Ninth House | Official RP Thread

Atlas Theodore Alstone


Morning, before class — with Seung-min


As Seung-min attempted to guess the meaning of Atlas’ name, he listened carefully, smiling slightly in amusement. It was always so entertaining to ask people such questions, making them guess while keeping the answer a mystery. “Those are quite interesting answers,” he responded, not proceeding to even elaborate. “You’re getting quite close, but you’re missing something,” he commented, attempting to drag out the suspense which was barely there.

When Seung-min apologized for seeming like he’s teasing, Atlas found his own expression softening as if to silently reassure him. “Don’t worry, you’re not rude. I appreciate the compliment. Interesting is good.” After all, that was his aim. Interesting enough to gain people’s attention, but never revealing more than what’s on the surface.

Unsurprisingly, Seung-min truly was new. Though his demeanor and the fact that Atlas hadn’t met him had already made it obvious. His awkwardness made a lot more sense in context — from spacing out and seeming lost, to nervously shaking his hand earlier and how easily he became embarassed — things that Atlas noticed but decided not to speak on. For a moment he felt guilty for deciding to tease the guy, when he was clearly struggling enough already. “Then let me properly welcome you to Wyndham College. I can promise you won’t regret your stay here.” He bowed with a hand on his stomach as if talking to a prince. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Chuckling at his comment after, he added, “It really is huge, even I was surprised when I first stepped foot here. I’m not a stranger to large structures, but I believe Ninth House is among the biggest I’ve visited.” He paused after, looking at him in thought. “If you want, I could help you find it. I’m very familiar with this place now,” he offered, hoping to make it a bit easier for Seung-min.

At the mention of Hogwarts houses, Atlas assumed he meant the similar house division they had in the academy. He nodded, leaning back against the wall as he gave out clues. A pause followed after Seung-min finished. Though the entire thing Atlas was rather dumbfounded, resisting the urge to furrow his brows in confusion at what the other man was talking about. He barely listened to Lady Gaga, or pop in general, leaving him clueless as if he was listening to a rant on rocket science. But from what he could gather, he was talking about musicians, and combined with theater kids there was only one certain answer — “Ohh, Enigma Stag,” he said decisively, hoping he hadn’t gotten it wrong. If not the clues, then by personality he could tell Seung-min would fit right in.

So far Atlas found himself getting along quite well with him. But if only, if only he hadn’t tried to mess it up like he did last night. Those events are to remain unmentioned forever, buried in the depths of his mind never to be seen again. At the very least, back then he had a mask to conceal his face. Somehow it gave him enough confidence for any words to roll out with ease. But as he stood faced with Seung-min now, nearly asking him if he had a crush on him out of the blue, he’d realized the absurdity of his actions, and by that point it was already too late.

Before it could all backfire too much, Atlas laughed nervously again, attempting to cover up his mishap. “Wait, wait, who said anything about having a crush on me? I didn’t, you must be imagining things! Why would I ask you about that anyway, that would be insane. I’m not insane. I’m completely normal and I don’t—” he cut himself off all of a sudden, feeling his throat tighten. Atlas could feel his face heat up, going dizzy just attempting to breathe. From the speed Seung-min was talking and the embarrassment of the situation, he almost didn’t register the compliments he had given him. He was being so kind, and yet Atlas thought it’d be entertaining to toy with him.

Turning his head down, he took a deep breath to compose himself. “Y-yes I like music,” he responded to the sudden question, sighing in relief at the change of subject. He couldn’t act like this, not in front a new student out of everyone. What kind of first impression would it be? That guy, Atlas, was so obsessed with himself that he’d assumed everyone he meets likes him? Well, he was hoping for it, but that’s not important

He quickly fixed his expression into a smile, brushing off the awkwardness from earlier by steadying his voice. “I like that idea, I’ve always thought rockstars were cool. And no harm if it doesn’t fit the theme of this academy, the unexpected is always more interesting,” he responded, his brain only half operating at this rate. Music was a subject he was passionate about, he could talk about it in his sleep. He thought, it should be enough to return the conversation back to normal. “I make music as well. Classical, though, which rather fits for a Wyndham student,” he chuckled. “I’m not too familiar with rock, you’ll have to fill me in on that.”

He furrowed his brows at the mention of the subject. “Theatrical Alchemy? Are you sure? I don’t recall it being on the schedule.” Atlas was sure of it, he had it fully memorized the day he arrived. Still, the way Seung-min described it made a laugh escape his lips. He’d never thought how absurd it might sound to a newcomer. “I, well, I wouldn’t exactly say it’s that,” he replied, unable to hold back from laughing still. A part of it was due to relief, a weight lifted off his chest that things weren’t going entirely bad. “It’s more about metamorphosis, transforming yourself through theatrics. It’s a rather interesting subject, you’ll see what I mean.”

And on that topic, he felt the need to correct Seung-min. “Our first class should be Enchantic Music Composition. It starts at 9:30, so we should have…” he took his phone out of his pocket for a moment, checking the time. “We should have plenty of time before it begins.”

With that, he stepped away from the wall, extending his hand forward with another charming smile. “Then come along, I’d love to give you a tour,” he suggested, his words laced with a dramatic flair. Caught up in the moment, he failed to realize the implications of offering his hand to the man. “We could go anywhere you want. If it’s the cafeteria, then I’ll lead the way.”


@cordyx Yoo Seung-min


This is so funny :sob::sob: sorry to seung-min but I had to make things worse

Also sorry for taking so long, I had examss



≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

Tae rolled his eyes when she said she would be saving the memory of him admitting his pain and then looked at her with displeasure when she said she might have used him as a lab rat. Amani had a point though. However experimental the treatment she gave him was, he felt so much better that he was willing to put that aside. His confusion deepened as she burst into a fit of giggles.

“I wouldn’t believe you anyway.” He responded when she offered to lie to him. He looked up at her hand as she checked his temperature, making him question what side effects he was supposed to be looking out for. “Better.” He responded when she asked how he felt. “Really anything is an improvement on feeling like death but it’s closer to my normal pain level now. Whatever you did, it worked.” His tone was genuine when he said the last part, this time actually intending to reassure her that he was going to be okay instead of the joking remarks he made earlier.

Tae chuckled when she stated that her fiancé didn’t like him much. “That’s an understatement.” He quipped. He probably would have used the term ‘pure, unwarranted hatred’ but her description worked too. When she put her head on his shoulder, he was pleasantly surprised by the gesture and returned it by gently leaning against her. “I wouldn’t provoke him if he didn’t make it so easy. That party didn’t help at all but how many times do I have to tell him that I don’t see you like that before he stops feeling threatened?" He added, rolling his eyes.

He laughed as Amani continued to ponder which of the Duman cousins was the most mature, eventually landing on Tae and his sister. “Liss can have the title. I think I’ll continue being immature.” He replied. She scoffed when he explained the situation to her and he felt reassured that at least one person was on his side. She then lectured him about not letting Renlin’s stupid comments get to him, adding on that if he wasn’t going to do that, he should at least use his magic. “Yes, Amani.” He teased, using a child-like tone, as if he were a child being lectured by their mother.

He laughed again when she told him about his cousin’s drunken exploits at the ball. “Damn, I wish I had seen that.” He playfully lamented. “I also would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he got in trouble.” Was he enjoying this a little too much? Maybe, but it was very fulfilling to hear the person who often cast him aside as a mistake making big mistakes of his own.

He listened attentively as she described her latest dream to him. “Maybe it is a memory.” He suggested, making eye contact with her. Tae had a few dreams of his own that had a very similar feeling to what Amani was describing. The kind where he woke up confused, unsure of whether his dream was just a dream or if it was something he had actually lived through. “You said her face was blurry, but can you remember anything else about her? Maybe she was someone you knew a long time ago.” He felt as if they were trying to put together a puzzle that was missing the pieces most crucial to deciphering the image. Like they were so close to an answer, yet still so far away.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

@Kristi - Amani


Dominic Vaillant

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]

Hallways, at night — with Lenore and Vinnie’s boytoys

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Chadwick backed away, a grating, obnoxious laugh escaping his lips. “As you wish, dear,” he mocked.

The two had managed to provoke the woman to the point she’d stopped caring for manners. She’d yelled at them, cursing them out from anger and shock. Yet the reaction she was met with was not regret nor sorrow, rather just a careless laugh that undermined the importance of her words. But no matter how further they wanted to push her, after that she simply kneeled down, tuning them out.

Rolling his eyes, Bradford nudged the other’s shoulders, signaling to leave. He turned towards the woman, uttering his final words, “You should’ve asked us for help, you know. Now if you find he’s dead, you’ll be the one to blame,” he scoffed, his tone that of a child attempting to threaten another. Turning around, he placed a hand on Chadwick’s shoulder. “Come on, Chad.”

Nodding, Chadwick joined his friend and the two walked away, their footsteps echoing in the dim hallway. From the distance, faint fragments of their conversation could be heard, like “Do you think Vinnie will finally notice me?” or “Are you still mad we didn’t invite you to the weekly orgy?” Conversations kept confidential in the Umbra Coven, and for a good reason.

At a time like this Dominic could only wish he was unconscious, but his body still refused to let him rest. Slipping in and out of consciousness had made him dazed, with no sense of direction or time. But fragments of the conversation were enough to clue him in on what’s happening. While they carried him, he’d relaxed his body, steadying his breathing despite the stinging pain coming from all over. It was a torture on its own, to stay perfectly unmoving while every cell of his body wanted to cry out for help.

