpose, but as the curator of a legacy that stretched back through time.

Arya’s gaze lingered on the mirror for a moment longer, the echoes of her visions still whispering in her mind. With a subtle shake of her head to clear her thoughts, she turned to face Amani, a faint smile playing on her lips. “I saw…possibility,” she murmured, her voice a whisper carried on the breeze.
She paused, considering Amani’s offer to explore the other mirrors. With a small nod, Arya stepped away from the mirror, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of what other secrets lay hidden within the depths of the conservatory. She scanned the room, her gaze lingering on each mirror, each one promising a glimpse into a different reality. But one mirror, in particular, caught her eye. Her eyes settled on a mirror tucked away in the corner, its frame adorned with intricate carvings reminiscent of ancient runes. The surface of the mirror shimmered with an otherworldly glow, hinting at the mysteries that lay within. “This one,” Arya declared, standing at With a coy smile, Arya turned back to Amani. “it calls to me…”


@raviola Vinnie mentioned

@Madilnel Renlin too




“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Ayla was shaking her head with a smile, a soft “mmm,” emanating from her throat. “Cross paths at the impending doom meeting, you say? … I’ll be sure to save you a seat next to mine. After all, it’s always good to have a fellow enthusiast for the apocalypse industry.” Ayla clicked her tongue in agreement. “Good, because I’ve got a few pointers to share on how to properly prepare for the end of the world. Plus, it would be nice to see a familiar face.”[/color] She viciously smiled with her teeth.

“Coffee, sarcasm, and excellence in all things? Sounds like quite the winning combination.” Ayla lifted her cup in a toast, “what can I say?” she said quickly before he continued. “But I’m sure that’s not all there is to you.” Ayla’s eyes narrowed slightly, her expression turning thoughtful. She slouched a bit, her hands settling around her coffee cup as she regarded Dante with a level gaze. “Maybe I am just a person who likes coffee and sarcasm. Maybe that’s all there is to me.” She smiled, a small, enigmatic smile. Ayla wondered what he was really trying to do. She had forced herself into a corner, considered every kind deed to her out of pity, she could hardly spot a genuine kind face.

She swore, he had got the whole “I’m just trying to get to know you” vibe down pat, but nothing was at face value, was it? She was not buying it. He was fishing for something, and Ayla was set on not giving it to him. Not without a fight, anyway. But despite all the annoyance he caused, she had to admit that it was kind of… fascinating. Fun. The way he pushed and prodded, trying to challenge her. It was like he’s trying to solve some kind of puzzle, and she was holding a missing piece. She loved the power. She loved stretching her legs in a social interaction.

Spoiler alert: I’m a sucker for late-night adventures and rooftop views.”Ayla’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned forward, “Oh, I’m shaking with anticipation,” she said dryly, her tone dripping with sarcasm. “That’s not exactly the most original or impressive confession.”[/color] She raised an eyebrow, her gaze never leaving Dante’s face. She forced the remaining cold coffee down in one swig. “But then again, I think I love cliche… Need a little thrill outside of academia.” She smiled, kindly this time, waiting on his move.


@Jass | Dante | guess who had a post that needed only slight editing :sob:

1 Like



Desdemona’s eyes flitted to the side of her head as she observed Thalia fixing her hair. She told her not to overthink it, and kissed her forehead. Desdemona then fell into the trap, and nuzzled her nose on hers. Thalia laughed, and it was sweet. Or at least, it was supposed to be. Desdemona gave a small smile, but she couldn’t tell if she was supposed to. Sometimes it just felt like… every time she was on the brink of something, and she was about to reach the top of the hill, someone pushed her back and sent her rolling like a child playing in nature, and somewhere during her fall, she was to slip into that mindset over again.

“It’s not your job to look after me,” Thalia said, but that was a lie.
“But I want to!” Mona interrupted, and Thalia shook her head, continuing her phrase with her hands squeezing Desdemona’s. The girl looked down at their fingers interlaced with one another, and she swung their hands forward and back, to Thalia’s sides then to hers. She had finished her sentence, but Desdemona did not know what else there was to say to that.

“I guess so…” She agreed hesitantly. “I just want to make you feel better,” Desdemona pouted, bringing their hands to her and holding them there like she was making a very important statement that deserved interruption of their sweet and light affection, even though she was talking like they were a couple in an amusement park line.

Thalia asked what may have caused Esther’s incident, and Mona answered earnestly, thinking back to the event.
“Well, it took alot of magic to fix her, my guess was that she was near death. And… I don’t think it was an accident.” Mona said, speaking a bit more liberally about death than one probably expected. It didn’t feel like a hard topic for her, at least. She had not lived much of a life, and she knew she was going to die sooner or later. Like when a child’s dog gets too old for the family to maintain it, so their parents put it down and say it went to a happy little farm where gold shines off the grass and the piglets are friends with the lambs. A part of Desdemona still believed that story, not necessarily because she thought it was true, it was more like she believed in it. When this life ended here at the Ninth House, for example, she would go back to her own farm, and do cartwheels in the mud like before, the dark black substance sloshing under her grasp.

It was a masquerade ball,” Thalia had pointed out, “They probably did not know they were dancing with each other,” But then again, there was a possibility that they did- the people at Wyndham lived very intertwined lives and yet very secretive- it was hard to pin point exactly who they were connected or not connected to, but Thalia, through careful observation and what she liked to term ‘research,’ stalking had mapped out most of these connections. There was no discernible link, as far as she remembered, between Esther and Atlas.

“Yes, I suppose so. But I really don’t think people look that different with or without their masks on. As soon as I saw some people, I recognized them from pictures. The people at this school are silly; some of them can manipulate shadows but can’t tell each other apart!” Desdemona laughed, rolling the foolishness of the other students away with the gesture of her hand. “And even if they didn’t identify each other, they still danced together. I suppose that means something.” She stated astutely. At this point, they were no longer holding hands, and so Desdemona crossed her legs and titled her head, putting her hands into her back pockets and looking up as she thought about all the couples she saw at the ball last night. Perhaps now, at school, she could have something like that too.

