Ninth House | Official RP Thread

꒰ ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ gee ⊃ ⟡ ⺌. ⋆ ꒱


The result of the fall was nothing short but a whirlwind of messes, as Seung-min would recall, but in that exhilarating moment, he was quite excited and nervous to meet the man who he had seen from the side of the screen, albeit wondering if this type of excitement would make him look like a deranged idiot. In the recovery of all the events beforehand, his eyes grew as he heard his actual name uttered from the words of the dashing young man. To say he swooned is an understatement, as his heart felt as though it was punching itself out of his chest, proclaiming some sort of victory. Still a bit rusty within some of the intonations, but the intent on pronouncing it was a genuine attempt at showing respect for him.

As the man extended his arms as a gesture of introduction, Seung-min hesitated for a good second as he looked at the man’s elegant hand. Words formed in his mind as to how he would respond to his gesture, but all came crashing down as he was left with nothing but the sound of his voice whimpering as he felt the cold drip of his sweat rushing in his hands. Swiftly shaking his hands onto the man, he retracted once the gesture was done so as to hide the notion of nervousness that could be obvious once the sensation hit the receiver.

Like a scene from a cheesy romantic TV show, the man picked up the remaining papers scattered on the floor as he gave them back to Seung-min with such a look on his face. In that millisecond, he felt as though the lighting bloomed and bubbles formed as both came eye to eye. He’s now certain this encounter isn’t a dream, and yet he felt as though vibrant green grass and bright daylight overpowered the elegant and dark architecture around him. Swinging back to reality, he remained speechless as the velvety tone of his voice mesmerized the already nervous Seung-min. Only after receiving a name did he return to his will to speak. “Atlas…” he said in deep thought as he looked at him with wonder, “Like those school books, the maps, and the history of those maps? Nat Geo Student World Atlas? I-I think I remember in history classes we had a lesson on some god, and I think Greek mythology was the origin of that name. I-is that the answer you were looking for? I-I’m so sorry if it came out rude, like I’m teasing your name; I just think it is an interesting name for an interesting man… Interesting in a good way, not bad!”

“Haha, yeah. I’m a new student here.” Seung-min scratched his head as he let out an awkward laugh. Knowing the nature of his behavior and looking around at people for directions, it’d be very obvious for him to stick out as the new kid on campus. Either way, the struggles of being in a new environment with established relationships were never an issue for him; it was the people who decided whether or not they would open up to him easily. “For a while there, I even had some issues looking at the cafeteria. I mean, they did have a tour way back when, but I don’t think tours retain a heck of information in a place as big as this.” Diverting to his situation, he plans on a direction to get to know Atlas a little better. “A-anyways, I am aware there’s like a Hogwarts type of splitting here. You know, the edgy kids split with the theater kids; you get the picture. Can you guess what mine is? My only clue is the gig Lady Gaga did when she had her Las Vegas residency—wigs and neons, as far as the eye can see. Not the jazz Lady, the mother Gaga.”

Now, Seung-min has always been aware of his predicaments when it comes to him and his face. He could hide certain emotions, leaving a blank slate, but there would always be some form of repercussion, such as a bright red blush on embarrassment or puffy eyes on sadness. Atlas’ concerns at first felt like a worry about his state. Seung-min would’ve clarified that he was all well, just nervous on the first day, but the man’s teasing made him even more bashful than he had already conveyed. “O-oh! I-um… yes, no! No! I mean, w-what? Like, yes, I’m totes fine, and no, I totes don’t have a crush on you! I mean, I’m not assuming that, and I don’t mean it in a rude way. You are fine, in a totally platonic bro way! Like you are so handsome, but I’m totally not like, um, D-do you like music?” A wonky grin appeared on his face, so as to appease the already tomato-faced state he is in. “Ah… like I know… it is a random, question. B-but music is so cool, right? I make music. I write music! I used to be in a band once, like a super cool high school band. You know a crazy idea? Like making some punk rock band at a posh totty school like this. I mean, I’m just saying that cause I kinda like being a rockerboy; I miss it. Um, yeah. Cool. Cool.”

Seung-min is certain his soul left his body; the pale look on his face mustered all the energy he could from the relaxation he had earlier this morning. Atlas’ laugh, however, did catch him off guard as both parties led an awkward exchange in conversation. Knowing what would happen next, he could say where he would be going, and the man would likely form a negative opinion of him, never talking to him again. Even worse, someone whom he has seen as cool and charming. Assessing what would happen next, he took a breather as he made sure to give his megawatt smile. Be that cool-headed man you were at the ball last night, he thought, “I’m actually just going to Theatrical Alchemy, whatever that is. Like mixing potions? While singing Defying Gravity? Or is it like singing something like Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend to magically make a mineral? I don’t know, but we’ll see.” Making sure to give a small chuckle at that banter, he looked at both sides to give… a friendly suggestion: “You know, since I’m new here, I deserve a better tour from a man who knows the campus. The time’s still big; we could go anywhere else. Or maybe even a trip to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee? Whattaya say?”


@idiot.exe - Atlas