Now with their absence, a welcome silence filled the air. The woman’s voice was a stark contrast compared to the guys, gentle and soft like a comforting melody. Something about it felt so familiar. Cautiously, Dominic opened his eyes, two blurry images coming as one while his surroundings came to focus. He turned his eyes up to the source of the voice, but all he saw was a silhouette kneeling above him, a soft golden glow lining its shape.

Taking a sharp breath, he’d prepared to answer, but his throat tightened suddenly. His hands clenched into fists, body tensing as he coughed. Blood, residuals of the fight spilled over, a harsh reminder that it was far from over. Dominic locked eyes with the woman, bloodshot and glazed over, hoping he needed no words to convey the state he was in.

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@Caticorn ⋅𖥔⋅ Lenore Ferrell

[⋅𖥔⋅]═════⋅𖥔⋅═══ [ ] ═══⋅𖥔⋅═════[⋅𖥔⋅]



Dante widened his eyes theatrically. “Wait, no zombies? And here I was, ready to stockpile canned goods and barricade myself in a fortress. So, what’s the real apocalypse we’re prepping for?” He leaned back slightly, crossing his arms in a way to challenge her to come up with something interesting.

Dante chuckled. “Alright, you’ve made your point. But just know, I don’t give up my coffee without a fight.” He raised an eyebrow playfully. “Challenging me over coffee might just turn into a thrilling showdown. But who’s to say a little competition isn’t a thrilling way to start the day?” He flashed a charming smile, his tone carrying a hint of flirtatious challenge.

“Well, let mystery be what keeps me coming back for more.” Dante said with a conspiratorial tone and a smirk. Dante couldn’t deny he enjoyed the back and forth of banter between them. His voice was low and inviting as he continued, “I have to admit, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of uncovering secrets, layer by layer.”

He leaned in slightly, closing the distance between them just enough to make his presence felt. “And if I’ve piqued your interest, well, that’s a start.” His gaze held hers steadily, the teasing challenge in his tone unmistakable. “Maybe we’ll both find out there’s a lot more hidden beneath the surface.” He took another deliberate sip of his coffee, maintaining eye contact, the air between them charged with a mix of intrigue and flirtation.

Dante noticed Ayla’s raised eyebrow and skeptical expression. He met her gaze, his smile widening into a confident smirk. “Well, Ayla,” he began, his tone light and teasing, “why not both?” He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “I’m all about keeping things interesting. And if stepping up my game catches your attention, then it’s a win-win, isn’t it?” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he added, “Besides, you seem like someone worth impressing.”

Dante’s eyes sparkled with intrigue as he leaned in slightly. “Safe is overrated,” he said, his voice low and smooth. “Where’s the fun in that? Life’s meant for a bit of risk, a bit of adventure.” He held her gaze, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “So, what kind of thrill are you looking for? Because I’m all about shaking things up.” His words carried a subtle challenge, inviting her to step out of her comfort zone and hinting at the excitement he could offer.

Dante couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at Ayla’s straightforwardness. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and placing it in her hand, his fingers briefly brushing against hers. “Well, who am I to refuse such a direct request?” he said, a playful glint in his eyes. “But just so you know, giving me your number means you’re signing up for some unexpected adventures. Hope you can handle that.” His smirk deepened, his gaze never leaving hers, intrigued by her boldness and enjoying the game they were playing.


Where tf are we || with Amani

Arya tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes as Amani’s words rolled off her tongue with a touch of amusement. She took a moment, letting the comment hang in the air before responding, her tone casually pointed. Shemet Amani’s probing gaze with a raised eyebrow and a subtle smirk playing on her lips. “Oh, Amani, always so curious about matters that don’t concern you,” she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of amusement laced with sarcasm. "Not everything is as straightforward as you’d like to believe. Whether it was love, lust, or something else entirely, it’s hardly your place to judge, isn’t it?”

Arya tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with a blend of amusement and challenge as she regarded Amani. “Oh, absolutely,” she replied, her tone effortlessly playful yet laced with an undercurrent of teasing. “Life without drama would be dreadfully dull, wouldn’t it? But then again, moderation in all things. Too much flair, and even the most thrilling performance loses its charm.”

“Besides, we wouldn’t want to exhaust your impeccable flair for the dramatic,” Arya continued, her voice a gentle murmur "Who would keep things interesting if not you?" She leaned slightly closer, her expression one of mock seriousness. “Although, I must admit, I do find your penchant for theatrics rather endearing at times. It’s like watching a masterful performance.” Arya’s smile widened, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “But tell me,” she added, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, “do you ever tire of playing the lead role in your own drama? Or is the spotlight simply too addictive to resist?” Her words hung in the air, a subtle challenge woven into the playful banter. Arya knew that their dynamic thrived on this delicate balance of wit and a hint of flirtation neither of them would admit, each testing the other’s limits while maintaining a veneer of camaraderie tinged with rivalry.

Arya’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she listened to Amani’s musings, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Ah, but isn’t it delightful to occasionally indulge in the pathetic nonsense?” Arya replied, her tone dripping with playful sarcasm. “After all, what would art be without a touch of sentiment? Without that raw, unfiltered emotion that makes us feel alive?”
Arya chuckled softly, her eyes alight with amusement as she met Amani’s teasing smile with a knowing glint of her own. “but what is the ‘right’ kind of poetry?” she teased lightly, her tone carrying a hint of playful challenge. "Perhaps it’s all a matter of perspective. Some prefer the raw, unfiltered emotion that spills onto the page like ink from a restless pen. Others, like yourself, favor the stark clarity of prose, devoid of sentimentality.” Arya leaned against a nearby pillar, her posture relaxed yet poised.

“So, while my poetry may not be the ‘right’ kind for you,” she mused, a playful smirk quirking her lips, “I have a feeling it still manages to provoke a reaction, even if its a skeptical scoff or two, in typical Amani fashion.”

Arya’s brow furrowed slightly as Amani spoke, her tone matter-of-fact yet tinged with an undeniable sense of concern. She understood the gravity of their situation now that they were confronted with an unexpected and dangerous turn of events. “Disappointment indeed,” Arya murmured softly, her eyes scanning their surroundings warily. She nodded in agreement with Amani’s explanation about the intertwined visions, though she couldn’t shake the growing sense of unease settling over her.
Before Amani could elaborate further, Arya sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a subtle change that rippled through the air like a premonition. The room darkened slowly, shadows slithering in from the edges, casting eerie shapes upon the walls. Arya’s instincts screamed danger, and she tensed, readying herself for whatever nightmare lay ahead.

Just as Arya opened her mouth to respond, movement flickered at the corner of her vision. Her heart skipped a beat as a monstrous silhouette began to materialise from the darkness, its form twisted and nightmarish. Fear gripped Arya’s chest like a vice, a feeling she was not used to and did not know how to handle, so she tried forcing herself to stay calm, her mind racing to keep pace with the unfolding chaos.

“Run!” Amani’s urgent hiss shattered the silence, yanking Arya out of her stunned state. Without hesitation, Arya felt Amani’s firm grip on her arm, thrusting her into motion. Adrenaline surged through her veins as they sprinted through this unknown space,the echoes of their footsteps bouncing off the walls like ominous drumbeats… Arya could hear her own ragged breaths, almost synchronized with Amani’s, as they dodged shadows and darted past these dangers.

Arya’s breath came in short, shallow bursts as they huddled in the alcove, the cool stone walls offering a brief respite from the encroaching darkness. Amani’s hands trembled as she attempted the incantation, her voice strained and low, the syllables carrying a weight of desperation. Arya could feel the tension radiating from her, a palpable fear underscored by the urgency of their situation. But instead of a magical door materialising as they hoped, a piece of paper appeared before them. Arya’s eyes darted to the paper, her thoughts focused with a clarity born of desperation, recognizing it instantly as a riddle, a challenge laid out by the twisted magic of the mirror.

The words danced across the page, weaving a tale of shadow and light, of truths hidden within illusions. Arya’s brow furrowed as she absorbed the riddle’s challenge, each line posing a puzzle they needed to solve to secure their escape. It was a test of wit and intuition, a labyrinthine path through the depths of their fears. “Through shadow and light, where fears take flight,” Arya murmured, her voice echoing softly in the alcove. “We need to find a door… but not a literal one.” Her gaze flickered to Amani, her expression resolute despite the tremors of uncertainty that gripped them both. “In a room of mirrors, not all reflect… it’s metaphorical.”

Arya’s gaze swept across the alcove, searching for any sign of the elusive glass that held the key to their escape. The dim light filtering through the cracks in the walls offered little clarity, casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. Drawing on her magic once more, Arya extended her hand, summoning a soft glow that bathed the alcove in a gentle light.

“Glass… glass…” Arya muttered to herself. The dim light from her earlier spell flickered faintly. Her eyes fell on the surface of her watch, where the light reflected back at her in a glinting pattern. “Glass…” Arya murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze fixated on the reflection “It’s not about the glass in the room, but another mirror-”, she turned to Amani, her expression determined despite the lingering fear. “Amani, it’s not physical glass we’re looking for. It’s a mirror, one that doesn’t reflect like the others do. It’s the mirror that holds the key.”