After a quick second of musing to herself, Desdemona came down and continued her thought. “Maybe his story wasn’t true, but maybe he wants it to be, you know? For something like that to happen, so he tells it to himself and others with the hope that it might. I wouldn’t hold that against him.” I do it too.
Desdemona took her hands out of her pockets, and instead crossed them in front of her. She sensed she might have been starting to feel a bit chilly.

Talking about the side effects of her magic, and the slight bit of concern she felt in regards to her weakness since helping Esther. She shouldn’t have been helping people aimlessly, but she was helping all the same, right? She was bringing Atlas closer to materializing his visions and that was what mattered, wasn’t it? Even if they weren’t all that pretty.

“It’s not side effects, I guess,” she denied it, and then Thalia cupped her jaw, forcing her to look at her.
“I don’t need to go to the nurse!” Mona threw her crossed arms open, as if she wanted to push Thalia away. She didn’t need anyone checking up on her like that. She hated being comforted.

“Sorry.” She didn’t want to react like that either. “I just felt a little dizzy, but that’s normal.” Slowly the feminine grace in her expression returned, her bottom lip hanging just a little bit lower than most people’s do, where you could see her two pearly front teeth. Her eyes softened, the chocolate in her eyes deliquescing to a lighter brown. “Thank you,” she said.

In her dormitory, Desdemona smiled hearing Thalia say she would make a good impression on the professors, nodding obediently as Thalia continued speaking. “Yes I want to see!” She giggled, pleased that Thalia wanted to accommodate her to the school. “Here, sit with me!!” She said, plopping onto the bed where she turned onto her back, gesturing that Thalia join her. As she waited, she glanced over to the windowsill of her bedroom, where Kiki sat taking in the sun. Mona smiled when she noticed her, and then turned her attention to Thalia when she joined her on the bed. The girl pursed her lips as she noticed the features that sat beside her. “Do you really think they’ll like me?” She asked, hoping Thalia would say yes again.

@Kristi Thalia

@idiot.exe Atlas
@Mouschi Esther




Walking through the hallway, Vincenzo noticed how dimly lit the space was, only yellow light coming from the candles on the wall. It was quite old timey, he believed, how the school was adorned. He did not think it had been renovated since The Ninth House era, but some things about it resembled even Eclipsium. Largely, he found it comforting how the darkness embraced him, enveloping his figure he needn’t create shadows. They were all around him. Save for the flames of candles, those let him see the traces of design in the carpet beneath his feet, little lines crowded amongst each other like earthworms from the garden.

Away from the artificiality of the city, he felt like the place where he was gave his life a bit more meaning. There was something irreplicable about the way that magic adorned the academy walls. The golden trace of illusions crafted by the enigma stag swirled around in the air, cryptic messages written by the scarlet guild were tattooed and faded on the walls, the shadows of the umbra coven snuck around in the vents. It was something that could never be corrupted by the drabness of industry, like they lived in a sanctuary immune to time and the desires of meek vanity, where the true power of the human condition lay manifested into tangible, real magic. If you met a poet in the forest outside of the academy, wandering through the night, and they told you that they knew a place… they would take you here.

Vincenzo reached the kitchen, at last, and laid eyes on its display with the bit of illumination he was still receiving from the sconces in the hallway. From a few feet of distance was the freezer above the refrigerator, he walked around a small, circular table to reach it, and pulled the handle. Inside the cold, blue space, he quickly saw just what he needed, a bag of frozen peas, behind it another. Then, he turned around and took a seat at the quaint table, stretching his long legs out under it. The pain in his upper body radiated through his abdomen, a little bit in his shoulder, but the most of it was in his face. Around his eye he felt like his skin was swelling, and if he touched his eyebags with his fingers there would be a bump. His splitting lip finally parted, and he licked his lips, tasting iron. Tasting the blood, he finally raised the peas to his eye, feeling a short burn before relief, and then exhaled.

If the confines of Wyndham College were a capsule of time, where scientists were alchemists and students were apprentices, then Vincenzo would be a brute. Sitting slouched in a kitchen chair, shirt unbuttoned, shoes somewhere off in the Umbra suite, he looked like a tempered, cheap man who would often leave bar fights with the excuse that at least he won. But that wasn’t all he was. How he felt was frustrated, already tired of the pain he gave himself and sick of residing within his own skin. At least if Ren was there, then he would have someone to joke with.

He sat alone, taking hard and angry breaths for just a bit longer before a now-friendly giant entered the room. Now-friendly because he had clearly not been before, a black eye similar to Vincenzo’s marking his features. He was a very tall man, with medium brown hair and a happy expression marking his lean silhouette. The two men had missed each other, and a smile cracked on the side of Vincenzo’s lips as well.

“Ren,” He said, feeling a bit better now that he was less alone. “There’s more peas on the right side of the freezer, come take a seat.” Vincenzo turned his spine watching Renlin go behind him and retrieve the things from above the refrigerator, and then his eyes followed him once more as he sat down.
“Do you want to share first, or should I?” He said, a chuckle falling from his parted lips as he took in the irony of their situation. “Right now, it probably looks like we were fighting with each other,” he laughed.

@Madilnel Renlin

Side note:
yes i did just reply to myself, I wanted to give you a little push bc
my previous reply had no set-up and you been taking a minute,
love uuuuuu




{ Before School / with Aurora }

Reminder of his morning

In the morning, Vincenzo laid in his bed with his arms over the blankets, and his eyes open. He wanted to rest, but earlier, he woke up and his body knew there would be no going back to sleep. He wasn’t going to dream anything anyway, he seldom did.

It was frustrating, inconvenient. The bags under his eyes were dark, and if you ran your fingers along them, you’d realize they were deep, too, small pits symbolic of the events of last night.

He felt fine for the most part, deciding to sit up, but as soon as he did his head throbbed like getting up had rattled his brain inside his skull. He was so close to not drinking last night, only having a few champagne glasses before running off with Amani, but he just had to take off and finish his flask to free himself. Expected.