The roar of the approaching monster spurred Arya into action. With a quick glance around, she spotted a corridor leading deeper into the illusions. “Come on,” she urged, grabbing Amani’s arm firmly. “We need to find that mirror. Trust me on this.” Arya led the way, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline as they navigated through the labyrinth of shadows and illusions, searching for the elusive mirror that might hold the key to their escape.

Arya murmured, her voice echoing softly in the alcove. “We need to find a door… but not a literal one.” Her gaze flickered to Amani, her expression resolute despite the tremors of uncertainty that gripped them both. “In a room of mirrors, not all reflect… it’s metaphorical.”

Arya’s gaze swept across the alcove, searching for any sign of the elusive glass that held the key to their escape. The dim light filtering through the cracks in the walls offered little clarity, casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance with malevolent intent. Drawing on her magic once more, Arya extended her hand, summoning a soft glow that bathed the alcove in a gentle light.

“Glass… glass…” Arya muttered to herself. The dim light from her earlier spell flickered faintly. Her eyes fell on the surface of her watch, where the light reflected back at her in a glinting pattern. “Glass…” Arya murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her gaze fixated on the reflection “It’s not about the glass in the room, but another mirror-”, she turned to Amani, her expression determined despite the lingering fear. “Amani, it’s not physical glass we’re looking for. It’s a mirror, one that doesn’t reflect like the others do. It’s the mirror that holds the key.”

The roar of the approaching monster spurred Arya into action. With a quick glance around, she spotted a corridor leading deeper into the illusions. “Come on,” she urged, grabbing Amani’s arm firmly. “We need to find that mirror. Trust me on this.” Arya led the way, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline as they navigated through the labyrinth of shadows and illusions, searching for the elusive mirror that might hold the key to their escape.



─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

Lenore let out an exaggerated sigh when he responded. “Ah, well, I suppose there’s not much else I can do then. Guess you’re stuck with me.” She conceded with a wink, though she had to admit she enjoyed going back and forth with him. She had missed it, and him, over the summer and it just made her even more glad to be back.

“Oh, I’m sure you can,” She replied, reaffirming his confidence in himself. Jesse was much more of a fighter than any member of her house and she had no doubt that he could take on any number of them, verbally or otherwise. “I would just prefer to not be here to deal with the aftermath.” He added that he had one member on his side, nudging her with his arm. “And what if I pretend I don’t know you?” She teased with a soft smirk.

She laughed when he suggested that he should start just going by Jesse. “You could but you just don’t have the same air of mystery.” She responded, thinking out loud. She bit back a smile as he suggested that she was interested in Nic. “And what if I am?” She asked with a nonchalant shrug. He might have been teasing but she still wanted to she how he would respond.

─── ・ 。゚☆: ✦. .✦ :☆゚. ・ ───

@novella - Jesse



⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ clone w/ Thalia ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The girl stood up the instant the books hit the ground, helping to pick them up and reassuring Freya not to worry about it. Though when she referenced making mistakes, it seemed to Freya that she was talking about more than just the books. She looked up for a moment as the girl had her back to her. She didn’t want the girl to beat herself up too much about the goings on of last night. “Nothing that can’t be moved past,” Freya told her as subtle reassurance after a moment of consideration, with an unreadable expression on her face, and her eyes moving around avoiding any contact.

As Freya was ready to be out of this conversation, the girl informed her of her own need for the same book, suggesting they use it together. Internally, she sighed, and wondered how she had ended up needing to stay by this girls side once again. She was tempted to look around once again, in the hopes that an extra copy of the book had just been hiding in plain site. But Freya knew she probably shouldn’t do that right in front of the girl who was just trying to be nice.

That was just the problem, though. Freya wasn’t here to be nice with people. Attending this school wasn’t about making friends, she had goals and ambitions that she was determined to meet. Freya was adamant to not let things get in the way of that. This particular case, however, it seemed she had to make nice in order to get what she needed. But it’s not like she needed to talk to her, right? They were just sharing a book, after all.

She gave it a moment of thought, but the answer seemed inevitable. “Uh, yeah, I guess we could do that,” Freya eventually came out with. She then took the seat that had been beside the girl, putting her bag down, and notebook on the table, despite her reluctance.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

@Kristi Thaliaaa


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[[[ ౨ৎ]

“Well,” Amani began, shrugging her shoulders with an air of insouciance. “You cannot say I didn’t try to be nice by giving you an option.” A fleeting smirk played on her lips, but it vanished almost immediately as she leaned forward, her fingers brushing his forehead to check his temperature. The meticulousness of her movements, the intense concentration in her eyes, betrayed the gravity she placed on her magical prowess. Despite her outward confidence, a trace of doubt seemed to linger, a doubt quickly dispelled as she found no signs of error in her work. Of course, there were none. She was, after all, a prodigy—a great sorcerer from a tender age—but even the greatest can harbor fleeting fears of imperfection.

playing her role as the concerned friend, Amani asked how he felt. Tae’s response, a simple affirmation of improvement, drew a hum of satisfaction from her. “Of course it did,” she said, her smile small but self-assured. “Did you doubt me?” Her words carried the subtle pride of someone who had paid close attention to their mother’s teachings, a pride well-earned and deeply rooted.

Azriel and Tae—two central figures in her life, yet perpetually at odds. Their animosity, often amusing, sometimes edged into the realm of the absurd. Even in moments of irritation, Amani found herself bemused by their antics. There was no real cause for Azriel’s insecurity; he knew the depth of her trust in Tae, knew the essential role he played in her life.

“Perhaps a hundred times each day,” she teased, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “And to stay six feet away at all times. Maybe then he’d feel less threatened. But that’s not happening anytime soon, so I suppose you two can keep arguing like fools. It’s entertaining, at least.” Her tone shifted, becoming more serious. “I might call him later today or tomorrow. If my dad talks to you, tell me.”

Their conversation meandered to the immaturity of the Dunmans and the latest scandal involving Renlin. Laughter bubbled between them, but it quickly subsided as Amani broached the subject of the woman—the true reason she had summoned Tae.

“Maybe it is a memory,” Tae suggested, his voice thoughtful.

“It’s possible,” Amani mused. “But it’s so vague. Her face was blurry, yes, but her voice… it felt familiar in a way I can’t quite place. Like trying to recall a song you haven’t heard in years but still remember the melody of. The emotion was so strong—fear, desperation. And the way she moved… it was like she was trying to reach out to me, like there was something urgent she needed to say but couldn’t.”

Amani’s lips pursed, her gaze drifting as if searching for something just out of reach. An uncomfortable expression settled on her face as she sighed. “I feel like there’s a key in this dream, something important I’m supposed to understand. Do you think it could be some kind of magic or spell affecting my dreams?” Her eyes met Tae’s, filled with a silent plea for insight, for some suggestion that might help her uncover the truth behind the haunting vision.



꒰ ⋆ .⺌ ⟡ ⊂ eta ⊃ ⟡ ⺌. ⋆ ꒱


Seung-min thought of the answer long and hard. It was close! One certain keyword would change the whole conversation. And in his determined analysis, he looked at Atlas with an amused look on his face. Subtle, but very nice to look at. With a light blush on his face, he answered the question with a little to no confidence, “Is it not Nat Geo? Is it Scholastic? Oh wait, that’s stupid! Why would your parents name you by a book? That’s like me calling my child Dictionary. Was I slightly close on the Greek one, cause I don’t know anything about that, sorry.” Scratching his head, he confessed to him, “I mean, I like history, but I’m not like… a nut about it. Like cool; I like Hercules. The Disney one, of course, since I have no business reading the real deal and I had heard only scraps of that story.”

Speaking of his lack of awareness of the institution, Seung-min seems glad to have met a fine man who could guide him through the school and the wondrous locations that could be explored, given the time. With Atlas’ warm welcome, he had nothing but a sense of relief and happiness in having a few sets of friends on whom he could rely in the navigation of the new environment he is currently in. His sense of joy did seem to interrupt when Atlas would soon act like a chivalrous knight as he bowed down to Seung-min with such elegance. His face tinted a cherry complexion with his thoughts ringing: “Ahh, Jalsaenggyeotda!” Giving out a small sigh and chuckle, he replied back, “Oh, uh, yeah! Pleasure is mine. I mean, yeah, I’m sure I’ll have a great school year in this lovely establishment.”

For a moment, it seems as though he would want to go with Atlas and go to the cafeteria. To him, a nice bite with him and the handsome guy? Such a dream! As much as he wanted to, however, he didn’t have the stomach to continue on with this opportunity as he had a hearty breakfast. A simple one, but quite hearty for the day ahead of him. With a scratch on Seung-min’s head, he declined, “I mean, too late, cause I did say I had issues navigating.” With a quick realization in his tone, he hurriedly changed the pace of his tone and reassured Atlas of his sudden attitude,“B-but no worries for you anymore! I saved you the trouble by asking some students here, so I ate quite well. I just wonder if they have other options in the cafeteria. Do they have, like, specials? Like Taco Tuesday or something? I don’t know; I just asked something basic and went with the flow. But if you’re wondering, yes, I am full, and I did have a nice breakfast, and it was delicious, and I could stop blabbing just because.”

He was sure he made it obvious with the musicians, though he did wonder if he knew any of the artists that he had spoken about. Actually, he even wondered if this place is somehow updated with pop culture or are they stuck in a rock with their latest news being that a new girl group named ‘Destiny’s Child’ has made its debut with a bomb music video. Weird since they do have social media, but Seung-min’s mind wonders about different things. After the confirmation, Seung-min imitated a melodic “Ding ding ding!” With other questions ringing in his mind, he wanted to know Atlas’ group, “How about you, Atlas? Where do you go? Or assigned to a faction? What do they call this Enigma Stag—a house? Like I’m in house Enigma Stag? Sorry, I just… I don’t have the words to say anything, really. I mean, I had this weird dream, and now I’m feeling like I ate glue.”

With some of the tensions lying down, it seems as though the air felt lighter, with the topic of music being the focal point of their conversation. There was an excitement to Atlas’ enthusiasm in wanting to learn about this side of music. With Seung-min, he had adored all types, with his recent interest in alternative music giving him a jump in the introduction. With his eyes wide open and holding out both Atlas’ hands, he exclaimed, “Oh yes! I could even teach you how to rock a keyboard! Do you know how to play instruments? I mean, they’re basically the same, just with little pedals or maybe no pedals, depending on the version. I could even start with a history lesson. Maybe we could start with the start of its conception, around the 1940s? We could even go farther than that, maybe going to touch upon the history of blues and jazz. Oh, we could even go to folk music, but that would be so ancient, and I’m sure you endured too much of the history of music.”

Atlas’ confusion gave him a certain shock and dazed reaction, as he was so sure of the classes that he had been given. With a puzzled face, he looked back on his paper, “I-I mean, it says here on the pamphlet… Oh wait.” Looking at the pamphlet, it seems as though he had the wrong schedule in place, probably from advanced reading to what he would be expecting in his classes. Either way, he had to save his own skin, giving out a laugh at Atlas to cover up his silly mistake: “I can’t read this. My God, a school as elegant as this hasn’t hired a graphic designer that fits with the times. I guess old money and all their technological jazz, haha!”

His friend’s amused reaction did lighten up his spirits, with Seung-min wanting to make him laugh just for the fun of it. He was sure the descriptions and his perplexed nature amplified this amusement, and he was bound to make this day very special. Letting out a cheerful smile, he replied back to Atlas’ explanation of Theatrical Alchemy, “So it’s like Elsa in ‘Let It Go’? Something like that? I don’t know; I guess Real Life Hogwarts is kinda more like your typical college when doing all those sorts of courses and classes. I mean, one of my classes is Art Appreciation. How wild is that? Like, just admiring an art and saying, ‘Yes, it’s ok’. Nope. It’s not, and I did a lot of things I thought I wouldn’t do in an art school.”

The first class’s name still perplexed him, as each of the names in his classes was becoming more wondrous than the last. In his case, he had nothing to do but laugh at the subjects. Especially with his actual class, he had to share the humorous anecdote he had connected: “D-do you know a show called Winx? I don’t know, man, that Enchantic word is so, like, Enchantix! I’m yapping, but I could show you that show; it will change your life, I assure you.”

After all that and time to spare, his enthusiastic self jumped at the opportunity as he shouted out, “Let’s go then! To the caf!” Grabbing the shoulders of Atlas, he came close with his usual pep and excuse to go to the cafeteria despite his previous statement in his meal, “Now I know I just said I ate, but we could do coffee. Unless, of course, you haven’t had your breakfast, and that’d be fine too. I usually like company when eating, especially since I’m kinda used to a whole dinner table with a family to eat together. But hey, less sappy emotions and more walking.”


@idiot.exe - Atlas


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[[[Musica ౨ৎ])]

'It is always fun, after all, to marvel at the mess another calls a life, innit?” Amani remarked, her lips curling into a small, amused smile. She was responding to Arya’s chiding about her curiosity regarding Arya’s personal affairs. “Curiosity is a virtue,” she chuckled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “But you’re right, perhaps it’s not my place to judge your… entanglements. It is, of course, my fault for assuming you were wiser than that.” She teased, her eyes glinting with amusement.

Amani listened with rapt attention as Arya began to dissect her flair for the dramatic. “Who would keep things interesting if not you?” Arya leaned in slightly, her expression a mock seriousness as she posed the question. “Do you ever tire of playing the lead role in your own drama, or is the spotlight simply too addictive?”

“The latter,” Amani confirmed with a smirk. “I could never tire of the spotlight, dear Sellenova.” That was actually a lie, but one she told so often it almost felt true.

The truth was more complex, or perhaps it was more straightforward than Amani thought. There was a good reason she was not part of the Egnima house, other than the fact, it would agitate her to be in it- it was not that the stage, metaphorically, was not what she would like to call home, but in a way it was still her home. It was something she had particularly grown used to, though it would be a lie to say she enjoyed. Perhaps if her life had been different, then… “Depends on one’s definition of occasionally,” Amani said arching a brow.

Amani had to agree, that a touch of sentiment does make a good poetry, after all, poetry or any piece of literature is supposed to invoke a feeling in you, Whether one likes or does not like that feeling, it was still a feeling and it was true, that when reading Arya’s poetry, there was an uncomfortable feeling that had developed - one that had hit quite close to home. But will Amani say all of this? Of course not, who do you take her for? “Raw emotion has its place, sure. Let us agree to disagree. But without a purpose, without a deeper meaning, it’s just noise. It’s like watching a child throw a tantrum – a lot of sound and fury, but ultimately pointless.” She had leaned in slightly, then stood straight, crossing her arms, her eyes flickering to Arya as if she was in deep thoughts. In a way she was, after all, she was trying to find the right way to disagree with Arya. “Yes,” Amani said, not particularly directed to anyone but herself. " I’d rather have art that provokes thought, that questions and pushes boundaries. Sentiment is just a layer, a façade. Strip it away, and what do you have left? That’s what interests me. Art meant for shock factor invokes a feeling, but does it invoke a profound thought? Most of the time no, and that’s why I find art that only plays unto one’s emotions lazy, cunning and cheap in its allure."

After this, Amani had gone on to say, as a response to Arya’s talk of right poetry, that perhaps Arya’s poetry had not been the right poetry for her. Unlike most of her words towards Arya, that had not been said with any true malice laced in them, it was indeed a playful teasing remark-said, perhaps, to see how Arya would respond to it. As expected, she had been quite cipher in her response, questioning Amani’ s usage of ‘right kind of poetry’, “Unfortunately, I cannot find it in me to disagree with that,” Amani had said in response to Arya’s statement that her poetry invoked a feeling in Amani. “I suppose there is some used to your poetry after all,” Her lips tugged to a smirk as she took the poetry away from Arya’s hands and placed it back on the wall, where it belonged.

**“Run!” Amani had hissed, grabbing Arya’s arm and pulling her away from the approaching horror. They sprinted through the dimly lit space, their footsteps echoing off the walls, the sound of their breathing ragged and desperate. Amani’s mind raced, trying to remember the spell that could get them out of this nightmare. Latin and French phrases swirled in her thoughts, a mix of ancient words that held the key to their escape.

Amani tried to recite the beginning of the spell, to open a door, but instead of a door being opened, they had gotten a riddle.A riddle! Just what they needed, Amani sighed, as she recited it out loud for Arya to hear, asking if Arya had seen any glass around the place.

To that, Arya had said it’s not about the glass in the room but another mirror, telling Amani to trust her on this, to which Amani had bit back a remark, nodding her head, agreeing with Arya’s words to find that mirror.

It was an illusion, it was an illusion, Amani repeated in her head, but it didn’t make the situation any easier. The creature’s voice echoed ominously, sending shivers down her spine. Mirrors could blur the lines between reality and fantasy, and while she knew this monster was an illusion meant to perplex and give nightmares, its presence was unnerving. If she hadn’t seen that vision behind the creature’s eyes, if Arya’s vision and hers hadn’t intertwined, perhaps her heart wouldn’t be racing as it was.

Amani’s feet landed on the edge of a pond, and she blinked, pulling away from it as she wondered where it had come from. Realizing this was indeed an illusion, she gazed at the pond again. It had no reflection and looked quite like glass. Look for the glass that is more than it seems

“Sellenova,” Amani called out for Arya, “I think I found what we are supposed to be looking for.”


1 Like

Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩[⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡]


'Nothing that can’t be moved past’ the raven-haired girl had said, an unreadable expression on her face. For a minute, Thalia paused while holding the book she was helping pick up from the ground. There were so many thoughts swirling in her head. One, perhaps the most obvious, went like this: Did the raven-haired girl know what Thalia had been referring to? Did she remember? Okay, that was two questions, but in Thalia’s mind, it was just one because the former answered the latter. Another thought was that if she did know, if she did remember, Thalia was grateful that it was something that could be moved past.

She picked up the book, she had been previously trying to pick and put it back on the shelf, before she sat back down, and the girl in front of her had questioned the book Thalia had on a table- a book that she had been using to prevent Indentations when she was drawing. A book, that Thalia had not even bothered to look at the name: Astral’s Traveller Handbook . Apparently, that very book, The Astral’s Traveler Handbook, was an important book to the raven haired.

You don’t seem to be using it. Could I borrow it? She had asked, and at first, Thalia had been ready; she had been ready to give the book to her; after all, the book had already served its purpose, and it wasn’t like it was of any need to her, but something in her—perhaps the intrigued, curious, and searching nature in her—could not allow her to do so, so instead she had lied, stating that she needed the book as well, citing a test coming up soon and as if she were being sympathetic and nice to another’s situation; she had told the raven that if she really needed the book, sharing was an option.