For a minute, he thought back to Amani. Was that interaction real? After months of not speaking, he thought they might argue, maybe have a small, bitter interaction because they could not avoid each other around school; but they had been doing fine. Near the end of the last school year, they managed to not speak in class at all. Sometimes they both raised their hands for the same questions, but as soon as one noticed the other, they both looked away just as fast. During that time, he knew they were in the same group; he knew they would eventually have to confront each other once more, so he expected their argument, and honestly, she said everything he thought she would. It was his own actions that he had not predicted. That part had felt so good, but he tuned it out. None of it could happen again.

Perturbed by his thoughts, he threw the covers off from himself, and got up to make himself a coffee. He was too tired to check the footage his camera recorded from after the ball.

In the kitchen, the man opened one of the top cabinets to retrieve his “trusty mug” according to Renlin, which matched his. What the mug said was not important, but he took it and set up the coffee machine where the water began to brew his drink, dark brown liquid dripping swiftly into the white ceramic. As soon as it stopped, Vincenzo removed the mug from the coffee machine, and let it cool down for a few seconds before taking a sip. Hopefully this would give him energy to get through the first day.

After running into… that one person, Vincenzo felt the need to somehow brighten his morning, especially since his first class of the day was going to be unconventional psychology. Professor Longstone was not someone who tolerated the Umbra boys’ nonsense, so that was the one class where they were all sure to behave. Contrary to popular belief, though, Vincenzo was actually a very diligent student. He was a natural at his craft, that was why he was chosen to study at Wyndham, but he needed to be more than just talented to please the headmaster.

Every day at his desk, he would wear a dressed-down version of the posh get-ups he was expected to wear, and sit a bit reclined at his desk, eyes always on his notes or the chalkboard, tapping his pencil on the desk as he waited anxiously for something new to write. It was different for him than his peers. If he made a mistake and received a bad score on an exam, then he was at risk. Let’s say he was on a scholarship of sorts.

This year would be no different, so if he wanted to please Longstone, he had to be in a good mood for it. In the hallway, he was walking off from the commons still before noticing a ginger that he knew all too well. And luckily for him, the man that she spoke with was leaving the scene. It was someone he did not believe himself to have seen at the school before. There wasn’t too much time left before class started, but he felt it wouldn’t hurt to say hello to an old friend.

With a light pace of his steps, he reached the pillar beside which Aurora stood, and stood against it similarly to how he saw the other man do it to tease her. “Not even first period and you’re already flirting with the new students?” He watched her try to conceal her annoyance in that citric way she always did, but the clear frustration in her eyes made him chuckle. “Sorry, you were just being a great host, I’m sure. That’s why you were blushing the whole time,” Vincenzo said again, and naturally smirked a bit.

He searched between her cheeks for her, and found in the center her doe-like charm, tied perfectly together by her black eyes and the little freckles on her face. She looked up at him a bit, from her petite height of about five foot five.

Taking in her gaze, he remembered the last time they spoke: summer. So, about a week ago. He spent his Junes and Julys with the Dear family, so he knew the girl decently well. It was a shame she avoided him like the plague. It was a bit humbling, the way she seemed to view him as a nuisance, but he did not take it to heart. In fact, he considered it a part of her rich girl spiel; the perfect girl who was friends with everyone except those who displeased her first. He just wondered what it was that he had done. In his eyes, all Vinnie had been was pleasant, of course. He only bothered her from time to time by flirting with her friends at their parties, and calling her on her b^llshit when she finished being fake nice. In all honesty, they bickered like siblings, but he saw her in a light that was much different than that, like an occasional crush. Yes, she was obviously beautiful, but in terms of personality, they were too different. He didn’t like her heart.

“Are you ready for Psychology?” He asked, making conversation aside from his snarky remarks to her. “You can walk with me, if you’d like,” Vincenzo offered, and he knew that mentally she would say know, but physically? Well, he wasn’t quite sure yet.


@astxrism Aurora


─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

“Don’t let it get to your head.” She teased after he told her he’d take what he could get. Even though she hadn’t been able to see him at the ball, she was glad that she had run into him now. Jesse was one of the people she had known the longest at Wyndham and while she knew she had a habit of easily getting attached to people, he was someone she knew she could trust.

She laughed as he praised his and Renlin’s performance, suggesting that they could give Enigma Stag a few pointers. “By all means go ahead, though I’m not sure the other members of my house would take kindly to performance advice from outsiders. Maybe wait until next year.” She added the last bit implying that if he was going to give Enigma unsolicited advice, she would rather not be there when he did. He assured her that the performance was nothing worth stopping for, which really only made her want to know what it entailed more. “Ah. Well, I’ll leave it for now then.”

“Oh really?” She smirked as he told her that she had intrigued him by telling him who she had spent the majority of her night with. “He told me his name was Nic. He didn’t give a last name.” She responded, still finding it strange that the man from the ball had been so withholding with his personal information.

─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@novella - Jesse

@idiot.exe - Nic mentioned



Dante’s smirk grew into a playful grin at Ayla’s remark, his eyes dancing with mischief as he leaned back in his seat. “Ah, so you’re the resident doomsday expert, huh?” Dante teased, a hint of mock seriousness in his tone. “Well, lucky for me, I’ve been brushing up on my end-of-the-world survival skills. Can’t have you stealing all the spotlight when the zombies come knocking.”

“And seeing a familiar face during the end times?” Dante continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, let’s just hope we don’t get sick of each other’s company before the world goes up in flames. Wouldn’t want to spend eternity bickering over who gets the last cup of coffee.”

Dante couldn’t help but admire Ayla’s quick wit and the way she held her ground, refusing to reveal more than she wanted to. Her response intrigued him, stirring a desire to delve deeper into the layers she kept hidden beneath her sarcastic facade.

He met her level gaze with a knowing smile, appreciating the challenge she presented. “Fair enough,” he replied, his tone playful yet sincere. “But you’ve got to admit, there’s always more to a person than meets the eye. Coffee and sarcasm might be your go-to, but I’ve got a feeling there’s a whole lot more simmering beneath the surface.”

There was a hint of intrigue in Dante’s voice as he spoke, a genuine curiosity to unravel the mystery of Ayla’s guarded demeanor. He leaned in slightly, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. “You’ve piqued my interest, Ayla.”