But the girl did not seem very inclined to want to share. There was something in the way her eyes flickered and the way her face, while expressionless, seemed to be curving to a slight annoyance that Thalia feared rejection. Rejection, it seems, was what the girl was going to choose, and Thalia waited for it. She braced herself for just giving the girl the book and leaving, and when the girl opened her lips, saying that she supposed they could share, Thalia admits she was a bit taken aback.

“Wait, what?” Thalia asked, the surprised evident in her face, before she shook her head, changing her expression. “I mean right, of course,” Thalia said as she shifted, giving the raven haired space to sit besides. She opened the book, getting her notes out, and offered a tentative smile. “So, mm, what part do you need first?” she asked trying to sound casual as she flipped to the page.

She reached into her bag, bringing out a pen, and paper- because if she was going to be pretending to study, she needed to look the part after all.



{ October 1, 2023 }

Each year the school organizes this scavenger hunt that unfolds across the campus, leading participants through corridors, chambers, and mystical locations. The scavenger hunt is shrouded in riddles, cryptic clues, and magical challenges that draw upon the unique abilities and expertise of each school group. Students from the Enigma Stag might encounter illusions that conceal the true path, while members of the Cipher may decipher clues hidden within enchanted artwork. The Umbra Coven might navigate the hunt based on celestial alignments, and the Quantum could unravel cryptic messages that guide them through the labyrinthine journey.

The climax of the Hidden Wonders Scavenger Hunt, however, holds a deeper significance in the overarching plot. The final clue leads participants to a sacred space within the college. Here, the best student, often the one who excels in solving the arcane challenges and navigating the hidden wonders, is presented with a choice - a choice that will affect the graduation ritual.

The best student, having delved into the mysteries of the school and faced the choices presented during the scavenger hunt, becomes a central figure in the unfolding narrative. The choices made during this event play a crucial role in shaping the student’s destiny.

{ Setting }
The hunt spans various areas of the campus, from the enchanting school garden to the winding corridors. Participants discover secret rooms, magical murals, and forgotten chambers that hold fragments of Ninth House’s rich history.

Pre-Event Activities

Morning Assembly: A Grand Commencement

The day begins with an assembly in the Grand Hall where the headmaster addresses the entire student body. His welcome speech emphasizes the importance of the scavenger hunt, highlighting its role in fostering teamwork, honing magical skills. He explains the rules, the significance of the event, and the grand prize awaiting the most resourceful and skilled participant.

Breakfast and Socializing: Fueling the Adventure

Following the assembly, students proceed to the Dining Hall for a buffet breakfast. This time serves multiple purposes: it allows students to energize for the challenging day ahead, and it provides an opportunity for socializing and team formation. As students mingle, they form teams, blending members from different houses, or same?

Starting the Day: The Hunt Begins

Initial Clue Distribution: Setting the Course

After breakfast, the scavenger hunt officially begins. Each team will receive their first clue and a map of the school.Their first clue, a riddle or puzzle that hints at the location of the next clue. This initial clue is critical, setting the tone for the entire hunt. The headmaster gives the signal to start.

Central Command Center: Overseeing the Hunt

The headmaster’s office serves as the central command center for the scavenger hunt. Here, staff members and senior students monitor progress through magical mirrors and communication spells. They provide subtle hints to teams that are significantly stuck, ensuring no team is left frustrated. Safety is paramount; magical amulets given to each team track their progress and can be used to call for help if needed.


You can start your posts with them waiting in the grand hall, have your own little interactions and when we’re ready to proceed I’ll post another announcement! This will just give you a little more time to figure everything out!
We’ll work on making teams together too! I’ll let you all decide if you want to make them mixed (by houses) or make it random? this does not mean you have to stay with your team, leaveee… go explore everything on you’r own. you want to be the best here, don’t you?





In his bedroom again, Vincenzo opened his eyes, one arm next to his head, under the pillow, and the other tucked underneath his black bedsheets. It had been a long month since the initiation, and the scavenger hunt had finally arrived. He had been preparing for it for a few weeks now, reading books about the school and tearing out pages when he thought he might have found useful information, both trivia for the scavenger hunt and clues about the disappearances. He was not a patient reader, so many of his books ended up missing pages, but he tried to keep his notes very acutely written, a small contribution to his sense of academic organization. The students of Wyndham college played a dangerous game trying to decipher the secrets of their school. Surely within a pool of such brilliant students, there were many trying to piece together the reasons for the tragedy that struck them. Likely, however, that only pushed the culprit further into their hiding place, and perhaps closer to their knife drawer.

One of his favorite conspiracists was Hayes Ferrell, someone that Vincenzo considered both a friend, and a source. He was a wizard for herbology, and the tall plants in his room often contained ingredients for any spell that they could dream up, as well as fulfilling other… recreational purposes.

He was a very tired, nervous, tormented delight to have around in Vincenzo’s finest opinion. Although he had previously been so invisible to the eyes of the student body, his recent decision to repeat a year made Vincenzo realize that he had been right about his initial interest in him. After your best friend disappearing on your campus, you would think you would leave as soon as possible, and Hayes and the choice to, but he withdrew from the horizon of his graduation and slumped back into the dark hanging over the head of his college experience. There was something at the school that haunted his body, hollowing the reflection of light from his baggy eyes. And it was not letting him move on.

He had been trying to figure out some things himself, but it seemed that he continually got distracted by the woman in the window…

Sometime between skips

She had gone to sleep by now, so there was supposed to be nothing interesting to watch from her, but he could not help but let his gaze continue to linger, wondering when she would wake. She laid on her stomach, her sleepy face facing the camera and he could not help but admire her dainty features, and the way her little eyelashes curved up even with her eyelids shut, wearing cute little pajamas that made the outline of her skinny body very clear. Perhaps he should not have been surveilling her any longer, though, so he closed the laptop on his lap so that he could no longer see the footage, and took his black-socked feet off the desk so he could place the device there. “Good night,” he told her, although she could not hear even if the laptop was still on. He found it funny how she had not yet noticed the camera staring right at her; so foolish. If she were smarter, perhaps she would have noticed it by now. If he were smarter, perhaps he would not have to watch her from afar.

Decidedly so, the idea of becoming closer with Hayes was not unideal to Vincenzo, in fact, it was genius. They had already been friends, since childhood, in fact, but it was time that they geared their subjects of conversation in a more… practical direction.

Deleted scene idk

After Vincenzo readied himself for the day, brushing his teeth, fixing his hair, etc, he had put on an all-black outfit. He wore a black, collared shirt with black pants, and his classic watch that tied the look together in an expensive way. In the mirror, he spritzed his neck and chest with his cologne, and then placed the bottle behind the looking glass. Staring at his reflection, he ran a hand through his hair. “Ah yes, I am so handsome,” he said to himself as if schizophrenically narrating his day to an audience that was not present. “And I just-“

He was about to continue complimenting himself when he heard the footsteps of an Umbra brother knocking at the door, and his positive affirmation turned into a dry cough. “Come in,” he said, obviously offering his guidance to whatever his brothers needed. But then when the door opened, Vincenzo realized that the man who had opened the door was just Bradford, who was like Renlin but even more concussed. “Was I interupting something?” Bradford asked sweetly, and Vincenzo relaxed.

“No, I was just checking the mirror before I left.”
”Looking good.”
“Not so bad yourself.”
“Can you kiss my forehead, Vinnie, I had a bad dream :pleading_face:
“Not right now buddy, maybe later.”

Bradford tilted his chin down, pouted, and then crossed his arms before he left, groaning in sadness.
“Bradford I will see you later!” Vincenzo shouted into the hallway, and then quickly left to go to the cipher suite.

The lavish, purple aesthetic of the suite never failed to entrance Vincenzo when he entered the space, but he only got a quick look before he reached Hayes’s door. He knocked, but no one answered. As suspected, the man was asleep.

Using his dominant hand, he manifested a small cloud of shadows, and slowly manipulated them until they coalesced into a key shape, entering the slot, and turning so Vincenzo heard a click. He turned the doorknob and went to the foot of his bed, comfortably snatching the man’s blankets off him, and throwing them to the side, as they were childhood friends after all. “Good morning!!” He exclaimed grandly, knowing that his friend was probably still going to be very sleepy, and most likely try to kick him out. With a slow, deliberate movement, the man turned his head and opened his eyes to see Vincenzo, opening them slightly not to take in the light of the morning. Seeing how asleep he had been, Vincenzo supposed it may have been a bit rude to snatch his blankets and throw them. Maybe. So he sighed, deciding to relax his tone. “Hayes, breakfast is already starting, you have to get ready if you don’t want to be late for the scavenger hunt.”


@astxrism Hayesy baby
@idiot.exe bradford TEEHEE
@Madilnel renlin one sentence
@mysterygirl tea



|| Dining room || With Lenore ||

As the sun rose on the morning of the annual Hidden Wonders Scavenger Hunt, Kairo awoke with a mix of excitement and anticipation bubbling within him. He jumped in for a quick shower and got dressed, opting for a more comfortable attire suitable for a day of exploration and adventure. He grabbed a quick bite from the snack stash he kept in his room, he still couldn’t fathom starting his day without some sustenance, even if a proper breakfast was awaiting him.
It had been a month since Kai’s first day at Ninth House, and let me tell you that even in that relatively short span of time, he had already come a long way since that initial, nerve wracking first day. Though a mere month had passed, it felt like a lifetime of experiences had been packed into those weeks. The campus, which had once seemed so vast and mysterious, was now starting to feel familiar. While there were still plenty of secrets and hidden corners he had yet to uncover, certain parts of the academy had become comforting in their familiarity. He had met new friends, learned about the place, went to classes, and discovered a great deal about himself as well.

Stepping out into the crisp morning air, Kairo made his way to the Grand Hall for the assembly. The campus was already buzzing with energy, students were chatting excitedly, some exchanging tips and strategies for the scavenger hunt. The Grand Hall, where the headmaster’s lil speech would take place, was already filling up by the time Kairo arrived. He found a spot near the middle, offering a good view of the podium while still being close enough to his friends to exchange the occasional comment. The annual Hidden Wonders Scavenger Hunt was a legendary event, and he had been looking forward to it ever since he heard about it. No school he has ever been to would have done something like that and Kai was absolutely loving it. A scavenger hunt sounded like a brilliant way to blend the thrill of discovery with the challenge of magic, as well as the fact that a fun activity out of class is usually a good thing, is it not?

As the headmaster began his speech, Kairo’s mind started to drift. The Grand Hall, with its high ceilings and ornate chandeliers, was an awe-inspiring sight, but it couldn’t hold his attention today. Instead, he found himself reminiscing about his first day at Ninth House. The memory of that initial assembly was still vivid, a day filled with uncertainty and wonder as he stepped into the unknown. He remembered feeling like a small fish in a vast, enchanted sea, unsure of where to swim. Everything had felt so overwhelming then, from the grandeur of the building to the sheer number of new faces.

Kairo’s gaze wandered around the hall, observing the faces of his fellow students. Some were animated, whispering excitedly about the scavenger hunt, some listened intently to the headmaster, while some didn’t care or listen at all. His gaze landed on Aurora, sitting at the front, her bright red hair a beacon among the crowd. A subtle smile tugged at his lips as he recalled their first encounter. Her cheerful demeanor and helpful nature had made that overwhelming first day much more bearable. It was hard to believe that only a month had passed since then, so much had changed, yet some things felt timeless.

As the speech concluded and the students were directed to the Dining Hall for a buffet breakfast, the aroma of freshly cooked food hit as soon as he entered the room. Kairo’s stomach grumbled in anticipation (or perhaps it was just hunger), grabbing a plate, Kairo loaded up with a bit of everything—a croissant here, some scrambled eggs there, some fruit, and of course, a generous helping of bacon, because who doesn’t love bacon?.

Kairo’s eyes scanned the sea of students, he spotted Lenore sitting alone at a table, her attention focused on her plate of food, quietly enjoying her breakfast. With a mischievous smile, Kairo grabbed a cupcake from the dessert selection nearby, a sweet bribe in hand. Balancing his plate of breakfast goodies, he strolled over to Lenore’s table with an easy stride, exuding a laid-back charm.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Lenore Farrell,” he quipped with a playful lilt in his voice, delighting in the accidental rhyme. “Mind if I crash your solo breakfast party? I come bearing bribes,” he added, holding up a particularly enticing pastry as if it were a grand prize. “Freshly baked and ready to rock your taste buds,” he added, setting the pastry down between them with a flourish. Kairo slid into the seat opposite her, his grin widening as he leaned back comfortably.


@astxrism Aurora mentioned



Grand Hall | After Morning Assembly | Celestine

Dante wasn’t the biggest fan of the scavenger hunt that was to come. Sure, Dante enjoyed a little challenge, a bit of mystery, but this, it simply was too arranged, and took all the fun of the spontaneity away. The speech on the hunt had just been a bunch of blah blah to Dante, quite frankly, he had been busier yawning than paying attention to what was said.

After the headmaster’s address concluded, Dante maneuvered through the dispersing crowd, his eyes scanning for Celestine. Spotting her near a pillar, he approached with purpose, holding a small stack of books.

Taking a deep breath, Dante extended the stack of books towards her, so she could have a look at them. “I, uh, wanted to apologise for the masquerade. I realise I crossed a line, and I’m really sorry. I thought maybe these might show you I mean it.”

What was in Dante’s small collection of books was one might ask? A book on social etiquettes, two books on the history of feminism, and one on 60s fashion. That last one was more so for fun, and wanting to understand her whole aesthetic more, in fact, all these books were to get to know her more. For Dante to understand some of these things she seemed passionate about. It was Dante’s way of saying he wanted to take her seriously, and regretted he had pushed her past her limit the previous day.

“I spent the morning in the library,” he continued, his tone more relaxed now. “These seemed like a good place to start. I thought it might be interesting to learn about the things you’re passionate about.”

He offered a tentative smile, trying to gauge her response. “And who knows, maybe I’ll surprise you and become an expert on '60s fashion. Though, no promises on my wardrobe changing anytime soon.”

Dante chuckled softly at his own joke, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. He took a step back, giving her space to process everything. “Anyway, just wanted to say I’m sorry and that I’m serious about making things right.”




After a month of being a student at Wyndham College, Mona had started to feel a bit more comfortable in her skin. She had gotten used to her Wyndham routine; wake up to an alarm, brush her teeth, brush her hair, and when she first arrived at school, she never put on makeup, she just always naturally looked like she had done a bit of clean girl concealer with eyes and lips. Now, though, she would sometimes wear a bit of mascara, because it was what she saw on the new tv shows that she watched from her dorm room. That was another thing that Desdémona had gotten used to since her arrival at the school; there was nothing much to do on weekdays, no animals to talk to and play her yard games with, no pets to feed aside from Kiki. She didn’t have the chores that she had back on the farm either, like cooking dinner or cleaning with the maid.

Considering the tranquil, rustic lifestyle that she had always lived, one would imagine that in her spare time, the girl would pick up books, but she did not, choosing to spend her time with nature instead. At her prestigious university, she tried to read because she was supposed to. She would roll around on her bed trying to get into a position comfortable enough for her to read from, but it seemed that her positioning was never the issue. It was… the sentences. They were often very long, with big, stretchy words that were sometimes too academic for her to understand. One could say that she did not try hard enough, but she really did, as hard as she had tried to memorize the names of the students and history of the ninth house. For some reason, however, her attempts were all proven futile. When she read to Thalia or studied information to recite to her peers, she did it perfectly fine, but doing so for herself? It made her feel stumped, like anything done exclusively for her own benefit would just be counterproductive.

That was her reason for watching films instead, and sometimes bringing with her some snacks to lay beside Kiki’s small green body, her chest contracting and expanding as they sat together. She helped Desdemona not feel so lonely when her friends were occupied. She used to eat only healthy things when she was sedentary, as Mom and Dad had perscribed, But as time passed by, the control they consciously had over the girl was beginning to dwindle. She had not realized it yet, but some of the choices she was making now, she did not even think of them, only her new life. As well as they had raised her, she was not a robot coded to follow their every command, and her condition was delicate; easily stained by new feelings that she discovered or topics she had not spoken of. Time would continue to tell whether or not it was wise of her to be forgetting Mom and Dad.

On the day of the scavenger hunt, Desdemona had gone about her little routine before breakfast, and before leaving, had decided to spend an abnormal time admiring the looking glass, thinking that if she looked at it long enough, she might begin to know herself.

She had changed into her outfit of the day. It was a creamy-greenish dress with a small floral pattern, as flowers reminded her of home, and it fit her form quite well, save for the places where her brown cardigan covered it as she had to be just a bit modest, and very cute.

It had become apparent to her that she had a very proportional figure. Her waist was impeccably small, and her hips were wide enough so that they seemed to sway a bit when she walked. Her back profile was apparently also fairly attractive, with a plump, full buttocks that made some of the male students look at her for what her friends said was too long, but she had never thought about it that way. Personally, she had never perceived her flat stomach as anything out of the ordinary, and her butt just made for comfortable sitting. The way that the people of their society perceived each other was very odd, in her opinion, valuing each other based on specific features that just sounded like more of a list than actual people. When she felt attraction herself, another new feeling, it was inexplicable. She almost preferred it that way, along with life in general. It takes from the sincerity of life to measure it with cups, because a measurement is conducted by the mind, and a moment is experienced by the spirit. It would be rude to interrupt the spirit, and it would be bleak to replace vision by algorithm.

Desdemona was content with her fantasies, keeping words to a minimum because she did not need language to understand what mattered most, but most importantly because if she had read the books that she tried to entertain herself with, she would have been crushed with just one scene. The clouds surrounding her headspace muffled sounds of violence.

During her first month at the ninth house, she had made a few friends during free times where Thalia was busy, or they had simply taken a day off. Sometimes she would see the other new girl at monday campfires, say hi to her while she walked around with the other Cipher students, and she had recently become interested in the girl that she caught Thalia glancing at far too many times, or rather… wondered why that could be, although she did not comment on it. In a very short period of time, she had met many people. One could say that she was even becoming… popular.

She did not expect people to pay attention to her, but Mona supposed it was logical that they did. She was friendly and very extroverted, often making plans to see her friends around the campus when classes ended. She was also innocent, assuming everyone to be a good person, easily amused, with some (many) people-pleasing tendencies. And the most obvious thing was that she was beautiful, with the delicate, feminine features of a pinup doll, like her small nose, and big, dreamy eyes.