Dante couldn’t help but chuckle at Ayla’s dry wit, her sarcasm adding an extra layer of amusement to their exchange. He met her raised eyebrow with a playful smirk, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

“Well, I’ll have to work on my confession game then,” Dante replied, his tone light and teasing. “Can’t have you shaking with boredom now, can we?” He took a playful sip of his own coffee, enjoying the banter and the opportunity to match wits with Ayla.

“And as for clichés,” Dante continued, his grin widening, “I suppose there’s a reason they become classics, right? Sometimes a little predictability can be just what we need to shake things up.” His words carried a hint of sincerity beneath the humor, a silent acknowledgment of the comfort and familiarity that clichés can provide in the midst of uncertainty.

As Ayla smiled kindly, Dante felt a warmth spread through him, a sense of connection forming between them despite the playful banter. “And as for needing a little thrill outside of academia,” Dante continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "That makes the two of us." He thought he would keep the suspense a bit, by adding, “Who needs textbooks when you’ve got rooftops and hidden alleys to explore?”

Dante’s eyes sparkled with hidden excitement as he dropped the hint, a subtle nod to his own love for adventure beyond the confines of traditional learning. He leaned in slightly, his voice lowering conspiratorially as if sharing a secret.

“You ever find yourself craving a different kind of thrill?” he asked, his tone laced with anticipation. “Like the rush of the wind as you leap from one rooftop to another, or the adrenaline that comes from discovering a hidden passage in the heart of the city?”


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[[[ ౨ৎ]

“But that’s already crystal clear,” Amani said matter of factually as Tae had suggested that perhaps the satisfaction of hearing him admit his pain might lift her spirits, but she merely tilted her head, considering him with an analytical gaze… “Though, I’m saving that in my memories for first of a time,” He had then began to focus on her next words, surprise evidently in his voice as he questioned 'Wait, did I just become a lab rat

“Maybe,” She said, her expression not giving anything away, “But hey, at least you feel better than before.” She tried to maintain her composure, attempting to suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. Turning away from Tae so he wouldn’t see the grin spreading across her face, she struggled to regain her stern demeanor. But it was futile. The absurdity of the situation, coupled with Tae’s bewildered expression, sent her into fits of giggles as she collapsed onto her bed. After some seconds, Amani finally sat up, her eyes sparkling with mischief, her earlier facade of seriousness completely shattered. “If you want, I could lie to you and tell you that you’re not a lab rat,” Her smile dropped for a bit, as she titled her head to look at Tae, placing her hand on his forehead to check for any increase of temperature, but thankfully there was nothing. “How are you feeling though?” She questioned her eyes on him.

Just as the mood had lightened, a playful breeze lifting the heaviness of their earlier exchange, Amani’s thoughts took a more serious turn. Her gaze, which had been drifting aimlessly, sharpened as she asked, almost casually, about her fiancé and her father. She expected some news, a tidbit or two to quench her curiosity, but Tae’s response left her more baffled than before.

He had heard nothing. Even he, who usually had his ear to the ground, had been left in the dark by her father—an occurrence rare and perplexing enough to warrant concern. As for Azriel, his silence was less surprising. Mystery was Azriel’s second nature and besides, “Right, Azriel does not like you much,” Amani mused, a glint of amusement flickering in her eyes as she glanced at Tae from the corner of her vision.

“You can’t blame him for that one though,” she continued, leaning her head against Tae’s shoulder in a rare gesture of affection, her voice tinged with teasing. “You always provoke him.” Though, Azriel was easily provoked by Tae due to their closeness, and it definitely did not get better after that party, “Remember the party, after we came out from there? He was so mad,” Amani laughed as she recalled a specific memory.

She finished smoothing the cream onto her skin, her eyes on Tae as he looked up at the ceiling, respectfully avoiding her as she changed, “True, but if not you then who, Renlin?” She had asked as if the whole idea of Renlin being mature was absurd, “Or what Inessa? You know she’s a coward, So for mature Dunmans we are left with Felicity and you, as unfortunate as it is,” She teased. Tae then went on to explain the situation, causing Amani to scoff- of course, that situation had happened, again, one would think that after a while, Renlin would get over the fact that Uncle Wes remarried, damn he most have been in love with both the old wife and Uncle Wes, probably wanted to be a trouple- bad case of incest right there. "It’s a good thing, then, that bigfoot thoughts amount to nothing, and will continue to amount to nothing, so just ignore him or use your magic,’ Amani said exaggerating the last part with a small smile.

When Tae asked about Renlin making a fool of himself, Amani rolled her eyes dramatically. “He was apparently hammered and went on this whole rant about Miles or something along those lines, had to get dragged off the stage by Jesse, and got in trouble with Adrian,” Amani explained.

She smiled at his playful eye-roll but quickly grew serious when the topic shifted. “Today,” Amani stated as Tae questioned when she got the dream., “It was a different scene, and for some reason, I feel like I remember it, like it wasn’t just a dream.” She expressed thoughtful, “She was standing there, her face blurry as always but it was obvious she was frightened, through her movements. She was screaming something about how the answer was not and she should not when her voice wavered, the scene flickered, and she fell to her knees before everything faded to black.”

Amani paused, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of the pillow on her lap. “ It’s strange because it feels so familiar, like it’s something from a long time ago that I can’t quite place. It’s unsettling. I don’t know if it means something, but it feels significant, like there’s a message I’m supposed to understand. It’s not just a random dream; it feels like a memory or a warning.” She looked into Tae’s eyes, 'Any idea what it could possible mean?"



After the fight, Renlin didn’t really know where to go or what to do. Adrenaline rushed through his body, but his mind seemed to go blank. The thoughts racing through his head before and during the altercation were now silenced. A hush fell over him, one he wasn’t used to.

The cold, sterile environment was a stark contrast to the heated chaos he had just left. As he stepped inside, he noticed his best friend, Vinnie, sitting at the small table with a bag of frozen peas pressed to his own face.

Raising an eyebrow at the sight of his friend and wondering if he would make a comment on his own appearance. A wry smile grew onto his lips.

“There are more peas on the right side of the freezer,”

Ignoring the advice, Renlin reached into the freezer and grabbed the steak instead, pressing it to his throbbing face. He made his way to the table and slumped into a chair across from Vinnie, who was nursing his own injuries with the peas.

“Steak. I’m going old school,” Renlin remarked with a smirk, shifting the steak to a higher spot on his face.

Renlin managed a tired grin. “I always did like the classics.”

“Do you want to share first, or should I?”

Renlin shook his head, chuckling. "Can you imagine the gossip if we did get in a fight? 'Renlin and Vinnie, best of buddies, the great Umbra brothers, turn on each other. The world must be ending.”

Renlin sighed, the humor fading from his expression. “Tae So. People were talking about Isaac, and I just lost it. One minute I was clarifying some stuff about his family, and the next, we were throwing punches.”

Renlin leaned back, the steak still pressed against his face. “I know thats that’s no excuse. I should’ve kept my cool. I just… I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like I’m not in control.”

Renlin thought back to the fight, a wave of guilt washing over him. How could he let his hands go to that place? A place that, if he didn’t find control, could cause death. He clenched his jaw, the memory of his hands tightening around Tae So’s neck haunting him. He wasn’t a killer. He wasn’t like his cousin.

The anger that had driven him seemed distant now, replaced by a sickening realization. He had crossed a line, teetered on the edge of becoming something he despised. Tae So’s face, contorted with fear and pain, flashed in his mind, and he felt a pang of regret.

He glanced at Vinnie, who was watching him but he couldn’t read his expression. “I lost control,” Renlin admitted quietly.

Renlin wasn’t really an angry person. Confused, yes, and mostly disoriented. The chaos of his thoughts often left him feeling lost, but anger was a rare visitor. Tonight, though, had been different. He had let something dark and primal take over, something he didn’t fully understand.

He leaned back in his chair, pressing the cold steak to his bruised face. The kitchen was quiet except for the hum of the fridge and Vinnie’s occasional rustling as he shifted the bag of peas. Renlin tried to pinpoint where things had gone wrong, where he had lost his grip on himself.

“Do you ever feel like you’re not really in control?” Renlin asked, breaking the silence. “Like there’s something else pulling the strings?”

The dreams, the strange sense of being guided by an unseen force—it all felt too real to dismiss as mere stress. These weren’t just ordinary nightmares. They felt vivid, almost like memories that didn’t belong to him. Every detail was sharp and clear, the emotions raw and intense.

In these dreams, he found himself in strange places. There were always people in these dreams, their faces obscured or shrouded in shadows, but their presence was unmistakable. They moved with purpose, driven by a mission Renlin couldn’t understand but felt compelled to follow.

One recurring figure stood out—a tall man with piercing eyes that seemed to see right through him. This man never spoke, but his presence filled Renlin with a mix of fear and curiosity. It was as if he held the answers to all of Renlin’s questions, but the closer Renlin got, the further away the man seemed.

The dreams often ended in violence. Not just any violence, but a kind that felt disturbingly familiar. Renlin would wake up with his heart racing, his body covered in a cold sweat, and an overwhelming sense of guilt and dread. He’d find bruises on his arms and legs, scratches that he couldn’t explain. It was as if the battles he fought in his sleep left real marks on his body.

He’d tried to talk to his sister, Inessa, about the dreams once. She listened patiently, her eyes full of concern, but in the end, she didn’t understand. How could she? It sounded insane, even to him. He’d brushed it off, joked about needing to lay off the late-night horror movies, but the truth was, he was scared. Scared of what these dreams meant, scared of what they were doing to him.

As he sat in the kitchen now, nursing his bruised face with a frozen steak, the weight of those dreams pressed heavily on his mind. Maybe they were more than just dreams. Maybe they were trying to tell him something, warn him about something. But what? And why him?

“Your turn, please share,” Renlin said, crossing his legs as he sat in the mostly too small chair and pressing the cold steak against his swollen face. He tried to focus on Vinnie, hoping to push his own troubled thoughts to the back of his mind, at least for a little while.

Despite the chaos and the fights, having Vinnie by his side made everything a little more bearable. Vinnie had been there through thick and thin, always ready with a sarcastic remark or a helping hand.

Thinking about their friendship, Renlin felt a surge of gratitude. Vinnie was more than just a friend; he was like a brother. Renlin knew he didn’t say it enough, but he was genuinely thankful for Vinnie’s constant support and companionship.

Renlin reflected on the day he and Vinnie first met. It was like fate had brought them together, two misfits destined to become an unstoppable duo.

They had started off as unlikely friends, drawn together by their shared sense of humor and love for mischief. But as time went on, their friendship deepened, evolving into something more profound. They became each other’s confidants, always there to lend an ear or offer a shoulder to lean on.

As Renlin glanced over at Vinnie, he couldn’t help but smile. They may have started off as two separate individuals, but now partners in crime, brothers in arms—whatever you wanted to call it, they were in it together, and that was the deal.

Renlin’s heart swelled with a mixture of determination and apprehension as he watched Vinnies lips move. They had been through so much together, facing a certain challengehead-on as a team. The weight of responsibility hung heavy on Renlin’s shoulders as he contemplated how to help his friend.

They had been working on this particular issue for what felt like ages, trying to find a solution that would finally bring them peace. But despite their best efforts, they always seemed to hit a dead end. Renlin feared that this time would be no different—that they would once again find themselves trapped in a cycle of frustration and disappointment.

Renlin couldn’t ignore the rumbling in his stomach any longer, so he rose from his seat and made his way to the freezer. “Keep talking, I’m listening,” he reassured Vinnie as he rummaged through the frosty shelves. With a triumphant grin, he retrieved a tub of cookies and cream ice cream and snagged two large spatulas.

Returning to his spot beside Vinnie, Renlin settled back in, ready to devour his sweet treat while continuing their conversation.

@raviola boyfriend

My first was better sigh


─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. Cloned .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

Lenore held her breath as the guy got closer to her, touching her hair. She made a note to thoroughly wash her hair once this whole ordeal was done. “Get off of me.” She demanded as she pushed him off of her to the best of her ability.