One of the most memorable encounters she had as a new student was with Dominic, or as he introduced himself, Nic. They had met September 5th, the following day after even from her Cipher dorm room she heard rioting and other male noises from the Umbra suite, from the early part of the night when she was with Thalia to the late hours when she was trying to sleep. Dominic had been in one of the two altercations that occurred, telling Desdémona in the garden that he had been mostly healed already, but was still a bit sore. It was a Tuesday, so the groups had been mixed up in their afternoon core classes. Desdémona and Dominic had been placed at the same time with Professor Novik, who had decided to take the class out to the gardens for Ninth House Chronicles. Sitting in the grass, closing his eyes from the brightness of the sunlight, he had reluctantly told her parts of what he remembered. Of course, she offered to use her healing powers to make him feel just a little better, and he accepted. Since then, she considered them to be something like friends.
For that reason, she saw no problem approaching him.

After she had finished her long gaze in the mirror, Desdemona walked through the dark oak wood corridor, lit by a combination of sconces and daylight, and then trotted down the long flight of stairs that would lead her to her breakfast. On the bottom floor, she could see the rustling trees outside each window, like the building was a butterfly spine and the forest it’s wings. Her small, Mary jane-like heels clicked under her feet, and she directed herself to the dining hall, entering the grand, open doors that curved at the top, lined by a lintel shaped like an arch. Inside the hall, students were assembling their buffet meals, and some had already gotten their breakfast. Some of the people at the tables sat down, and others stood, one leg propped up on the bench like ill-mannered Umbra brothers. Perhaps she should have been eating with Thalia, but the girl had not asked, and so Desdémona did not mind her absence.

“Hi, Mona!” A girl called out to her as she walked past. “Oh… hi,” she replied shyly, as she had been focused on her wonders as to where to sit.

At the corner of a table, she saw him, it was the boy she had healed, with fair skin, and dark, acute features. He dressed in a very remarkable way, like he was very serious, and probably always cold, considering his trench coats. Desdemona smiled when she saw him, and decided to walk over before she thought about food with quick steps. “Nic!” She beamed, “Can I join you for breakfast?”
There was a bright hope in her eyes, holding her breath because she could not exhale until he said yes.

@idiot.exe Dominic

@kristi Thalia
@jass Lyra
@novella Freya


Copy of Copy of Copy of Silas

[𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡𓆪 𓆩⟡]

It had been quite late at night when Thalia heard a knocking on her door. It was loud and persistent, echoing through her otherwise quiet dorm. Her first thought was confusion—she wasn’t expecting any visitors.

‘Probably the guardians, or maybe Desdemona needs something’ Thalia shrugged, Thalia shrugged, though the knocking did not sound very Desdemona. Though, she supposed, people’s knocking style was not a constant thing. Still, it was always so obvious to tell who was knocking based on the force they used, or the lack of it. This knocker, though, had quite the force and Thalia was certain it was not Desdemona—so it had to be one of the guardians. She dropped her tea on her desk, stood up from her bed, and began to arrange her room—making sure her files were hidden under their usual spot.

*Knock, Knock

“In a second,” she yelled, putting on her slippers as she quickly walked up to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. “He—” Thalia had never slammed a door shut faster in her life- or at least tried too. But before she could actually close the door, Renlin’s foot was already in the threshold, a barrier against the door’s closing. He pushed it open with deliberate slowness.

"“Renlin,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if saying his name too loudly might make him more real, more present in her space. "“What brings you here?,”

Meeting Renlin in his dorm, going to the Umbra side of the campus, and waiting for him to come out as she knocked on the door might get a witness. Someone or people might see, and possibly Inessa would find out about it. Thalia did not want Inessa to find out about it—she would actually be content if Inessa never found out that Thalia and Renlin were together. If she ever had to find out, it should be in 50 years, when they were in their 70s and maybe they both developed dementia. Seventy-two-year-old Thalia, without dementia, might forget that she was supposed to take her secret entanglement with Renlin to the grave and say, “Remember when I dated your brother? How is he now?”

And that perfect reality that Thalia had about Inessa never finding out, and both Renlin and her moving on with their lives, might crumble if she does go to see Renlin at his dorm, but she did promise him, and she did miss him. Besides, she was sure Inessa would never find out, after this, maybe she could go back to ignoring Renlin and if for some reason, Inessa found out that Thalia went to visit Renlin today and asked why, the concept of lying existed for a reason.

Everything was going to be okay- no worries, hakuna matata. But what if it wasn’t? Oh well, Thalia was already standing directly in front of Renlin’s dorm room, so it was a little to late to worrying.

“Renlin,” Thalia called out from behind the door as she knocked, her fingers trembling slightly as they made contact with the cool wood. The silence of the Umbra campus was unsettling; the usual hustle and bustle had been replaced with an eerie stillness. She hadn’t seen a single soul on her way over, almost as if her lucky necklace had decided to fulfill its lucky nature today for her and since she was here now, she wanted to continue not seeing a single soul. “Are you inside?” She called out as she knocked. Maybe he was till sleeping, it was a bit early after all. She would come later.

She turned around, walking away, when her ears picked up the faint sound of footsteps approaching from within the room. She halted mid-step, her back still to the door, and waited. The door creaked open behind her.

She didn’t turn around immediately. Instead, she smiled to herself, trying to mask the tremor in her hands. “You know,” she said, her voice teasing, “you really took your time answering the door. Were you trying to get your revenge?” She joked.

ok I had 0 idea what I was doing but here

@Madilnel - ren


Copy of Copy of Silas (1)

[Musica ౨ৎ]

“How’s my little Princess doing?”

It was about 7:25 am in the morning, when her father had called. Amani had awoken 2 hours ago and had finished cleaning up her usual morning routine- clean her room, do her bed, and at least 30-45 minutes of Pilate. She had just finished taking a shower and was about to eat breakfast when her phone
had buzzed with the familiar ringtone she had assigned to her father.

"She’s doing fine, just missing all of you, Wyndham is not the same without you guys " Amani had said as she put on her green skirt, laying down on her bed.

phone call

“That’s why I told you to go to school closer to us. There’s nothing for you in Wyndham,” At that Amani had rolled her eyes. She was in Wyndham for a reason, because though, she did love her family, it was far away from them and their ‘nature’. It was hard to truly get privacy in the Monet household , especially due to the fact Amani was the youngest who was once very…un well and she would rather live her college life away from all that

"Almost everyone we know goes here, " Amani pointed out," “Francis, Marium and Atticus also went here, it’s a good school.” Although it does have it’s problems.

“But you’re different,” Amani could tell her father was perhaps smiling from behind the phone, his voice softening. "“I actually love you,” Amani couldn’t help but to laugh at that, she had asked what about the rest of his children, and he had told her that what they don’t know won’t hurt them. “Don’t tell the others I said this,” he added quickly, a smile evident in his voice. “I can’t wait for the holidays and for you to come home.”

“Speaking of home,” Amani said, her voice turning serious, “how’s Azriel been?He’s not been picking up my calls.”

“Lately we’ve been busy,” Her father said.

“Is it about the wedding?”

“Ah, yes, the wedding…” He trailed off, a hint of hesitation in his voice .“I’ll tell you when you get home. I love you.”

Before she could respond, he hung up, leaving Amani to fling her phone onto her bed in exasperation. Her fingers combed through her hair, a futile attempt to smooth both her frustration and the tangled mess of her thoughts. Perhaps she should try talking to Francis or Atticus. If there was a secret they were keeping from her, Marium would certainly remain tight-lipped, and Atticus, too, though his kindness might make him more persuadable. Francis would talk, but it would come at a price, likely demanding she return home, which she wasn’t ready to do. Not yet. Besides, if Azriel wasn’t answering his phone, she doubted her siblings would be available either—they were all apparently preoccupied.

She needed a distraction, something to divert her from the gnawing suspicion. Maybe something fun, or someone. With a sigh, Amani grabbed her phone from where she had thrown it, her fingers quickly punching in her password. Scrolling through her contacts, she hesitated over Jesse’s name, her hand hovering for a moment. Instead of calling, she opted for a different approach. Tossing her phone aside, she reached for a comb and ran it through her hair with deliberate strokes, each pass through the strands giving her a semblance of control.

Shoes on, she made her way to Jesse’s dorm room, unannounced. The hallways were quiet, echoing her footsteps as she walked with purpose. Reaching Jesse’s door, she paused for a moment, collecting herself before knocking. The door opened and Amani had smiled, “I was hoping you would be here,” That was the first thing Amani had said, as she leaned against the doorframe. “Been a while since we’ve seen each other, has it not?”

ok this is mid, like very mid buti I had 0 idea what I was doing, and it was me going with vibes so I’m sorry but here

@novella - jesse :heart_hands:


celestine beaumont

(there’s) always something there to remind me


A new day arose for a new opportunity for Celestine to be the perfect model of her family’s unending perfection. Just great. Just as perfect as the day she usually has, she looks upon the bright sun with such enthusiasm. In such a shroud, her reality still remains the same exhausting pattern of pompousness. At least her room’s an elegant display of her age rather than her estate rooms’ story of a dolled-up china, ruffles and all.

As usual, she performs her usual routines until it comes to the point where her exterior reflects every eye. Just as she picked out last night, she decided on a red pantsuit that would be appropriate for an activity based on running and walking and doing exciting things such as riddles and more walking. Especially on a day where she would be active throughout the day, she fashioned a simple flip with a matching red hat to look cohesive. A final touch would be low-heeled loafers, understated makeup, silver ear studs, and a simple Beaumont signet ring. Walking down the hallway and into the morning assembly was quite simple and less of a challenge. It was somewhat informative, but overall, not something she hasn’t heard anew.