She wasn’t sure what her plan was when she agreed to take the poor soul that they were barely keeping alive; if that was even their goal. She just wanted to get rid of them as quickly as she could because there was no way she could help him while they were there. They began mocking her, questioning whether she would be able to carry the boy without help.

“Even if I did, I wouldn’t accept it from the likes of you.” She fired back while trying to prepare herself to take on the boy’s weight. She wouldn’t exactly consider herself strong in the physical sense but she wasn’t weak either and was convincing herself that with the right hold on him, she could transport him at least a bit away from the a*sholes who currently had him in their possession. They didn’t have him for much longer, though and Lenore tensed as they dropped him for a second time, this time right in front of her feet. She watched him, anxiously waiting for him to move.

“Che cazzo ti prende?!” She cursed when he didn’t, her anger and shock causing her to revert to her native language. At this point, her sense of self-preservation was being smothered by her need to help the boy on the ground. “Why don’t you both go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and leave us alone? I think you’ve done more than enough.” She yelled before turning her attention away from them and kneeling down beside the boy.

“Are you alive?” She softly asked, watching for any sign of acknowledgement. She didn’t want to touch him just yet, not wanting to startle him or cause him more pain.

─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@idiot.exe - Nic


che cazzo ti prende - what the f*ck is wrong with you


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[[[Musica ౨ৎ])]

Amani raised an eyebrow, the ghost of a smirk tracing her lips as she spoke.“Indeed, everyone has their reasons, motives as varied as the human heart itself. In your particular instance, the motive was nothing more sublime than simple lust,” she retorted, her voice a playful, sarcastic lilt. She stepped closer, her gaze fixing Arya with a piercing intensity. " “And, as we both know too well, we have all dallied with our share of grievous errors and entanglements.” That last night was a testament to such folly was a relief known only to herself, Jesse, and him . it was a good thing, Arya did not know of such thing nor could it be used against her. “Some more than others,” Amani mused, a flicker of amusement lighting her eyes as they settled on Arya. “But errors belong to the past, to the realm of things we vow never to repeat. One can hardly hold such missteps against another, can they? And who’s to say my illness was feigned?” Her lips curved into a wry smile. “The chill in the air lately isn’t just a figment, after all.”

Turning to walk away, Arya—ever quick with a biting remark—uttered something that rooted Amani to the spot. For a moment, she stood rigid, collecting herself, hoping Arya had missed the brief stiffening of her posture.

With a calculated turn, Amani faced Arya again, her eyes locking onto hers with a renewed, steely resolve. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of boring you with history,” s he began, her voice a smooth, controlled cascade. “After all, the past is a tedious thing, isn’t it? Far more exhilarating to discuss the here and now… and what may yet come. This isn’t, after all, a history lesson.” Her mouth twisted into a faint, insincere smile as she rolled her eyes and pivoted back to the poetry displayed on the walls. Amani had previously questioned Arya’s choice to exhibit her own verses, dismissing it as sentimental after hearing her explanation. Her gaze narrowed slightly, a smirk playing at her lips as she observed Arya, poised against the pillar. “Charm, you say? Perhaps there’s something to that,” she replied, her voice carrying a probing undertone. “Charm, however, is a deceptive beast. It draws you in, cloaking stark realities with a veneer of beauty. Yet there is a certain charm in the illusion of sentiment, trite though it may be.”

Leaning in over Arya’s shoulder to glance at the poem in her grasp, Amani was silent, a whirlwind of thoughts kept unspoken until Arya dared to break the silence with a tone both light and sarcastically edged. “Oh, please,” she scoffed, her usual sharpness softened as she straightened, stepping back from the poem as though distancing herself from the stirrings of emotion it evoked. “Captivating verses, Sellenova. I’ll grant you that,” Amani conceded, her voice dropping to a colder, more distant timbre. “But do not mistake my interest for anything beyond an intellectual curiosity. I do appreciate good art, even when it verges on the melodramatic. After all, appreciating the arts is part of our nature—not everyone is a hopeless romantic or dreamer like your kind. Some of us already possess all that we need.” Her voice was cool and composed, her eyes returning to her nails, considering perhaps a manicure would indeed be a pleasant diversion on the morrow.

As they traveled deeper into the botanical conservatory, they had found themselves in a room of illusions , as Amani began to explain to Arya. They had landed in a mirror, and had placed their fingers on it, dreams- wishes and desires enchanted them as they looked within, until finally, the vision blurred and Amani broke free from the illusions. She had taken a moment to think, to brush her skirt, as she turned back to look at Arya who seemed to be in deep thoughts. After some seconds, she had snapped Arya away from her thoughts, asking her what she had seen. To that, she had said possibility. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that Amani did not want to be asked what she had seen or maybe it was something else, but Amani had simply nodded, not pressing further as she had told Arya to choose a mirror. The mirror Arya had chosen, Amani had not seen before nor had she used before, it was a strange mirror, one with an otherworldly glow, one that also drew her in and she wondered, why had she not gazed upon this mirror. She approached it, along with Arya. Unlike the other mirrors, this mirror was not empty- indeed, it was not reflecting Amani or Arya, but it was reflecting behind them, making Amani even more curious. Intrigued and cautious, Amani extended her hand, her fingertips just grazing the cool, seemingly fluid surface. Instantly, a low hum rose from the core of the mirror, and the room was filled with a soft, opalescent light. The surface of the mirror began to swirl with colors, forming and re-forming into shapes and scenes that pulsed with the rhythm of some unseen heartbeat.

As Amani’s fingertips made contact with the enigmatic surface of the mirror, a ripple of anticipation coursed through the air. The room seemed to hold its breath, caught in the suspense of what revelations this mysterious artifact might unveil.

But as soon as Amani’s touch met the mirror for the second time, a sudden, sharp crack shattered the silence, echoing through the chamber like a thunderclap. Before anyone could react, the mirror fractured into countless shards, each glinting with an ethereal light before scattering across the floor in a chaotic symphony of glass and shadow.

Amani blinked rapidly, her gaze fixed on Arya, who stood frozen in disbelief. The air crackled with an electric tension as Amani’s mind raced to comprehend the abrupt turn of events.

With a surge of determination, Amani summoned her shadow manipulation powers, tendrils of darkness coiling around her fingers as she reached out to pluck a broken shard from the wreckage. But as soon as her fingertips brushed against the fractured glass, a wave of dizziness washed over her, and the world around her seemed to warp and twist, as if reality itself were unraveling at the seams.

In an instant, Amani found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of illusions, her senses overwhelmed by a cacophony of sights and sounds that bore no resemblance to the tranquil confines of the botanical conservatory. She blinked rapidly, as she looked around- seeing Arya and at first Amani thought It was an illusion, not the real one, but there was something distinct about the way Arya moved that let Amani know it was not an illusion.

Confusion knotted in her stomach as she tried to reconcile the discrepancy between what she knew to be true and what her senses were telling her. Their illusions should not be intertwined—each shard of the mirror was supposed to reveal individual truths, not merge their realities into a single, incomprehensible mess.

With a sinking feeling, Amani realized that they were no longer in the botanical conservatory, no longer surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of their world. Instead, they stood in a realm of shadows and whispers, a place where the boundaries between illusion and reality had blurred beyond recognition.

which mirror was this? Amani wondered. A sense of foreboding washed over her as she surveyed their surroundings, the oppressive weight of the unknown pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Every shadow seemed to pulse with hidden secrets, every whisper a cryptic riddle waiting to be unraveled.

She took a step towards Arya, her fingers flickering her forehead, trying to check if she was real, and at Arya’s reaction, Amani could tell that this was very much the real Arya. “I was hoping you were a illusion,” Amani said her tone strange, as something started to sink in. “We need to find a way out of here,” she declared, her voice cutting through the eerie silence like a knife. “This isn’t like the other mirrors,” She said, ready to find ways to escape from here, but then, amidst the darkness, she saw it—a flicker of movement, a shape looming in the shadows. Amani’s breath caught in her throat as she beheld the vision before her, her blood turning to ice in her veins.

It was a reflection of herself, but twisted and distorted, a grotesque parody of the woman she knew. Her eyes were hollow and empty, devoid of the spark of life that usually burned within them. Her skin was pallid and gaunt, stretched tight over bones that jutted out at odd angles.

Amani recoiled in horror, unable to tear her gaze away from the nightmarish apparition that stared back at her with vacant eyes. This was no mere illusion—it was a manifestation of her deepest fears. “F*ck” Amani cursed, her voice not the usual poised collected tone it was, this was the mirror of fears. Well, she did not know if that was the exact name, but she could tell, that it was the illusion of fears, nightmares or whatever one might wish to call it, no wonder the mirror had broken, and trapped them hear together, it was trying to scare them. “This,” Amani began, her tone quite shaky. “Is the mirror of nightmares, I believe.”



Maybe he was rude for asking this girl for a Kleenex, but he had blood trickling from his eyebrow, and that wasn’t ideal. He watched her rummage through her bag, pulling out a small packet of tissues.

“Thanks,” Renlin replied, pressing the tissue against the cut. “Just had a bit of a rough morning."

Renlin," he said, managing a smile despite the throbbing pain in his face. “Not the best first impression, I know.”

He looked at her really for the first time now that he wasn’t distracted with his wound. She was short, really short. And that was saying something since he was somewhat of a giant. Thanks, Father!

Renlin noticed the details now. She had an edgy style, with medium length, maybe choppy hair that framed her face. Her clothes were a mix of vintage and modern, at least that’s what he thought. She carried herself with an air of confidence, despite her small stature.

“I think you might need more than just that. Isn’t there a nurse or something?” she said to him, her concern evident.

Renlin was highly against that. If he went there, odds were the head man in charge would find out, and Renlin didn’t feel like spending time in his office anytime soon again—not twice within 24 hours at least.

He shook his head. “Nah, it’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.” He waved it off, trying to sound nonchalant.

“What’s your deal? Anything else in that bag that’s more interesting than a Kleenex? I mean, it saved my day. Maybe you’re my guardian angel?” Renlin teased, half-serious, half-joking, as he glanced at the bag she was carrying. he had asked, trying to shift the focus away from his battered face and the fight with Tae So.

He didn’t know her. She must be new. Renlin prided himself on knowing everyone, and new people always intrigued him. He watched her for a moment, taking in her short stature and style. She seemed out of place and yet completely self-assured.

As he pondered, his fingers instinctively found their way into his pocket, searching for the familiar comfort, one of hai coins. Feeling the cool metal against his skin, he gripped it tightly in his palm, a grounding presence amid the chaos of his thoughts.

As he stood there, gripping the coin in his pocket and taking in the new girl, his mind wandered to what his sister, Inessa, would say when she found out about the fight. Inessa had always been the more level-headed of the two, often playing the role of his moral compass. She would undoubtedly be disappointed, maybe even angry.

He could already picture her face, a mix of frustration and concern, her brow furrowing as she crossed her arms and gave him that look. Renlin sighed inwardly, imagining the inevitable lecture about thinking before acting, about not letting his emotions get the better of him. She’d remind him of their family’s precarious reputation and how his actions reflected on all of them.

But deeper than her disappointment, he knew she’d be worried. Inessa had always been protective, ever since they were kids. She would want to know every detail, why he had gotten into a fight, and if he was okay. She’d ask about Tae So, too, and whether the rift between their families had widened even further.

Renlin’s grip on the coin tightened. He hated disappointing her. Inessa had been through enough without him adding to her worries. He wanted to find a way to explain it all to her, to make her understand why he had lost control. Maybe she would have some advice, something that could help him navigate this mess.

But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the present moment. There would be time to deal with Inessa’s reaction later. Right now, he had to figure out how to clean up and make a better impression on the new girl, despite the blood and bruises.

@novella freeeyyyaa


Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡]

“It’s not your job to look after me.” Though those words were uttered frankly, Thalia had also stated it to make a point—the fact that it was really not Desdemona’s job to look after her. They were friends, yes, close friends if you will, whose friendship had not been quite long but still had managed to click in no time. Thalia appreciated Desdemona—no, that was not the right word. There wasn’t truly a word Thalia could use to describe her feelings for Desdemona and how happy she was to have her. But at the same time, Thalia worried for her. She was worried that Desdemona was taking on too much.