The long speech was effective enough to make her realize she was in need of sustenance—a simple bite to keep her mind straight for what’s to come. But before she would go to the cafeteria, she halted as she looked upon the man unmasked with a familiar rebel-without-a-cause look. Her eyes were shocked, as she could do nothing but stare into his eyes and freeze without a breath coming out of her mouth. Him again. That event a few nights ago did not recover her to her usual self; it did something to shut her mouth yesterday. Maybe it was guilt or hatred; whatever it was, she spent that day in contemplation and forever wondered why she felt such a strong sensation. It could ruin her reputation, or as good as the reputation of her elegant nature. Looking down, she saw a few books and wondered if she was about to be lectured on her attitude or had misplaced some books. What he said to her did have an effect similar to that of a student being rightfully reprimanded.

Her heart dropped as she felt that sudden rush of guilt, thinking that what she did that night probably hurt him more than it did hurt her. There was also this fear that this situation might come to fruition. Celestine appreciated his gesture, but there was a weight that she felt coming down. She couldn’t explain it; what she did was right, as he pushed her to a point, yet it wasn’t deserving of a man whose entire shtick is being a rebel. Finally finding her words, she gently grabbed the books as she grasped them closely to her chest. “I- apologize as well for being dismissive of your efforts to connect with me. I just, um, wasn’t at the best place at that time. Drinks and all. I appreciate your effort into connecting with me through my passion for vintage clothing.” A sharp pause ensued as she thought of ways to spill out things she wanted to say; hearing the sound of her stomach churning did give an insight on how she could do it: “I know you are famished and in need of some form of sustenance to continue on with your efforts into reconnecting with me. So, shall you accompany me to go to the cafeteria? I know of a shortcut.”

As both walked in a different direction so as to go to the cafeteria, she looked at her surroundings to see a miniscule amount of students facing and going in their direction. With a halt, she looked back at Dante with a look that changed her formal tone into one of guilt. “Why are you doing this with me? I know that you are serious in trying to understand me, and I really appreciate your lengths, but I have survived my years alone.” Taking a breather, her look garnered fear as to what he might say at her if she fully breaks her elegant illusion. Keeping her face prim, her eyes shifted away at him as to look at her surroundings. “Normally, once people knew of the pompous spoiled b*tch that is Celestine Beaumont, they get away from me and reconsider the idea of getting prospects in that way. Honestly, I either expected you to never talk to me this entire school year or utter slander behind my back. I’m used to that. But right now I have a stack of books in my hand about things that I have passion for… from a person that I have spouted words as I let my guard down to further expose this mess of a woman. I… just, am confused about all this. I am not going to cry as I have done my makeup and I will not ruin it this early.”

A deep exhale came out of her mouth as she looked at him back, shaking her head as her usual composure riled back up. “What am I doing? This shouldn’t be your consolation after making an effort to be friends with me. I apologize, I simply… had time for thought. I am going to rectify all this—both you and me—if you want to continue on with this mission. There is going to be a scavenger hunt this day, and we have nothing but air in our bellies. We really should go to the cafeteria. I want to be better at doing this new leaf thing; I promised myself that.” With a faint smile, she continued on with a light jest, “First and foremost, when you did that teacup gesture, you do not put your pinky up since it’s rude and makes you look snobbish. Basically teasing people who actually drink tea. Tuck that pinky in your hands.”


@Jass - Dante

1 Like

song - Bad idea right
It’d been some time now, and Renlin’s face was healing up nicely. The swelling went down after a few days, leaving behind a lovely, multi-colored bruise that decorated his skin for a few weeks. The cut wasn’t too deep, and his sister had given him some cream she put together, promising it would prevent any scarring.

The cream worked wonders, and Renlin marveled at how quickly his skin seemed to heal. His sister’s concoctions were always a bit of a mystery, but they were undeniably effective.

Despite her initial anger, her sympathy eventually softened her demeanor. She was always fiercely protective of him, and the sight of his battered face had clearly upset her. They had shared a quiet moment after her outburst, where she gently applied the cream.

Renlin nodded, understanding the weight of her words. Their parents, oblivious to the altercation, remained in their own world, blissfully ignorant of the chaos that sometimes surrounded their children. Renlin’s sister was his confidante and protector, always ensuring he didn’t cross certain lines that their parents had drawn, even if they didn’t enforce them directly.

As the days passed, the vibrant colors of his bruise faded, and he found himself reflecting on the fight and its aftermath. The tension with Tae still lingered in the air, but he tried to focus on the positive aspects of his life. The camaraderie with his friends, especially Vinnie, was a constant source of comfort. They joked about the incident, but there was an unspoken understanding that such things shouldn’t happen again.

Renlin also kept an eye on the new girl he had met after the fight. She intrigued him, and he found himself wondering about her story. He noticed her around campus, always with that same edgy style, and he made a mental note to introduce himself properly when the opportunity arose.

As he moved through his days, he appreciated the routine and the sense of normalcy that gradually returned. The lake, his boat, and the serene summers he once cherished seemed like a distant memory, but he held onto the hope that he could merge those peaceful times with his current life.

Sleeping continued to be a problem for Renlin, and he found himself wandering nearby abandoned areas and small towns scattered around the area outside the school.

Occasionally, he stopped to leave his mark, his initials and symbol carved into a tree or spray painted onto a piece of crumbling wall. A coin left now and then. Each mark was a reminder of his presence, a claim to these places. As he walked, his thoughts drifted to his old companion who used to join him on these nocturnal adventures. They had shared countless nights exploring, laughing, and confiding in each other. But now, despite his best efforts to reach out, he was met with silence. Ghosted. Awkward, right?

Since the fight, it was as if his attempts to sleep only led to more turmoil. The dreams were vivid, almost too real. HThere was no escape in slumber, only more intensity, more vividness, more unanswered questions.

These dreams were unlike any he had experienced before. They were charged with a strange energy, and he felt a peculiar sense of clarity within them. The people, the places, the events, they all seemed to have a deeper meaning, as if they were trying to tell him something. But what? Each time he woke with a sense of unease, his mind foggy with the remnants of those visions.

Despite the exhaustion, there was a part of him that was drawn to the dreams. He wanted to understand them, to uncover their secrets. They held a certain allure, a promise of answers that eluded him in his waking life. But at what cost? The lack of rest was taking a toll on him, both physically and mentally.

Tonight, as he left his room, Renlin decided to visit a place he hadn’t been to in what felt like ages. It was a place that once brought him comfor. He made his way to his old companion’s dorm.

The journey there felt oddly nostalgic. He walked through familiar corridors, past rooms and common areas that held countless memories. Each step brought back flashes of laughter, late-night talks, and the relationship that used to be a staple of his life. He paused for a moment outside the door, his hand hovering just inches away from knocking.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked lightly. He didn’t know what to expect. But something inside him pushed him to try, to seek out that connection once more.

seein’ you tonight, it’s a bad idea, right?
Seein’ you tonight, fuck it, it’s fine

"Ouch," Renlin winced as the door pinched his toe, which was only covered by a sandal. “Note to self: wear sturdier shoes for surprise visits.” Renlin mumbled under his breath.

Before that, though, when Thalia first opened the door, Renlin had smiled, genuinely happy to see her. But as she started to slam it shut, his smile faded, replaced by a look of surprise and frustration.

He quickly wedged his foot in the threshold, preventing the door from closing completely. Taken aback by her reaction, he pushed the door open with deliberate slowness.

“Thalia, wait,” he said, his voice steady but coated in urgency.

Thalia stepped back, her eyes darting between Renlin and the hallway. He was sure she didn’t want anyone to see them, anyone meaning Inessa.

What brings you here?

Renlin sighed, running a hand through his hair. It’s been a while. I just needed to talk to someone who knows I’m not completely crazy."

REN’s eyes wandered her room, taking in the familiar yet somehow distant surroundings of the dorm room. Memories washed over him, mingling with the tension of the present moment.

“Hey there, Thalia,” he greeted, his tone settling into his usual smooth and relaxed demeanor. Forgive the unexpected visit. I couldn’t resist the chance to take a little night stroll Care to join me?"

Outfit during all this because I said he was wearing birks

Renlin woke up in Thalia’s room, quietly slipping out after only a few hours of sleep. Surprisingly, the sleep itself had been uneventful, a welcome break from the dreams that had him recently. Back in his own room, he leaned against the window, perched on his desk. He held a notebook in his lap; changing out of his previous clothes pic on the slides, he decided against trying to sleep again, nervous of the dreams returning.

he heard a faint knock, almost like a whisper calling his name. Was he still asleep? Or was this reality blurring with the dreams that haunted him? The question lingered as he cautiously approached the door. “Are you inside?” the voice came again, a hint of impatience.

excited, Renlin jumped off his desk, papers scattering to the floor in disarray. He reached for the door handle and swung it open, leaning casually against the frame with a surprised smile as he saw Thalia standing there.

Renlin couldn’t help but admire Thalia’s playful spirit and the way her eyes lit up with amusement. As he leaned against the door frame, he found himself momentarily lost in the warmth of her presence.

And I know we’re done, I know we’re through
But, God, when I look at you

revenge? I’d never dare keep you waiting intentionally. Maybe I was just savoring the moment of suspense." His tone was light.

Couldn’t get enough of me? Here for more?" he quesitoned, his voice tinged with a mixture of teasing and genuine curiosity, eager to hear her answer.

@Kristi girlfriend thals