Desdemona’s willingness to help, to be there for Thalia in every way possible, was admirable. It was endearing and touching, but it was also a source of concern. Thalia feared that in her eagerness to support, Desdemona might be neglecting her own needs and happiness. Desdemona had once told Thalia she was the center of her world, and Thalia had smiled at that, laughed at that even as she gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek on how innocents those words sounded, but she wondered, how much did Mona mean that truly.

"But I want to!" Desdemona had interrupted, and Thalia couldn’t help but smile despite herself. There was something fiercely endearing about Mona’s determination to make her feel better, even if it was misguided. Thalia’s headache pulsed, reminding her of her own frailty, but she pushed it aside. She needed to be present, for Mona’s sake.

“I know you do,” Thalia smiled as Desdemona swung their hands forward and back, “But really, you also have to take care of your own self. And besides, really, I’m okay, I can handle my own self, today was Just a little rough morning, that’s all.” Now, Thalia wasn’t too sure of the ‘i can handle my own self’ part, but maybe if she could convince herself and Desdemona enough, it will come true

When Desdemona started talking about Esther, Thalia’s focus sharpened. Near death? Not an accident? There was so many implications on this, so many reasons that seemed to connect back to each other. It was strange really, how during the day when the Headmaster had finally acknowledged the disappearance of North, Esther suddenly fell ill, almost close to death. Direct or indirectly, these two situations had to be connected in some way or form, and Thalia wanted- no, she needed to know more about the situation. “If it wasn’t an accident, do you think someone did it on purpose? Or was it some kind of magical backlash?” She was careful with her questions, not wanting to push Desdemona too hard or cause alarm when there was not yet proved need for alarm, “It’s okay, if you don’t know,” Thalia had said softly, “But did you happen to hear something? Other than Atlas, was another name mentioned?” She questioned, "Sorry, am I asking too many questions? " She let out a small laugh, one she hoped did not sound quite too nervous, “I’m just really intrigued by all this,”

“Think of super man,” Thalia had alluded to, with a playful shrug of the shoulders, “He does not even wear a mask and yet people can’t tell his identity, because he’s wearing different clothes and his posture has changed. It’s the same way with masquerade balls, I think, or well, how I understand them. We can become someone entirely different with just a mask and a change in demeanor.” There was a sense of relief Thalia had gotten, wearing that mask at the ball, because, yes, indeed even though her mask did not fully cover her face, there was still a sense of protection from them. Even if she did stupid shxt, she had the mask to blame. It allowed her to act more freely, without the usual fear of judgment as people who aren’t used to seeing her everyday, cannot really tell it’s her- oh, well accurately make out her face.

“Maybe his story wasn’t true, but maybe he wants it to be, you know? For something like that to happen, so he tells it to himself and others with the hope that it might. I wouldn’t hold that against him.”

True, Thalia also could not hold that against him. She was a writer after all, and a photographer- one who tells stories, whether fake or real true words and pictures, creating a sense of ‘there-ness’ for things that aren’t really ‘there’. And Thalia was definitely not much of a truther herself, she was a liar- she would admit, one who lies when needed for her own benefit, so she supposed it would be quite hypocritical to judge him. “Mmm,” Thalia mused, “I suppose we can’t really hold that against him,” Though Thalia was quite sure that was not the reason he had told the lie- he had merely lied for the sake of lying, because he was bored and because he was a performer, but it seemed that Desdemona was quite impressed by him, even if it was under some deluded fantasy, and Thalia did not want to break her spirit, or argue with her, really- especially not now.

It’s strange still, really, the idea that Atlas and Esther- two people she wouldn’t have really connected together in her web, had some connections with each other- a history of some sorts, whatever that history was. She should take note of this, be sure to add it later. Thalia reached into her pocket, bringing out her phone, typing the password- *****, she opened her note apps and wrote, Esther and Atlas- connected??? and then swiftly placed her phone back inside her pocket. Her attention back at Desdemona.

They had continued talking, Desdemona’s sharing her worries, when she had suddenly shared a noise about side effects, causing Thalia’s eyes to widen. Side effects? What does she mean side effects? Thalia wondered, as she cupped Desdemona’s jaw, albeit a tad bit roughly, What happened, tell me? She had asked, worried visible in her tired eyes as she continued her questions, asking if she needed to be taken to the school nurse, and Thalia did not know what she was expecting, but it was definitely not the reaction Desdemona had. Desdemona had threw her crossed arms open, making Thalia stumble a bit in shock as she blinked rapidly. huh? Was she scared of the nurse or something along those lines? She had never seen Desdemona respond this way, and her eyes watched Desdemona’s as Thalia regained her composure, walking closer to her again, as Desdemona quickly apologized.’ I just felt a little dizzy, but that’s normal’ Sure, just dizziness, Thalia definitely believed that, yup just dizziness, that was why she responded the way she did, sureeeee. “Alright, no nurse,” ,she agreed gently, though her gaze still meticulously scanned Desdemona’s features for any other signs of distress, “Any reason why though?” Thalia had said this in a manner that suggested ‘you could keep me in the dark or you could tell me’ to not alarm Desdemona. She wanted to see, if Desdemona would lie to her again, or if she would give an actual reason, though she was not going to force it out.

Do you really think they’ll like me? Thalia turned to face Desdemona, as she turned on her camera. “No,” At this, Thalia’s face was blank but her eyes was quite playfully, signifying she was joking, “They will love you She had place dos much emphasis on the word love. “Wyndham needs someone like you, this days, it’s too gloomy,” She grimaced. When her camera had finally turned on, a bright smile had reached Thalia’s face, as she scrolled quickly pass photos that were ‘suspicious’ into the more ‘normal innocent ones’ . “Alright, let’s take a little journey through Wyndham together,” she said, her tone light and playful.

Thalia began showing Desdemona the snapshots she had captured: the grandeur of the campus buildings, the serene beauty of the gardens, and the bustling energy of the students going about their day

“And here,” she said, pausing on a particularly scenic shot of the sunset painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, “is where we’ll make countless memories together.”


a little trashy but i tried my best